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Tetra League TR bug #1292

Closed M-MASUD closed 2 months ago

M-MASUD commented 2 months ago


OS and Version

Windows 11

Browser and version

Chrome (Version unsure, most likely the most recent version)

Describe the bug/issue

I...am not sure if gaining 1500 TR from a single match is something that should happen after a match while being unranked...I had something like 160 RD at the time as well. Somewhere around that. Anyway, I was just out of a ban, when I played around 2 matches. But after the first match, I realized something was off. I saw that I had gained 1500 TR. I'm very sure this isn't intentional, and I don't really want an unfair advantage. This could be like a little bit of a request, but could you fix this issue? I had gained ~3000 TR from this but I feel a little guilty about that...I also don't want to be responsible for starting an exploit. A detail I'd like to include is the fact that both players had higher TR than I did, which may be one of the causes. Other than that, I am not sure how this could happen.


Okay. So here's how this happened. I was banned recently (sorry about that...) and decided to play Tetra League. I saw I had amassed a rather high amount of RD, so I figured that I wanted to get rid of that RD. Once I had finished the first round I had gained ~1500 TR...which isn't supposed to happen. So that's basically how the bug happened to me. However, this might not happen to someone else who was banned or is unranked due to high RD.

Expected behavior

Well, I'm pretty sure I could have gotten a normal amount of TR for players of that rank, like 300-400, or maybe have gained less due to recently having been banned. I'm not sure how much more concise this could be.


No response

Console logs

No response

Additional context

I sincerely apologize for having been banned. I am sorry I didn't read the guideline rules until I got the ban notification. Also, I am additionally sorry for not providing too much context and if the issue has already been reported. Either way, I have a little bit to apologize. No need to rush to fix it. I understand you have a small dev team.

ZudoB commented 2 months ago

In short - this is intentional behaviour. Being near the median TR, and having high RD, will mean your gains and losses will be quite large. As you play more games, you will naturally gravitate to an appropriate rating.