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Deep Carbon Observatory Ontology
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Is dco:yearOfPublication a duplicate of a property that already exists in VIVO #11

Open mrpatrickwest opened 9 years ago

mrpatrickwest commented 9 years ago

If you look at a publication there's the dco:yearOfPublication but there's also the publication date, which is used when displaying the publication. Should we have this separate property? Why did we add this property when one already existed?

      a       owl:DatatypeProperty ;
      rdfs:domain bibo:Document ;
      rdfs:label "year of publication"@en-US ;
      rdfs:range xsd:gYear ;
      rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topDataProperty , dco:yearOfPublication .
mrpatrickwest commented 8 years ago

The vivo property is vivo:dateTimeValue. We should use this one and not dco:yearOfPublication

zednis commented 8 years ago

vivo:dateTimeValue unfortunately does not have any semantics the would make it explicit what the date is for. Fortunately, there is a dco:datePublished property in the current DCO ontology which is a sub-property of vivo:dateTimeValue so it provides the additional desirable semantics and has the same range type.

      a       owl:ObjectProperty ;
      rdfs:domain vivo:InformationResource ;
      rdfs:label "date published"@en-US ;
      rdfs:range vivo:DateTimeValue ;
      rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty , dco:datePublished , vivo:dateTimeValue ;
      rdfs:comment  """
      The date that a publication was published. Can be represented as a full date or one or more components of a date.
      """^^rdf:XMLLiteral .

edit: so my suggestion would be to use dco:datePublished instead of dco:yearOfPublication. I would also suggest using sub-properties ofvivo:dateTimeValue whenever possible (such as in this case).

mrpatrickwest commented 8 years ago

Then how do we resolve the issue where some publications/datasets use one, some use the other, and some use both? The way it is now both show up for publications and datasets. So which one do we have people use?

zednis commented 8 years ago

Then how do we resolve the issue where some publications/datasets use one, some use the other, and some use both?

Since 3 properties have been mentioned I am not 100% sure on the specifics of the question/scenario. Could you provide a specific example?

mrpatrickwest commented 8 years ago

Damn, three properties. I'm guessing you're referring to dco:datePublished as the third one. And then there's dco:dateModified. Not sure what that last one is for.

http://info.deepcarbon.net/individual/56ff3a57-f496-4bdf-92f4-f79c1240522d uses both vivo:dateTimeValue and dco:datePublished

zednis commented 8 years ago

I am not actually sure we are currently using dco:datePublished.

I say we use the VIVO sparql update API to do a conversion of all uses of dco:yearOfPublication and (where appropriate) vivo:dateTimeValue to be uses of dco:datePublished; then we adjust the VIVO annotations so that only sub-properties of vivo:dateTimeValue are displayed in the UI.

We need to get some experience using the Update API to do mass updates to the KB. This seems like a good candidate for a first task.
