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DAS charges instantly on frame 1 of singleplayer modes #1252

Closed Ethanol-14 closed 2 months ago

Ethanol-14 commented 5 months ago


OS and Version

Windows 10

Browser and version

I am using Desktop client

Describe the bug/issue

If you press the right or left movement key on the frame the game starts accepting user inputs, DAS will charge instantly. I've reproduced this bug multiple times in 40L sprint, blitz, and custom mode (but not multiplayer, though I assume it could happen there too).


  1. To ensure you just didn't activate das normally you can set DAS to 20 frames, something long like that. Also, have ARR set to 0.
  2. Play any single player mode
  3. Press left or right movement key on the frame the game starts accepting user inputs (the frame right after the countdown ends)

Expected behavior

The piece will instantly hit the board wall as if DAS was charged in one frame.


No response

Console logs

``` Bootstrapping for hardver 59ab8dce.tsjzWaxaP.9eYPwaCtB 8A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at was set without the `SameSite` attribute. A future release of Chrome will only deliver cookies with cross-site requests if they are set with `SameSite=None` and `Secure`. You can review cookies in developer tools under Application>Storage>Cookies and see more details at and . VM101:43 webgl backend was already registered. Reusing existing backend factory. window.console.warn @ VM101:43 VM101:43 cpu backend was already registered. Reusing existing backend factory. window.console.warn @ VM101:43 VM101:43 Platform browser has already been set. Overwriting the platform with [object Object]. window.console.warn @ VM101:43 VM101:42 TETR.IO VM101:42 Please be careful when pasting anything in the console. Attackers may be out to steal your login information. VM101:42 check 1 tetr.io tetr.io VM101:42 check 2 tetr.io tetr.io VM101:42 Using the Desktop Client VM101:42 Up to date. Local version 6.4.0-production | Commit 59ab8dce@master (1/7/2024, 4:56:07 PM) | Server cycle tsjzWaxaP | Build 9eYPwaCtB (1/19/2024, 8:40:52 AM) The resource https://cdn.xsolla.net/img/favicon.ico was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally. The resource https://secure.xsolla.com/favicon.ico was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally. VM101:42 home-mega mounted, now 1 mounts VM101:42 PixiJS 6.1.3 - WebGL 2 VM101:42 - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) tetrio-desktop/8.0.0 Chrome/83.0.4103.122 Electron/9.4.0 Safari/537.36 -CPU: 16-coreMemory: ~8 GBConnection: 9.4 Mbps, 0ms RTT [4g] VM101:42 Renderer: ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0) VM101:42 InitialConnect > Obtaining Ribbon endpoint... VM101:42 Ceriad provider has been loaded successfully. VM101:43 fun-hooks: referenced 'adpod' but it was never created window.console.warn @ VM101:43 VM101:42 Ceriad provider launched after 1 ticks. VM101:42 InitialConnect > Obtained Ribbon endpoint /ribbon/imamiya and 24 spools, fallback available. VM101:42 InitialConnect > Getting a spool... VM101:42 InitialConnect > Spool > Spooling started VM101:42 InitialConnect > Spool > 34+74ms na-west-agiri [US] v4 // 0.109375, 0.078125, 0.0625 VM101:42 InitialConnect > Spool > 28+70ms na-west-sonya [US] v4 // 0.296875, 0.125, 0.09375 VM101:42 InitialConnect > Spool > 31+53ms na-east-mayuri [US] v4 // 0, 0.046875, 0.0625 VM101:42 InitialConnect > Spool > Spooled na-west-sonya! VM101:42 InitialConnect > Obtained spool na-west-sonya (na-west-sonya.spool.tetr.io) [US]. VM101:44 EG APS - cannot render Ads for elements div-gpt-ad-tet-13 : TypeError: Cannot read property 'div-gpt-ad-tet-13' of undefined at t.applyProps ((index):1) at (index):1 at e.exports ((index):1) at Object.e.exports [as default] ((index):1) at t.observeAdsOnViewport ((index):1) at t.loadCustomAds ((index):1) at e.serveCustomStaticAds ((index):1) at Object.render ((index):1) at r (eval at (bootstrap.js?hv=59ab8dce.tsjzWaxaP.9eYPwaCtB:2), :4218:16143) at l (eval at (bootstrap.js?hv=59ab8dce.tsjzWaxaP.9eYPwaCtB:2), :4218:16919) window.console.error @ VM101:44 VM101:43 is not a valid value for uspDnsText window.console.warn @ VM101:43 VM101:42 Ribbon 139b87a520a1caa0 opened VM101:42 home-mega unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 solo-lb mounted, now 1 mounts VM101:42 solo-lb unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 Object FZt5psomz79DGe~O1V5PkX7S8-NVJIdw0INR-k~Duu9c36GyIDyElf4y8fa2~-9InNSq4BCadyu-8tQSiIkaVleT~Yh8GI4ocNSeo4~API4DJEsYNIMg2sPMMXvjcckTUFy53ZYw3gzv35jSAchydRkSr2XFgqe-kzzlKTlv1VT7-TlAc0PcX7nFzbKlHypwbpU3AWUAJgUx%203873813B-5295-4E40-A53D-F7F1CD35DDF0&rnd=RND:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 () global.ib-ibi.com/image.sbmx?go=298769&pid=541&xid=10599151358554813731&ssp=sekindo&gdpr=&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET js.ad-score.com/score.min.js?pid=1000791&tt=g&tid=6812&l1=210143&l2=TheTradeDesk&l3=8053535&l4=4537968&l5=&l6=&utid=62E182EF-A2B5-6253-C600-ED8CAD3D4983&creative_type=display&adid=ftdiv8053535&pub_app=&pub_domain=&uid=&cb=409724.2654899591&pub_ts=1705665024&410592112:2 [object Text] (index):1 [Intervention] An element was lazyloaded with loading=lazy, but had no dimensions specified. Specifying dimensions improves performance. See https://crbug.com/954323 ads.stickyadstv.com/user-registering?dataProviderId=1362&userId=dCgI5mIaUN9o3m2aZEXOZ4lSvIE:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS ads.stickyadstv.com/user-registering?dataProviderId=1362&userId=dCgI5mIaUN9o3m2aZEXOZ4lSvIE:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS ads.stickyadstv.com/user-registering?dataProviderId=1362&userId=dCgI5mIaUN9o3m2aZEXOZ4lSvIE:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS rtb-csync.smartadserver.com/redir/?partnerid=111&partneruserid=ID5-c43cTplIUIjSscdO1WXxE4sEnjMZ4LsFtsK1cK7pHA&redirurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid5-sync.com%2Fc%2F102%2F102%2F1%2F9.gif%3Fpuid%3DSMART_USER_ID%26gdpr%3D0%26gdpr_consent%3D&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS [object Object] VM101:42 home-mega mounted, now 1 mounts VM101:42 home-mega unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 home-mega mounted, now 1 mounts VM101:42 home-mega unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 multiplayer-lb mounted, now 1 mounts i6.liadm.com/s/35759?bidder_id=44489&bidder_uuid=fb60b1c2-eb86-4487-bd95-29bd1f2c317c:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED i6.liadm.com/s/35759?bidder_id=44489&bidder_uuid=fb60b1c2-eb86-4487-bd95-29bd1f2c317c:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED i6.liadm.com/s/35759?bidder_id=44489&bidder_uuid=fb60b1c2-eb86-4487-bd95-29bd1f2c317c:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED i6.liadm.com/s/35759?bidder_id=44489&bidder_uuid=fb60b1c2-eb86-4487-bd95-29bd1f2c317c:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED b-513d82e-c076b01c.js:1 [Deprecation] 'window.webkitStorageInfo' is deprecated. Please use 'navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage' or 'navigator.webkitPersistentStorage' instead. (anonymous) @ b-513d82e-c076b01c.js:1 VM101:42 multiplayer-lb unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 home-mega mounted, now 1 mounts ads.stickyadstv.com/user-matching?id=3661&:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS ads.stickyadstv.com/user-matching?id=3661&:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS ads.stickyadstv.com/user-matching?id=3661&:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS VM101:42 home-mega unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 solo-lb mounted, now 1 mounts VM101:42 solo-lb unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Starting ambient respool. VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtaining Ribbon endpoint... VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtained Ribbon endpoint /ribbon/shizuru and 24 spools, fallback available. VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Getting a spool... VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > Spooling started VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > 175+70ms na-west-sonya [US] v4 // 0.046875, 0.109375, 0.078125 VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > 149+93ms na-west-agiri [US] v4 // 0.078125, 0.0625, 0.046875 VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > 219+3ms uk-ikaros [GB] v4 // 0.015625, 0.015625, 0 VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > Spooled na-west-agiri! VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtained spool na-west-agiri (na-west-agiri.spool.tetr.io) [US]. VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtained new token, no significant ping advantage 429ms → 484ms. VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Starting ambient respool. VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtaining Ribbon endpoint... VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtained Ribbon endpoint /ribbon/imamiya and 24 spools, fallback available. VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Getting a spool... VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > Spooling started VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > 16+71ms na-west-sonya [US] v4 // 0.03125, 0.0625, 0.078125 VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > 14+73ms na-west-agiri [US] v4 // 0.15625, 0.078125, 0.046875 VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > 31+53ms na-east-mayuri [US] v4 // 0.15625, 0.078125, 0.078125 VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > Spooled na-east-mayuri! VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtained spool na-east-mayuri (na-east-mayuri.spool.tetr.io) [US]. VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtained new token, no significant ping advantage 175ms → 168ms. VM101:42 home-mega mounted, now 1 mounts VM101:42 home-mega unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 home-mega mounted, now 1 mounts VM101:42 home-mega unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 solo-lb mounted, now 1 mounts VM101:42 solo-lb unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Starting ambient respool. VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtaining Ribbon endpoint... VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtained Ribbon endpoint /ribbon/shizuru and 24 spools, fallback available. VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Getting a spool... VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > Spooling started VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > 16+70ms na-west-sonya [US] v4 // 0.28125, 0.125, 0.09375 VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > 13+73ms na-west-agiri [US] v4 // 0.0625, 0.078125, 0.0625 VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > 31+47ms na-mid-maho [CA] v4 // 0.390625, 0.359375, 0.296875 VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > Spooled na-west-agiri! VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtained spool na-west-agiri (na-west-agiri.spool.tetr.io) [US]. VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtained new token, no significant ping advantage 172ms → 173ms. VM101:42 home-mega mounted, now 1 mounts VM101:42 home-mega unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 solo-lb mounted, now 1 mounts sync.search.spotxchange.com/partner?adv_id=7715&uid=7672856639077978922:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED VM101:42 solo-lb unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 home-mega mounted, now 1 mounts VM101:42 home-mega unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 solo-lb mounted, now 1 mounts VM101:42 solo-lb unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 home-mega mounted, now 1 mounts VM101:42 home-mega unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 solo-lb mounted, now 1 mounts VM101:42 solo-lb unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 soloresults-lb mounted, now 1 mounts js.ad-score.com/score.min.js?pid=1000791&tt=g&tid=6812&l1=210143&l2=TheTradeDesk&l3=8053535&l4=4537968&l5=&l6=&utid=3FBC7EAE-E2DA-D177-A8B7-BBD583F9C099&creative_type=display&adid=ftdiv8053535&pub_app=&pub_domain=&uid=&cb=409724.2654899591&pub_ts=1705665024&33247985:2 [object Text] [object Object] farm.plista.com/matching/pixel/?ssp=c3de&dsp_user_id=7672856639077978922:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED VM101:42 soloresults-lb unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 home-mega mounted, now 1 mounts VM101:42 home-mega unmounted, now 0 mounts VM101:42 solo-lb mounted, now 1 mounts VM101:42 solo-lb unmounted, now 0 mounts DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://tetr.io/tf.min.js.map: Unknown error DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://secure.quantserve.com/quant.min.js.map: Unknown error VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Starting ambient respool. VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtaining Ribbon endpoint... VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtained Ribbon endpoint /ribbon/inoue and 24 spools, fallback available. VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Getting a spool... VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > Spooling started VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > 16+71ms na-west-sonya [US] v4 // 0.015625, 0.109375, 0.09375 VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > 13+74ms na-west-agiri [US] v4 // 0.015625, 0.0625, 0.0625 VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > 32+48ms na-mid-maho [CA] v4 // 0.265625, 0.234375, 0.25 VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Spool > Spooled na-west-sonya! VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtained spool na-west-sonya (na-west-sonya.spool.tetr.io) [US]. VM101:42 AmbientRespool > Obtained new token, already on best available spool. ```

Additional context

No response

ZaptorZap commented 5 months ago

I would hesitate to label this as a bug since it's clear to me that replays aren't designed with the concept of negative time. Right now, when you initially move, all a replay can say is whether or not you were holding the key as the replay began. This is indicated with the hoisted boolean, as shown below: image

To fix this, the engine would need to keep track of buttons pushed before the board state is being managed, and then include them in replays as negative frames. I think this possibly adds a bunch of complexity to the engine—complexity the developers(which, to be clear, I am not) might not be interested in managing.

It would be easier to fix this if it actually happens when ARE/Entry Delay is over 0, but at the same time, that's not the issue you're experiencing and that's not an issue anyone else has noticed.

For what it's worth, I think this actually happens with TE:C charged DAS as well. I booted up the game and crudly tested with nothing but my wits—it's hard to tell without 0ARR. Until now, I've never seen anyone be particularly annoyed with this behavior.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

This bug report has not seen any activity in a while. If the issue is still relevant, please comment on it or the issue will be automatically closed. This way, the issue tracker can be kept clean. Thank you!