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Exit button not functioning after long app uptime #1312

Open Furry opened 1 week ago

Furry commented 1 week ago


OS and Version

Windows 11, V. 10.0.22631 Build 22631

Browser and version

Desktop, V. 6.4.6 Production

Describe the bug/issue

When Tetr.io is open for ~4+ hours, around 50% of the time the exit button doesn't function. I play mostly 40L, so I run into this when escaping from 40L, pressing the main exit button, the issue occurs on the confirmation button press. 90% of the time Exit does not respond, but clicking away from the menu and clicking it once more resolves it, 10% of the time the app can only be closed through task manager. Alt F4 or other similar options don't work.


  1. Presumably, have the same version of TETR.IO (This has existed for me across several versions of Windows 11)
  2. Leave the desktop application open for several hours, or overnight.
  3. Attempt to quit the app
  4. Select exit on the proceeding dialog

Expected behavior

Regardless of any situation the application should quit once the following dialog is pressed regardless of the amount of time the app's been open. Perhaps a hook with the NodeJS backend dies without being properly refreshed?



Console logs

N/A (Usually doesn't open if attempted)

Additional context

It's spotty that this happens. I have TETR.IO running most of the time as it's my go-to option to pass for a few seconds or minutes at a time while doing something else. It's occurred dozens of times, but the game remains open for an unrealistic amount of time for most users.

I've had this issue both using TETR.IO Plus as well as with it completely gone from my machine, occurring with the same frequency.