tetele / onju-voice-satellite

An ESPHome config for the Onju Voice which makes it a Home Assistant voice satellite
MIT License
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Volume change on device no visual response #42

Open Mugga6315 opened 2 weeks ago

Mugga6315 commented 2 weeks ago


OpenWakeWord or no wake word


Describe the issue

I just flashed the latest version of the yaml but now I no longer see volume control response on the unit itslef. The left/right touch buttons work and its indeed changing the volume but no visual feedback like before. Whats weird is that when changing volume and then issue a voice command when I get the answer for a second the current volume is lighting up.

Reproduction steps

  1. Change volume via touch on device
  2. No visual response of current volume level
  3. Asking a question
  4. When receiving answer current volume level lights up for 1-2 seconds

Debug logs

No response

Mugga6315 commented 2 weeks ago

Okay, I debugged a little and compared old code with new one. Problems seems to be the using on_state for the mediaplayer. Its said in the documentation: This trigger is activated each time the state of the media player is updated (for example, if the player is stop playing audio or received some command). This expains the weird behaviour why volume level is shown when speaker is talking. In the old yaml the show_volume was triggered whitin the set_volume .

For now I just changed it back to trigger within in the set_volume and it works like before.