testthedocs / vale-styles

Checks for Vale based on popular style guides
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Create comprehensive hedging list #8

Open ChrisChinchilla opened 5 years ago

ChrisChinchilla commented 5 years ago

Likely mostly complete, but check against this - https://github.com/words/hedges/blob/master/data.txt

dylan-k commented 5 years ago

I took a look at that source and a few other to come up with this:

extends: existence
message: "Avoid hedge words like '%s'"
ignorecase: true
level: warning
    - a bit
  - Honestly
  - I am about
  - I believe
  - I doubt
  - I feel
  - I guess
  - I may be wrong
  - I might be wrong
  - I should
  - I think
  - I will try
  - I'll try
  - I'm about
  - I'm just being honest here
  - I'm just saying
  - I'm just trying
  - I'm no expert
  - I'm not an expert
  - I'm trying
  - If I'm being honest
  - In my opinion
  - This might be a stupid question
  - We think
  - We're no expert
  - Yes, but
  - a bit
  - a little
  - a tad
  - a touch
  - about
  - actually
  - allege
  - alleged
  - almost
  - almost never
  - always
  - and all that
  - and so forth
  - apologies
  - apologize
  - apparent
  - apparently
  - appear
  - appear to be
  - appeared
  - appears
  - approximately
  - arguably
  - around
  - as far as I know
  - assume
  - assumed
  - assumes
  - assumption
  - at least
  - basically
  - be sure
  - believe
  - believed
  - believes
  - bother
  - bunch
  - can
  - certain
  - certainly
  - clear
  - clearly
  - conceivably
  - consider
  - considered
  - considers
  - consistent with
  - could
  - couple
  - definite
  - definitely
  - diagnostic
  - does that make sense
  - don't know
  - doubt
  - doubtful
  - effectively
  - estimate
  - estimated
  - estimates
  - et cetera
  - evidently
  - fairly
  - few
  - find
  - finds
  - forgive
  - found
  - frequently
  - from my point of view
  - generally
  - guess
  - guessed
  - guesses
  - hardly
  - hopefully
  - if I'm honest
  - if i'm understanding you correctly
  - improbable
  - in all honesty
  - in general
  - in my mind
  - in my opinion
  - in my understanding
  - in my view
  - inconclusive
  - indicate
  - just
  - just about
  - kind of
  - largely
  - like
  - likely
  - literally
  - little
  - look like
  - looks like
  - mainly
  - many
  - may
  - maybe
  - might
  - more or less
  - most
  - mostly
  - much
  - must
  - my impression
  - my thinking is
  - my understanding is
  - nearly
  - necessarily
  - occasionally
  - often
  - overall
  - partially
  - partly
  - perhaps
  - possibility
  - possible
  - possibly
  - practically
  - presumable
  - presumably
  - pretty
  - probability
  - probable
  - probably
  - quite
  - quite clearly
  - rare
  - rarely
  - rather
  - read
  - really
  - really quite
  - roughly
  - say
  - says
  - seem
  - seem(s)?
  - seemed
  - seems
  - seldom
  - several
  - should
  - so far
  - some
  - somebody
  - somehow
  - someone
  - something
  - something or other
  - sometimes
  - somewhat
  - somewhere
  - sorry
  - sort of
  - speculate
  - speculated
  - speculates
  - suggest
  - suggested
  - suggestive
  - suggests
  - suppose
  - supposed
  - supposedly
  - supposes
  - surely
  - tend
  - their impression
  - think
  - thinks
  - thought
  - to be honest
  - to be perfectly honest
  - to my knowledge
  - try
  - trying
  - understand
  - understands
  - understood
  - unlikely
  - unsure
  - usually
  - very
  - virtually
  - will
  - would