Closed leppott closed 4 months ago
... hmmm ... looks like quite a lot of legacy material
==> devtools::check(args = c('--as-cran'))
N checking package subdirectories (855ms) Problems with news in 'NEWS': Cannot process chunk/lines: to git.ignore and .Rbuildignore * Error; sensAdjflow2.R ‘figNum’. Add Cannot process chunk/lines: QC check to ensure is defined. * Warning; undocumented dataset; added Cannot process chunk/lines: param and default to mergeFlow, gamTest, gamPlotCalc, and gamDiff. Also Cannot process chunk/lines: added to data.R (was missing). * Note; Namespace, importFrom. + Cannot process chunk/lines: importFrom(‘stats’, ‘BIC’, ‘StructTS’, ‘aggregate’, ‘approx’, ‘cov2cor’, ‘dnorm’, ‘filter’, ‘fitted’, ‘hat’, ‘integrate’, ‘logLik’, ‘lowess’, ‘lsfit’, ‘na.omit’, ‘na.pass’, ‘naresid’, ‘pchisq’, ‘ppoints’, ‘qf’, ‘residuals’, ‘sd’, ‘tsSmooth’, ‘update’, ‘var’) + importFrom(‘utils’, ‘flush.console’, ‘getS3method’, ‘modifyList’, ‘read.table’, ‘strOptions’, ‘write.table’) * Added QC to define figNum.
Copied from seasAdjflow2.R to detrended.flow.R and Cannot process chunk/lines: detrended.salinity.R * Add functions from swmr packages: + smwrBase; %cn%, group2row, isDateLike + smwrQW; mcenKM, mcenMLE, mcenROS, mdlMLE, Cannot process chunk/lines: mdlROS, pcodeNWISqw + smwrStats; rmse, vif * Adding the above led to Cannot process chunk/lines: others that needed to be added: + smwrGraphs; refLine, xyPlot + Cannot process chunk/lines: smwrBase; importRDB * Addition of xyPlot required more functions: + Cannot process chunk/lines: smwrGraphs; setPlot, linearPretty, setPage, timePlot, colorPlot * Cannot process chunk/lines: Remove cross references in ‘seealso’ for some of the imported smwr Cannot process chunk/lines: functions. + importRDB, isLike, linearPretty, refLinem, setPage, Cannot process chunk/lines: setplot, timePlot, cn * importFrom needed for 3 more packages in the Cannot process chunk/lines: newest smwr functions that were added. + importFrom(‘grDevices’, ‘Type1Font’, ‘dev.cur’, ‘extendrange’, ‘gray’, ‘pdfFonts’, ‘rainbow’) + Cannot process chunk/lines: importFrom(‘graphics’, ‘box’, ‘segments’, ‘strwidth’) + Cannot process chunk/lines: importFrom(‘stats’, ‘cov.wt’, ‘dist’, ‘model.matrix’) * Add more smwr Cannot process chunk/lines: package functions: + Base; dectime, dectime2Date + Graphs; datePretty, Cannot process chunk/lines: namePretty, numericData, setColor, setGD, setMargin , setMultiPlot, Cannot process chunk/lines: timePretty * Fix links in most recently added functions; comment out Cannot process chunk/lines: seealso. + datePretty, dectime, namePretty, setColor, setMargin, Cannot process chunk/lines: setMultiPlot * Add importFrom; grDevices colors * Add function from Cannot process chunk/lines: smwr packages; + smwrGraphs; month.USGS, renderPretty, setExplan, Cannot process chunk/lines: transData, linewt (framewt) * Add importFrom for the newly added Cannot process chunk/lines: functions. + importFrom(‘grDevices’, ‘col2rgb’, ‘rgb’) + Cannot process chunk/lines: importFrom(‘graphics’, ‘axis’) * Add function from smwr packages; + Cannot process chunk/lines: smwrGraphs; addCaption * Fix ‘assign’ to global environment in Cannot process chunk/lines: smwrGraphs_setPage.R + Line 180, comment out. Is setting to NULL as a Cannot process chunk/lines: precaution but function isn’t used by baytrends. * Data with ‘no Cannot process chunk/lines: visible bindig for global variable’ error. + Add a line at the beginning Cannot process chunk/lines: of each affected function to reference the data; baytrends::xyz. + Peter Cannot process chunk/lines: Dalgaard’s proposed solution, 2014-Aug - Cannot process chunk/lines: no-visible-binding-for-global-variable-for-data-sets-in-a-package + .chkParameter; parameterList + analysisOrganizeData; parameterList, Cannot process chunk/lines: stationMasterList, layerLukup + selectData; stationMasterList, Cannot process chunk/lines: parameterList, layerLukup * gamDiff, bad usage of stat. Undefined. Line
Released - 2018-05-02
add standard error to stat.gam.result and chng.gam.result output
add USGS gage ID and name to stat.gam.result and chng.gam.result output
add mgcvOK to stat.gam.result and chng.gam.result output to indicate if mgcv::gam ran ok
removed median as option for summarizing data across layers
expose impute function for simple substitution (0, 1/2dl, dl) conversion of qw data to vector
added error handling to trap mgcv::gam non-convergence errors
Released - 2018-05-03
Release version
Released - 2018-05-03
Fix lubridate and plyr conflict. Issue #6.
Released - 2018-05-03
Update versioning in NEWS and DESCRIPTION
Released - 2018-05-02
v1.0.2.9002 in DESCRIPTION
v1.0.3.0000 in NEWS
Released - 2018-05-02
add intervention label to GAM Parameter Coefficient table.
Released - 2018-05-02
Added error trapping to address non-convergence of mgcv::gam
Released - 2018-05-01
Merge branch ‘master’ of
Released - 2018-05-01
corrected storage of USGS codes
Released - 2018-05-01
documentation updates
Released - 2018-05-01
documentation updates
Released - 2018-05-01
documentation updates
Released - 2018-05-01
only allow ‘mean’ for computing layer aggregation.
Released - 2018-05-01
added USGS gage id, USGS gage name, and gam diff standard error to to stat.gam.result and chng.gam.result output data sets
Released - 2018-05-01
exposed impute function; updated impute function to focus on simple substitution
Released - 2018-03-26
Release version
Released - 2018-03-26
Function Updates
Update detrended vignette for changes in functions.
Updates from ‘check’.
Released - 2018-03-26
Update vignettes
New vignette
Update detrended.salinity.R for changes in names in ‘sal’ data.
Released - 2018-03-26
salinity data.
Released - 2018-03-21
Add baytrends_overview.pdf to ‘doc’ as vignette.
Released - 2018-03-21
Add detrended.salinity function.
Released - 2018-03-21
Add detrended.flow function.
Released - 2018-03-20
Update internal functions.
Released - 2018-03-19
Update documentation.
Code edit in SelectData.R.
Released - 2018-03-16
Fixes from ‘check’
Released - 2018-03-14
Update qw vignette.
Released - 2018-03-14
Tweak qw.export and qw.import functions and vignette.
Released - 2018-03-02
Tweak qw.export Rounding export.
QW object import internal function, qw.import.
QW object vignette.
Released - 2018-03-01
QW object export internal function, qw.export.
Released - 2018-02-28
More clean up of linked ‘see also’ references in smwr functions.
Add help file for package name, baytrends.R.
Moved detrended salinity and flow vignettes to extdata.
Rename seasonally detrended data sets (salinity and flow) without special characters.
Released - 2018-02-23
Clean up after running Check.
Released - 2018-02-16
Clean up and send out to project users.
Released - 2018-02-15
Add back censoring.R from smwrQW package as it is needed for qw objects. Was removed in v0.3.3.9016
Released - 2018-02-05
Improve error trap for when to allow baytrends to run an intervention model.
Released - 2018-02-01
Set as release on GitHub.
Released - 2018-02-01
Update vignettes. Remove setwd().
Released - 2018-02-01
Updated Vignettes to run with data in vignettes folder.
Added function fillMissing from smwrBase for detrended flow vignette.
Released - 2018-01-31
Fix errors in Namespace noted in Check.
Released - 2018-01-31
Remove unneeded functions from smwrQW package.
Released - 2018-01-31
Created vignettes:
Add and remove funtions from index with keyword internal.
Released - 2018-01-12
Add more functions, as.x, to keywords internal to remove from help file list.
Add Erik W Leppo as author in DESCRIPTION.
Released - 2018-01-11
Modified dataCensored to include timezone. Should fluctuate between EST and EDT.
Released - 2018-01-05
Fix files names. OneDrive on development computer introduced duplicate files. Some of older versions.
Hid all smwr*.R files from help file index with keywords internal.
Released - 2017-12-20
Rename temporary R scripts from ‘x_’ to ’smwrQWx\’.
Released - 2017-12-19
Rebuild with minor edits for smwrQW references in files (Find in Files).
Edits to _GenerateData_dataCensored.R.
Copy in all smwrQW function not already added. Test if builds.
Add detrended.flow function.
Released - 2018-03-20
Update internal functions.
Released - 2018-03-19
Update documentation.
Code edit in SelectData.R.
Released - 2018-03-16
Fixes from ‘check’
Released - 2018-03-14
Update qw vignette.
Released - 2018-03-14
Tweak qw.export and qw.import functions and vignette.
Released - 2018-03-02
Tweak qw.export Rounding export.
QW object import internal function, qw.import.
QW object vignette.
Released - 2018-03-01
QW object export internal function, qw.export.
Released - 2018-02-28
More clean up of linked ‘see also’ references in smwr functions.
Add help file for package name, baytrends.R.
Moved detrended salinity and flow vignettes to extdata.
Rename seasonally detrended data sets (salinity and flow) without special characters.
Released - 2018-02-23
Clean up after running Check.
Released - 2018-02-16
Clean up and send out to project users.
Released - 2018-02-15
Add back censoring.R from smwrQW package as it is needed for qw objects. Was removed in v0.3.3.9016
Released - 2018-02-05
Improve error trap for when to allow baytrends to run an intervention model.
Released - 2018-02-01
Set as release on GitHub.
Released - 2018-02-01
Update vignettes. Remove setwd().
Released - 2018-02-01
Updated Vignettes to run with data in vignettes folder.
Added function fillMissing from smwrBase for detrended flow vignette.
Released - 2018-01-31
Fix errors in Namespace noted in Check.
Released - 2018-01-31
Remove unneeded functions from smwrQW package.
Released - 2018-01-31
Created vignettes:
Add and remove funtions from index with keyword internal.
Released - 2018-01-12
Add more functions, as.x, to keywords internal to remove from help file list.
Add Erik W Leppo as author in DESCRIPTION.
Released - 2018-01-11
Modified dataCensored to include timezone. Should fluctuate between EST and EDT.
Released - 2018-01-05
Fix files names. OneDrive on development computer introduced duplicate files. Some of older versions.
Hid all smwr*.R files from help file index with keywords internal.
Released - 2017-12-20
Rename temporary R scripts from ‘x_’ to ’smwrQWx\’.
Released - 2017-12-19
Rebuild with minor edits for smwrQW references in files (Find in Files).
Edits to _GenerateData_dataCensored.R.
Copy in all smwrQW function not already added. Test if builds.
Relea ✔ checking code files for non-ASCII characters ... ✔ checking R files for syntax errors ... ✔ checking whether the package can be loaded (1.4s) ✔ checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies (1.4s) ✔ checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly (1.4s) ✔ checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies (1.4s) ✔ checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly (1.5s) ✔ checking loading without being on the library search path (1.7s) ✔ checking whether startup messages can be suppressed (3.1s) ✔ checking dependencies in R code (2.4s) ✔ checking S3 generic/method consistency (1.6s) ✔ checking replacement functions (1.3s) ✔ checking foreign function calls (1.7s) ─ checking R code for possible problems ... [17s] OK (17.3s) ✔ checking Rd files (865ms) ✔ checking Rd metadata ... ✔ checking Rd line widths ... ✔ checking Rd cross-references ... ✔ checking for missing documentation entries (1.4s) ✔ checking for code/documentation mismatches (4.2s) ✔ checking Rd \usage sections (2.1s) ✔ checking Rd contents ... ✔ checking for unstated dependencies in examples (549ms) ✔ checking contents of 'data' directory (507ms) ✔ checking data for non-ASCII characters (757ms) ✔ checking LazyData ✔ checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... ✔ checking R/sysdata.rda ... N checking sizes of PDF files under 'inst/doc' ... Unable to find GhostScript executable to run checks on size reduction ✔ checking installed files from 'inst/doc' ... ✔ checking files in 'vignettes' ... ─ checking examples ... [11s] OK (12s) ✔ checking for unstated dependencies in 'tests' ... ─ checking tests ... ✔ Running 'testthat.R' (1.9s) ✔ checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes (521ms) ✔ checking package vignettes ... ─ checking re-building of vignette outputs ... [15s] OK (15.4s) ✔ checking for non-standard things in the check directory ✔ checking for detritus in the temp directory
See 'C:/Users/jharc/Repositories/baytrends.Rcheck/00check.log' for details.
── R CMD check results ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── baytrends ──── Duration: 1m 41.6s
❯ checking package subdirectories ... NOTE Problems with news in 'NEWS': Cannot process chunk/lines: to git.ignore and .Rbuildignore * Error; sensAdjflow2.R ‘figNum’. Add Cannot process chunk/lines: QC check to ensure is defined. * Warning; undocumented dataset; added Cannot process chunk/lines: param and default to mergeFlow, gamTest, gamPlotCalc, and gamDiff. Also Cannot process chunk/lines: added to data.R (was missing). * Note; Namespace, importFrom. + Cannot process chunk/lines: importFrom(‘stats’, ‘BIC’, ‘StructTS’, ‘aggregate’, ‘approx’, ‘cov2cor’, ‘dnorm’, ‘filter’, ‘fitted’, ‘hat’, ‘integrate’, ‘logLik’, ‘lowess’, ‘lsfit’, ‘na.omit’, ‘na.pass’, ‘naresid’, ‘pchisq’, ‘ppoints’, ‘qf’, ‘residuals’, ‘sd’, ‘tsSmooth’, ‘update’, ‘var’) + importFrom(‘utils’, ‘flush.console’, ‘getS3method’, ‘modifyList’, ‘read.table’, ‘strOptions’, ‘write.table’) * Added QC to define figNum.
❯ checking sizes of PDF files under 'inst/doc' ... NOTE Unable to find GhostScript executable to run checks on size reduction
0 errors ✔ | 0 warnings ✔ | 2 notes ✖
R CMD check succeeded
Created new branch (issue_84_crancheck) ) based on recent updates to dev branch (maint_2024).
Describe the bug Email 2024-07-17. Problem with package and need to fix before 7/31 to keep it on CRAN.
To Reproduce
Expected behavior
Additional context Dear maintainer,
Please see the problems shown on
Please correct before 2024-07-31 to safely retain your package on CRAN.
Best, -k