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App opens but will not load after maintenance #1326

Closed boiiseuskera closed 1 month ago

boiiseuskera commented 1 month ago


OS and Version

Windows 10

Browser and version

Chrome 127.0.6533.72

Describe the bug/issue

The desktop app would open, but get stuck in "Checking for updates" no matter how long you wait, I waited two hours for it to load and it still didn't The browser would let me log in my account but it would also get stuck in a loading screen even if I opened a replay. gamewontload I also tried reinstalling but that wouldn't fix it


  1. Open app
  2. Get stuck in a loading screen Browser:
  3. Open tab
  4. Log in
  5. Get stuck in a loading screen

Expected behavior

I expected the app to just well, open but it didn't and it wouldn't even let me log in my account in the browser.


gamewontload It got stuck on this screen no matter how long I waited.

Console logs

Access to fetch at 'https://fid.agkn.com/f?apiKey=2104320612&r=https%3A%2F%2Ftetr.io%2F' from origin 'https://tetr.io' has been blocked by CORS policy: The value of the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in the response must not be the wildcard '*' when the request's credentials mode is 'include'. fid.agkn.com/f?apiKey=2104320612&r=https%3A%2F%2Ftetr.io%2F:1

   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED

topics_frame.html?bidder=openx:16 Called iframe: pa.openx.net Array(0) Number of topics: 0 topics_frame.html?bidder=pubmatic:20 Called iframe: ads.pubmatic.com Array(0) Number of topics: 0 prebid-server.rubiconproject.com/cookie_sync:1

   Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()


   Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 431 ()

VM11:57 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'split') at u.onload (eval at (bootstrap.js?hv=00833ee0.636882b2c23b.404ebb873724:1:1), :57:422932) VM11:57 [GPT] Attempted to load GPT multiple times. https://goo.gle/gpt-message#152 window.console.warn @ VM11:57 tetr.io/:1 Access to fetch at 'https://fid.agkn.com/f?apiKey=2104320612&r=https%3A%2F%2Ftetr.io%2F' from origin 'https://tetr.io' has been blocked by CORS policy: The value of the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in the response must not be the wildcard '*' when the request's credentials mode is 'include'. fid.agkn.com/f?apiKey=2104320612&r=https%3A%2F%2Ftetr.io%2F:1

   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED


   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED


   Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()


   Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)

28The resource was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate as value and it is preloaded intentionally. sync.search.spotxchange.com/partner?adv_id=7025&gdpr=1&gdpr_consent=CQCajUAQCajUAEsACBENA_FoAP_gAEPgACiQJqMB5C5GQSBh8Gp3QZskeYUG9pBwYkAgAhQBA8ABSDoSNJgQwCAwAAiCACAIGQIAoHIAIAEACACEBECAYoAEogBEIECQIDECAIBEAAABACBAAARoEwNhEQAAgmIEIgQRwAANUUIMWEyASoBCglABLCAwAACQApcICEBQSAMSkMAIZGxcpILIABCDAEhIAlAPBAIpKBBMIAAADEEgwTUYDyFyIgmDD4NCugzZIcwot7SAgxIBAACgDBoACkHQkaRAhoEBgABEEAEgQMgABQOAAQAIAABAICIECgQAIRACIAIAgQGIAAQCIAEACAECAAACQBgbCIgADAMQIQAgzgACYgIQIsJkAkQAFBKACUEAAAAEgFQYAMICEkAIhAYAQyIiViQSQAQECAAAABCAeCARKUKAYQAAIGQRAgAA.cAAAD_gAAAA&addtl_consent=1~3002.3055.2343.1638.2652.2839.3292.1782.2767.495.2465.2322.445.1423.3005.1092.2559.2854.3012.3163.3126.2867.803.1558.2572.904.149.494.192.2651.2874.228.415.2687.2695.1415.1832.1307.559.2328.2400.358.2220.3025.3155.3234.3299.3330.1525.1712.2690.4531.7235.2920.2316.2805.540.1985.2510.1842.3244.3172.979.2949.2798.3251.9731.1215.424.2768.1301.2056.1186.2358.2919.3070.2481.2517.2898.3128.2373.108.259.899.1697.1944.2145.211.2411.89.1031.3253.2052.2577.3109.1786.2088.2656.2770.2922.2964.3230.3194.2669.397.2137.311.2677.3130.2569.491.2461.2684.2950.2878.117.1591.1205.2183.1579.2425.1097.2787.3010.3089.3017.3331.2571.486.1270.2133.55.2816.4131.2628.981.2822.2074.2642.1808.2527.2650.3290.2535.737.2427.2312.2542.2729.2844.3189.2887.1866&redir=https%3A%2F%2Fcm.g.doubleclick.net%2Fpixel%3Fgoogle_nid%3Dspotxchange_dbm%26google_hm%3D%24SPOTX_BASE64_USER_ID:1

   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED


   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

moatad.js:140 [Violation] Permissions policy violation: accelerometer is not allowed in this document. b.xc.ynds @ moatad.js:140 [Violation] Permissions policy violation: accelerometer is not allowed in this document. b.xc.ynds @ moatad.js:140 moatad.js:140 The deviceorientation events are blocked by permissions policy. See https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-permissions-policy/blob/master/features.md#sensor-features b.xc.ynds @ moatad.js:140 The deviceorientation events are blocked by permissions policy. See https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-permissions-policy/blob/master/features.md#sensor-features

Additional context

No response

PatrykPaluch commented 1 month ago

Cleaning app data worked for me (warning, you will need to login with password after this).

  1. Open dev tools (F12 or right click > Inspect)
  2. Navigate to "Application" tab -> Storage -> Clear site data
  3. Refresh page (F5).

If you get blocked by debugger after opening dev tools then click "Deactivate breakpoints" button: image


boiiseuskera commented 1 month ago

Still gets stuck in the loading screen though..

boiiseuskera commented 1 month ago

Even if I try with different browsers it does not load, maybe it's a computer problem? Anyone else with this issue?

boiiseuskera commented 1 month ago

Issue is solved, just had to reinstall the app and it loads perfectly

quackadillyblip commented 1 month ago

have the same issue

reinstalling does not work for me.

after i clear the storage, i can log in after restarting. but then the app lags. i can barely set graphics to minimal and the app seems to render ok. after i close the app and restart I need to redo the whole process again, as i'm again stuck at the loading screen.

I found this issue: image