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Enable envoy repository with yum fails. Gpg Keys not imported. #30

Closed BerniBurnsen closed 2 years ago

BerniBurnsen commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug sudo yum makecache --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='tetrate-getenvoy-rpm-stable' - Fails.

amazon-ebs: adding repo from: /tmp/tetrate-getenvoy-rpm-stable.repo
amazon-ebs: grabbing file /tmp/tetrate-getenvoy-rpm-stable.repo to /etc/yum.repos.d/tetrate-getenvoy-rpm-stable.repo
amazon-ebs: repo saved to /etc/yum.repos.d/tetrate-getenvoy-rpm-stable.repo
amazon-ebs: Loaded plugins: priorities, update-motd, upgrade-helper
amazon-ebs: Retrieving key from https://rpm.dl.getenvoy.io/public/gpg.CF716AF503183491.key
==> amazon-ebs: Importing GPG key 0x03183491:
==> amazon-ebs:  Userid     : "Cloudsmith Package (tetrate/getenvoy-rpm) <support@cloudsmith.io>"
==> amazon-ebs:  Fingerprint: a822 0fc0 141b fa99 0de5 609c cf71 6af5 0318 3491
==> amazon-ebs:  From       : https://rpm.dl.getenvoy.io/public/gpg.CF716AF503183491.key
==> amazon-ebs: https://rpm.dl.getenvoy.io/public/rpm/el/7/aarch64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno -1] Gpg Keys not imported, cannot verify repomd.xml for repo tetrate-getenvoy-rpm-stable
==> amazon-ebs: Trying other mirror.

To Reproduce

sudo yum install yum-utils

sudo rpm --import 'https://rpm.dl.getenvoy.io/public/gpg.CF716AF503183491.key'

curl -sL 'https://rpm.dl.getenvoy.io/public/config.rpm.txt?distro=el&codename=7' > /tmp/tetrate-getenvoy-rpm-stable.repo

sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo '/tmp/tetrate-getenvoy-rpm-stable.repo'

sudo yum makecache --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='tetrate-getenvoy-rpm-stable'  # <--- it fails here

sudo yum install getenvoy-envoy

Expected behavior Installation works without problems

Environment (please complete the relevant information):

Additional context I am trying to setup a base image in aws with packer. When installing i get the above mentioned error. All other installation work perfectly fine.

i hope i am in the correct git hub section :-)

Thank you very much and kind regards,


codefromthecrypt commented 2 years ago

I presume you are trying the abandoned getenvoy packages due to missing support for CentOS 7 (per #17) Please see notes there which I'll update now