tetherless-world / opendap

Provenance trace and pingback services for OPeNDAP using Prizms.
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create new dataset for OPeNDAP-specific file formats #45

Open timrdf opened 10 years ago

timrdf commented 10 years ago

what else?

Include a column with a good description for these, or pointers to existing documentation.

Create a Google spreadsheet like we did for modules / components

https://github.com/tetherless-world/opendap/wiki/OPeNDAP-Provenance#wiki-provenance-of-an-opendap-request-handling lists 4 formats that are already in provenanceweb / PRONOM (HDF5 1.0 and 2.0, NetCDF-3 and NetCDF-3 64 bit).