Current labeling scheme ("X in Y", where X is label of filler material and Y is label of matrix material) works in the base case of 1 filler and 1 matrix, but not other configurations.
1) No Filler material (label reads e.g. "in polystyrene")
2) 2+ Filler materials (e.g. Graphene oxide, Titanium dioxide... label reads "Graphene Oxide in polystyrene")
3) 2+ Matrix materials (e.g. Poly(methyl methacrylate); Polystyrene; Poly(ethylene-vinyl acetate)... label reads "montmorillonite in polystyrene")
Reference SPARQL query:
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX sio: <>
PREFIX mm: <>
SELECT ?sample ?sample_label
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?component; SEPARATOR="; ") AS ?FillerComponents)
(COUNT(DISTINCT ?component) AS ?Filler_Count)
?sample sio:hasComponentPart [ a [ rdfs:label ?component ] ;
sio:hasRole [ a mm:Matrix ] ] ; # change to mm:Filler to see results for Filler materials
rdfs:label ?sample_label .
# uncomment to see samples comprising only Matrix (control samples, without filler)
# FILTER NOT EXISTS{ ?sample sio:hasComponentPart/sio:hasRole/a mm:Filler }
} GROUP BY ?sample ?sample_label
ORDER BY DESC (?Filler_Count)
Current labeling scheme ("X in Y", where X is label of filler material and Y is label of matrix material) works in the base case of 1 filler and 1 matrix, but not other configurations.
Examples: 1) No Filler material (label reads e.g. "in polystyrene") 2) 2+ Filler materials (e.g. Graphene oxide, Titanium dioxide... label reads "Graphene Oxide in polystyrene") 3) 2+ Matrix materials (e.g. Poly(methyl methacrylate); Polystyrene; Poly(ethylene-vinyl acetate)... label reads "montmorillonite in polystyrene")
Reference SPARQL query:
Reference screenshots: