tetherless-world / dco-ontology

Deep Carbon Observatory Ontology
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two properties representing an object having a dcoid, remove one of them #29

Open mrpatrickwest opened 8 years ago

mrpatrickwest commented 8 years ago

Both are being used. Are they duplicates? Or do they mean something completely different.

Also, dco:dcoId is an annotation property as well as a functional property and a datatype property. Should not be an annotation property.

      a       owl:FunctionalProperty , owl:AnnotationProperty , owl:DatatypeProperty ;
      rdfs:domain dco:Object ;
      rdfs:label "DCO ID"@en-US ;
      rdfs:range xsd:anyURI ;
      rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topDataProperty , dco:dcoId .

      a       owl:FunctionalProperty , owl:InverseFunctionalProperty , owl:ObjectProperty ;
      rdfs:domain dco:Object ;
      rdfs:label "DCO ID"@en-US ;
      rdfs:range dco:DCOID ;
      owl:inverseOf dco:dcoIdFor .
zednis commented 8 years ago

Some thoughts from looking at an example from the instance data.


      a       dco:DCOID , owl:Thing ;
      rdfs:label "11121/1220-7065-2371-5711-CC" ;
      dco:dcoIdFor <http://info.deepcarbon.net/individual/n12622> .

I noticed two things:

1) This DCOID instance did not use dco:dcoId. We may want to some some follow-up to see how consistent our DCOID instances are re: dco:dcoId vs rdfs:label

2) dco:hasDcoId doesn't show up when I get the RDF for the publication individual (see https://info.deepcarbon.net/vivo/individual/n12622/n12622.ttl), but is available to queries. Is it possible it is being inferred and is in a graph that is not used to generate the RDF published by VIVO?

zednis commented 8 years ago

..additional thoughts

We greatly simplify our model if we drop the dco:DCOID class and dco:hasDcoId and dco:dcoIdFor. We don't appear to be using the DCOID instances for any description beyond the literal value of the DCO ID, so I don't think we have a requirement to create a separate resource for each DCO ID.

I think it makes sense to retain dco:dcoId as a functional datatype property (remove annotation property type) with a domain of dco:Object and remove the dco:DCOID class and dco:hasDcoId and dco:dcoIdFor properties.

mrpatrickwest commented 8 years ago

There was an issue with making the dcoid property a datatype property, but I can't remember what that was. We need to ask @olyerickson and Marshall (who does not have an account?)

zednis commented 8 years ago

Marshall is @xgmachina

olyerickson commented 8 years ago

I'm looking through our email threads on this (from two years ago) and I found this in an email from Patrick:

"...In a purely ontological sense, the fact that we state that a dco:dcoid is a datatype property with domain dco:Object is enough. We don't have to have place holders in classes for this property. Whenever we assign a dcoid property to an entity, it automatically becomes a dco:Object, it's inferred. And we can search for a foaf:Person who has a dcoid, and that person is a dco person. We don't need that placeholder class.

"But, because VIVO/VITRO needs to be able to generate the forms, and the display, we need to have that placeholder..."

So I'm wondering if there was some issue with how DCO-IDs are presented --- perhaps giving them live links?

Remember that DOI is just a stupid data property, and we've never been able to live link DOI values (although we've thought it SHOULD be linked since the beginning)


On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 2:03 AM, Stephan Zednik notifications@github.com wrote:

Marshall is @xgmachina https://github.com/xgmachina

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/tetherless-world/dco-ontology/issues/29#issuecomment-129718371 .

John S. Erickson, Ph.D. Director of Operations, The Rensselaer IDEA Deputy Director, Web Science Research Center (RPI) http://tw.rpi.edu olyerickson@gmail.com Twitter & Skype: olyerickson

mrpatrickwest commented 8 years ago

There are individuals that have both a hasDcoId and dcoId, and they are the same. There is no code that uses dco:dcoId. We always use dco:hasDcoId. There are 459 individuals that have a dco:dcoId but no dco:hasDcoId but they are all either unresolvable (go to deepcarbon.net/vivo instead of info.deepcarbon.net) or are used by bogus objects (test objects, broken objects, etc... very few of these, about a dozen).

First order of business is to eliminate dco:dcoId and remove any triples that contain it.

Then we can talk about dco:hasDcoId having a range of URI instead of an object. Should be like a DOI. Should be a literal and should be clickable. Perhaps this just means having a custom display for the property? Or finding in the code where it is displayed (we know in the code where the DOI is displayed, can we do the same thing)

zednis commented 8 years ago

Why remove dco:dcoId if the next order of business would be to possibly make dco:hasDcoId a functional equivalent?

If there is no code using dco:dcoId and it is not causing confusion anywhere in the interface I say we should leave it be till we have settled on a long-term resolution.

mrpatrickwest commented 8 years ago

Because those triples are dead weight. They aren't needed. So why not get rid of them so we don't have to worry about them. Makes for a cleaner knowledge store. Then when we decide what to do with dco:dcoId and dco:hasDcoId we can make a nice clean transition from hasDcoId to the other.

Same reason I'm getting rid of 15,000+ dco-id from the handle system that don't point to anything. It's cleaner that way and we can start anew.

zednis commented 8 years ago

I am suggesting we remove the property once we decide on a direction. Rather than remove dco:dcoId now and then have to convert all of dco:hasDcoId (sigh) into the exact same thing afterwards.