tetratech / baytrends

Evaluate long-term trends in the Chesapeake Bay using a Generalized Additive Modeling (GAM) approach
12 stars 4 forks source link

Failing tests on CRAN #84

Closed leppott closed 4 months ago

leppott commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug Email 2024-07-17. Problem with package and need to fix before 7/31 to keep it on CRAN.

To Reproduce https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_baytrends.html


Expected behavior

Additional context Dear maintainer,

Please see the problems shown on https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_baytrends.html.

Please correct before 2024-07-31 to safely retain your package on CRAN.

Best, -k

jharcum07 commented 4 months ago

... hmmm ... looks like quite a lot of legacy material

==> devtools::check(args = c('--as-cran'))

N checking package subdirectories (855ms) Problems with news in 'NEWS': Cannot process chunk/lines: to git.ignore and .Rbuildignore * Error; sensAdjflow2.R ‘figNum’. Add Cannot process chunk/lines: QC check to ensure is defined. * Warning; undocumented dataset; added Cannot process chunk/lines: param and default to mergeFlow, gamTest, gamPlotCalc, and gamDiff. Also Cannot process chunk/lines: added to data.R (was missing). * Note; Namespace, importFrom. + Cannot process chunk/lines: importFrom(‘stats’, ‘BIC’, ‘StructTS’, ‘aggregate’, ‘approx’, ‘cov2cor’, ‘dnorm’, ‘filter’, ‘fitted’, ‘hat’, ‘integrate’, ‘logLik’, ‘lowess’, ‘lsfit’, ‘na.omit’, ‘na.pass’, ‘naresid’, ‘pchisq’, ‘ppoints’, ‘qf’, ‘residuals’, ‘sd’, ‘tsSmooth’, ‘update’, ‘var’) + importFrom(‘utils’, ‘flush.console’, ‘getS3method’, ‘modifyList’, ‘read.table’, ‘strOptions’, ‘write.table’) * Added QC to define figNum.

── R CMD check results ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── baytrends ──── Duration: 1m 41.6s

❯ checking package subdirectories ... NOTE Problems with news in 'NEWS': Cannot process chunk/lines: to git.ignore and .Rbuildignore * Error; sensAdjflow2.R ‘figNum’. Add Cannot process chunk/lines: QC check to ensure is defined. * Warning; undocumented dataset; added Cannot process chunk/lines: param and default to mergeFlow, gamTest, gamPlotCalc, and gamDiff. Also Cannot process chunk/lines: added to data.R (was missing). * Note; Namespace, importFrom. + Cannot process chunk/lines: importFrom(‘stats’, ‘BIC’, ‘StructTS’, ‘aggregate’, ‘approx’, ‘cov2cor’, ‘dnorm’, ‘filter’, ‘fitted’, ‘hat’, ‘integrate’, ‘logLik’, ‘lowess’, ‘lsfit’, ‘na.omit’, ‘na.pass’, ‘naresid’, ‘pchisq’, ‘ppoints’, ‘qf’, ‘residuals’, ‘sd’, ‘tsSmooth’, ‘update’, ‘var’) + importFrom(‘utils’, ‘flush.console’, ‘getS3method’, ‘modifyList’, ‘read.table’, ‘strOptions’, ‘write.table’) * Added QC to define figNum.

❯ checking sizes of PDF files under 'inst/doc' ... NOTE Unable to find GhostScript executable to run checks on size reduction

0 errors ✔ | 0 warnings ✔ | 2 notes ✖

R CMD check succeeded

leppott commented 4 months ago

Created new branch (issue_84_crancheck) ) based on recent updates to dev branch (maint_2024).