testxio / testx-http-keywords

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json path present #8

Open bruindav opened 7 years ago

bruindav commented 7 years ago

I made local a new parameter for presentPaths It checks if a path is present regardless of value would be great if someone (with more knowlegde then me) can check code and add it to the standard set Locally it works file


http = require './http' JSONPath = require 'jsonpath-plus' xpath = require('xpath') dom = require('xmldom').DOMParser _ = require 'lodash' parseHeaders = require 'parse-key-value'

namedParams = [ 'url' 'method' 'json' 'body' 'headers' 'expected status code' 'expected response' 'expected response regex' 'expected headers' 'expected missing json paths' 'expected present json paths' ]

String::startsWith ?= (s) -> @slice(0, s.length) == s

isContentType = (contentTypeHeader, contentType) -> if contentType is 'xml' contentTypeHeader.startsWith('application/xml') or contentTypeHeader.startsWith('text/xml') else if contentType is 'json' contentTypeHeader.startsWith 'application/json' else contentTypeHeader.startsWith contentType

printable = (obj, delimiter = ', ') -> ("#{k}: #{v}" for k, v of obj).join delimiter

assertFailedMsg = (msg, ctx) -> "#{msg} at #{printable _.pick(ctx._meta, 'file', 'sheet', 'Row')}"

send = (method) -> (args, ctx) -> withParsedBody = (body, cb) -> try parsedBody = if typeof body is 'object' then body else JSON.parse body cb parsedBody catch ex if ex instanceof SyntaxError throw new Error """ It seems, that you are trying to use JSONPath on a non-json response at #{printable _.pick(ctx._meta, 'file', 'sheet', 'Row')}. The response I received was:

    throw ex

protractor.promise.controlFlow().execute -> #this is needed to execute multiple expects (http[method] .pick args, 'url', 'body', 'json', 'headers').then (response) -> pathParams = .omit args, namedParams expectedResponseStatus = parseInt(args['expected status code']) if(method is 'delete') failMsg = assertFailedMsg "Expected response status code to be 200, 202 or 204, but it was '#{response.statusCode}'", ctx expect(response.statusCode in [expectedResponseStatus, 200, 202, 204]).toBeTruthy failMsg else expected = expectedResponseStatus or 200 failMsg = assertFailedMsg "Expected response status code to be #{expected}, but it was #{response.statusCode}", ctx expect(response.statusCode).toEqual expected, failMsg if args['expected response'] expected = if args['expected response']?.trim args['expected response'].trim().replace /\r/g, '' else args['expected response'] body = if typeof response.body is 'object' then JSON.stringify(response.body) else response.body actual = if body?.trim body.trim().replace /\r/g, '' else body failMsg = assertFailedMsg "Expected response body to equal '#{expected}', but it was '#{actual}'", ctx expect(actual).toEqual expected, failMsg if args['expected response regex'] expected = args['expected response regex'] actual = if typeof response.body is 'object' then JSON.stringify(response.body) else response.body failMsg = assertFailedMsg "Expected response body to match '#{expected}', but it was '#{actual}'", ctx expect(actual).toMatch expected, failMsg if args['expected headers'] expectedHeaders = parseHeaders args['expected headers'] for expHeaderName, expHeaderValue of expectedHeaders failMsg = assertFailedMsg "Expected response header '#{expHeaderName}' to match '#{expHeaderValue}', but it was '#{response.headers[expHeaderName]}'", ctx expect(response.headers[expHeaderName]).toMatch expHeaderValue, failMsg if missingPaths = args['expected missing json paths'] withParsedBody response.body, (parsedBody) -> for path in missingPaths actual = JSONPath path: path json: parsedBody wrap: false failMsg = assertFailedMsg "Expected that JSON path '#{path}' does not exist in '#{JSON.stringify parsedBody}'", ctx expect(actual).toBeUndefined failMsg if presentPaths = args['expected present json paths'] withParsedBody response.body, (parsedBody) -> for path in presentPaths actual = JSONPath path: path json: parsedBody wrap: false failMsg = assertFailedMsg "Expected that JSON path '#{path}' does exist in '#{JSON.stringify parsedBody}'", ctx expect(actual).toBeDefined failMsg if Object.keys(pathParams)?.length switch when isContentType response.headers['content-type'], 'json' withParsedBody response.body, (parsedBody) -> for path, expected of pathParams actual = JSONPath path: path json: parsedBody failMsg = assertFailedMsg "Expected the value at JSON path '#{path}' to contain '#{expected}', but it was '#{actual}'", ctx expect(actual).toContain expected, failMsg when isContentType response.headers['content-type'], 'xml' for path, expected of pathParams doc = new dom().parseFromString(response.body) actual = xpath.select(path, doc) failMsg = assertFailedMsg "Expected the value at xpath '#{path}' to equal '#{expected}', but it was '#{actual}'", ctx expect(actual?.toString()).toEqual expected, failMsg else throw new Error """ Error occurred in #{printable _.pick(ctx._meta, 'file', 'sheet', 'Row')}.

            It seems, that you are trying to use JSONPath or XPath on a response
            with a Content-Type header '#{response.headers['content-type']}'.
            I only know how to deal with 'application/json', 'application/xml' or 'text/xml'

            The response I received was:


module.exports = 'send http request': (args, ctx) -> method = args.method?.toLowerCase() or 'get' (send method) args, ctx 'send http get request': send 'get' 'send http post request': send 'post' 'send http delete request': send 'delete' 'send http put request': send 'put' 'send http patch request': send 'patch' 'send http head request': send 'head'

bruindav commented 7 years ago

maybe someone also know how to deal in this keyword with bootspring json paths like

{ "mem": 1703288, "mem.free": 1053044, "processors": 8, "instance.uptime": 665185, "uptime": 700627, "systemload.average": 6.7099609375, "heap.committed": 1574400 }

The keyword does not understand the dot in mem.free I did not succees escaping this dot