tetratech / baytrends

Evaluate long-term trends in the Chesapeake Bay using a Generalized Additive Modeling (GAM) approach
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CRAN check (R Dev) failing #39

Closed leppott closed 4 years ago

leppott commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug "Check" failing for package for R Dev on Linux.


To Reproduce https://cloud.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_baytrends.html


Expected behavior "Check" with R v3.6.1 (2019-07-12).


  1. Need to remove imputeTS. (

Already slated for removal in development branch of baytrends. https://github.com/tetratech/baytrends/issues/37

  1. Rename 2 files and directory to all lower case and separate with underscores.

_save_df data_censored_test.rda data_censored_test.csv

Will require changes inside of the package when these are referenced. "_saveDF" is a directory and it may require some changes to documentation.

Screenshots CRAN badge added to GitHub page.



Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

leppott commented 5 years ago

Plan to incorporate changes in next update for CRAN.

Will not be doing a CRAN update for just this issue.

jharcum commented 5 years ago

i change the function, saveDF to point to a default folder of _save_df

saveDF <- function(rObj, note=NULL, rData=FALSE, csv=TRUE, attr=FALSE, timeStamp=TRUE, folder="_save_df")

leppott commented 4 years ago

Works with v1.2.1.