tetherless-world / opendap

Provenance trace and pingback services for OPeNDAP using Prizms.
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Location of DOAP encodings for OPeNDAP #52

Open MichaelisJamesR opened 10 years ago

MichaelisJamesR commented 10 years ago

Patrick and I are trying to determine where the DOAP encodings for OPeNDAP's components are being kept. Tim, could you let us know?

timrdf commented 10 years ago


MichaelisJamesR commented 10 years ago

Great, thanks.

mrpatrickwest commented 10 years ago

okay ... I'd like a little more information then this. How is this generated? What's the process? Is it automated or manual? Is there a google spreadsheet (I believe so, but can't find it right now)? If I wanted to change something, or add or delete something, how would I go about doing that? Is there a GitHub wiki page describing this (not that I can tell)?

timrdf commented 10 years ago

The DOAP instances come from one of "the three" structural datasets [1] that center around converting the opendap code SVN (https://scm.opendap.org/svn/) into PROV-O, described at [2].

[2] points to the dataset under version control [3], which points to the Google Spreadsheet [4] as DCAT access metadata (in access.ttl). The enhancement parameters that convert the spreadsheet at [4] are at [5]. This is all done on the opendap.tw VM, and can be redone on any of your development users on that same VM or on your local machine if you have csv2rdf4lod-automation installed.

[1] https://github.com/timrdf/prizms/wiki/Publication:-IPAW-2014 [2] https://github.com/tetherless-world/opendap/wiki/OPeNDAP-Provenance#problem-12-knowing-which-svn-directories-are-opendap-modules [3] https://github.com/tetherless-world/opendap/tree/master/data/source/us/opendap-components [4] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0An84UEjofnaydFRrUF9YWk03Y3NHNjJqUEg0NUhUZXc&usp=sharing#gid=0 [5] https://github.com/tetherless-world/opendap/blob/master/data/source/us/opendap-components/version/opendap-components.csv.e1.params.ttl

timrdf commented 10 years ago

Named graphs that have instances of doap:Project, via query:

PREFIX doap: <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#>
select distinct ?g where {graph ?g{[] a doap:Project}}

The graph with name http://opendap.tw.rpi.edu/source/us/dataset/opendap-components/version/2014-Jan-07 can be viewed at http://opendap.tw.rpi.edu/graph/http/opendap.tw.rpi.edu/source/us/dataset/opendap-components/version/2014-Jan-07. Unfortunately, there's no easy way to jump from the former to the latter via either RDF of HTML...

All named graphs are listed at http://opendap.tw.rpi.edu/namedGraphs, so you could just "command-f" the graph name and click on it from there to get the graph summary.