tetherless-world / mowgli-etl

DARPA Machine Common Sense (MCS) Multi-modal Open World Grounded Learning and Inference (MOWGLI) Extract-Transform-Load sub-project
MIT License
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Generate code for the portal using the ETL models as a ground truth #159

Open gordom6 opened 4 years ago

gordom6 commented 4 years ago

We've been using this project to synthesize test data for the portal (portal_test_data pipeline). I envision that will continue. Transforming real data (portal_benchmark pipeline) may not.

Take the NamedTuple models in this project and generate (1) Scala case classes for the middleware and (2) .ts interfaces for the integration tests to use over the synthesized test data.

Right now these are all essentially duplicates of each other, and maintained by hand.