tether / roach

A very adaptable web crawler framework. Impossible to kill.
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A comment about dependencies... #3

Open bredele opened 10 years ago

bredele commented 10 years ago

I'm being careful about two things:

* Even if roach is a server side project, you could potentially use some part of it in a browser (like the crawler part).

ekryski commented 10 years ago

Yes I think that is really cool however, it isn't a priority in the foreseeable future for these to be run client side so I wouldn't spend time on it specifically.

ekryski commented 10 years ago

However the dependency being released and tested is totally awesome and should be the case. For now though we can keep all the dependencies local to the project.

We will be open sourcing this version of roach eventually (and some of its components) but for now it should stay all internal and probably under the same project until we have tested it in production.