tetsuzawa / isucon9-qualify-suburi-20230114

0 stars 0 forks source link

ベンチマークスレッド #4

Open tetsuzawa opened 1 year ago

tetsuzawa commented 1 year ago


cd isucari
./bin/benchmarker -target-url= -payment-url= -shipment-url=
tetsuzawa commented 1 year ago


2023/01/14 01:55:07 main.go:212: 2510 0
tetsuzawa commented 1 year ago


180 0 169 0 11 0 GET /users/transactions.json 0.020 7.291 518.057 2.878 5.632 0.000 26998.000 19559.389
1096 0 1095 0 1 0 GET /new_items/\d+.json 0.020 0.776 110.252 0.101 0.320 0.000 24032.000 23461.302
63 0 35 0 28 0 POST /buy 0.000 1.628 61.168 0.971 1.612 29.000 49.000 36.333
296 0 296 0 0 0 GET /users/\d+.json 0.012 0.692 29.892 0.101 0.296 95.000 24011.000 14354.696
136 0 136 0 0 0 GET /new_items.json 0.040 0.596 28.632 0.211 0.496 23076.000 23756.000 23419.066
49 0 31 0 18 0 POST /ship_done 0.804 0.812 26.602 0.543 0.812 29.000 83.000 39.755
46 0 31 0 15 0 POST /ship 0.738 0.812 23.370 0.508 0.808 0.000 61.000 51.152
28 0 28 0 0 0 POST /complete 0.004 0.808 20.144 0.719 0.808 34.000 34.000 34.000
62 0 54 0 8 0 POST /login 0.068 0.584 12.528 0.202 0.500 73.000 107.000 94.468
3063 0 3062 0 1 0 GET /items/\d+.json 0.006 0.076 5.706 0.002 0.004 0.000 4151.000 2188.015
58 0 58 0 0 0 GET /upload/[0-9a-zA-Z]+.jpg 0.000 0.332 5.064 0.087 0.212 52251.000 144808.000 81517.586
1 0 1 0 0 0 POST /initialize 5.036 5.036 5.036 5.036 5.036 31.000 31.000 31.000
54 0 54 0 0 0 GET /settings 0.000 0.180 2.212 0.041 0.164 2939.000 2956.000 2946.648
62 0 41 0 21 0 POST /sell 0.004 0.488 1.864 0.030 0.164 13.000 106.000 35.806
13 0 13 0 0 0 POST /bump 0.004 0.136 0.192 0.015 0.136 89.000 92.000 90.769
44 0 31 0 13 0 GET /transactions/\d+.png 0.000 0.004 0.040 0.001 0.004 33.000 634.000 446.614
10 0 3 0 7 0 POST /items/edit 0.000 0.020 0.036 0.004 0.020 58.000 93.000 68.300
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/main.babc3d4d.chunk.js 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 90365.000 90365.000 90365.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/runtime~main.a8a9905a.js 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1502.000 1502.000 1502.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/2.ff6e1067.chunk.js 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 508459.000 508459.000 508459.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/css/main.19393e92.chunk.css 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 994.000 994.000 994.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /reports.json 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 124345.000 124345.000 124345.000
tetsuzawa commented 1 year ago


Fetching profile over HTTP from http://localhost:8000/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=60
Please wait... (1m0s)
Saved profile in /home/isucon/pprof/pprof.isucari.samples.cpu.001.pb.gz
Total: 15.47s
ROUTINE ======================== main.APIShipmentStatus in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/api.go
         0       10ms (flat, cum) 0.065% of Total
         .          .    173:       }
         .          .    174:       return nil, fmt.Errorf("status code: %d; body: %s", res.StatusCode, b)
         .          .    175:   }
         .          .    176:
         .          .    177:   ssr := &APIShipmentStatusRes{}
         .       10ms    178:   err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&ssr)
         .          .    179:   if err != nil {
         .          .    180:       return nil, err
         .          .    181:   }
         .          .    182:
         .          .    183:   return ssr, nil
ROUTINE ======================== main.getCategoryByID in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
      30ms      6.68s (flat, cum) 43.18% of Total
         .          .    413:   userSimple.AccountName = user.AccountName
         .          .    414:   userSimple.NumSellItems = user.NumSellItems
         .          .    415:   return userSimple, err
         .          .    416:}
         .          .    417:
         .       60ms    418:func getCategoryByID(q sqlx.Queryer, categoryID int) (category Category, err error) {
         .      4.46s    419:   err = sqlx.Get(q, &category, "SELECT * FROM `categories` WHERE `id` = ?", categoryID)
      30ms       30ms    420:   if category.ParentID != 0 {
         .      2.13s    421:       parentCategory, err := getCategoryByID(q, category.ParentID)
         .          .    422:       if err != nil {
         .          .    423:           return category, err
         .          .    424:       }
         .          .    425:       category.ParentCategoryName = parentCategory.CategoryName
         .          .    426:   }
ROUTINE ======================== main.getConfigByName in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       80ms (flat, cum)  0.52% of Total
         .          .    427:   return category, err
         .          .    428:}
         .          .    429:
         .          .    430:func getConfigByName(name string) (string, error) {
         .          .    431:   config := Config{}
         .       80ms    432:   err := dbx.Get(&config, "SELECT * FROM `configs` WHERE `name` = ?", name)
         .          .    433:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .    434:       return "", nil
         .          .    435:   }
         .          .    436:   if err != nil {
         .          .    437:       log.Print(err)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getImageURL in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       60ms (flat, cum)  0.39% of Total
         .          .   2319:       Error string `json:"error"`
         .          .   2320:   }{Error: msg})
         .          .   2321:}
         .          .   2322:
         .          .   2323:func getImageURL(imageName string) string {
         .       60ms   2324:   return fmt.Sprintf("/upload/%s", imageName)
         .          .   2325:}
ROUTINE ======================== main.getItem in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      900ms (flat, cum)  5.82% of Total
         .          .   1023:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rts)
         .          .   1024:
         .          .   1025:}
         .          .   1026:
         .          .   1027:func getItem(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       10ms   1028:   itemIDStr := pat.Param(r, "item_id")
         .          .   1029:   itemID, err := strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .   1030:   if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .   1031:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect item id")
         .          .   1032:       return
         .          .   1033:   }
         .          .   1034:
         .      330ms   1035:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1036:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1037:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1038:       return
         .          .   1039:   }
         .          .   1040:
         .          .   1041:   item := Item{}
         .      110ms   1042:   err = dbx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `id` = ?", itemID)
         .          .   1043:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1044:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1045:       return
         .          .   1046:   }
         .          .   1047:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1048:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1049:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1050:       return
         .          .   1051:   }
         .          .   1052:
         .      210ms   1053:   category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .   1054:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1055:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .   1056:       return
         .          .   1057:   }
         .          .   1058:
         .      170ms   1059:   seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .   1060:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1061:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .   1062:       return
         .          .   1063:   }
         .          .   1064:
         .          .   1065:   itemDetail := ItemDetail{
         .          .   1066:       ID:       item.ID,
         .          .   1067:       SellerID: item.SellerID,
         .          .   1068:       Seller:   &seller,
         .          .   1069:       // BuyerID
         .          .   1070:       // Buyer
         .          .   1071:       Status:      item.Status,
         .          .   1072:       Name:        item.Name,
         .          .   1073:       Price:       item.Price,
         .          .   1074:       Description: item.Description,
         .          .   1075:       ImageURL:    getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .   1076:       CategoryID:  item.CategoryID,
         .          .   1077:       // TransactionEvidenceID
         .          .   1078:       // TransactionEvidenceStatus
         .          .   1079:       // ShippingStatus
         .          .   1080:       Category:  &category,
         .          .   1081:       CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   1082:   }
         .          .   1083:
         .          .   1084:   if (user.ID == item.SellerID || user.ID == item.BuyerID) && item.BuyerID != 0 {
         .       10ms   1085:       buyer, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.BuyerID)
         .          .   1086:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1087:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "buyer not found")
         .          .   1088:           return
         .          .   1089:       }
         .          .   1090:       itemDetail.BuyerID = item.BuyerID
         .          .   1091:       itemDetail.Buyer = &buyer
         .          .   1092:
         .          .   1093:       transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .          .   1094:       err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM `transaction_evidences` WHERE `item_id` = ?", item.ID)
         .          .   1095:       if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1096:           // It's able to ignore ErrNoRows
         .          .   1097:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1098:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1099:           return
         .          .   1100:       }
         .          .   1101:
         .          .   1102:       if transactionEvidence.ID > 0 {
         .          .   1103:           shipping := Shipping{}
         .       10ms   1104:           err = dbx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM `shippings` WHERE `transaction_evidence_id` = ?", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1105:           if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1106:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shipping not found")
         .          .   1107:               return
         .          .   1108:           }
         .          .   1109:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1110:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1111:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1112:               return
         .          .   1113:           }
         .          .   1114:
         .          .   1115:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceID = transactionEvidence.ID
         .          .   1116:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceStatus = transactionEvidence.Status
         .          .   1117:           itemDetail.ShippingStatus = shipping.Status
         .          .   1118:       }
         .          .   1119:   }
         .          .   1120:
         .       10ms   1121:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       40ms   1122:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(itemDetail)
         .          .   1123:}
         .          .   1124:
         .          .   1125:func postItemEdit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1126:   rie := reqItemEdit{}
         .          .   1127:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rie)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getNewCategoryItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      5.29s (flat, cum) 34.20% of Total
         .          .    605:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .          .    606:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    607:}
         .          .    608:
         .          .    609:func getNewCategoryItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       10ms    610:   rootCategoryIDStr := pat.Param(r, "root_category_id")
         .          .    611:   rootCategoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(rootCategoryIDStr)
         .          .    612:   if err != nil || rootCategoryID <= 0 {
         .          .    613:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect category id")
         .          .    614:       return
         .          .    615:   }
         .          .    616:
         .       50ms    617:   rootCategory, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, rootCategoryID)
         .          .    618:   if err != nil || rootCategory.ParentID != 0 {
         .          .    619:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    620:       return
         .          .    621:   }
         .          .    622:
         .          .    623:   var categoryIDs []int
         .       40ms    624:   err = dbx.Select(&categoryIDs, "SELECT id FROM `categories` WHERE parent_id=?", rootCategory.ID)
         .          .    625:   if err != nil {
         .          .    626:       log.Print(err)
         .          .    627:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    628:       return
         .          .    629:   }
         .          .    630:
         .          .    631:   query := r.URL.Query()
         .          .    632:   itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id")
         .          .    633:   var itemID int64
         .          .    634:   if itemIDStr != "" {
         .          .    635:       itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    636:       if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .    637:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error")
         .          .    638:           return
         .          .    639:       }
         .          .    640:   }
         .          .    641:
         .          .    642:   createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at")
         .          .    643:   var createdAt int64
         .          .    644:   if createdAtStr != "" {
         .          .    645:       createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    646:       if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 {
         .          .    647:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .    648:           return
         .          .    649:       }
         .          .    650:   }
         .          .    651:
         .          .    652:   var inQuery string
         .          .    653:   var inArgs []interface{}
         .          .    654:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    655:       // paging
         .       10ms    656:       inQuery, inArgs, err = sqlx.In(
         .          .    657:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `status` IN (?,?) AND category_id IN (?) AND (`created_at` < ?  OR (`created_at` <= ? AND `id` < ?)) ORDER BY `created_at` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    658:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    659:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    660:           categoryIDs,
         .          .    661:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    662:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    663:           itemID,
         .          .    664:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    665:       )
         .          .    666:       if err != nil {
         .          .    667:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    668:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    669:           return
         .          .    670:       }
         .          .    671:   } else {
         .          .    672:       // 1st page
         .          .    673:       inQuery, inArgs, err = sqlx.In(
         .          .    674:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `status` IN (?,?) AND category_id IN (?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    675:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    676:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    677:           categoryIDs,
         .          .    678:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    679:       )
         .          .    680:       if err != nil {
         .          .    681:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    682:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    683:           return
         .          .    684:       }
         .          .    685:   }
         .          .    686:
         .          .    687:   items := []Item{}
         .      260ms    688:   err = dbx.Select(&items, inQuery, inArgs...)
         .          .    689:
         .          .    690:   if err != nil {
         .          .    691:       log.Print(err)
         .          .    692:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    693:       return
         .          .    694:   }
         .          .    695:
         .          .    696:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .       10ms    697:   for _, item := range items {
         .      1.76s    698:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .    699:       if err != nil {
         .          .    700:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .    701:           return
         .          .    702:       }
         .      2.97s    703:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    704:       if err != nil {
         .          .    705:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    706:           return
         .          .    707:       }
         .       10ms    708:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    709:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    710:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    711:           Seller:     &seller,
         .          .    712:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    713:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    714:           Price:      item.Price,
         .       50ms    715:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    716:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    717:           Category:   &category,
         .          .    718:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    719:       })
         .          .    720:   }
         .          .    721:
         .          .    722:   hasNext := false
         .          .    723:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    724:       hasNext = true
         .          .    725:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    726:   }
         .          .    727:
         .          .    728:   rni := resNewItems{
         .          .    729:       RootCategoryID:   rootCategory.ID,
         .          .    730:       RootCategoryName: rootCategory.CategoryName,
         .          .    731:       Items:            itemSimples,
         .          .    732:       HasNext:          hasNext,
         .          .    733:   }
         .          .    734:
         .          .    735:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .      120ms    736:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    737:
         .          .    738:}
         .          .    739:
         .          .    740:func getUserItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    741:   userIDStr := pat.Param(r, "user_id")
ROUTINE ======================== main.getNewItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      810ms (flat, cum)  5.24% of Total
         .          .    534:   }
         .          .    535:
         .          .    536:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    537:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    538:       // paging
         .       30ms    539:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    540:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `status` IN (?,?) AND (`created_at` < ?  OR (`created_at` <= ? AND `id` < ?)) ORDER BY `created_at` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    541:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    542:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    543:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    544:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    545:           itemID,
         .          .    546:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    547:       )
         .          .    548:       if err != nil {
         .          .    549:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    550:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    551:           return
         .          .    552:       }
         .          .    553:   } else {
         .          .    554:       // 1st page
         .          .    555:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    556:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `status` IN (?,?) ORDER BY `created_at` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    557:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    558:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    559:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    560:       )
         .          .    561:       if err != nil {
         .          .    562:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    563:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    564:           return
         .          .    565:       }
         .          .    566:   }
         .          .    567:
         .          .    568:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .          .    569:   for _, item := range items {
         .      260ms    570:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .    571:       if err != nil {
         .          .    572:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .    573:           return
         .          .    574:       }
         .      500ms    575:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    576:       if err != nil {
         .          .    577:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    578:           return
         .          .    579:       }
         .          .    580:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    581:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    582:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    583:           Seller:     &seller,
         .          .    584:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    585:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    586:           Price:      item.Price,
         .          .    587:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    588:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    589:           Category:   &category,
         .          .    590:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    591:       })
         .          .    592:   }
         .          .    593:
         .          .    594:   hasNext := false
         .          .    595:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    596:       hasNext = true
         .          .    597:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    598:   }
         .          .    599:
         .          .    600:   rni := resNewItems{
         .          .    601:       Items:   itemSimples,
         .          .    602:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .    603:   }
         .          .    604:
         .          .    605:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       20ms    606:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    607:}
         .          .    608:
         .          .    609:func getNewCategoryItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    610:   rootCategoryIDStr := pat.Param(r, "root_category_id")
         .          .    611:   rootCategoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(rootCategoryIDStr)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getSession in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      250ms (flat, cum)  1.62% of Total
         .          .    366:   mux.Handle(pat.Get("/*"), http.FileServer(http.Dir("../public")))
         .          .    367:   log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", mux))
         .          .    368:}
         .          .    369:
         .          .    370:func getSession(r *http.Request) *sessions.Session {
         .      250ms    371:   session, _ := store.Get(r, sessionName)
         .          .    372:
         .          .    373:   return session
         .          .    374:}
         .          .    375:
         .          .    376:func getCSRFToken(r *http.Request) string {
ROUTINE ======================== main.getSettings in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       10ms (flat, cum) 0.065% of Total
         .          .   2148:}
         .          .   2149:
         .          .   2150:func getSettings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   2151:   csrfToken := getCSRFToken(r)
         .          .   2152:
         .       10ms   2153:   user, _, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   2154:
         .          .   2155:   ress := resSetting{}
         .          .   2156:   ress.CSRFToken = csrfToken
         .          .   2157:   if errMsg == "" {
         .          .   2158:       ress.User = &user
ROUTINE ======================== main.getShipmentServiceURL in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       80ms (flat, cum)  0.52% of Total
         .          .    447:   }
         .          .    448:   return val
         .          .    449:}
         .          .    450:
         .          .    451:func getShipmentServiceURL() string {
         .       80ms    452:   val, _ := getConfigByName("shipment_service_url")
         .          .    453:   if val == "" {
         .          .    454:       return DefaultShipmentServiceURL
         .          .    455:   }
         .          .    456:   return val
         .          .    457:}
ROUTINE ======================== main.getTransactions in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      530ms (flat, cum)  3.43% of Total
         .          .    845:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rui)
         .          .    846:}
         .          .    847:
         .          .    848:func getTransactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    849:
         .       10ms    850:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .    851:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .    852:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .    853:       return
         .          .    854:   }
         .          .    855:
         .          .    856:   query := r.URL.Query()
         .          .    857:   itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id")
         .          .    858:   var err error
         .          .    859:   var itemID int64
         .          .    860:   if itemIDStr != "" {
         .          .    861:       itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    862:       if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .    863:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error")
         .          .    864:           return
         .          .    865:       }
         .          .    866:   }
         .          .    867:
         .          .    868:   createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at")
         .          .    869:   var createdAt int64
         .          .    870:   if createdAtStr != "" {
         .          .    871:       createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    872:       if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 {
         .          .    873:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .    874:           return
         .          .    875:       }
         .          .    876:   }
         .          .    877:
         .          .    878:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .    879:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    880:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    881:       // paging
         .          .    882:       err := tx.Select(&items,
         .          .    883:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE (`seller_id` = ? OR `buyer_id` = ?) AND `status` IN (?,?,?,?,?) AND (`created_at` < ?  OR (`created_at` <= ? AND `id` < ?)) ORDER BY `created_at` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    884:           user.ID,
         .          .    885:           user.ID,
         .          .    886:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    887:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    888:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    889:           ItemStatusCancel,
         .          .    890:           ItemStatusStop,
         .          .    891:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    892:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    893:           itemID,
         .          .    894:           TransactionsPerPage+1,
         .          .    895:       )
         .          .    896:       if err != nil {
         .          .    897:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    898:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    899:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .    900:           return
         .          .    901:       }
         .          .    902:   } else {
         .          .    903:       // 1st page
         .       10ms    904:       err := tx.Select(&items,
         .          .    905:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE (`seller_id` = ? OR `buyer_id` = ?) AND `status` IN (?,?,?,?,?) ORDER BY `created_at` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    906:           user.ID,
         .          .    907:           user.ID,
         .          .    908:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    909:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    910:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    911:           ItemStatusCancel,
         .          .    912:           ItemStatusStop,
         .          .    913:           TransactionsPerPage+1,
         .          .    914:       )
         .          .    915:       if err != nil {
         .          .    916:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    917:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    918:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .    919:           return
         .          .    920:       }
         .          .    921:   }
         .          .    922:
         .          .    923:   itemDetails := []ItemDetail{}
         .          .    924:   for _, item := range items {
         .       80ms    925:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(tx, item.SellerID)
         .          .    926:       if err != nil {
         .          .    927:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .    928:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .    929:           return
         .          .    930:       }
         .      210ms    931:       category, err := getCategoryByID(tx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    932:       if err != nil {
         .          .    933:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    934:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .    935:           return
         .          .    936:       }
         .          .    937:
         .          .    938:       itemDetail := ItemDetail{
         .          .    939:           ID:       item.ID,
         .          .    940:           SellerID: item.SellerID,
         .          .    941:           Seller:   &seller,
         .          .    942:           // BuyerID
         .          .    943:           // Buyer
         .          .    944:           Status:      item.Status,
         .          .    945:           Name:        item.Name,
         .          .    946:           Price:       item.Price,
         .          .    947:           Description: item.Description,
         .          .    948:           ImageURL:    getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    949:           CategoryID:  item.CategoryID,
         .          .    950:           // TransactionEvidenceID
         .          .    951:           // TransactionEvidenceStatus
         .          .    952:           // ShippingStatus
         .          .    953:           Category:  &category,
         .          .    954:           CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    955:       }
         .          .    956:
         .          .    957:       if item.BuyerID != 0 {
         .       30ms    958:           buyer, err := getUserSimpleByID(tx, item.BuyerID)
         .          .    959:           if err != nil {
         .          .    960:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "buyer not found")
         .          .    961:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .    962:               return
         .          .    963:           }
         .          .    964:           itemDetail.BuyerID = item.BuyerID
         .          .    965:           itemDetail.Buyer = &buyer
         .          .    966:       }
         .          .    967:
         .          .    968:       transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .       80ms    969:       err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM `transaction_evidences` WHERE `item_id` = ?", item.ID)
         .          .    970:       if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .    971:           // It's able to ignore ErrNoRows
         .          .    972:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    973:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    974:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .    975:           return
         .          .    976:       }
         .          .    977:
         .          .    978:       if transactionEvidence.ID > 0 {
         .          .    979:           shipping := Shipping{}
         .       40ms    980:           err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM `shippings` WHERE `transaction_evidence_id` = ?", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .    981:           if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .    982:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shipping not found")
         .          .    983:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .    984:               return
         .          .    985:           }
         .          .    986:           if err != nil {
         .          .    987:               log.Print(err)
         .          .    988:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    989:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .    990:               return
         .          .    991:           }
         .       50ms    992:           ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{
         .          .    993:               ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .    994:           })
         .          .    995:           if err != nil {
         .          .    996:               log.Print(err)
         .          .    997:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
         .          .    998:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .    999:               return
         .          .   1000:           }
         .          .   1001:
         .          .   1002:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceID = transactionEvidence.ID
         .          .   1003:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceStatus = transactionEvidence.Status
         .          .   1004:           itemDetail.ShippingStatus = ssr.Status
         .          .   1005:       }
         .          .   1006:
         .          .   1007:       itemDetails = append(itemDetails, itemDetail)
         .          .   1008:   }
         .          .   1009:   tx.Commit()
         .          .   1010:
         .          .   1011:   hasNext := false
         .          .   1012:   if len(itemDetails) > TransactionsPerPage {
         .          .   1013:       hasNext = true
         .          .   1014:       itemDetails = itemDetails[0:TransactionsPerPage]
         .          .   1015:   }
         .          .   1016:
         .          .   1017:   rts := resTransactions{
         .          .   1018:       Items:   itemDetails,
         .          .   1019:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .   1020:   }
         .          .   1021:
         .          .   1022:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       20ms   1023:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rts)
         .          .   1024:
         .          .   1025:}
         .          .   1026:
         .          .   1027:func getItem(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1028:   itemIDStr := pat.Param(r, "item_id")
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUser in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      360ms (flat, cum)  2.33% of Total
         .          .    383:
         .          .    384:   return csrfToken.(string)
         .          .    385:}
         .          .    386:
         .          .    387:func getUser(r *http.Request) (user User, errCode int, errMsg string) {
         .      250ms    388:   session := getSession(r)
         .          .    389:   userID, ok := session.Values["user_id"]
         .          .    390:   if !ok {
         .          .    391:       return user, http.StatusNotFound, "no session"
         .          .    392:   }
         .          .    393:
         .      110ms    394:   err := dbx.Get(&user, "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?", userID)
         .          .    395:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .    396:       return user, http.StatusNotFound, "user not found"
         .          .    397:   }
         .          .    398:   if err != nil {
         .          .    399:       log.Print(err)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUserItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      730ms (flat, cum)  4.72% of Total
         .          .    736:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    737:
         .          .    738:}
         .          .    739:
         .          .    740:func getUserItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       10ms    741:   userIDStr := pat.Param(r, "user_id")
         .          .    742:   userID, err := strconv.ParseInt(userIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    743:   if err != nil || userID <= 0 {
         .          .    744:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect user id")
         .          .    745:       return
         .          .    746:   }
         .          .    747:
         .          .    748:   userSimple, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, userID)
         .          .    749:   if err != nil {
         .          .    750:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "user not found")
         .          .    751:       return
         .          .    752:   }
         .          .    753:
         .          .    754:   query := r.URL.Query()
         .          .    755:   itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id")
         .          .    756:   var itemID int64
         .          .    757:   if itemIDStr != "" {
         .          .    758:       itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    759:       if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .    760:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error")
         .          .    761:           return
         .          .    762:       }
         .          .    763:   }
         .          .    764:
         .          .    765:   createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at")
         .          .    766:   var createdAt int64
         .          .    767:   if createdAtStr != "" {
         .          .    768:       createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    769:       if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 {
         .          .    770:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .    771:           return
         .          .    772:       }
         .          .    773:   }
         .          .    774:
         .          .    775:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    776:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    777:       // paging
         .       50ms    778:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    779:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `seller_id` = ? AND `status` IN (?,?,?) AND (`created_at` < ?  OR (`created_at` <= ? AND `id` < ?)) ORDER BY `created_at` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    780:           userSimple.ID,
         .          .    781:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    782:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    783:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    784:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    785:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    786:           itemID,
         .          .    787:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    788:       )
         .          .    789:       if err != nil {
         .          .    790:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    791:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    792:           return
         .          .    793:       }
         .          .    794:   } else {
         .          .    795:       // 1st page
         .       40ms    796:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    797:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `seller_id` = ? AND `status` IN (?,?,?) ORDER BY `created_at` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    798:           userSimple.ID,
         .          .    799:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    800:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    801:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    802:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    803:       )
         .          .    804:       if err != nil {
         .          .    805:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    806:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    807:           return
         .          .    808:       }
         .          .    809:   }
         .          .    810:
         .          .    811:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .          .    812:   for _, item := range items {
         .      600ms    813:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    814:       if err != nil {
         .          .    815:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    816:           return
         .          .    817:       }
         .          .    818:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    819:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    820:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    821:           Seller:     &userSimple,
         .          .    822:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    823:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    824:           Price:      item.Price,
         .       10ms    825:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    826:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    827:           Category:   &category,
         .          .    828:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    829:       })
         .          .    830:   }
         .          .    831:
         .          .    832:   hasNext := false
         .          .    833:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    834:       hasNext = true
         .          .    835:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    836:   }
         .          .    837:
         .          .    838:   rui := resUserItems{
         .          .    839:       User:    &userSimple,
         .          .    840:       Items:   itemSimples,
         .          .    841:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .    842:   }
         .          .    843:
         .          .    844:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       20ms    845:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rui)
         .          .    846:}
         .          .    847:
         .          .    848:func getTransactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    849:
         .          .    850:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUserSimpleByID in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      2.31s (flat, cum) 14.93% of Total
         .          .    402:
         .          .    403:   return user, http.StatusOK, ""
         .          .    404:}
         .          .    405:
         .          .    406:func getUserSimpleByID(q sqlx.Queryer, userID int64) (userSimple UserSimple, err error) {
         .       20ms    407:   user := User{}
         .      2.29s    408:   err = sqlx.Get(q, &user, "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?", userID)
         .          .    409:   if err != nil {
         .          .    410:       return userSimple, err
         .          .    411:   }
         .          .    412:   userSimple.ID = user.ID
         .          .    413:   userSimple.AccountName = user.AccountName
ROUTINE ======================== main.main in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      100ms (flat, cum)  0.65% of Total
         .          .    362:   mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/transactions/:transaction_id"), getIndex)
         .          .    363:   mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/users/:user_id"), getIndex)
         .          .    364:   mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/users/setting"), getIndex)
         .          .    365:   // Assets
         .          .    366:   mux.Handle(pat.Get("/*"), http.FileServer(http.Dir("../public")))
         .      100ms    367:   log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", mux))
         .          .    368:}
         .          .    369:
         .          .    370:func getSession(r *http.Request) *sessions.Session {
         .          .    371:   session, _ := store.Get(r, sessionName)
         .          .    372:
ROUTINE ======================== main.postBuy in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       20ms (flat, cum)  0.13% of Total
         .          .   1387:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1388:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1389:       return
         .          .   1390:   }
         .          .   1391:
         .       20ms   1392:   scr, err := APIShipmentCreate(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentCreateReq{
         .          .   1393:       ToAddress:   buyer.Address,
         .          .   1394:       ToName:      buyer.AccountName,
         .          .   1395:       FromAddress: seller.Address,
         .          .   1396:       FromName:    seller.AccountName,
         .          .   1397:   })
ROUTINE ======================== main.postComplete in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       20ms (flat, cum)  0.13% of Total
         .          .   1820:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1821:       return
         .          .   1822:   }
         .          .   1823:
         .          .   1824:   shipping := Shipping{}
         .       10ms   1825:   err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM `shippings` WHERE `transaction_evidence_id` = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1826:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1827:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1828:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1829:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1830:       return
         .          .   1831:   }
         .          .   1832:
         .       10ms   1833:   ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{
         .          .   1834:       ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1835:   })
         .          .   1836:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1837:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1838:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
ROUTINE ======================== main.postLogin in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      3.92s (flat, cum) 25.34% of Total
         .          .   2202:
         .          .   2203:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2204:       return
         .          .   2205:   }
         .          .   2206:
         .      3.92s   2207:   err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(u.HashedPassword, []byte(password))
         .          .   2208:   if err == bcrypt.ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword {
         .          .   2209:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "アカウント名かパスワードが間違えています")
         .          .   2210:       return
         .          .   2211:   }
         .          .   2212:   if err != nil {
ROUTINE ======================== main.postSell in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       30ms (flat, cum)  0.19% of Total
         .          .   1891:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .          .   1892:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resBuy{TransactionEvidenceID: transactionEvidence.ID})
         .          .   1893:}
         .          .   1894:
         .          .   1895:func postSell(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       10ms   1896:   csrfToken := r.FormValue("csrf_token")
         .          .   1897:   name := r.FormValue("name")
         .          .   1898:   description := r.FormValue("description")
         .          .   1899:   priceStr := r.FormValue("price")
         .          .   1900:   categoryIDStr := r.FormValue("category_id")
         .          .   1901:
         .          .   1902:   f, header, err := r.FormFile("image")
         .          .   1903:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1904:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1905:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "image error")
         .          .   1906:       return
         .          .   1907:   }
         .          .   1908:   defer f.Close()
         .          .   1909:
         .          .   1910:   if csrfToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   1911:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   1912:       return
         .          .   1913:   }
         .          .   1914:
         .          .   1915:   categoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(categoryIDStr)
         .          .   1916:   if err != nil || categoryID < 0 {
         .          .   1917:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "category id error")
         .          .   1918:       return
         .          .   1919:   }
         .          .   1920:
         .          .   1921:   price, err := strconv.Atoi(priceStr)
         .          .   1922:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1923:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "price error")
         .          .   1924:       return
         .          .   1925:   }
         .          .   1926:
         .          .   1927:   if name == "" || description == "" || price == 0 || categoryID == 0 {
         .          .   1928:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "all parameters are required")
         .          .   1929:
         .          .   1930:       return
         .          .   1931:   }
         .          .   1932:
         .          .   1933:   if price < ItemMinPrice || price > ItemMaxPrice {
         .          .   1934:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, ItemPriceErrMsg)
         .          .   1935:
         .          .   1936:       return
         .          .   1937:   }
         .          .   1938:
         .       10ms   1939:   category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, categoryID)
         .          .   1940:   if err != nil || category.ParentID == 0 {
         .          .   1941:       log.Print(categoryID, category)
         .          .   1942:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "Incorrect category ID")
         .          .   1943:       return
         .          .   1944:   }
         .          .   1945:
         .          .   1946:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1947:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1948:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1949:       return
         .          .   1950:   }
         .          .   1951:
         .       10ms   1952:   img, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
         .          .   1953:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1954:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1955:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "image error")
         .          .   1956:       return
         .          .   1957:   }
ROUTINE ======================== main.postShip in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       20ms (flat, cum)  0.13% of Total
         .          .   1478:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   1479:
         .          .   1480:       return
         .          .   1481:   }
         .          .   1482:
         .       10ms   1483:   seller, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1484:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1485:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1486:       return
         .          .   1487:   }
         .          .   1488:
         .          .   1489:   transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .          .   1490:   err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM `transaction_evidences` WHERE `item_id` = ?", itemID)
         .          .   1491:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1492:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found")
         .          .   1493:       return
         .          .   1494:   }
         .          .   1495:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1496:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1497:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1498:
         .          .   1499:       return
         .          .   1500:   }
         .          .   1501:
         .          .   1502:   if transactionEvidence.SellerID != seller.ID {
         .          .   1503:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "権限がありません")
         .          .   1504:       return
         .          .   1505:   }
         .          .   1506:
         .          .   1507:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1508:
         .          .   1509:   item := Item{}
         .          .   1510:   err = tx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `id` = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1511:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1512:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1513:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1514:       return
         .          .   1515:   }
         .          .   1516:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1517:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1518:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1519:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1520:       return
         .          .   1521:   }
         .          .   1522:
         .          .   1523:   if item.Status != ItemStatusTrading {
         .          .   1524:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "商品が取引中ではありません")
         .          .   1525:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1526:       return
         .          .   1527:   }
         .          .   1528:
         .          .   1529:   err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM `transaction_evidences` WHERE `id` = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1530:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1531:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found")
         .          .   1532:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1533:       return
         .          .   1534:   }
         .          .   1535:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1536:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1537:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1538:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1539:       return
         .          .   1540:   }
         .          .   1541:
         .          .   1542:   if transactionEvidence.Status != TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitShipping {
         .          .   1543:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "準備ができていません")
         .          .   1544:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1545:       return
         .          .   1546:   }
         .          .   1547:
         .          .   1548:   shipping := Shipping{}
         .          .   1549:   err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM `shippings` WHERE `transaction_evidence_id` = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1550:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1551:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shippings not found")
         .          .   1552:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1553:       return
         .          .   1554:   }
         .          .   1555:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1556:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1557:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1558:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1559:       return
         .          .   1560:   }
         .          .   1561:
         .       10ms   1562:   img, err := APIShipmentRequest(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentRequestReq{
         .          .   1563:       ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1564:   })
         .          .   1565:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1566:       log.Print(err)
tetsuzawa commented 1 year ago

category cache

186 0 177 0 9 0 GET /users/transactions.json 0.020 8.116 539.968 2.903 5.636 0.000 30529.000 19960.237
1398 0 1397 0 1 0 GET /new_items/\d+.json 0.006 0.632 75.362 0.054 0.180 0.000 24043.000 23497.079
68 0 40 0 28 0 POST /buy 1.604 1.644 69.256 1.018 1.616 29.000 49.000 36.162
58 0 37 0 21 0 POST /ship_done 0.804 0.808 32.208 0.555 0.808 29.000 83.000 39.672
54 0 39 0 15 0 POST /ship 0.379 0.816 29.459 0.546 0.812 0.000 61.000 52.611
34 0 32 0 2 0 POST /complete 0.004 0.820 24.570 0.723 0.816 0.000 34.000 32.000
304 0 304 0 0 0 GET /users/\d+.json 0.012 0.288 21.784 0.072 0.212 100.000 23919.000 14780.257
139 0 139 0 0 0 GET /new_items.json 0.028 0.424 20.204 0.145 0.372 23035.000 23752.000 23432.165
62 0 54 0 8 0 POST /login 0.060 0.380 11.024 0.178 0.368 73.000 105.000 94.387
1 0 1 0 0 0 POST /initialize 4.892 4.892 4.892 4.892 4.892 31.000 31.000 31.000
3697 0 3697 0 0 0 GET /items/\d+.json 0.000 0.188 4.580 0.001 0.004 1843.000 4026.000 2178.380
58 0 58 0 0 0 GET /upload/[0-9a-zA-Z]+.jpg 0.000 0.216 4.424 0.076 0.152 52361.000 151233.000 79065.397
54 0 54 0 0 0 GET /settings 0.000 0.240 2.576 0.048 0.192 2940.000 2954.000 2946.556
65 0 44 0 21 0 POST /sell 0.000 0.252 1.764 0.027 0.180 13.000 106.000 34.754
13 0 13 0 0 0 POST /bump 0.004 0.228 0.288 0.022 0.228 90.000 91.000 90.769
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/css/main.19393e92.chunk.css 0.088 0.088 0.088 0.088 0.088 994.000 994.000 994.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/main.babc3d4d.chunk.js 0.064 0.064 0.064 0.064 0.064 90365.000 90365.000 90365.000
51 0 37 0 14 0 GET /transactions/\d+.png 0.000 0.008 0.044 0.001 0.004 33.000 629.000 458.725
10 0 3 0 7 0 POST /items/edit 0.004 0.008 0.020 0.002 0.008 58.000 93.000 68.300
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/2.ff6e1067.chunk.js 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 508459.000 508459.000 508459.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/runtime~main.a8a9905a.js 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1502.000 1502.000 1502.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /reports.json 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 139095.000 139095.000 139095.000
$ go tool pprof -list main. -cum -seconds 60 http://localhost:8000/debug/pprof/profile
Fetching profile over HTTP from http://localhost:8000/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=60
Please wait... (1m0s)
Saved profile in /home/isucon/pprof/pprof.isucari.samples.cpu.001.pb.gz
Total: 8.81s
ROUTINE ======================== main.APIShipmentStatus in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/api.go
         0       20ms (flat, cum)  0.23% of Total
         .          .    149:}
         .          .    150:
         .          .    151:func APIShipmentStatus(shipmentURL string, param *APIShipmentStatusReq) (*APIShipmentStatusRes, error) {
         .          .    152:   b, _ := json.Marshal(param)
         .          .    153:
         .       10ms    154:   req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, shipmentURL+"/status", bytes.NewBuffer(b))
         .          .    155:   if err != nil {
         .          .    156:       return nil, err
         .          .    157:   }
         .          .    158:
         .          .    159:   req.Header.Set("User-Agent", userAgent)
         .          .    160:   req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
         .          .    161:   req.Header.Set("Authorization", IsucariAPIToken)
         .          .    162:
         .       10ms    163:   res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
         .          .    164:   if err != nil {
         .          .    165:       return nil, err
         .          .    166:   }
         .          .    167:   defer res.Body.Close()
         .          .    168:
ROUTINE ======================== main.getCSRFToken in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       40ms (flat, cum)  0.45% of Total
         .          .    372:
         .          .    373:   return session
         .          .    374:}
         .          .    375:
         .          .    376:func getCSRFToken(r *http.Request) string {
         .       40ms    377:   session := getSession(r)
         .          .    378:
         .          .    379:   csrfToken, ok := session.Values["csrf_token"]
         .          .    380:   if !ok {
         .          .    381:       return ""
         .          .    382:   }
ROUTINE ======================== main.getCategoryByID in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       10ms (flat, cum)  0.11% of Total
         .          .    425://         category.ParentCategoryName = parentCategory.CategoryName
         .          .    426://     }
         .          .    427://     return category, err
         .          .    428:// }
         .          .    429:func getCategoryByID(q sqlx.Queryer, categoryID int) (category Category, err error) {
         .       10ms    430:   return getCategoryByIDOnMemory(q, categoryID)
         .          .    431:}
         .          .    432:
         .          .    433:var categories = map[int]Category{
         .          .    434:   1:  {ID: 1, ParentID: 0, CategoryName: "ソファー", ParentCategoryName: "nan"},
         .          .    435:   2:  {ID: 2, ParentID: 1, CategoryName: "一人掛けソファー", ParentCategoryName: "ソファー"},
ROUTINE ======================== main.getCategoryByIDOnMemory in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       10ms (flat, cum)  0.11% of Total
         .          .    475:   65: {ID: 65, ParentID: 60, CategoryName: "座布団", ParentCategoryName: "座椅子"},
         .          .    476:   66: {ID: 66, ParentID: 60, CategoryName: "空気椅子", ParentCategoryName: "座椅子"},
         .          .    477:}
         .          .    478:
         .          .    479:func getCategoryByIDOnMemory(q sqlx.Queryer, categoryID int) (category Category, err error) {
         .       10ms    480:   return categories[categoryID], nil
         .          .    481:}
         .          .    482:
         .          .    483:func getConfigByName(name string) (string, error) {
         .          .    484:   config := Config{}
         .          .    485:   err := dbx.Get(&config, "SELECT * FROM `configs` WHERE `name` = ?", name)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getConfigByName in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       80ms (flat, cum)  0.91% of Total
         .          .    480:   return categories[categoryID], nil
         .          .    481:}
         .          .    482:
         .          .    483:func getConfigByName(name string) (string, error) {
         .          .    484:   config := Config{}
         .       80ms    485:   err := dbx.Get(&config, "SELECT * FROM `configs` WHERE `name` = ?", name)
         .          .    486:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .    487:       return "", nil
         .          .    488:   }
         .          .    489:   if err != nil {
         .          .    490:       log.Print(err)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getImageURL in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       80ms (flat, cum)  0.91% of Total
         .          .   2372:       Error string `json:"error"`
         .          .   2373:   }{Error: msg})
         .          .   2374:}
         .          .   2375:
         .          .   2376:func getImageURL(imageName string) string {
         .       80ms   2377:   return fmt.Sprintf("/upload/%s", imageName)
         .          .   2378:}
ROUTINE ======================== main.getItem in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
      10ms      920ms (flat, cum) 10.44% of Total
         .          .   1083:   if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .   1084:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect item id")
         .          .   1085:       return
         .          .   1086:   }
         .          .   1087:
         .      460ms   1088:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1089:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1090:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1091:       return
         .          .   1092:   }
         .          .   1093:
         .          .   1094:   item := Item{}
         .      210ms   1095:   err = dbx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `id` = ?", itemID)
         .          .   1096:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1097:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1098:       return
         .          .   1099:   }
         .          .   1100:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1101:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1102:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1103:       return
         .          .   1104:   }
         .          .   1105:
         .          .   1106:   category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .   1107:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1108:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .   1109:       return
         .          .   1110:   }
         .          .   1111:
         .      170ms   1112:   seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .   1113:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1114:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .   1115:       return
         .          .   1116:   }
         .          .   1117:
         .          .   1118:   itemDetail := ItemDetail{
         .          .   1119:       ID:       item.ID,
         .          .   1120:       SellerID: item.SellerID,
         .          .   1121:       Seller:   &seller,
         .          .   1122:       // BuyerID
         .          .   1123:       // Buyer
         .          .   1124:       Status:      item.Status,
         .          .   1125:       Name:        item.Name,
         .          .   1126:       Price:       item.Price,
         .          .   1127:       Description: item.Description,
         .          .   1128:       ImageURL:    getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .   1129:       CategoryID:  item.CategoryID,
         .          .   1130:       // TransactionEvidenceID
         .          .   1131:       // TransactionEvidenceStatus
         .          .   1132:       // ShippingStatus
         .          .   1133:       Category:  &category,
         .          .   1134:       CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   1135:   }
         .          .   1136:
         .          .   1137:   if (user.ID == item.SellerID || user.ID == item.BuyerID) && item.BuyerID != 0 {
         .          .   1138:       buyer, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.BuyerID)
         .          .   1139:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1140:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "buyer not found")
         .          .   1141:           return
         .          .   1142:       }
         .          .   1143:       itemDetail.BuyerID = item.BuyerID
         .          .   1144:       itemDetail.Buyer = &buyer
         .          .   1145:
         .          .   1146:       transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .          .   1147:       err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM `transaction_evidences` WHERE `item_id` = ?", item.ID)
         .          .   1148:       if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1149:           // It's able to ignore ErrNoRows
         .          .   1150:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1151:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1152:           return
         .          .   1153:       }
         .          .   1154:
         .          .   1155:       if transactionEvidence.ID > 0 {
         .          .   1156:           shipping := Shipping{}
         .          .   1157:           err = dbx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM `shippings` WHERE `transaction_evidence_id` = ?", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1158:           if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1159:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shipping not found")
         .          .   1160:               return
         .          .   1161:           }
         .          .   1162:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1163:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1164:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1165:               return
         .          .   1166:           }
         .          .   1167:
         .          .   1168:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceID = transactionEvidence.ID
         .          .   1169:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceStatus = transactionEvidence.Status
         .          .   1170:           itemDetail.ShippingStatus = shipping.Status
         .          .   1171:       }
         .          .   1172:   }
         .          .   1173:
         .          .   1174:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
      10ms       80ms   1175:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(itemDetail)
         .          .   1176:}
         .          .   1177:
         .          .   1178:func postItemEdit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1179:   rie := reqItemEdit{}
         .          .   1180:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rie)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getNewCategoryItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      3.15s (flat, cum) 35.75% of Total
         .          .    658:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .          .    659:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    660:}
         .          .    661:
         .          .    662:func getNewCategoryItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       20ms    663:   rootCategoryIDStr := pat.Param(r, "root_category_id")
         .          .    664:   rootCategoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(rootCategoryIDStr)
         .          .    665:   if err != nil || rootCategoryID <= 0 {
         .          .    666:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect category id")
         .          .    667:       return
         .          .    668:   }
         .          .    669:
         .          .    670:   rootCategory, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, rootCategoryID)
         .          .    671:   if err != nil || rootCategory.ParentID != 0 {
         .          .    672:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    673:       return
         .          .    674:   }
         .          .    675:
         .          .    676:   var categoryIDs []int
         .       60ms    677:   err = dbx.Select(&categoryIDs, "SELECT id FROM `categories` WHERE parent_id=?", rootCategory.ID)
         .          .    678:   if err != nil {
         .          .    679:       log.Print(err)
         .          .    680:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    681:       return
         .          .    682:   }
         .          .    683:
         .          .    684:   query := r.URL.Query()
         .          .    685:   itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id")
         .          .    686:   var itemID int64
         .          .    687:   if itemIDStr != "" {
         .          .    688:       itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    689:       if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .    690:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error")
         .          .    691:           return
         .          .    692:       }
         .          .    693:   }
         .          .    694:
         .          .    695:   createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at")
         .          .    696:   var createdAt int64
         .          .    697:   if createdAtStr != "" {
         .          .    698:       createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    699:       if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 {
         .          .    700:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .    701:           return
         .          .    702:       }
         .          .    703:   }
         .          .    704:
         .          .    705:   var inQuery string
         .          .    706:   var inArgs []interface{}
         .          .    707:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    708:       // paging
         .          .    709:       inQuery, inArgs, err = sqlx.In(
         .          .    710:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `status` IN (?,?) AND category_id IN (?) AND (`created_at` < ?  OR (`created_at` <= ? AND `id` < ?)) ORDER BY `created_at` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    711:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    712:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    713:           categoryIDs,
         .          .    714:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    715:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    716:           itemID,
         .          .    717:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    718:       )
         .          .    719:       if err != nil {
         .          .    720:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    721:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    722:           return
         .          .    723:       }
         .          .    724:   } else {
         .          .    725:       // 1st page
         .          .    726:       inQuery, inArgs, err = sqlx.In(
         .          .    727:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `status` IN (?,?) AND category_id IN (?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    728:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    729:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    730:           categoryIDs,
         .          .    731:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    732:       )
         .          .    733:       if err != nil {
         .          .    734:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    735:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    736:           return
         .          .    737:       }
         .          .    738:   }
         .          .    739:
         .          .    740:   items := []Item{}
         .      330ms    741:   err = dbx.Select(&items, inQuery, inArgs...)
         .          .    742:
         .          .    743:   if err != nil {
         .          .    744:       log.Print(err)
         .          .    745:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    746:       return
         .          .    747:   }
         .          .    748:
         .          .    749:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .          .    750:   for _, item := range items {
         .      2.42s    751:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .    752:       if err != nil {
         .          .    753:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .    754:           return
         .          .    755:       }
         .       10ms    756:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    757:       if err != nil {
         .          .    758:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    759:           return
         .          .    760:       }
         .          .    761:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    762:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    763:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    764:           Seller:     &seller,
         .          .    765:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    766:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    767:           Price:      item.Price,
         .       60ms    768:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    769:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    770:           Category:   &category,
         .          .    771:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    772:       })
         .          .    773:   }
         .          .    774:
         .          .    775:   hasNext := false
         .          .    776:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    777:       hasNext = true
         .          .    778:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    779:   }
         .          .    780:
         .          .    781:   rni := resNewItems{
         .          .    782:       RootCategoryID:   rootCategory.ID,
         .          .    783:       RootCategoryName: rootCategory.CategoryName,
         .          .    784:       Items:            itemSimples,
         .          .    785:       HasNext:          hasNext,
         .          .    786:   }
         .          .    787:
         .       10ms    788:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .      240ms    789:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    790:
         .          .    791:}
         .          .    792:
         .          .    793:func getUserItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    794:   userIDStr := pat.Param(r, "user_id")
ROUTINE ======================== main.getNewItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      250ms (flat, cum)  2.84% of Total
         .          .    587:   }
         .          .    588:
         .          .    589:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    590:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    591:       // paging
         .       30ms    592:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    593:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `status` IN (?,?) AND (`created_at` < ?  OR (`created_at` <= ? AND `id` < ?)) ORDER BY `created_at` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    594:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    595:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    596:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    597:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    598:           itemID,
         .          .    599:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    600:       )
         .          .    601:       if err != nil {
         .          .    602:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    603:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    604:           return
         .          .    605:       }
         .          .    606:   } else {
         .          .    607:       // 1st page
         .       10ms    608:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    609:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `status` IN (?,?) ORDER BY `created_at` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    610:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    611:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    612:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    613:       )
         .          .    614:       if err != nil {
         .          .    615:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    616:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    617:           return
         .          .    618:       }
         .          .    619:   }
         .          .    620:
         .          .    621:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .          .    622:   for _, item := range items {
         .      180ms    623:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .    624:       if err != nil {
         .          .    625:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .    626:           return
         .          .    627:       }
         .          .    628:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    629:       if err != nil {
         .          .    630:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    631:           return
         .          .    632:       }
         .          .    633:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    634:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    635:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    636:           Seller:     &seller,
         .          .    637:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    638:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    639:           Price:      item.Price,
         .       10ms    640:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    641:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    642:           Category:   &category,
         .          .    643:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    644:       })
         .          .    645:   }
         .          .    646:
         .          .    647:   hasNext := false
         .          .    648:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    649:       hasNext = true
         .          .    650:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    651:   }
         .          .    652:
         .          .    653:   rni := resNewItems{
         .          .    654:       Items:   itemSimples,
         .          .    655:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .    656:   }
         .          .    657:
         .          .    658:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       20ms    659:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    660:}
         .          .    661:
         .          .    662:func getNewCategoryItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    663:   rootCategoryIDStr := pat.Param(r, "root_category_id")
         .          .    664:   rootCategoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(rootCategoryIDStr)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getPaymentServiceURL in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       20ms (flat, cum)  0.23% of Total
         .          .    492:   }
         .          .    493:   return config.Val, err
         .          .    494:}
         .          .    495:
         .          .    496:func getPaymentServiceURL() string {
         .       20ms    497:   val, _ := getConfigByName("payment_service_url")
         .          .    498:   if val == "" {
         .          .    499:       return DefaultPaymentServiceURL
         .          .    500:   }
         .          .    501:   return val
         .          .    502:}
ROUTINE ======================== main.getQRCode in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       10ms (flat, cum)  0.11% of Total
         .          .   1300:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "権限がありません")
         .          .   1301:       return
         .          .   1302:   }
         .          .   1303:
         .          .   1304:   shipping := Shipping{}
         .       10ms   1305:   err = dbx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM `shippings` WHERE `transaction_evidence_id` = ?", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1306:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1307:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shippings not found")
         .          .   1308:       return
         .          .   1309:   }
         .          .   1310:   if err != nil {
ROUTINE ======================== main.getSession in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      350ms (flat, cum)  3.97% of Total
         .          .    366:   mux.Handle(pat.Get("/*"), http.FileServer(http.Dir("../public")))
         .          .    367:   log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", mux))
         .          .    368:}
         .          .    369:
         .          .    370:func getSession(r *http.Request) *sessions.Session {
         .      350ms    371:   session, _ := store.Get(r, sessionName)
         .          .    372:
         .          .    373:   return session
         .          .    374:}
         .          .    375:
         .          .    376:func getCSRFToken(r *http.Request) string {
ROUTINE ======================== main.getSettings in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       10ms (flat, cum)  0.11% of Total
         .          .   2199:       ItemUpdatedAt: targetItem.UpdatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   2200:   })
         .          .   2201:}
         .          .   2202:
         .          .   2203:func getSettings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       10ms   2204:   csrfToken := getCSRFToken(r)
         .          .   2205:
         .          .   2206:   user, _, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   2207:
         .          .   2208:   ress := resSetting{}
         .          .   2209:   ress.CSRFToken = csrfToken
ROUTINE ======================== main.getShipmentServiceURL in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       60ms (flat, cum)  0.68% of Total
         .          .    500:   }
         .          .    501:   return val
         .          .    502:}
         .          .    503:
         .          .    504:func getShipmentServiceURL() string {
         .       60ms    505:   val, _ := getConfigByName("shipment_service_url")
         .          .    506:   if val == "" {
         .          .    507:       return DefaultShipmentServiceURL
         .          .    508:   }
         .          .    509:   return val
         .          .    510:}
ROUTINE ======================== main.getTransactions in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      380ms (flat, cum)  4.31% of Total
         .          .    898:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rui)
         .          .    899:}
         .          .    900:
         .          .    901:func getTransactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    902:
         .       40ms    903:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .    904:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .    905:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .    906:       return
         .          .    907:   }
         .          .    908:
         .          .    909:   query := r.URL.Query()
         .          .    910:   itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id")
         .          .    911:   var err error
         .          .    912:   var itemID int64
         .          .    913:   if itemIDStr != "" {
         .          .    914:       itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    915:       if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .    916:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error")
         .          .    917:           return
         .          .    918:       }
         .          .    919:   }
         .          .    920:
         .          .    921:   createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at")
         .          .    922:   var createdAt int64
         .          .    923:   if createdAtStr != "" {
         .          .    924:       createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    925:       if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 {
         .          .    926:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .    927:           return
         .          .    928:       }
         .          .    929:   }
         .          .    930:
         .       10ms    931:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .    932:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    933:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    934:       // paging
         .       10ms    935:       err := tx.Select(&items,
         .          .    936:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE (`seller_id` = ? OR `buyer_id` = ?) AND `status` IN (?,?,?,?,?) AND (`created_at` < ?  OR (`created_at` <= ? AND `id` < ?)) ORDER BY `created_at` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    937:           user.ID,
         .          .    938:           user.ID,
         .          .    939:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    940:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    941:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    942:           ItemStatusCancel,
         .          .    943:           ItemStatusStop,
         .          .    944:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    945:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    946:           itemID,
         .          .    947:           TransactionsPerPage+1,
         .          .    948:       )
         .          .    949:       if err != nil {
         .          .    950:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    951:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    952:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .    953:           return
         .          .    954:       }
         .          .    955:   } else {
         .          .    956:       // 1st page
         .       10ms    957:       err := tx.Select(&items,
         .          .    958:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE (`seller_id` = ? OR `buyer_id` = ?) AND `status` IN (?,?,?,?,?) ORDER BY `created_at` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    959:           user.ID,
         .          .    960:           user.ID,
         .          .    961:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    962:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    963:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    964:           ItemStatusCancel,
         .          .    965:           ItemStatusStop,
         .          .    966:           TransactionsPerPage+1,
         .          .    967:       )
         .          .    968:       if err != nil {
         .          .    969:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    970:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    971:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .    972:           return
         .          .    973:       }
         .          .    974:   }
         .          .    975:
         .          .    976:   itemDetails := []ItemDetail{}
         .          .    977:   for _, item := range items {
         .       70ms    978:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(tx, item.SellerID)
         .          .    979:       if err != nil {
         .          .    980:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .    981:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .    982:           return
         .          .    983:       }
         .          .    984:       category, err := getCategoryByID(tx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    985:       if err != nil {
         .          .    986:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    987:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .    988:           return
         .          .    989:       }
         .          .    990:
         .          .    991:       itemDetail := ItemDetail{
         .          .    992:           ID:       item.ID,
         .          .    993:           SellerID: item.SellerID,
         .          .    994:           Seller:   &seller,
         .          .    995:           // BuyerID
         .          .    996:           // Buyer
         .          .    997:           Status:      item.Status,
         .          .    998:           Name:        item.Name,
         .          .    999:           Price:       item.Price,
         .          .   1000:           Description: item.Description,
         .          .   1001:           ImageURL:    getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .   1002:           CategoryID:  item.CategoryID,
         .          .   1003:           // TransactionEvidenceID
         .          .   1004:           // TransactionEvidenceStatus
         .          .   1005:           // ShippingStatus
         .          .   1006:           Category:  &category,
         .          .   1007:           CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   1008:       }
         .          .   1009:
         .          .   1010:       if item.BuyerID != 0 {
         .       60ms   1011:           buyer, err := getUserSimpleByID(tx, item.BuyerID)
         .          .   1012:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1013:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "buyer not found")
         .          .   1014:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1015:               return
         .          .   1016:           }
         .          .   1017:           itemDetail.BuyerID = item.BuyerID
         .          .   1018:           itemDetail.Buyer = &buyer
         .          .   1019:       }
         .          .   1020:
         .          .   1021:       transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .       50ms   1022:       err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM `transaction_evidences` WHERE `item_id` = ?", item.ID)
         .          .   1023:       if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1024:           // It's able to ignore ErrNoRows
         .          .   1025:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1026:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1027:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1028:           return
         .          .   1029:       }
         .          .   1030:
         .          .   1031:       if transactionEvidence.ID > 0 {
         .          .   1032:           shipping := Shipping{}
         .       30ms   1033:           err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM `shippings` WHERE `transaction_evidence_id` = ?", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1034:           if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1035:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shipping not found")
         .          .   1036:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1037:               return
         .          .   1038:           }
         .          .   1039:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1040:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1041:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1042:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1043:               return
         .          .   1044:           }
         .       70ms   1045:           ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{
         .          .   1046:               ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1047:           })
         .          .   1048:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1049:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1050:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
         .          .   1051:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1052:               return
         .          .   1053:           }
         .          .   1054:
         .          .   1055:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceID = transactionEvidence.ID
         .          .   1056:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceStatus = transactionEvidence.Status
         .          .   1057:           itemDetail.ShippingStatus = ssr.Status
         .          .   1058:       }
         .          .   1059:
         .          .   1060:       itemDetails = append(itemDetails, itemDetail)
         .          .   1061:   }
         .       10ms   1062:   tx.Commit()
         .          .   1063:
         .          .   1064:   hasNext := false
         .          .   1065:   if len(itemDetails) > TransactionsPerPage {
         .          .   1066:       hasNext = true
         .          .   1067:       itemDetails = itemDetails[0:TransactionsPerPage]
         .          .   1068:   }
         .          .   1069:
         .          .   1070:   rts := resTransactions{
         .          .   1071:       Items:   itemDetails,
         .          .   1072:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .   1073:   }
         .          .   1074:
         .          .   1075:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       20ms   1076:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rts)
         .          .   1077:
         .          .   1078:}
         .          .   1079:
         .          .   1080:func getItem(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1081:   itemIDStr := pat.Param(r, "item_id")
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUser in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      520ms (flat, cum)  5.90% of Total
         .          .    382:   }
         .          .    383:
         .          .    384:   return csrfToken.(string)
         .          .    385:}
         .          .    386:
         .       10ms    387:func getUser(r *http.Request) (user User, errCode int, errMsg string) {
         .      310ms    388:   session := getSession(r)
         .          .    389:   userID, ok := session.Values["user_id"]
         .          .    390:   if !ok {
         .          .    391:       return user, http.StatusNotFound, "no session"
         .          .    392:   }
         .          .    393:
         .      200ms    394:   err := dbx.Get(&user, "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?", userID)
         .          .    395:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .    396:       return user, http.StatusNotFound, "user not found"
         .          .    397:   }
         .          .    398:   if err != nil {
         .          .    399:       log.Print(err)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUserItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      120ms (flat, cum)  1.36% of Total
         .          .    796:   if err != nil || userID <= 0 {
         .          .    797:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect user id")
         .          .    798:       return
         .          .    799:   }
         .          .    800:
         .       30ms    801:   userSimple, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, userID)
         .          .    802:   if err != nil {
         .          .    803:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "user not found")
         .          .    804:       return
         .          .    805:   }
         .          .    806:
         .          .    807:   query := r.URL.Query()
         .          .    808:   itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id")
         .          .    809:   var itemID int64
         .          .    810:   if itemIDStr != "" {
         .          .    811:       itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    812:       if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .    813:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error")
         .          .    814:           return
         .          .    815:       }
         .          .    816:   }
         .          .    817:
         .          .    818:   createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at")
         .          .    819:   var createdAt int64
         .          .    820:   if createdAtStr != "" {
         .          .    821:       createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    822:       if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 {
         .          .    823:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .    824:           return
         .          .    825:       }
         .          .    826:   }
         .          .    827:
         .          .    828:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    829:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    830:       // paging
         .       20ms    831:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    832:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `seller_id` = ? AND `status` IN (?,?,?) AND (`created_at` < ?  OR (`created_at` <= ? AND `id` < ?)) ORDER BY `created_at` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    833:           userSimple.ID,
         .          .    834:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    835:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    836:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    837:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    838:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    839:           itemID,
         .          .    840:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    841:       )
         .          .    842:       if err != nil {
         .          .    843:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    844:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    845:           return
         .          .    846:       }
         .          .    847:   } else {
         .          .    848:       // 1st page
         .       50ms    849:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    850:           "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `seller_id` = ? AND `status` IN (?,?,?) ORDER BY `created_at` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    851:           userSimple.ID,
         .          .    852:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    853:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    854:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    855:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    856:       )
         .          .    857:       if err != nil {
         .          .    858:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    859:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    860:           return
         .          .    861:       }
         .          .    862:   }
         .          .    863:
         .          .    864:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .          .    865:   for _, item := range items {
         .          .    866:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    867:       if err != nil {
         .          .    868:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    869:           return
         .          .    870:       }
         .          .    871:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    872:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    873:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    874:           Seller:     &userSimple,
         .          .    875:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    876:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    877:           Price:      item.Price,
         .       10ms    878:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    879:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    880:           Category:   &category,
         .          .    881:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    882:       })
         .          .    883:   }
         .          .    884:
         .          .    885:   hasNext := false
         .          .    886:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    887:       hasNext = true
         .          .    888:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    889:   }
         .          .    890:
         .          .    891:   rui := resUserItems{
         .          .    892:       User:    &userSimple,
         .          .    893:       Items:   itemSimples,
         .          .    894:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .    895:   }
         .          .    896:
         .          .    897:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       10ms    898:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rui)
         .          .    899:}
         .          .    900:
         .          .    901:func getTransactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    902:
         .          .    903:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUserSimpleByID in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      2.93s (flat, cum) 33.26% of Total
         .          .    402:
         .          .    403:   return user, http.StatusOK, ""
         .          .    404:}
         .          .    405:
         .          .    406:func getUserSimpleByID(q sqlx.Queryer, userID int64) (userSimple UserSimple, err error) {
         .       20ms    407:   user := User{}
         .      2.91s    408:   err = sqlx.Get(q, &user, "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?", userID)
         .          .    409:   if err != nil {
         .          .    410:       return userSimple, err
         .          .    411:   }
         .          .    412:   userSimple.ID = user.ID
         .          .    413:   userSimple.AccountName = user.AccountName
ROUTINE ======================== main.main in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      100ms (flat, cum)  1.14% of Total
         .          .    362:   mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/transactions/:transaction_id"), getIndex)
         .          .    363:   mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/users/:user_id"), getIndex)
         .          .    364:   mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/users/setting"), getIndex)
         .          .    365:   // Assets
         .          .    366:   mux.Handle(pat.Get("/*"), http.FileServer(http.Dir("../public")))
         .      100ms    367:   log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", mux))
         .          .    368:}
         .          .    369:
         .          .    370:func getSession(r *http.Request) *sessions.Session {
         .          .    371:   session, _ := store.Get(r, sessionName)
         .          .    372:
ROUTINE ======================== main.postBuy in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       40ms (flat, cum)  0.45% of Total
         .          .   1333:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1334:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "json decode error")
         .          .   1335:       return
         .          .   1336:   }
         .          .   1337:
         .       10ms   1338:   if rb.CSRFToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   1339:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   1340:
         .          .   1341:       return
         .          .   1342:   }
         .          .   1343:
         .       10ms   1344:   buyer, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1345:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1346:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1347:       return
         .          .   1348:   }
         .          .   1349:
         .          .   1350:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1351:
         .          .   1352:   targetItem := Item{}
         .          .   1353:   err = tx.Get(&targetItem, "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `id` = ? FOR UPDATE", rb.ItemID)
         .          .   1354:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1355:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1356:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1357:       return
         .          .   1358:   }
         .          .   1359:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1360:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1361:
         .          .   1362:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1363:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1364:       return
         .          .   1365:   }
         .          .   1366:
         .          .   1367:   if targetItem.Status != ItemStatusOnSale {
         .          .   1368:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "item is not for sale")
         .          .   1369:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1370:       return
         .          .   1371:   }
         .          .   1372:
         .          .   1373:   if targetItem.SellerID == buyer.ID {
         .          .   1374:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "自分の商品は買えません")
         .          .   1375:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1376:       return
         .          .   1377:   }
         .          .   1378:
         .          .   1379:   seller := User{}
         .          .   1380:   err = tx.Get(&seller, "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ? FOR UPDATE", targetItem.SellerID)
         .          .   1381:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1382:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .   1383:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1384:       return
         .          .   1385:   }
         .          .   1386:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1387:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1388:
         .          .   1389:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1390:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1391:       return
         .          .   1392:   }
         .          .   1393:
         .          .   1394:   category, err := getCategoryByID(tx, targetItem.CategoryID)
         .          .   1395:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1396:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1397:
         .          .   1398:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "category id error")
         .          .   1399:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1400:       return
         .          .   1401:   }
         .          .   1402:
         .          .   1403:   result, err := tx.Exec("INSERT INTO `transaction_evidences` (`seller_id`, `buyer_id`, `status`, `item_id`, `item_name`, `item_price`, `item_description`,`item_category_id`,`item_root_category_id`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
         .          .   1404:       targetItem.SellerID,
         .          .   1405:       buyer.ID,
         .          .   1406:       TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitShipping,
         .          .   1407:       targetItem.ID,
         .          .   1408:       targetItem.Name,
         .          .   1409:       targetItem.Price,
         .          .   1410:       targetItem.Description,
         .          .   1411:       category.ID,
         .          .   1412:       category.ParentID,
         .          .   1413:   )
         .          .   1414:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1415:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1416:
         .          .   1417:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1418:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1419:       return
         .          .   1420:   }
         .          .   1421:
         .          .   1422:   transactionEvidenceID, err := result.LastInsertId()
         .          .   1423:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1424:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1425:
         .          .   1426:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1427:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1428:       return
         .          .   1429:   }
         .          .   1430:
         .          .   1431:   _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE `items` SET `buyer_id` = ?, `status` = ?, `updated_at` = ? WHERE `id` = ?",
         .          .   1432:       buyer.ID,
         .          .   1433:       ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .   1434:       time.Now(),
         .          .   1435:       targetItem.ID,
         .          .   1436:   )
         .          .   1437:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1438:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1439:
         .          .   1440:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1441:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1442:       return
         .          .   1443:   }
         .          .   1444:
         .          .   1445:   scr, err := APIShipmentCreate(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentCreateReq{
         .          .   1446:       ToAddress:   buyer.Address,
         .          .   1447:       ToName:      buyer.AccountName,
         .          .   1448:       FromAddress: seller.Address,
         .          .   1449:       FromName:    seller.AccountName,
         .          .   1450:   })
         .          .   1451:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1452:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1453:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
         .          .   1454:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1455:
         .          .   1456:       return
         .          .   1457:   }
         .          .   1458:
         .       20ms   1459:   pstr, err := APIPaymentToken(getPaymentServiceURL(), &APIPaymentServiceTokenReq{
         .          .   1460:       ShopID: PaymentServiceIsucariShopID,
         .          .   1461:       Token:  rb.Token,
         .          .   1462:       APIKey: PaymentServiceIsucariAPIKey,
         .          .   1463:       Price:  targetItem.Price,
         .          .   1464:   })
ROUTINE ======================== main.postComplete in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       40ms (flat, cum)  0.45% of Total
         .          .   1834:       return
         .          .   1835:   }
         .          .   1836:
         .          .   1837:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1838:   item := Item{}
         .       10ms   1839:   err = tx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `id` = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1840:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1841:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "items not found")
         .          .   1842:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1843:       return
         .          .   1844:   }
         .          .   1845:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1846:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1847:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1848:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1849:       return
         .          .   1850:   }
         .          .   1851:
         .          .   1852:   if item.Status != ItemStatusTrading {
         .          .   1853:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "商品が取引中ではありません")
         .          .   1854:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1855:       return
         .          .   1856:   }
         .          .   1857:
         .       10ms   1858:   err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM `transaction_evidences` WHERE `item_id` = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1859:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1860:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found")
         .          .   1861:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1862:       return
         .          .   1863:   }
         .          .   1864:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1865:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1866:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1867:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1868:       return
         .          .   1869:   }
         .          .   1870:
         .          .   1871:   if transactionEvidence.Status != TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitDone {
         .          .   1872:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "準備ができていません")
         .          .   1873:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1874:       return
         .          .   1875:   }
         .          .   1876:
         .          .   1877:   shipping := Shipping{}
         .       10ms   1878:   err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM `shippings` WHERE `transaction_evidence_id` = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1879:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1880:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1881:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1882:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1883:       return
         .          .   1884:   }
         .          .   1885:
         .       10ms   1886:   ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{
         .          .   1887:       ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1888:   })
         .          .   1889:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1890:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1891:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
ROUTINE ======================== main.postLogin in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      1.46s (flat, cum) 16.57% of Total
         .          .   2255:
         .          .   2256:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2257:       return
         .          .   2258:   }
         .          .   2259:
         .      1.46s   2260:   err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(u.HashedPassword, []byte(password))
         .          .   2261:   if err == bcrypt.ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword {
         .          .   2262:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "アカウント名かパスワードが間違えています")
         .          .   2263:       return
         .          .   2264:   }
         .          .   2265:   if err != nil {
ROUTINE ======================== main.postSell in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       70ms (flat, cum)  0.79% of Total
         .          .   1944:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .          .   1945:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resBuy{TransactionEvidenceID: transactionEvidence.ID})
         .          .   1946:}
         .          .   1947:
         .          .   1948:func postSell(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       20ms   1949:   csrfToken := r.FormValue("csrf_token")
         .          .   1950:   name := r.FormValue("name")
         .          .   1951:   description := r.FormValue("description")
         .          .   1952:   priceStr := r.FormValue("price")
         .          .   1953:   categoryIDStr := r.FormValue("category_id")
         .          .   1954:
         .          .   1955:   f, header, err := r.FormFile("image")
         .          .   1956:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1957:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1958:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "image error")
         .          .   1959:       return
         .          .   1960:   }
         .          .   1961:   defer f.Close()
         .          .   1962:
         .       10ms   1963:   if csrfToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   1964:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   1965:       return
         .          .   1966:   }
         .          .   1967:
         .          .   1968:   categoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(categoryIDStr)
         .          .   1969:   if err != nil || categoryID < 0 {
         .          .   1970:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "category id error")
         .          .   1971:       return
         .          .   1972:   }
         .          .   1973:
         .          .   1974:   price, err := strconv.Atoi(priceStr)
         .          .   1975:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1976:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "price error")
         .          .   1977:       return
         .          .   1978:   }
         .          .   1979:
         .          .   1980:   if name == "" || description == "" || price == 0 || categoryID == 0 {
         .          .   1981:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "all parameters are required")
         .          .   1982:
         .          .   1983:       return
         .          .   1984:   }
         .          .   1985:
         .          .   1986:   if price < ItemMinPrice || price > ItemMaxPrice {
         .          .   1987:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, ItemPriceErrMsg)
         .          .   1988:
         .          .   1989:       return
         .          .   1990:   }
         .          .   1991:
         .          .   1992:   category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, categoryID)
         .          .   1993:   if err != nil || category.ParentID == 0 {
         .          .   1994:       log.Print(categoryID, category)
         .          .   1995:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "Incorrect category ID")
         .          .   1996:       return
         .          .   1997:   }
         .          .   1998:
         .       10ms   1999:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   2000:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   2001:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   2002:       return
         .          .   2003:   }
         .          .   2004:
         .       20ms   2005:   img, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
         .          .   2006:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2007:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2008:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "image error")
         .          .   2009:       return
         .          .   2010:   }
         .          .   2011:
         .          .   2012:   ext := filepath.Ext(header.Filename)
         .          .   2013:
         .          .   2014:   if !(ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".jpeg" || ext == ".png" || ext == ".gif") {
         .          .   2015:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "unsupported image format error")
         .          .   2016:       return
         .          .   2017:   }
         .          .   2018:
         .          .   2019:   if ext == ".jpeg" {
         .          .   2020:       ext = ".jpg"
         .          .   2021:   }
         .          .   2022:
         .          .   2023:   imgName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", secureRandomStr(16), ext)
         .       10ms   2024:   err = ioutil.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("../public/upload/%s", imgName), img, 0644)
         .          .   2025:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2026:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2027:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Saving image failed")
         .          .   2028:       return
         .          .   2029:   }
ROUTINE ======================== main.postShip in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       20ms (flat, cum)  0.23% of Total
         .          .   1516:}
         .          .   1517:
         .          .   1518:func postShip(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1519:   reqps := reqPostShip{}
         .          .   1520:
         .       10ms   1521:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&reqps)
         .          .   1522:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1523:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "json decode error")
         .          .   1524:       return
         .          .   1525:   }
         .          .   1526:
         .          .   1527:   csrfToken := reqps.CSRFToken
         .          .   1528:   itemID := reqps.ItemID
         .          .   1529:
         .       10ms   1530:   if csrfToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   1531:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   1532:
         .          .   1533:       return
         .          .   1534:   }
         .          .   1535:
ROUTINE ======================== main.postShipDone in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       20ms (flat, cum)  0.23% of Total
         .          .   1708:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "商品が取引中ではありません")
         .          .   1709:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1710:       return
         .          .   1711:   }
         .          .   1712:
         .       20ms   1713:   err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM `transaction_evidences` WHERE `id` = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1714:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1715:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found")
         .          .   1716:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1717:       return
         .          .   1718:   }
mackee commented 1 year ago


200 0 189 0 10 1 GET /users/transactions.json 0.016 7.340 545.303 2.727 4.948 0.000 30802.000 19924.170
1362 0 1362 0 0 0 GET /new_items/\d+.json 0.016 0.848 78.845 0.058 0.184 22647.000 24046.000 23493.125
72 0 39 0 30 3 POST /buy 0.004 1.724 69.609 0.967 1.700 0.000 49.000 35.194
56 0 33 0 23 0 POST /ship_done 0.138 0.824 29.593 0.528 0.820 0.000 83.000 38.661
53 0 39 0 14 0 POST /ship 0.004 0.836 29.332 0.553 0.828 29.000 61.000 53.604
356 0 356 0 0 0 GET /users/\d+.json 0.008 0.588 24.714 0.069 0.236 95.000 23949.000 14677.309
31 0 30 0 1 0 POST /complete 0.004 0.836 22.578 0.728 0.828 0.000 34.000 32.903
144 0 144 0 0 0 GET /new_items.json 0.044 0.844 18.726 0.130 0.288 23064.000 23752.000 23442.014
104 0 93 0 11 0 POST /login 0.060 0.376 16.675 0.160 0.328 73.000 108.000 95.087
210 0 210 0 0 0 GET /upload/[0-9a-zA-Z]+.jpg 0.000 0.244 13.116 0.062 0.200 51468.000 150038.000 78341.133
5 0 5 0 0 0 POST /initialize 1.608 1.944 8.480 1.696 1.944 31.000 31.000 31.000
3808 0 3808 0 0 0 GET /items/\d+.json 0.004 0.100 7.684 0.002 0.004 1843.000 4135.000 2179.764
93 0 93 0 0 0 GET /settings 0.012 0.288 6.830 0.073 0.220 2940.000 2957.000 2946.699
81 0 46 0 30 5 POST /sell 0.004 0.252 1.807 0.022 0.124 13.000 106.000 38.432
16 0 16 0 0 0 POST /bump 0.004 0.172 0.232 0.015 0.172 90.000 92.000 91.000
49 0 35 0 14 0 GET /transactions/\d+.png 0.004 0.012 0.048 0.001 0.004 33.000 630.000 453.408
4 0 4 0 0 0 GET /static/js/main.babc3d4d.chunk.js 0.008 0.024 0.032 0.008 0.024 90365.000 90365.000 90365.000
13 0 6 0 7 0 POST /items/edit 0.000 0.008 0.024 0.002 0.008 58.000 93.000 73.385
4 0 4 0 0 0 GET /static/css/main.19393e92.chunk.css 0.012 0.012 0.024 0.006 0.012 994.000 994.000 994.000
4 0 4 0 0 0 GET /static/js/runtime~main.a8a9905a.js 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.002 0.008 1502.000 1502.000 1502.000
4 0 4 0 0 0 GET /static/js/2.ff6e1067.chunk.js 0.000 0.004 0.004 0.001 0.004 508459.000 508459.000 508459.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /reports.json 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 141722.000 141722.000 141722.000
mackee commented 1 year ago

pgx-replace + category cache

mackee commented 1 year ago


{"pass":false,"score":0,"campaign":1,"language":"Go","messages":["GET /items/17356.json: got response status code 500; expected 200","GET /items/43456.json: got response status code 500; expected 200","GET /items/49400.json: got response status code 500; expected 200","GET /items/49844.json: got response status code 500; expected 200","POST /buy: got response status code 500; expected 200 (item_id: 50168)","POST /buy: got response status code 500; expected 200 (item_id: 50170)","POST /login: got response status code 500; expected 200","POST /sell: got response status code 500; expected 200"]}
632 0 26 0 520 86 POST /buy 0.749 7.872 2382.944 3.770 7.428 0.000 186.000 53.809
129 0 114 0 15 0 GET /users/transactions.json 0.004 6.504 387.774 3.006 6.132 0.000 24384.000 17639.713
692 0 692 0 0 0 GET /new_items/\d+.json 0.008 3.012 364.114 0.526 1.728 22675.000 24106.000 23515.103
1158 0 1131 0 8 19 POST /login 0.001 1.060 334.907 0.289 0.632 73.000 186.000 98.310
1131 0 1131 0 0 0 GET /settings 0.000 0.992 260.203 0.230 0.548 2935.000 2958.000 2946.016
2049 0 2045 0 0 4 GET /items/\d+.json 0.000 1.104 172.251 0.084 0.332 186.000 4038.000 2202.087
158 0 158 0 0 0 GET /new_items.json 0.036 2.356 115.128 0.729 1.920 23049.000 23938.000 23433.456
26 0 22 0 4 0 POST /ship 0.220 1.868 24.420 0.939 1.840 29.000 61.000 56.692
218 0 218 0 0 0 GET /users/\d+.json 0.000 0.564 22.372 0.103 0.328 96.000 23980.000 12632.991
25 0 19 0 6 0 POST /ship_done 0.012 2.460 19.915 0.797 1.516 29.000 83.000 37.760
19 0 19 0 0 0 POST /complete 0.004 1.436 15.235 0.802 1.436 34.000 34.000 34.000
46 0 39 0 6 1 POST /sell 0.004 0.956 10.143 0.220 0.680 13.000 186.000 25.543
12 0 12 0 0 0 POST /bump 0.004 0.616 3.936 0.328 0.616 90.000 92.000 90.917
23 0 19 0 4 0 GET /transactions/\d+.png 0.000 0.632 2.796 0.122 0.576 33.000 633.000 516.696
53 0 53 0 0 0 GET /upload/[0-9a-zA-Z]+.jpg 0.004 0.240 2.732 0.052 0.144 53578.000 133495.000 80888.038
1 0 1 0 0 0 POST /initialize 1.924 1.924 1.924 1.924 1.924 31.000 31.000 31.000
5 0 3 0 2 0 POST /items/edit 0.132 0.419 0.795 0.159 0.419 58.000 93.000 78.400
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/2.ff6e1067.chunk.js 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 508459.000 508459.000 508459.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/css/main.19393e92.chunk.css 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 994.000 994.000 994.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/main.babc3d4d.chunk.js 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 90365.000 90365.000 90365.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/runtime~main.a8a9905a.js 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1502.000 1502.000 1502.000
mackee commented 1 year ago
pprof結果 ``` ROUTINE ======================== main.APIShipmentStatus in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/api.go 0 10ms (flat, cum) 0.017% of Total . . 154: req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, shipmentURL+"/status", bytes.NewBuffer(b)) . . 155: if err != nil { . . 156: return nil, err . . 157: } . . 158: . 10ms 159: req.Header.Set("User-Agent", userAgent) . . 160: req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json") . . 161: req.Header.Set("Authorization", IsucariAPIToken) . . 162: . . 163: res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) . . 164: if err != nil { ROUTINE ======================== main.getCSRFToken in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 70ms (flat, cum) 0.12% of Total . . 357: . . 358: return session . . 359:} . . 360: . . 361:func getCSRFToken(r *http.Request) string { . 70ms 362: session := getSession(r) . . 363: . . 364: csrfToken, ok := session.Values["csrf_token"] . . 365: if !ok { . . 366: return "" . . 367: } ROUTINE ======================== main.getCategoryByID in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 10ms (flat, cum) 0.017% of Total . . 410:// category.ParentCategoryName = parentCategory.CategoryName . . 411:// } . . 412:// return category, err . . 413:// } . . 414:func getCategoryByID(q sqlx.Queryer, categoryID int) (category Category, err error) { . 10ms 415: return getCategoryByIDOnMemory(q, categoryID) . . 416:} . . 417: . . 418:var categories = map[int]Category{ . . 419: 1: {ID: 1, ParentID: 0, CategoryName: "ソファー", ParentCategoryName: "nan"}, . . 420: 2: {ID: 2, ParentID: 1, CategoryName: "一人掛けソファー", ParentCategoryName: "ソファー"}, ROUTINE ======================== main.getCategoryByIDOnMemory in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 10ms (flat, cum) 0.017% of Total . . 460: 65: {ID: 65, ParentID: 60, CategoryName: "座布団", ParentCategoryName: "座椅子"}, . . 461: 66: {ID: 66, ParentID: 60, CategoryName: "空気椅子", ParentCategoryName: "座椅子"}, . . 462:} . . 463: . . 464:func getCategoryByIDOnMemory(q sqlx.Queryer, categoryID int) (category Category, err error) { . 10ms 465: return categories[categoryID], nil . . 466:} . . 467: . . 468:func getConfigByName(name string) (string, error) { . . 469: config := Config{} . . 470: err := dbx.Get(&config, "SELECT * FROM configs WHERE name = ?", name) ROUTINE ======================== main.getConfigByName in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 310ms (flat, cum) 0.53% of Total . . 465: return categories[categoryID], nil . . 466:} . . 467: . . 468:func getConfigByName(name string) (string, error) { . . 469: config := Config{} . 310ms 470: err := dbx.Get(&config, "SELECT * FROM configs WHERE name = ?", name) . . 471: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 472: return "", nil . . 473: } . . 474: if err != nil { . . 475: log.Print(err) ROUTINE ======================== main.getItem in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 1.42s (flat, cum) 2.41% of Total . . 1070: if err != nil || itemID <= 0 { . . 1071: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect item id") . . 1072: return . . 1073: } . . 1074: . 1.38s 1075: user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r) . . 1076: if errMsg != "" { . . 1077: outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg) . . 1078: return . . 1079: } . . 1080: . . 1081: item := Item{} . 10ms 1082: err = dbx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ?", itemID) . . 1083: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 1084: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found") . . 1085: return . . 1086: } . . 1087: if err != nil { . . 1088: log.Print(err) . . 1089: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1090: return . . 1091: } . . 1092: . . 1093: category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID) . . 1094: if err != nil { . . 1095: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found") . . 1096: return . . 1097: } . . 1098: . 20ms 1099: seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID) . . 1100: if err != nil { . . 1101: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found") . . 1102: return . . 1103: } . . 1104: . . 1105: itemDetail := ItemDetail{ . . 1106: ID: item.ID, . . 1107: SellerID: item.SellerID, . . 1108: Seller: &seller, . . 1109: // BuyerID . . 1110: // Buyer . . 1111: Status: item.Status, . . 1112: Name: item.Name, . . 1113: Price: item.Price, . . 1114: Description: item.Description, . . 1115: ImageURL: getImageURL(item.ImageName), . . 1116: CategoryID: item.CategoryID, . . 1117: // TransactionEvidenceID . . 1118: // TransactionEvidenceStatus . . 1119: // ShippingStatus . . 1120: Category: &category, . . 1121: CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(), . . 1122: } . . 1123: . . 1124: if (user.ID == item.SellerID || user.ID == item.BuyerID) && item.BuyerID != 0 { . . 1125: buyer, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.BuyerID) . . 1126: if err != nil { . . 1127: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "buyer not found") . . 1128: return . . 1129: } . . 1130: itemDetail.BuyerID = item.BuyerID . . 1131: itemDetail.Buyer = &buyer . . 1132: . . 1133: transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{} . . 1134: err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", item.ID) . . 1135: if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { . . 1136: // It's able to ignore ErrNoRows . . 1137: log.Print(err) . . 1138: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1139: return . . 1140: } . . 1141: . . 1142: if transactionEvidence.ID > 0 { . . 1143: shipping := Shipping{} . . 1144: err = dbx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ?", transactionEvidence.ID) . . 1145: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 1146: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shipping not found") . . 1147: return . . 1148: } . . 1149: if err != nil { . . 1150: log.Print(err) . . 1151: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1152: return . . 1153: } . . 1154: . . 1155: itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceID = transactionEvidence.ID . . 1156: itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceStatus = transactionEvidence.Status . . 1157: itemDetail.ShippingStatus = shipping.Status . . 1158: } . . 1159: } . . 1160: . . 1161: w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8") . 10ms 1162: json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(itemDetail) . . 1163:} . . 1164: . . 1165:func postItemEdit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { . . 1166: rie := reqItemEdit{} . . 1167: err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rie) ROUTINE ======================== main.getNewCategoryItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 970ms (flat, cum) 1.65% of Total . . 659: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found") . . 660: return . . 661: } . . 662: . . 663: var categoryIDs []int . 580ms 664: err = dbx.Select(&categoryIDs, "SELECT id FROM categories WHERE parent_id=?", rootCategory.ID) . . 665: if err != nil { . . 666: log.Print(err) . . 667: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 668: return . . 669: } . . 670: . . 671: query := r.URL.Query() . . 672: itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id") . . 673: var itemID int64 . . 674: if itemIDStr != "" { . . 675: itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64) . . 676: if err != nil || itemID <= 0 { . . 677: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error") . . 678: return . . 679: } . . 680: } . . 681: . . 682: createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at") . . 683: var createdAt int64 . . 684: if createdAtStr != "" { . . 685: createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64) . . 686: if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 { . . 687: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error") . . 688: return . . 689: } . . 690: } . . 691: . . 692: var inQuery string . . 693: var inArgs []interface{} . . 694: if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 { . . 695: // paging . . 696: inQuery, inArgs, err = sqlx.In( . . 697: "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) AND category_id IN (?) AND (created_at < ? OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?", . . 698: ItemStatusOnSale, . . 699: ItemStatusSoldOut, . . 700: categoryIDs, . . 701: time.Unix(createdAt, 0), . . 702: time.Unix(createdAt, 0), . . 703: itemID, . . 704: ItemsPerPage+1, . . 705: ) . . 706: if err != nil { . . 707: log.Print(err) . . 708: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 709: return . . 710: } . . 711: } else { . . 712: // 1st page . . 713: inQuery, inArgs, err = sqlx.In( . . 714: "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) AND category_id IN (?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?", . . 715: ItemStatusOnSale, . . 716: ItemStatusSoldOut, . . 717: categoryIDs, . . 718: ItemsPerPage+1, . . 719: ) . . 720: if err != nil { . . 721: log.Print(err) . . 722: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 723: return . . 724: } . . 725: } . . 726: . . 727: items := []Item{} . 70ms 728: err = dbx.Select(&items, inQuery, inArgs...) . . 729: . . 730: if err != nil { . . 731: log.Print(err) . . 732: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 733: return . . 734: } . . 735: . . 736: itemSimples := []ItemSimple{} . . 737: for _, item := range items { . 280ms 738: seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID) . . 739: if err != nil { . . 740: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found") . . 741: return . . 742: } . 10ms 743: category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID) . . 744: if err != nil { . . 745: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found") . . 746: return . . 747: } . 20ms 748: itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{ . . 749: ID: item.ID, . . 750: SellerID: item.SellerID, . . 751: Seller: &seller, . . 752: Status: item.Status, . . 753: Name: item.Name, . . 754: Price: item.Price, . . 755: ImageURL: getImageURL(item.ImageName), . . 756: CategoryID: item.CategoryID, . . 757: Category: &category, . . 758: CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(), . . 759: }) . . 760: } . . 761: . . 762: hasNext := false . . 763: if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage { . . 764: hasNext = true . . 765: itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage] . . 766: } . . 767: . . 768: rni := resNewItems{ . . 769: RootCategoryID: rootCategory.ID, . . 770: RootCategoryName: rootCategory.CategoryName, . . 771: Items: itemSimples, . . 772: HasNext: hasNext, . . 773: } . . 774: . . 775: w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8") . 10ms 776: json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni) . . 777: . . 778:} . . 779: . . 780:func getUserItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { . . 781: userIDStr := pat.Param(r, "user_id") ROUTINE ======================== main.getNewItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 310ms (flat, cum) 0.53% of Total . . 574: } . . 575: . . 576: items := []Item{} . . 577: if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 { . . 578: // paging . 190ms 579: err := dbx.Select(&items, . . 580: "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) AND (created_at < ? OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?", . . 581: ItemStatusOnSale, . . 582: ItemStatusSoldOut, . . 583: time.Unix(createdAt, 0), . . 584: time.Unix(createdAt, 0), . . 585: itemID, . . 586: ItemsPerPage+1, . . 587: ) . . 588: if err != nil { . . 589: log.Print(err) . . 590: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 591: return . . 592: } . . 593: } else { . . 594: // 1st page . . 595: err := dbx.Select(&items, . . 596: "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?", . . 597: ItemStatusOnSale, . . 598: ItemStatusSoldOut, . . 599: ItemsPerPage+1, . . 600: ) . . 601: if err != nil { . . 602: log.Print(err) . . 603: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 604: return . . 605: } . . 606: } . . 607: . . 608: itemSimples := []ItemSimple{} . . 609: for _, item := range items { . 80ms 610: seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID) . . 611: if err != nil { . . 612: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found") . . 613: return . . 614: } . . 615: category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID) . . 616: if err != nil { . . 617: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found") . . 618: return . . 619: } . . 620: itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{ . . 621: ID: item.ID, . . 622: SellerID: item.SellerID, . . 623: Seller: &seller, . . 624: Status: item.Status, . . 625: Name: item.Name, . . 626: Price: item.Price, . . 627: ImageURL: getImageURL(item.ImageName), . . 628: CategoryID: item.CategoryID, . . 629: Category: &category, . . 630: CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(), . . 631: }) . . 632: } . . 633: . . 634: hasNext := false . . 635: if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage { . . 636: hasNext = true . . 637: itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage] . . 638: } . . 639: . . 640: rni := resNewItems{ . . 641: Items: itemSimples, . . 642: HasNext: hasNext, . . 643: } . . 644: . . 645: w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8") . 40ms 646: json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni) . . 647:} . . 648: . . 649:func getNewCategoryItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { . . 650: rootCategoryIDStr := pat.Param(r, "root_category_id") . . 651: rootCategoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(rootCategoryIDStr) ROUTINE ======================== main.getPaymentServiceURL in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 20ms (flat, cum) 0.034% of Total . . 477: } . . 478: return config.Val, err . . 479:} . . 480: . . 481:func getPaymentServiceURL() string { . 20ms 482: val, _ := getConfigByName("payment_service_url") . . 483: if val == "" { . . 484: return DefaultPaymentServiceURL . . 485: } . . 486: return val . . 487:} ROUTINE ======================== main.getSession in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 90ms (flat, cum) 0.15% of Total . . 351: mux.Handle(pat.Get("/*"), http.FileServer(http.Dir("../public"))) . . 352: log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", mux)) . . 353:} . . 354: . . 355:func getSession(r *http.Request) *sessions.Session { . 90ms 356: session, _ := store.Get(r, sessionName) . . 357: . . 358: return session . . 359:} . . 360: . . 361:func getCSRFToken(r *http.Request) string { ROUTINE ======================== main.getSettings in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 2.04s (flat, cum) 3.46% of Total . . 2173: ItemUpdatedAt: targetItem.UpdatedAt.Unix(), . . 2174: }) . . 2175:} . . 2176: . . 2177:func getSettings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { . 60ms 2178: csrfToken := getCSRFToken(r) . . 2179: . 1.93s 2180: user, _, errMsg := getUser(r) . . 2181: . . 2182: ress := resSetting{} . . 2183: ress.CSRFToken = csrfToken . . 2184: if errMsg == "" { . . 2185: ress.User = &user . . 2186: } . . 2187: . 10ms 2188: ress.PaymentServiceURL = getPaymentServiceURL() . . 2189: . . 2190: categories := []Category{} . . 2191: . 20ms 2192: err := dbx.Select(&categories, "SELECT * FROM categories") . . 2193: if err != nil { . . 2194: log.Print(err) . . 2195: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 2196: return . . 2197: } . . 2198: ress.Categories = categories . . 2199: . . 2200: w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8") . 20ms 2201: json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ress) . . 2202:} . . 2203: . . 2204:func postLogin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { . . 2205: rl := reqLogin{} . . 2206: err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rl) ROUTINE ======================== main.getShipmentServiceURL in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 290ms (flat, cum) 0.49% of Total . . 485: } . . 486: return val . . 487:} . . 488: . . 489:func getShipmentServiceURL() string { . 290ms 490: val, _ := getConfigByName("shipment_service_url") . . 491: if val == "" { . . 492: return DefaultShipmentServiceURL . . 493: } . . 494: return val . . 495:} ROUTINE ======================== main.getTransactions in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 290ms (flat, cum) 0.49% of Total . . 885: json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rui) . . 886:} . . 887: . . 888:func getTransactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { . . 889: . 30ms 890: user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r) . . 891: if errMsg != "" { . . 892: outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg) . . 893: return . . 894: } . . 895: . . 896: query := r.URL.Query() . . 897: itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id") . . 898: var err error . . 899: var itemID int64 . . 900: if itemIDStr != "" { . . 901: itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64) . . 902: if err != nil || itemID <= 0 { . . 903: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error") . . 904: return . . 905: } . . 906: } . . 907: . . 908: createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at") . . 909: var createdAt int64 . . 910: if createdAtStr != "" { . . 911: createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64) . . 912: if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 { . . 913: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error") . . 914: return . . 915: } . . 916: } . . 917: . 10ms 918: tx := dbx.MustBegin() . . 919: items := []Item{} . . 920: if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 { . . 921: // paging . . 922: err := tx.Select(&items, . . 923: "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (seller_id = ? OR buyer_id = ?) AND status IN (?,?,?,?,?) AND (created_at < ? OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?", . . 924: user.ID, . . 925: user.ID, . . 926: ItemStatusOnSale, . . 927: ItemStatusTrading, . . 928: ItemStatusSoldOut, . . 929: ItemStatusCancel, . . 930: ItemStatusStop, . . 931: time.Unix(createdAt, 0), . . 932: time.Unix(createdAt, 0), . . 933: itemID, . . 934: TransactionsPerPage+1, . . 935: ) . . 936: if err != nil { . . 937: log.Print(err) . . 938: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 939: tx.Rollback() . . 940: return . . 941: } . . 942: } else { . . 943: // 1st page . . 944: err := tx.Select(&items, . . 945: "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (seller_id = ? OR buyer_id = ?) AND status IN (?,?,?,?,?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?", . . 946: user.ID, . . 947: user.ID, . . 948: ItemStatusOnSale, . . 949: ItemStatusTrading, . . 950: ItemStatusSoldOut, . . 951: ItemStatusCancel, . . 952: ItemStatusStop, . . 953: TransactionsPerPage+1, . . 954: ) . . 955: if err != nil { . . 956: log.Print(err) . . 957: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 958: tx.Rollback() . . 959: return . . 960: } . . 961: } . . 962: . . 963: itemDetails := []ItemDetail{} . . 964: for _, item := range items { . 10ms 965: seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(tx, item.SellerID) . . 966: if err != nil { . . 967: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found") . . 968: tx.Rollback() . . 969: return . . 970: } . . 971: category, err := getCategoryByID(tx, item.CategoryID) . . 972: if err != nil { . . 973: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found") . . 974: tx.Rollback() . . 975: return . . 976: } . . 977: . . 978: itemDetail := ItemDetail{ . . 979: ID: item.ID, . . 980: SellerID: item.SellerID, . . 981: Seller: &seller, . . 982: // BuyerID . . 983: // Buyer . . 984: Status: item.Status, . . 985: Name: item.Name, . . 986: Price: item.Price, . . 987: Description: item.Description, . . 988: ImageURL: getImageURL(item.ImageName), . . 989: CategoryID: item.CategoryID, . . 990: // TransactionEvidenceID . . 991: // TransactionEvidenceStatus . . 992: // ShippingStatus . . 993: Category: &category, . . 994: CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(), . . 995: } . . 996: . . 997: if item.BuyerID != 0 { . . 998: buyer, err := getUserSimpleByID(tx, item.BuyerID) . . 999: if err != nil { . . 1000: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "buyer not found") . . 1001: tx.Rollback() . . 1002: return . . 1003: } . . 1004: itemDetail.BuyerID = item.BuyerID . . 1005: itemDetail.Buyer = &buyer . . 1006: } . . 1007: . . 1008: transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{} . 20ms 1009: err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", item.ID) . . 1010: if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { . . 1011: // It's able to ignore ErrNoRows . . 1012: log.Print(err) . . 1013: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1014: tx.Rollback() . . 1015: return . . 1016: } . . 1017: . . 1018: if transactionEvidence.ID > 0 { . . 1019: shipping := Shipping{} . . 1020: err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ?", transactionEvidence.ID) . . 1021: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 1022: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shipping not found") . . 1023: tx.Rollback() . . 1024: return . . 1025: } . . 1026: if err != nil { . . 1027: log.Print(err) . . 1028: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1029: tx.Rollback() . . 1030: return . . 1031: } . 220ms 1032: ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{ . . 1033: ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID, . . 1034: }) . . 1035: if err != nil { . . 1036: log.Print(err) . . 1037: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service") ROUTINE ======================== main.getUser in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 4.88s (flat, cum) 8.29% of Total . . 368: . . 369: return csrfToken.(string) . . 370:} . . 371: . . 372:func getUser(r *http.Request) (user User, errCode int, errMsg string) { . 20ms 373: session := getSession(r) . . 374: userID, ok := session.Values["user_id"] . . 375: if !ok { . . 376: return user, http.StatusNotFound, "no session" . . 377: } . . 378: . 4.86s 379: err := dbx.Get(&user, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", userID) . . 380: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 381: return user, http.StatusNotFound, "user not found" . . 382: } . . 383: if err != nil { . . 384: log.Print(err) ROUTINE ======================== main.getUserItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 270ms (flat, cum) 0.46% of Total . . 783: if err != nil || userID <= 0 { . . 784: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect user id") . . 785: return . . 786: } . . 787: . 270ms 788: userSimple, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, userID) . . 789: if err != nil { . . 790: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "user not found") . . 791: return . . 792: } . . 793: ROUTINE ======================== main.getUserSimpleByID in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 660ms (flat, cum) 1.12% of Total . . 388: return user, http.StatusOK, "" . . 389:} . . 390: . . 391:func getUserSimpleByID(q sqlx.Queryer, userID int64) (userSimple UserSimple, err error) { . . 392: user := User{} . 660ms 393: err = sqlx.Get(q, &user, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", userID) . . 394: if err != nil { . . 395: return userSimple, err . . 396: } . . 397: userSimple.ID = user.ID . . 398: userSimple.AccountName = user.AccountName ROUTINE ======================== main.main in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 20ms (flat, cum) 0.034% of Total . . 347: mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/transactions/:transaction_id"), getIndex) . . 348: mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/users/:user_id"), getIndex) . . 349: mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/users/setting"), getIndex) . . 350: // Assets . . 351: mux.Handle(pat.Get("/*"), http.FileServer(http.Dir("../public"))) . 20ms 352: log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", mux)) . . 353:} . . 354: . . 355:func getSession(r *http.Request) *sessions.Session { . . 356: session, _ := store.Get(r, sessionName) . . 357: ROUTINE ======================== main.postBump in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 10ms (flat, cum) 0.017% of Total . . 2153: log.Print(err) . . 2154: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 2155: return . . 2156: } . . 2157: . 10ms 2158: err = tx.Get(&targetItem, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ?", itemID) . . 2159: if err != nil { . . 2160: log.Print(err) . . 2161: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 2162: tx.Rollback() . . 2163: return ROUTINE ======================== main.postBuy in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 1.51s (flat, cum) 2.56% of Total . . 1314:} . . 1315: . . 1316:func postBuy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { . . 1317: rb := reqBuy{} . . 1318: . 10ms 1319: err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rb) . . 1320: if err != nil { . . 1321: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "json decode error") . . 1322: return . . 1323: } . . 1324: . 10ms 1325: if rb.CSRFToken != getCSRFToken(r) { . . 1326: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error") . . 1327: . . 1328: return . . 1329: } . . 1330: . 1.46s 1331: buyer, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r) . . 1332: if errMsg != "" { . . 1333: outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg) . . 1334: return . . 1335: } . . 1336: . . 1337: tx := dbx.MustBegin() . . 1338: . . 1339: targetItem := Item{} . . 1340: err = tx.Get(&targetItem, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", rb.ItemID) . . 1341: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 1342: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found") . . 1343: tx.Rollback() . . 1344: return . . 1345: } . . 1346: if err != nil { . . 1347: log.Print(err) . . 1348: . . 1349: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1350: tx.Rollback() . . 1351: return . . 1352: } . . 1353: . . 1354: if targetItem.Status != ItemStatusOnSale { . . 1355: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "item is not for sale") . . 1356: tx.Rollback() . . 1357: return . . 1358: } . . 1359: . . 1360: if targetItem.SellerID == buyer.ID { . . 1361: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "自分の商品は買えません") . . 1362: tx.Rollback() . . 1363: return . . 1364: } . . 1365: . . 1366: seller := User{} . . 1367: err = tx.Get(&seller, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", targetItem.SellerID) . . 1368: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 1369: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found") . . 1370: tx.Rollback() . . 1371: return . . 1372: } . . 1373: if err != nil { . . 1374: log.Print(err) . . 1375: . . 1376: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1377: tx.Rollback() . . 1378: return . . 1379: } . . 1380: . . 1381: category, err := getCategoryByID(tx, targetItem.CategoryID) . . 1382: if err != nil { . . 1383: log.Print(err) . . 1384: . . 1385: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "category id error") . . 1386: tx.Rollback() . . 1387: return . . 1388: } . . 1389: . . 1390: var transactionEvidenceID int64 . . 1391: if err := tx.Get( . . 1392: &transactionEvidenceID, . . 1393: "INSERT INTO transaction_evidences (seller_id, buyer_id, status, item_id, item_name, item_price, item_description,item_category_id,item_root_category_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING id", . . 1394: targetItem.SellerID, . . 1395: buyer.ID, . . 1396: TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitShipping, . . 1397: targetItem.ID, . . 1398: targetItem.Name, . . 1399: targetItem.Price, . . 1400: targetItem.Description, . . 1401: category.ID, . . 1402: category.ParentID, . . 1403: ); err != nil { . . 1404: log.Print(err) . . 1405: . . 1406: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1407: tx.Rollback() . . 1408: return . . 1409: } . . 1410: . . 1411: _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE items SET buyer_id = ?, status = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE id = ?", . . 1412: buyer.ID, . . 1413: ItemStatusTrading, . . 1414: time.Now(), . . 1415: targetItem.ID, . . 1416: ) . . 1417: if err != nil { . . 1418: log.Print(err) . . 1419: . . 1420: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1421: tx.Rollback() . . 1422: return . . 1423: } . . 1424: . 20ms 1425: scr, err := APIShipmentCreate(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentCreateReq{ . . 1426: ToAddress: buyer.Address, . . 1427: ToName: buyer.AccountName, . . 1428: FromAddress: seller.Address, . . 1429: FromName: seller.AccountName, . . 1430: }) . . 1431: if err != nil { . . 1432: log.Print(err) . . 1433: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service") . . 1434: tx.Rollback() . . 1435: . . 1436: return . . 1437: } . . 1438: . 10ms 1439: pstr, err := APIPaymentToken(getPaymentServiceURL(), &APIPaymentServiceTokenReq{ . . 1440: ShopID: PaymentServiceIsucariShopID, . . 1441: Token: rb.Token, . . 1442: APIKey: PaymentServiceIsucariAPIKey, . . 1443: Price: targetItem.Price, . . 1444: }) ROUTINE ======================== main.postComplete in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 20ms (flat, cum) 0.034% of Total . . 1861: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1862: tx.Rollback() . . 1863: return . . 1864: } . . 1865: . 20ms 1866: ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{ . . 1867: ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID, . . 1868: }) . . 1869: if err != nil { . . 1870: log.Print(err) . . 1871: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service") ROUTINE ======================== main.postItemEdit in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 20ms (flat, cum) 0.034% of Total . . 1183: if price < ItemMinPrice || price > ItemMaxPrice { . . 1184: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, ItemPriceErrMsg) . . 1185: return . . 1186: } . . 1187: . 20ms 1188: seller, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r) . . 1189: if errMsg != "" { . . 1190: outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg) . . 1191: return . . 1192: } . . 1193: ROUTINE ======================== main.postLogin in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 51.47s (flat, cum) 87.39% of Total . . 2201: json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ress) . . 2202:} . . 2203: . . 2204:func postLogin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { . . 2205: rl := reqLogin{} . 30ms 2206: err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rl) . . 2207: if err != nil { . . 2208: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "json decode error") . . 2209: return . . 2210: } . . 2211: . . 2212: accountName := rl.AccountName . . 2213: password := rl.Password . . 2214: . . 2215: if accountName == "" || password == "" { . . 2216: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "all parameters are required") . . 2217: . . 2218: return . . 2219: } . . 2220: . . 2221: u := User{} . 1.77s 2222: err = dbx.Get(&u, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE account_name = ?", accountName) . . 2223: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 2224: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "アカウント名かパスワードが間違えています") . . 2225: return . . 2226: } . . 2227: if err != nil { . . 2228: log.Print(err) . . 2229: . . 2230: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 2231: return . . 2232: } . . 2233: . 49.60s 2234: err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(u.HashedPassword, []byte(password)) . . 2235: if err == bcrypt.ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword { . . 2236: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "アカウント名かパスワードが間違えています") . . 2237: return . . 2238: } . . 2239: if err != nil { . . 2240: log.Print(err) . . 2241: . . 2242: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "crypt error") . . 2243: return . . 2244: } . . 2245: . . 2246: session := getSession(r) . . 2247: . . 2248: session.Values["user_id"] = u.ID . 10ms 2249: session.Values["csrf_token"] = secureRandomStr(20) . 40ms 2250: if err = session.Save(r, w); err != nil { . . 2251: log.Print(err) . . 2252: . . 2253: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "session error") . . 2254: return . . 2255: } . . 2256: . . 2257: w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8") . 20ms 2258: json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(u) . . 2259:} . . 2260: . . 2261:func postRegister(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { . . 2262: rr := reqRegister{} . . 2263: err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rr) ROUTINE ======================== main.postSell in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 20ms (flat, cum) 0.034% of Total . . 1974: log.Print(categoryID, category) . . 1975: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "Incorrect category ID") . . 1976: return . . 1977: } . . 1978: . 20ms 1979: user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r) . . 1980: if errMsg != "" { . . 1981: outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg) . . 1982: return . . 1983: } . . 1984: ROUTINE ======================== main.postShip in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 60ms (flat, cum) 0.1% of Total . . 1511: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error") . . 1512: . . 1513: return . . 1514: } . . 1515: . 20ms 1516: seller, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r) . . 1517: if errMsg != "" { . . 1518: outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg) . . 1519: return . . 1520: } . . 1521: . . 1522: transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{} . 10ms 1523: err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", itemID) . . 1524: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 1525: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found") . . 1526: return . . 1527: } . . 1528: if err != nil { . . 1529: log.Print(err) . . 1530: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1531: . . 1532: return . . 1533: } . . 1534: . . 1535: if transactionEvidence.SellerID != seller.ID { . . 1536: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "権限がありません") . . 1537: return . . 1538: } . . 1539: . . 1540: tx := dbx.MustBegin() . . 1541: . . 1542: item := Item{} . . 1543: err = tx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID) . . 1544: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 1545: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found") . . 1546: tx.Rollback() . . 1547: return . . 1548: } . . 1549: if err != nil { . . 1550: log.Print(err) . . 1551: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1552: tx.Rollback() . . 1553: return . . 1554: } . . 1555: . . 1556: if item.Status != ItemStatusTrading { . . 1557: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "商品が取引中ではありません") . . 1558: tx.Rollback() . . 1559: return . . 1560: } . . 1561: . . 1562: err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID) . . 1563: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 1564: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found") . . 1565: tx.Rollback() . . 1566: return . . 1567: } . . 1568: if err != nil { . . 1569: log.Print(err) . . 1570: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1571: tx.Rollback() . . 1572: return . . 1573: } . . 1574: . . 1575: if transactionEvidence.Status != TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitShipping { . . 1576: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "準備ができていません") . . 1577: tx.Rollback() . . 1578: return . . 1579: } . . 1580: . . 1581: shipping := Shipping{} . . 1582: err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID) . . 1583: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 1584: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shippings not found") . . 1585: tx.Rollback() . . 1586: return . . 1587: } . . 1588: if err != nil { . . 1589: log.Print(err) . . 1590: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1591: tx.Rollback() . . 1592: return . . 1593: } . . 1594: . 30ms 1595: img, err := APIShipmentRequest(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentRequestReq{ . . 1596: ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID, . . 1597: }) . . 1598: if err != nil { . . 1599: log.Print(err) . . 1600: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service") ROUTINE ======================== main.postShipDone in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 30ms (flat, cum) 0.051% of Total . . 1642: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error") . . 1643: . . 1644: return . . 1645: } . . 1646: . 20ms 1647: seller, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r) . . 1648: if errMsg != "" { . . 1649: outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg) . . 1650: return . . 1651: } . . 1652: . . 1653: transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{} . . 1654: err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", itemID) . . 1655: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 1656: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidence not found") . . 1657: return . . 1658: } . . 1659: if err != nil { . . 1660: log.Print(err) . . 1661: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1662: . . 1663: return . . 1664: } . . 1665: . . 1666: if transactionEvidence.SellerID != seller.ID { . . 1667: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "権限がありません") . . 1668: return . . 1669: } . . 1670: . . 1671: tx := dbx.MustBegin() . . 1672: . . 1673: item := Item{} . . 1674: err = tx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID) . . 1675: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 1676: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "items not found") . . 1677: tx.Rollback() . . 1678: return . . 1679: } . . 1680: if err != nil { . . 1681: log.Print(err) . . 1682: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1683: tx.Rollback() . . 1684: return . . 1685: } . . 1686: . . 1687: if item.Status != ItemStatusTrading { . . 1688: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "商品が取引中ではありません") . . 1689: tx.Rollback() . . 1690: return . . 1691: } . . 1692: . . 1693: err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID) . . 1694: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 1695: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found") . . 1696: tx.Rollback() . . 1697: return . . 1698: } . . 1699: if err != nil { . . 1700: log.Print(err) . . 1701: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1702: tx.Rollback() . . 1703: return . . 1704: } . . 1705: . . 1706: if transactionEvidence.Status != TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitShipping { . . 1707: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "準備ができていません") . . 1708: tx.Rollback() . . 1709: return . . 1710: } . . 1711: . . 1712: shipping := Shipping{} . . 1713: err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID) . . 1714: if err == sql.ErrNoRows { . . 1715: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shippings not found") . . 1716: tx.Rollback() . . 1717: return . . 1718: } . . 1719: if err != nil { . . 1720: log.Print(err) . . 1721: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error") . . 1722: tx.Rollback() . . 1723: return . . 1724: } . . 1725: . 10ms 1726: ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{ . . 1727: ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID, . . 1728: }) . . 1729: if err != nil { . . 1730: log.Print(err) . . 1731: outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service") ROUTINE ======================== main.secureRandomStr in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go 0 10ms (flat, cum) 0.017% of Total . . 2060: json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resSell{ID: itemID}) . . 2061:} . . 2062: . . 2063:func secureRandomStr(b int) string { . . 2064: k := make([]byte, b) . 10ms 2065: if _, err := crand.Read(k); err != nil { . . 2066: panic(err) . . 2067: } . . 2068: return fmt.Sprintf("%x", k) . . 2069:} . . 2070: ```
mackee commented 1 year ago

rehashed-password + keepalive

{"pass":true,"score":11110,"campaign":1,"language":"Go","messages":["GET /new_items/20.json: リクエストに失敗しました(タイムアウトしました)","GET /new_items/40.json: リクエストに失敗しました(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 119)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 1191)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 1750)(
タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 1952)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 2907)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 2914)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 2988)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 3112)(
タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 328)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 3538)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 387)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 665)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 813)(タイ
ムアウトしました)","POST /buy: リクエストに失敗しました (item_id: 50645)(タイムアウトしました)","POST /complete: リクエストに失敗しました (item_id: 50640)(タイムアウトしました)","POST /ship: リクエストに失敗しました (item_id: 50636)(タ
677 0 53 0 624 0 POST /buy 0.732 4.600 2077.356 3.068 4.548 0.000 49.000 33.288
269 0 255 0 14 0 GET /users/transactions.json 0.004 5.932 753.030 2.799 4.980 0.000 6973.000 5391.115
1652 0 1650 0 2 0 GET /new_items/\d+.json 0.008 0.784 148.818 0.090 0.368 0.000 5684.000 5513.518
1557 0 1549 0 8 0 POST /login 0.004 0.708 96.504 0.062 0.196 73.000 110.000 96.898
1549 0 1549 0 0 0 GET /settings 0.000 0.472 53.812 0.035 0.140 775.000 796.000 783.696
70 0 49 0 21 0 POST /ship_done 0.804 1.032 43.135 0.616 0.892 29.000 83.000 38.700
203 0 203 0 0 0 GET /new_items.json 0.036 0.896 41.404 0.204 0.464 5627.000 5907.000 5780.448
65 0 50 0 15 0 POST /ship 0.243 0.900 38.958 0.599 0.848 0.000 61.000 54.031
46 0 45 0 1 0 POST /complete 0.004 0.960 35.146 0.764 0.924 0.000 34.000 33.261
4635 0 4635 0 0 0 GET /items/\d+.json 0.000 0.472 32.576 0.007 0.032 1062.000 1969.000 1222.670
410 0 410 0 0 0 GET /users/\d+.json 0.000 0.212 4.616 0.011 0.076 97.000 5286.000 3166.695
84 0 63 0 21 0 POST /sell 0.004 0.592 3.772 0.045 0.188 13.000 106.000 29.833
58 0 58 0 0 0 GET /upload/[0-9a-zA-Z]+.jpg 0.000 0.264 2.088 0.036 0.168 51648.000 144457.000 82193.931
1 0 1 0 0 0 POST /initialize 1.960 1.960 1.960 1.960 1.960 31.000 31.000 31.000
13 0 13 0 0 0 POST /bump 0.000 0.212 0.552 0.042 0.212 90.000 92.000 91.154
63 0 49 0 14 0 GET /transactions/\d+.png 0.000 0.100 0.292 0.005 0.020 33.000 636.000 490.000
10 0 3 0 7 0 POST /items/edit 0.004 0.100 0.144 0.014 0.100 58.000 93.000 68.300
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/css/main.19393e92.chunk.css 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 994.000 994.000 994.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/2.ff6e1067.chunk.js 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 149001.000 149001.000 149001.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/main.babc3d4d.chunk.js 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 17072.000 17072.000 17072.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /reports.json 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 32487.000 32487.000 32487.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/runtime~main.a8a9905a.js 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 774.000 774.000 774.000
tetsuzawa commented 1 year ago
684 0 60 0 624 0 POST /buy 1.152 6.172 2628.795 3.843 5.312 0.000 49.000 33.342
280 0 265 0 15 0 GET /users/transactions.json 0.004 6.068 779.155 2.783 4.876 0.000 6877.000 5384.746
1965 0 1965 0 0 0 GET /new_items/\d+.json 0.004 0.632 117.317 0.060 0.236 5320.000 5663.000 5521.023
1557 0 1549 0 8 0 POST /login 0.004 0.432 59.640 0.038 0.140 73.000 109.000 96.972
75 0 54 0 21 0 POST /ship_done 0.804 1.296 47.059 0.627 0.848 29.000 83.000 38.387
72 0 55 0 17 0 POST /ship 0.159 0.936 43.685 0.607 0.872 0.000 61.000 53.014
49 0 49 0 0 0 POST /complete 0.004 0.884 37.624 0.768 0.860 34.000 34.000 34.000
1549 0 1549 0 0 0 GET /settings 0.000 0.416 35.484 0.023 0.112 775.000 794.000 783.724
206 0 206 0 0 0 GET /new_items.json 0.032 0.512 32.579 0.158 0.424 5603.000 5992.000 5775.379
5311 0 5311 0 0 0 GET /items/\d+.json 0.000 0.316 24.044 0.005 0.020 1055.000 1965.000 1222.066
419 0 419 0 0 0 GET /users/\d+.json 0.000 0.240 4.812 0.011 0.092 97.000 5270.000 3216.752
87 0 66 0 21 0 POST /sell 0.004 0.452 4.396 0.051 0.272 13.000 106.000 29.253
58 0 58 0 0 0 GET /upload/[0-9a-zA-Z]+.jpg 0.000 0.244 2.408 0.042 0.188 51947.000 138361.000 77939.052
1 0 1 0 0 0 POST /initialize 2.096 2.096 2.096 2.096 2.096 31.000 31.000 31.000
13 0 13 0 0 0 POST /bump 0.004 0.244 0.364 0.028 0.244 91.000 91.000 91.000
68 0 54 0 14 0 GET /transactions/\d+.png 0.000 0.048 0.200 0.003 0.008 33.000 637.000 499.647
10 0 3 0 7 0 POST /items/edit 0.000 0.028 0.044 0.004 0.028 58.000 93.000 68.300
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/main.babc3d4d.chunk.js 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 17072.000 17072.000 17072.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/2.ff6e1067.chunk.js 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 149001.000 149001.000 149001.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/runtime~main.a8a9905a.js 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 774.000 774.000 774.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/css/main.19393e92.chunk.css 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 994.000 994.000 994.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /reports.json 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 36406.000 36406.000 36406.000


go tool pprof -list main. -cum -seconds 60 http://localhost:8000/debug/pprof/profile
Fetching profile over HTTP from http://localhost:8000/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=60
Please wait... (1m0s)
Saved profile in /home/isucon/pprof/pprof.isucari.samples.cpu.004.pb.gz
Total: 25.63s
ROUTINE ======================== main.APIPaymentToken in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/api.go
         0       10ms (flat, cum) 0.039% of Total
         .          .     74:       }
         .          .     75:       return nil, fmt.Errorf("status code: %d; body: %s", res.StatusCode, b)
         .          .     76:   }
         .          .     77:
         .          .     78:   pstr := &APIPaymentServiceTokenRes{}
         .       10ms     79:   err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(pstr)
         .          .     80:   if err != nil {
         .          .     81:       return nil, err
         .          .     82:   }
         .          .     83:
         .          .     84:   return pstr, nil
ROUTINE ======================== main.APIShipmentStatus in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/api.go
         0       10ms (flat, cum) 0.039% of Total
         .          .    154:   req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, shipmentURL+"/status", bytes.NewBuffer(b))
         .          .    155:   if err != nil {
         .          .    156:       return nil, err
         .          .    157:   }
         .          .    158:
         .       10ms    159:   req.Header.Set("User-Agent", userAgent)
         .          .    160:   req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
         .          .    161:   req.Header.Set("Authorization", IsucariAPIToken)
         .          .    162:
         .          .    163:   res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
         .          .    164:   if err != nil {
ROUTINE ======================== main.getCSRFToken in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      130ms (flat, cum)  0.51% of Total
         .          .    369:
         .          .    370:   return session
         .          .    371:}
         .          .    372:
         .          .    373:func getCSRFToken(r *http.Request) string {
         .      130ms    374:   session := getSession(r)
         .          .    375:
         .          .    376:   csrfToken, ok := session.Values["csrf_token"]
         .          .    377:   if !ok {
         .          .    378:       return ""
         .          .    379:   }
ROUTINE ======================== main.getConfigByName in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      1.38s (flat, cum)  5.38% of Total
         .          .    523:   return categories[categoryID], nil
         .          .    524:}
         .          .    525:
         .          .    526:func getConfigByName(name string) (string, error) {
         .          .    527:   config := Config{}
         .      1.38s    528:   err := dbx.Get(&config, "SELECT * FROM configs WHERE name = ?", name)
         .          .    529:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .    530:       return "", nil
         .          .    531:   }
         .          .    532:   if err != nil {
         .          .    533:       log.Print(err)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getImageURL in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       60ms (flat, cum)  0.23% of Total
         .          .   2457:       Error string `json:"error"`
         .          .   2458:   }{Error: msg})
         .          .   2459:}
         .          .   2460:
         .          .   2461:func getImageURL(imageName string) string {
         .       60ms   2462:   return fmt.Sprintf("/upload/%s", imageName)
         .          .   2463:}
ROUTINE ======================== main.getItem in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
      10ms      1.60s (flat, cum)  6.24% of Total
         .          .   1135:   if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .   1136:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect item id")
         .          .   1137:       return
         .          .   1138:   }
         .          .   1139:
         .      1.16s   1140:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1141:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1142:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1143:       return
         .          .   1144:   }
         .          .   1145:
         .          .   1146:   item := Item{}
         .      280ms   1147:   err = dbx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ?", itemID)
         .          .   1148:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1149:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1150:       return
         .          .   1151:   }
         .          .   1152:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1153:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1154:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1155:       return
         .          .   1156:   }
         .          .   1157:
         .          .   1158:   category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .   1159:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1160:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .   1161:       return
         .          .   1162:   }
         .          .   1163:
         .       50ms   1164:   seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .   1165:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1166:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .   1167:       return
         .          .   1168:   }
         .          .   1169:
         .          .   1170:   itemDetail := ItemDetail{
         .          .   1171:       ID:       item.ID,
         .          .   1172:       SellerID: item.SellerID,
         .          .   1173:       Seller:   &seller,
         .          .   1174:       // BuyerID
         .          .   1175:       // Buyer
         .          .   1176:       Status:      item.Status,
         .          .   1177:       Name:        item.Name,
         .          .   1178:       Price:       item.Price,
         .          .   1179:       Description: item.Description,
         .       10ms   1180:       ImageURL:    getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .   1181:       CategoryID:  item.CategoryID,
         .          .   1182:       // TransactionEvidenceID
         .          .   1183:       // TransactionEvidenceStatus
         .          .   1184:       // ShippingStatus
         .          .   1185:       Category:  &category,
         .          .   1186:       CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   1187:   }
         .          .   1188:
         .          .   1189:   if (user.ID == item.SellerID || user.ID == item.BuyerID) && item.BuyerID != 0 {
         .          .   1190:       buyer, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.BuyerID)
         .          .   1191:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1192:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "buyer not found")
         .          .   1193:           return
         .          .   1194:       }
         .          .   1195:       itemDetail.BuyerID = item.BuyerID
         .          .   1196:       itemDetail.Buyer = &buyer
         .          .   1197:
         .          .   1198:       transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .       30ms   1199:       err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", item.ID)
         .          .   1200:       if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1201:           // It's able to ignore ErrNoRows
         .          .   1202:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1203:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1204:           return
         .          .   1205:       }
         .          .   1206:
         .          .   1207:       if transactionEvidence.ID > 0 {
         .          .   1208:           shipping := Shipping{}
         .          .   1209:           err = dbx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ?", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1210:           if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1211:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shipping not found")
         .          .   1212:               return
         .          .   1213:           }
         .          .   1214:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1215:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1216:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1217:               return
         .          .   1218:           }
         .          .   1219:
         .          .   1220:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceID = transactionEvidence.ID
         .          .   1221:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceStatus = transactionEvidence.Status
         .          .   1222:           itemDetail.ShippingStatus = shipping.Status
         .          .   1223:       }
         .          .   1224:   }
         .          .   1225:
      10ms       10ms   1226:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       60ms   1227:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(itemDetail)
         .          .   1228:}
         .          .   1229:
         .          .   1230:func postItemEdit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1231:   rie := reqItemEdit{}
         .          .   1232:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rie)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getNewCategoryItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
      10ms      3.20s (flat, cum) 12.49% of Total
         .          .    710:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .          .    711:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    712:}
         .          .    713:
         .          .    714:func getNewCategoryItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       10ms    715:   rootCategoryIDStr := pat.Param(r, "root_category_id")
         .          .    716:   rootCategoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(rootCategoryIDStr)
         .          .    717:   if err != nil || rootCategoryID <= 0 {
         .          .    718:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect category id")
         .          .    719:       return
         .          .    720:   }
         .          .    721:
         .          .    722:   rootCategory, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, rootCategoryID)
         .          .    723:   if err != nil || rootCategory.ParentID != 0 {
         .          .    724:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    725:       return
         .          .    726:   }
         .          .    727:
         .          .    728:   var categoryIDs []int
         .      1.03s    729:   err = dbx.Select(&categoryIDs, "SELECT id FROM categories WHERE parent_id=?", rootCategory.ID)
         .          .    730:   if err != nil {
         .          .    731:       log.Print(err)
         .          .    732:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    733:       return
         .          .    734:   }
         .          .    735:
         .       20ms    736:   query := r.URL.Query()
         .          .    737:   itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id")
         .          .    738:   var itemID int64
         .          .    739:   if itemIDStr != "" {
         .          .    740:       itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    741:       if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .    742:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error")
         .          .    743:           return
         .          .    744:       }
         .          .    745:   }
         .          .    746:
         .          .    747:   createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at")
         .          .    748:   var createdAt int64
         .          .    749:   if createdAtStr != "" {
         .          .    750:       createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    751:       if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 {
         .          .    752:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .    753:           return
         .          .    754:       }
         .          .    755:   }
         .          .    756:
         .          .    757:   var inQuery string
         .          .    758:   var inArgs []interface{}
         .          .    759:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    760:       // paging
         .       10ms    761:       inQuery, inArgs, err = sqlx.In(
         .          .    762:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) AND category_id IN (?) AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    763:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    764:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    765:           categoryIDs,
         .          .    766:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    767:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    768:           itemID,
         .          .    769:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    770:       )
         .          .    771:       if err != nil {
         .          .    772:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    773:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    774:           return
         .          .    775:       }
         .          .    776:   } else {
         .          .    777:       // 1st page
         .          .    778:       inQuery, inArgs, err = sqlx.In(
         .          .    779:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) AND category_id IN (?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    780:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    781:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    782:           categoryIDs,
         .          .    783:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    784:       )
         .          .    785:       if err != nil {
         .          .    786:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    787:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    788:           return
         .          .    789:       }
         .          .    790:   }
         .          .    791:
         .          .    792:   items := []Item{}
         .      560ms    793:   err = dbx.Select(&items, inQuery, inArgs...)
         .          .    794:
         .          .    795:   if err != nil {
         .          .    796:       log.Print(err)
         .          .    797:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    798:       return
         .          .    799:   }
         .          .    800:
         .          .    801:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .          .    802:   for _, item := range items {
         .      1.32s    803:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .    804:       if err != nil {
         .          .    805:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .    806:           return
         .          .    807:       }
         .       20ms    808:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    809:       if err != nil {
         .          .    810:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    811:           return
         .          .    812:       }
         .       10ms    813:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    814:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    815:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    816:           Seller:     &seller,
         .          .    817:           Status:     item.Status,
      10ms       10ms    818:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    819:           Price:      item.Price,
         .       40ms    820:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    821:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    822:           Category:   &category,
         .          .    823:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    824:       })
         .          .    825:   }
         .          .    826:
         .          .    827:   hasNext := false
         .          .    828:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    829:       hasNext = true
         .          .    830:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    831:   }
         .          .    832:
         .          .    833:   rni := resNewItems{
         .          .    834:       RootCategoryID:   rootCategory.ID,
         .          .    835:       RootCategoryName: rootCategory.CategoryName,
         .          .    836:       Items:            itemSimples,
         .          .    837:       HasNext:          hasNext,
         .          .    838:   }
         .          .    839:
         .          .    840:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .      170ms    841:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    842:
         .          .    843:}
         .          .    844:
         .          .    845:func getUserItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    846:   userIDStr := pat.Param(r, "user_id")
ROUTINE ======================== main.getNewItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      540ms (flat, cum)  2.11% of Total
         .          .    614:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .          .    615:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(res)
         .          .    616:}
         .          .    617:
         .          .    618:func getNewItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       10ms    619:   query := r.URL.Query()
         .          .    620:   itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id")
         .          .    621:   var itemID int64
         .          .    622:   var err error
         .          .    623:   if itemIDStr != "" {
         .          .    624:       itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    625:       if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .    626:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error")
         .          .    627:           return
         .          .    628:       }
         .          .    629:   }
         .          .    630:
         .          .    631:   createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at")
         .          .    632:   var createdAt int64
         .          .    633:   if createdAtStr != "" {
         .          .    634:       createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    635:       if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 {
         .          .    636:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .    637:           return
         .          .    638:       }
         .          .    639:   }
         .          .    640:
         .          .    641:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    642:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    643:       // paging
         .      240ms    644:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    645:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    646:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    647:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    648:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    649:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    650:           itemID,
         .          .    651:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    652:       )
         .          .    653:       if err != nil {
         .          .    654:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    655:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    656:           return
         .          .    657:       }
         .          .    658:   } else {
         .          .    659:       // 1st page
         .       20ms    660:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    661:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    662:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    663:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    664:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    665:       )
         .          .    666:       if err != nil {
         .          .    667:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    668:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    669:           return
         .          .    670:       }
         .          .    671:   }
         .          .    672:
         .          .    673:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .       10ms    674:   for _, item := range items {
         .      220ms    675:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .    676:       if err != nil {
         .          .    677:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .    678:           return
         .          .    679:       }
         .          .    680:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    681:       if err != nil {
         .          .    682:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    683:           return
         .          .    684:       }
         .          .    685:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    686:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    687:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    688:           Seller:     &seller,
         .          .    689:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    690:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    691:           Price:      item.Price,
         .       10ms    692:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    693:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    694:           Category:   &category,
         .          .    695:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    696:       })
         .          .    697:   }
         .          .    698:
         .          .    699:   hasNext := false
         .          .    700:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    701:       hasNext = true
         .          .    702:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    703:   }
         .          .    704:
         .          .    705:   rni := resNewItems{
         .          .    706:       Items:   itemSimples,
         .          .    707:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .    708:   }
         .          .    709:
         .          .    710:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       30ms    711:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    712:}
         .          .    713:
         .          .    714:func getNewCategoryItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    715:   rootCategoryIDStr := pat.Param(r, "root_category_id")
         .          .    716:   rootCategoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(rootCategoryIDStr)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getPaymentServiceURL in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      140ms (flat, cum)  0.55% of Total
         .          .    535:   }
         .          .    536:   return config.Val, err
         .          .    537:}
         .          .    538:
         .          .    539:func getPaymentServiceURL() string {
         .      140ms    540:   val, _ := getConfigByName("payment_service_url")
         .          .    541:   if val == "" {
         .          .    542:       return DefaultPaymentServiceURL
         .          .    543:   }
         .          .    544:   return val
         .          .    545:}
ROUTINE ======================== main.getSession in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      280ms (flat, cum)  1.09% of Total
         .          .    363:   mux.Handle(pat.Get("/*"), http.FileServer(http.Dir("../public")))
         .          .    364:   log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", mux))
         .          .    365:}
         .          .    366:
         .          .    367:func getSession(r *http.Request) *sessions.Session {
         .      280ms    368:   session, _ := store.Get(r, sessionName)
         .          .    369:
         .          .    370:   return session
         .          .    371:}
         .          .    372:
         .          .    373:func getCSRFToken(r *http.Request) string {
ROUTINE ======================== main.getSettings in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      1.73s (flat, cum)  6.75% of Total
         .          .   2248:       ItemUpdatedAt: targetItem.UpdatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   2249:   })
         .          .   2250:}
         .          .   2251:
         .          .   2252:func getSettings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       70ms   2253:   csrfToken := getCSRFToken(r)
         .          .   2254:
         .      1.39s   2255:   user, _, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   2256:
         .          .   2257:   ress := resSetting{}
         .          .   2258:   ress.CSRFToken = csrfToken
         .          .   2259:   if errMsg == "" {
         .          .   2260:       ress.User = &user
         .          .   2261:   }
         .          .   2262:
         .       70ms   2263:   ress.PaymentServiceURL = getPaymentServiceURL()
         .          .   2264:
         .          .   2265:   categories := []Category{}
         .          .   2266:
         .      140ms   2267:   err := dbx.Select(&categories, "SELECT * FROM categories")
         .          .   2268:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2269:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2270:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2271:       return
         .          .   2272:   }
         .          .   2273:   ress.Categories = categories
         .          .   2274:
         .          .   2275:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       60ms   2276:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ress)
         .          .   2277:}
         .          .   2278:
         .          .   2279:func postLogin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   2280:   rl := reqLogin{}
         .          .   2281:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rl)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getShipmentServiceURL in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      1.24s (flat, cum)  4.84% of Total
         .          .    543:   }
         .          .    544:   return val
         .          .    545:}
         .          .    546:
         .          .    547:func getShipmentServiceURL() string {
         .      1.24s    548:   val, _ := getConfigByName("shipment_service_url")
         .          .    549:   if val == "" {
         .          .    550:       return DefaultShipmentServiceURL
         .          .    551:   }
         .          .    552:   return val
         .          .    553:}
ROUTINE ======================== main.getTransactions in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      1.29s (flat, cum)  5.03% of Total
         .          .    950:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rui)
         .          .    951:}
         .          .    952:
         .          .    953:func getTransactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    954:
         .       60ms    955:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .    956:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .    957:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .    958:       return
         .          .    959:   }
         .          .    960:
         .          .    961:   query := r.URL.Query()
         .          .    962:   itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id")
         .          .    963:   var err error
         .          .    964:   var itemID int64
         .          .    965:   if itemIDStr != "" {
         .          .    966:       itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    967:       if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .    968:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error")
         .          .    969:           return
         .          .    970:       }
         .          .    971:   }
         .          .    972:
         .          .    973:   createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at")
         .          .    974:   var createdAt int64
         .          .    975:   if createdAtStr != "" {
         .          .    976:       createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    977:       if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 {
         .          .    978:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .    979:           return
         .          .    980:       }
         .          .    981:   }
         .          .    982:
         .          .    983:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .    984:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    985:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    986:       // paging
         .       10ms    987:       err := tx.Select(&items,
         .          .    988:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (seller_id = ? OR buyer_id = ?) AND status IN (?,?,?,?,?) AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    989:           user.ID,
         .          .    990:           user.ID,
         .          .    991:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    992:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    993:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    994:           ItemStatusCancel,
         .          .    995:           ItemStatusStop,
         .          .    996:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    997:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    998:           itemID,
         .          .    999:           TransactionsPerPage+1,
         .          .   1000:       )
         .          .   1001:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1002:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1003:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1004:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1005:           return
         .          .   1006:       }
         .          .   1007:   } else {
         .          .   1008:       // 1st page
         .       20ms   1009:       err := tx.Select(&items,
         .          .   1010:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (seller_id = ? OR buyer_id = ?) AND status IN (?,?,?,?,?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .   1011:           user.ID,
         .          .   1012:           user.ID,
         .          .   1013:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .   1014:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .   1015:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .   1016:           ItemStatusCancel,
         .          .   1017:           ItemStatusStop,
         .          .   1018:           TransactionsPerPage+1,
         .          .   1019:       )
         .          .   1020:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1021:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1022:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1023:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1024:           return
         .          .   1025:       }
         .          .   1026:   }
         .          .   1027:
         .          .   1028:   itemDetails := []ItemDetail{}
         .          .   1029:   for _, item := range items {
         .       10ms   1030:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(tx, item.SellerID)
         .          .   1031:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1032:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .   1033:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1034:           return
         .          .   1035:       }
         .          .   1036:       category, err := getCategoryByID(tx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .   1037:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1038:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .   1039:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1040:           return
         .          .   1041:       }
         .          .   1042:
         .          .   1043:       itemDetail := ItemDetail{
         .          .   1044:           ID:       item.ID,
         .          .   1045:           SellerID: item.SellerID,
         .          .   1046:           Seller:   &seller,
         .          .   1047:           // BuyerID
         .          .   1048:           // Buyer
         .          .   1049:           Status:      item.Status,
         .          .   1050:           Name:        item.Name,
         .          .   1051:           Price:       item.Price,
         .          .   1052:           Description: item.Description,
         .          .   1053:           ImageURL:    getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .   1054:           CategoryID:  item.CategoryID,
         .          .   1055:           // TransactionEvidenceID
         .          .   1056:           // TransactionEvidenceStatus
         .          .   1057:           // ShippingStatus
         .          .   1058:           Category:  &category,
         .          .   1059:           CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   1060:       }
         .          .   1061:
         .          .   1062:       if item.BuyerID != 0 {
         .       10ms   1063:           buyer, err := getUserSimpleByID(tx, item.BuyerID)
         .          .   1064:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1065:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "buyer not found")
         .          .   1066:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1067:               return
         .          .   1068:           }
         .          .   1069:           itemDetail.BuyerID = item.BuyerID
         .          .   1070:           itemDetail.Buyer = &buyer
         .          .   1071:       }
         .          .   1072:
         .          .   1073:       transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .      120ms   1074:       err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", item.ID)
         .          .   1075:       if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1076:           // It's able to ignore ErrNoRows
         .          .   1077:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1078:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1079:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1080:           return
         .          .   1081:       }
         .          .   1082:
         .          .   1083:       if transactionEvidence.ID > 0 {
         .          .   1084:           shipping := Shipping{}
         .       30ms   1085:           err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ?", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1086:           if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1087:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shipping not found")
         .          .   1088:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1089:               return
         .          .   1090:           }
         .          .   1091:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1092:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1093:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1094:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1095:               return
         .          .   1096:           }
         .      1.01s   1097:           ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{
         .          .   1098:               ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1099:           })
         .          .   1100:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1101:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1102:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
         .          .   1103:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1104:               return
         .          .   1105:           }
         .          .   1106:
         .          .   1107:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceID = transactionEvidence.ID
         .          .   1108:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceStatus = transactionEvidence.Status
         .          .   1109:           itemDetail.ShippingStatus = ssr.Status
         .          .   1110:       }
         .          .   1111:
         .          .   1112:       itemDetails = append(itemDetails, itemDetail)
         .          .   1113:   }
         .          .   1114:   tx.Commit()
         .          .   1115:
         .          .   1116:   hasNext := false
         .          .   1117:   if len(itemDetails) > TransactionsPerPage {
         .          .   1118:       hasNext = true
         .          .   1119:       itemDetails = itemDetails[0:TransactionsPerPage]
         .          .   1120:   }
         .          .   1121:
         .          .   1122:   rts := resTransactions{
         .          .   1123:       Items:   itemDetails,
         .          .   1124:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .   1125:   }
         .          .   1126:
         .          .   1127:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       20ms   1128:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rts)
         .          .   1129:
         .          .   1130:}
         .          .   1131:
         .          .   1132:func getItem(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1133:   itemIDStr := pat.Param(r, "item_id")
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUser in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
      10ms      5.52s (flat, cum) 21.54% of Total
         .          .    380:
         .          .    381:   return csrfToken.(string)
         .          .    382:}
         .          .    383:
         .          .    384:func getUser(r *http.Request) (user User, errCode int, errMsg string) {
         .      150ms    385:   session := getSession(r)
         .          .    386:   userID, ok := session.Values["user_id"]
         .          .    387:   if !ok {
         .          .    388:       return user, http.StatusNotFound, "no session"
         .          .    389:   }
         .          .    390:
      10ms      5.37s    391:   err := dbx.Get(&user, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", userID)
         .          .    392:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .    393:       return user, http.StatusNotFound, "user not found"
         .          .    394:   }
         .          .    395:   if err != nil {
         .          .    396:       log.Print(err)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUserItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      220ms (flat, cum)  0.86% of Total
         .          .    848:   if err != nil || userID <= 0 {
         .          .    849:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect user id")
         .          .    850:       return
         .          .    851:   }
         .          .    852:
         .       20ms    853:   userSimple, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, userID)
         .          .    854:   if err != nil {
         .          .    855:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "user not found")
         .          .    856:       return
         .          .    857:   }
         .          .    858:
         .          .    859:   query := r.URL.Query()
         .          .    860:   itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id")
         .          .    861:   var itemID int64
         .          .    862:   if itemIDStr != "" {
         .          .    863:       itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    864:       if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .    865:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error")
         .          .    866:           return
         .          .    867:       }
         .          .    868:   }
         .          .    869:
         .          .    870:   createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at")
         .          .    871:   var createdAt int64
         .          .    872:   if createdAtStr != "" {
         .          .    873:       createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    874:       if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 {
         .          .    875:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .    876:           return
         .          .    877:       }
         .          .    878:   }
         .          .    879:
         .          .    880:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    881:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    882:       // paging
         .       70ms    883:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    884:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE seller_id = ? AND status IN (?,?,?) AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    885:           userSimple.ID,
         .          .    886:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    887:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    888:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    889:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    890:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    891:           itemID,
         .          .    892:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    893:       )
         .          .    894:       if err != nil {
         .          .    895:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    896:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    897:           return
         .          .    898:       }
         .          .    899:   } else {
         .          .    900:       // 1st page
         .      120ms    901:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    902:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE seller_id = ? AND status IN (?,?,?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    903:           userSimple.ID,
         .          .    904:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    905:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    906:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    907:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    908:       )
         .          .    909:       if err != nil {
         .          .    910:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    911:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    912:           return
         .          .    913:       }
         .          .    914:   }
         .          .    915:
         .          .    916:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .          .    917:   for _, item := range items {
         .          .    918:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    919:       if err != nil {
         .          .    920:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    921:           return
         .          .    922:       }
         .          .    923:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    924:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    925:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    926:           Seller:     &userSimple,
         .          .    927:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    928:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    929:           Price:      item.Price,
         .          .    930:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    931:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    932:           Category:   &category,
         .          .    933:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    934:       })
         .          .    935:   }
         .          .    936:
         .          .    937:   hasNext := false
         .          .    938:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    939:       hasNext = true
         .          .    940:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    941:   }
         .          .    942:
         .          .    943:   rui := resUserItems{
         .          .    944:       User:    &userSimple,
         .          .    945:       Items:   itemSimples,
         .          .    946:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .    947:   }
         .          .    948:
         .          .    949:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       10ms    950:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rui)
         .          .    951:}
         .          .    952:
         .          .    953:func getTransactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    954:
         .          .    955:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUserSimpleByID in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      1.63s (flat, cum)  6.36% of Total
         .          .    424:   }
         .          .    425:   return nil
         .          .    426:}
         .          .    427:
         .          .    428:func getUserSimpleByID(q sqlx.Queryer, userID int64) (userSimple UserSimple, err error) {
         .       10ms    429:   if us, ok := UserSimpleCache[userID]; ok {
         .      1.62s    430:       numsellStr, err := redisClient.Get(context.Background(), fmt.Sprintf(UserSimpleCacheKeyFmt, userID)).Result()
         .          .    431:       if err != nil {
         .          .    432:           return us, err
         .          .    433:       }
         .          .    434:       numsell, err := strconv.Atoi(numsellStr)
         .          .    435:       if err != nil {
ROUTINE ======================== main.initializeSimpleUserCache in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       50ms (flat, cum)   0.2% of Total
         .          .    402:
         .          .    403:var UserSimpleCache = map[int64]UserSimple{}
         .          .    404:
         .          .    405:func initializeSimpleUserCache(db *sqlx.DB) error {
         .          .    406:   var users []User
         .       10ms    407:   err := db.Select(&users, "SELECT * FROM users")
         .          .    408:   if err != nil {
         .          .    409:       return err
         .          .    410:   }
         .          .    411:   for _, u := range users {
         .          .    412:       UserSimpleCache[u.ID] = UserSimple{
         .          .    413:           ID:           u.ID,
         .          .    414:           AccountName:  u.AccountName,
         .          .    415:           NumSellItems: u.NumSellItems,
         .          .    416:       }
         .          .    417:
         .          .    418:       // numsell item set to redis
         .       10ms    419:       key := fmt.Sprintf(UserSimpleCacheKeyFmt, u.ID)
         .       30ms    420:       err = redisClient.Set(context.Background(), key, u.NumSellItems, 0).Err()
         .          .    421:       if err != nil {
         .          .    422:           return err
         .          .    423:       }
         .          .    424:   }
         .          .    425:   return nil
ROUTINE ======================== main.postBump in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       10ms (flat, cum) 0.039% of Total
         .          .   2157:   if csrfToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   2158:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   2159:       return
         .          .   2160:   }
         .          .   2161:
         .       10ms   2162:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   2163:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   2164:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   2165:       return
         .          .   2166:   }
         .          .   2167:
ROUTINE ======================== main.postBuy in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      3.09s (flat, cum) 12.06% of Total
         .          .   1379:}
         .          .   1380:
         .          .   1381:func postBuy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1382:   rb := reqBuy{}
         .          .   1383:
         .       30ms   1384:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rb)
         .          .   1385:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1386:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "json decode error")
         .          .   1387:       return
         .          .   1388:   }
         .          .   1389:
         .       40ms   1390:   if rb.CSRFToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   1391:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   1392:
         .          .   1393:       return
         .          .   1394:   }
         .          .   1395:
         .      2.75s   1396:   buyer, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1397:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1398:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1399:       return
         .          .   1400:   }
         .          .   1401:
         .       20ms   1402:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1403:
         .          .   1404:   targetItem := Item{}
         .       40ms   1405:   err = tx.Get(&targetItem, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", rb.ItemID)
         .          .   1406:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1407:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1408:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1409:       return
         .          .   1410:   }
         .          .   1411:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1412:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1413:
         .          .   1414:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1415:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1416:       return
         .          .   1417:   }
         .          .   1418:
         .          .   1419:   if targetItem.Status != ItemStatusOnSale {
         .          .   1420:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "item is not for sale")
         .       40ms   1421:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1422:       return
         .          .   1423:   }
         .          .   1424:
         .          .   1425:   if targetItem.SellerID == buyer.ID {
         .          .   1426:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "自分の商品は買えません")
         .          .   1427:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1428:       return
         .          .   1429:   }
         .          .   1430:
         .          .   1431:   seller := User{}
         .          .   1432:   err = tx.Get(&seller, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", targetItem.SellerID)
         .          .   1433:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1434:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .   1435:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1436:       return
         .          .   1437:   }
         .          .   1438:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1439:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1440:
         .          .   1441:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1442:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1443:       return
         .          .   1444:   }
         .          .   1445:
         .          .   1446:   category, err := getCategoryByID(tx, targetItem.CategoryID)
         .          .   1447:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1448:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1449:
         .          .   1450:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "category id error")
         .          .   1451:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1452:       return
         .          .   1453:   }
         .          .   1454:
         .          .   1455:   var transactionEvidenceID int64
         .          .   1456:   if err := tx.Get(
         .          .   1457:       &transactionEvidenceID,
         .          .   1458:       "INSERT INTO transaction_evidences (seller_id, buyer_id, status, item_id, item_name, item_price, item_description,item_category_id,item_root_category_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING id",
         .          .   1459:       targetItem.SellerID,
         .          .   1460:       buyer.ID,
         .          .   1461:       TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitShipping,
         .          .   1462:       targetItem.ID,
         .          .   1463:       targetItem.Name,
         .          .   1464:       targetItem.Price,
         .          .   1465:       targetItem.Description,
         .          .   1466:       category.ID,
         .          .   1467:       category.ParentID,
         .          .   1468:   ); err != nil {
         .          .   1469:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1470:
         .          .   1471:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1472:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1473:       return
         .          .   1474:   }
         .          .   1475:
         .          .   1476:   _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE items SET buyer_id = ?, status = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE id = ?",
         .          .   1477:       buyer.ID,
         .          .   1478:       ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .   1479:       time.Now(),
         .          .   1480:       targetItem.ID,
         .          .   1481:   )
         .          .   1482:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1483:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1484:
         .          .   1485:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1486:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1487:       return
         .          .   1488:   }
         .          .   1489:
         .       80ms   1490:   scr, err := APIShipmentCreate(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentCreateReq{
         .          .   1491:       ToAddress:   buyer.Address,
         .          .   1492:       ToName:      buyer.AccountName,
         .          .   1493:       FromAddress: seller.Address,
         .          .   1494:       FromName:    seller.AccountName,
         .          .   1495:   })
         .          .   1496:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1497:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1498:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
         .          .   1499:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1500:
         .          .   1501:       return
         .          .   1502:   }
         .          .   1503:
         .       80ms   1504:   pstr, err := APIPaymentToken(getPaymentServiceURL(), &APIPaymentServiceTokenReq{
         .          .   1505:       ShopID: PaymentServiceIsucariShopID,
         .          .   1506:       Token:  rb.Token,
         .          .   1507:       APIKey: PaymentServiceIsucariAPIKey,
         .          .   1508:       Price:  targetItem.Price,
         .          .   1509:   })
         .          .   1510:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1511:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1512:
         .          .   1513:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "payment service is failed")
         .          .   1514:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1515:       return
         .          .   1516:   }
         .          .   1517:
         .          .   1518:   if pstr.Status == "invalid" {
         .          .   1519:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "カード情報に誤りがあります")
         .          .   1520:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1521:       return
         .          .   1522:   }
         .          .   1523:
         .          .   1524:   if pstr.Status == "fail" {
         .          .   1525:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "カードの残高が足りません")
         .          .   1526:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1527:       return
         .          .   1528:   }
         .          .   1529:
         .          .   1530:   if pstr.Status != "ok" {
         .          .   1531:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "想定外のエラー")
         .          .   1532:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1533:       return
         .          .   1534:   }
         .          .   1535:
         .       10ms   1536:   _, err = tx.Exec("INSERT INTO shippings (transaction_evidence_id, status, item_name, item_id, reserve_id, reserve_time, to_address, to_name, from_address, from_name, img_binary) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
         .          .   1537:       transactionEvidenceID,
         .          .   1538:       ShippingsStatusInitial,
         .          .   1539:       targetItem.Name,
         .          .   1540:       targetItem.ID,
         .          .   1541:       scr.ReserveID,
ROUTINE ======================== main.postComplete in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       50ms (flat, cum)   0.2% of Total
         .          .   1853:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   1854:
         .          .   1855:       return
         .          .   1856:   }
         .          .   1857:
         .       10ms   1858:   buyer, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1859:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1860:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1861:       return
         .          .   1862:   }
         .          .   1863:
         .          .   1864:   transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .          .   1865:   err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", itemID)
         .          .   1866:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1867:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidence not found")
         .          .   1868:       return
         .          .   1869:   }
         .          .   1870:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1871:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1872:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1873:
         .          .   1874:       return
         .          .   1875:   }
         .          .   1876:
         .          .   1877:   if transactionEvidence.BuyerID != buyer.ID {
         .          .   1878:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "権限がありません")
         .          .   1879:       return
         .          .   1880:   }
         .          .   1881:
         .          .   1882:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1883:   item := Item{}
         .          .   1884:   err = tx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1885:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1886:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "items not found")
         .          .   1887:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1888:       return
         .          .   1889:   }
         .          .   1890:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1891:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1892:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1893:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1894:       return
         .          .   1895:   }
         .          .   1896:
         .          .   1897:   if item.Status != ItemStatusTrading {
         .          .   1898:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "商品が取引中ではありません")
         .          .   1899:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1900:       return
         .          .   1901:   }
         .          .   1902:
         .          .   1903:   err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1904:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1905:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found")
         .          .   1906:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1907:       return
         .          .   1908:   }
         .          .   1909:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1910:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1911:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1912:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1913:       return
         .          .   1914:   }
         .          .   1915:
         .          .   1916:   if transactionEvidence.Status != TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitDone {
         .          .   1917:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "準備ができていません")
         .          .   1918:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1919:       return
         .          .   1920:   }
         .          .   1921:
         .          .   1922:   shipping := Shipping{}
         .          .   1923:   err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1924:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1925:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1926:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1927:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1928:       return
         .          .   1929:   }
         .          .   1930:
         .       30ms   1931:   ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{
         .          .   1932:       ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1933:   })
         .          .   1934:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1935:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1936:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
         .          .   1937:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1938:
         .          .   1939:       return
         .          .   1940:   }
         .          .   1941:
         .          .   1942:   if !(ssr.Status == ShippingsStatusDone) {
         .          .   1943:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "shipment service側で配送完了になっていません")
         .          .   1944:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1945:       return
         .          .   1946:   }
         .          .   1947:
         .          .   1948:   _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE shippings SET status = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ?",
         .          .   1949:       ShippingsStatusDone,
         .          .   1950:       time.Now(),
         .          .   1951:       transactionEvidence.ID,
         .          .   1952:   )
         .          .   1953:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1954:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1955:
         .          .   1956:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1957:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1958:       return
         .          .   1959:   }
         .          .   1960:
         .          .   1961:   _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE transaction_evidences SET status = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE id = ?",
         .          .   1962:       TransactionEvidenceStatusDone,
         .          .   1963:       time.Now(),
         .          .   1964:       transactionEvidence.ID,
         .          .   1965:   )
         .          .   1966:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1967:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1968:
         .          .   1969:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1970:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1971:       return
         .          .   1972:   }
         .          .   1973:
         .          .   1974:   _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE items SET status = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE id = ?",
         .          .   1975:       ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .   1976:       time.Now(),
         .          .   1977:       itemID,
         .          .   1978:   )
         .          .   1979:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1980:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1981:
         .          .   1982:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1983:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1984:       return
         .          .   1985:   }
         .          .   1986:
         .       10ms   1987:   tx.Commit()
         .          .   1988:
         .          .   1989:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .          .   1990:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resBuy{TransactionEvidenceID: transactionEvidence.ID})
         .          .   1991:}
         .          .   1992:
ROUTINE ======================== main.postInitialize in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       60ms (flat, cum)  0.23% of Total
         .          .    572:   if err != nil {
         .          .    573:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "exec init.sh error")
         .          .    574:       return
         .          .    575:   }
         .          .    576:
         .       10ms    577:   _, err = dbx.Exec(
         .          .    578:       "INSERT INTO configs (name, val) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT (NAME) DO UPDATE SET val = ?",
         .          .    579:       "payment_service_url",
         .          .    580:       ri.PaymentServiceURL,
         .          .    581:       ri.PaymentServiceURL,
         .          .    582:   )
         .          .    583:   if err != nil {
         .          .    584:       log.Print(err)
         .          .    585:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    586:       return
         .          .    587:   }
         .          .    588:   _, err = dbx.Exec(
         .          .    589:       "INSERT INTO configs (name, val) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT (NAME) DO UPDATE SET val = ?",
         .          .    590:       "shipment_service_url",
         .          .    591:       ri.ShipmentServiceURL,
         .          .    592:       ri.ShipmentServiceURL,
         .          .    593:   )
         .          .    594:   if err != nil {
         .          .    595:       log.Print(err)
         .          .    596:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    597:       return
         .          .    598:   }
         .          .    599:
         .          .    600:   // cache
         .       50ms    601:   err = initializeSimpleUserCache(dbx)
         .          .    602:   if err != nil {
         .          .    603:       log.Print(err)
         .          .    604:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "cache initialize error")
         .          .    605:   }
         .          .    606:
ROUTINE ======================== main.postLogin in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0     11.10s (flat, cum) 43.31% of Total
         .          .   2292:
         .          .   2293:       return
         .          .   2294:   }
         .          .   2295:
         .          .   2296:   u := User{}
         .      2.29s   2297:   err = dbx.Get(&u, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE account_name = ?", accountName)
         .          .   2298:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   2299:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "アカウント名かパスワードが間違えています")
         .          .   2300:       return
         .          .   2301:   }
         .          .   2302:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2303:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2304:
         .          .   2305:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2306:       return
         .          .   2307:   }
         .          .   2308:   hashedPassword := u.HashedPassword
         .          .   2309:   var rehashedPassword []byte
         .          .   2310:   var rehashed bool
         .       60ms   2311:   if err := dbx.Get(&rehashedPassword, "SELECT hashed_password FROM user_password WHERE user_id = ?", u.ID); err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   2312:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2313:
         .          .   2314:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2315:       return
         .          .   2316:   } else if err == nil {
         .          .   2317:       rehashed = true
         .          .   2318:       hashedPassword = rehashedPassword
         .          .   2319:   }
         .          .   2320:
         .      8.50s   2321:   err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(hashedPassword, []byte(password))
         .          .   2322:   if err == bcrypt.ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword {
         .          .   2323:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "アカウント名かパスワードが間違えています")
         .          .   2324:       return
         .          .   2325:   }
         .          .   2326:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2327:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2328:
         .          .   2329:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "crypt error")
         .          .   2330:       return
         .          .   2331:   }
         .          .   2332:
         .          .   2333:   if !rehashed {
         .      140ms   2334:       rehashedPassword, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), BcryptCost)
         .          .   2335:       if err != nil {
         .          .   2336:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   2337:
         .          .   2338:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "error")
         .          .   2339:           return
         .          .   2340:       }
         .      100ms   2341:       if _, err := dbx.Exec(
         .          .   2342:           "INSERT INTO user_password (user_id, hashed_password) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT (user_id) DO UPDATE SET hashed_password = ?",
         .          .   2343:           u.ID,
         .          .   2344:           rehashedPassword,
         .          .   2345:           rehashedPassword,
         .          .   2346:       ); err != nil {
         .          .   2347:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   2348:
         .          .   2349:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2350:           return
         .          .   2351:       }
         .          .   2352:   }
         .          .   2353:
         .          .   2354:   session := getSession(r)
         .          .   2355:
         .          .   2356:   session.Values["user_id"] = u.ID
         .          .   2357:   session.Values["csrf_token"] = secureRandomStr(20)
         .       10ms   2358:   if err = session.Save(r, w); err != nil {
         .          .   2359:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2360:
         .          .   2361:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "session error")
         .          .   2362:       return
         .          .   2363:   }
ROUTINE ======================== main.postSell in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      180ms (flat, cum)   0.7% of Total
         .          .   1989:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .          .   1990:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resBuy{TransactionEvidenceID: transactionEvidence.ID})
         .          .   1991:}
         .          .   1992:
         .          .   1993:func postSell(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       10ms   1994:   csrfToken := r.FormValue("csrf_token")
         .          .   1995:   name := r.FormValue("name")
         .          .   1996:   description := r.FormValue("description")
         .          .   1997:   priceStr := r.FormValue("price")
         .          .   1998:   categoryIDStr := r.FormValue("category_id")
         .          .   1999:
         .          .   2000:   f, header, err := r.FormFile("image")
         .          .   2001:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2002:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2003:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "image error")
         .          .   2004:       return
         .          .   2005:   }
         .          .   2006:   defer f.Close()
         .          .   2007:
         .       20ms   2008:   if csrfToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   2009:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   2010:       return
         .          .   2011:   }
         .          .   2012:
         .          .   2013:   categoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(categoryIDStr)
         .          .   2014:   if err != nil || categoryID < 0 {
         .          .   2015:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "category id error")
         .          .   2016:       return
         .          .   2017:   }
         .          .   2018:
         .          .   2019:   price, err := strconv.Atoi(priceStr)
         .          .   2020:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2021:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "price error")
         .          .   2022:       return
         .          .   2023:   }
         .          .   2024:
         .          .   2025:   if name == "" || description == "" || price == 0 || categoryID == 0 {
         .          .   2026:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "all parameters are required")
         .          .   2027:
         .          .   2028:       return
         .          .   2029:   }
         .          .   2030:
         .          .   2031:   if price < ItemMinPrice || price > ItemMaxPrice {
         .          .   2032:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, ItemPriceErrMsg)
         .          .   2033:
         .          .   2034:       return
         .          .   2035:   }
         .          .   2036:
         .          .   2037:   category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, categoryID)
         .          .   2038:   if err != nil || category.ParentID == 0 {
         .          .   2039:       log.Print(categoryID, category)
         .          .   2040:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "Incorrect category ID")
         .          .   2041:       return
         .          .   2042:   }
         .          .   2043:
         .      120ms   2044:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   2045:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   2046:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   2047:       return
         .          .   2048:   }
         .          .   2049:
         .       10ms   2050:   img, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
         .          .   2051:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2052:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2053:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "image error")
         .          .   2054:       return
         .          .   2055:   }
         .          .   2056:
         .          .   2057:   ext := filepath.Ext(header.Filename)
         .          .   2058:
         .          .   2059:   if !(ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".jpeg" || ext == ".png" || ext == ".gif") {
         .          .   2060:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "unsupported image format error")
         .          .   2061:       return
         .          .   2062:   }
         .          .   2063:
         .          .   2064:   if ext == ".jpeg" {
         .          .   2065:       ext = ".jpg"
         .          .   2066:   }
         .          .   2067:
         .          .   2068:   imgName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", secureRandomStr(16), ext)
         .          .   2069:   err = ioutil.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("../public/upload/%s", imgName), img, 0644)
         .          .   2070:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2071:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2072:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Saving image failed")
         .          .   2073:       return
         .          .   2074:   }
         .          .   2075:
         .          .   2076:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   2077:
         .          .   2078:   seller := User{}
         .          .   2079:   err = tx.Get(&seller, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", user.ID)
         .          .   2080:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   2081:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "user not found")
         .          .   2082:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   2083:       return
         .          .   2084:   }
         .          .   2085:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2086:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2087:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2088:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   2089:       return
         .          .   2090:   }
         .          .   2091:
         .          .   2092:   var itemID int64
         .          .   2093:   if err := tx.Get(
         .          .   2094:       &itemID,
         .          .   2095:       "INSERT INTO items (seller_id, status, name, price, description,image_name,category_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING id",
         .          .   2096:       seller.ID,
         .          .   2097:       ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .   2098:       name,
         .          .   2099:       price,
         .          .   2100:       description,
         .          .   2101:       imgName,
         .          .   2102:       category.ID,
         .          .   2103:   ); err != nil {
         .          .   2104:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2105:
         .          .   2106:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2107:       return
         .          .   2108:   }
         .          .   2109:
         .          .   2110:   // cache
         .          .   2111:   key := fmt.Sprintf(UserSimpleCacheKeyFmt, user.ID)
         .          .   2112:   err = redisClient.Incr(context.Background(), key).Err()
         .          .   2113:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2114:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2115:
         .          .   2116:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "user simple num sell cache update reds error")
         .          .   2117:       return
         .          .   2118:   }
         .          .   2119:
         .          .   2120:   now := time.Now()
         .       20ms   2121:   _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE users SET num_sell_items=?, last_bump=? WHERE id=?",
         .          .   2122:       seller.NumSellItems+1,
         .          .   2123:       now,
         .          .   2124:       seller.ID,
         .          .   2125:   )
         .          .   2126:   if err != nil {
ROUTINE ======================== main.postShip in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       80ms (flat, cum)  0.31% of Total
         .          .   1642:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1643:       return
         .          .   1644:   }
         .          .   1645:
         .          .   1646:   shipping := Shipping{}
         .       10ms   1647:   err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1648:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1649:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shippings not found")
         .          .   1650:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1651:       return
         .          .   1652:   }
         .          .   1653:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1654:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1655:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1656:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1657:       return
         .          .   1658:   }
         .          .   1659:
         .       70ms   1660:   img, err := APIShipmentRequest(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentRequestReq{
         .          .   1661:       ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1662:   })
         .          .   1663:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1664:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1665:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
ROUTINE ======================== main.postShipDone in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      110ms (flat, cum)  0.43% of Total
         .          .   1707:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   1708:
         .          .   1709:       return
         .          .   1710:   }
         .          .   1711:
         .       20ms   1712:   seller, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1713:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1714:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1715:       return
         .          .   1716:   }
         .          .   1717:
         .          .   1718:   transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .       10ms   1719:   err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", itemID)
         .          .   1720:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1721:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidence not found")
         .          .   1722:       return
         .          .   1723:   }
         .          .   1724:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1725:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1726:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1727:
         .          .   1728:       return
         .          .   1729:   }
         .          .   1730:
         .          .   1731:   if transactionEvidence.SellerID != seller.ID {
         .          .   1732:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "権限がありません")
         .          .   1733:       return
         .          .   1734:   }
         .          .   1735:
         .          .   1736:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1737:
         .          .   1738:   item := Item{}
         .       10ms   1739:   err = tx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1740:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1741:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "items not found")
         .          .   1742:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1743:       return
         .          .   1744:   }
         .          .   1745:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1746:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1747:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1748:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1749:       return
         .          .   1750:   }
         .          .   1751:
         .          .   1752:   if item.Status != ItemStatusTrading {
         .          .   1753:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "商品が取引中ではありません")
         .          .   1754:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1755:       return
         .          .   1756:   }
         .          .   1757:
         .          .   1758:   err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1759:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1760:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found")
         .          .   1761:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1762:       return
         .          .   1763:   }
         .          .   1764:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1765:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1766:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1767:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1768:       return
         .          .   1769:   }
         .          .   1770:
         .          .   1771:   if transactionEvidence.Status != TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitShipping {
         .          .   1772:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "準備ができていません")
         .          .   1773:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1774:       return
         .          .   1775:   }
         .          .   1776:
         .          .   1777:   shipping := Shipping{}
         .          .   1778:   err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1779:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1780:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shippings not found")
         .          .   1781:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1782:       return
         .          .   1783:   }
         .          .   1784:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1785:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1786:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1787:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1788:       return
         .          .   1789:   }
         .          .   1790:
         .       70ms   1791:   ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{
         .          .   1792:       ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1793:   })
         .          .   1794:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1795:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1796:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
mackee commented 1 year ago

category cache

tetsuzawa commented 1 year ago
683 0 59 0 624 0 POST /buy 1.266 4.808 2311.914 3.385 4.768 0.000 49.000 33.294
274 0 261 0 13 0 GET /users/transactions.json 0.004 6.411 792.159 2.891 5.128 0.000 6958.000 5457.507
2117 0 2113 0 4 0 GET /new_items/\d+.json 0.002 0.628 114.199 0.054 0.220 0.000 5682.000 5508.114
76 0 55 0 21 0 POST /ship_done 0.804 0.880 47.279 0.622 0.848 29.000 83.000 38.329
73 0 59 0 14 0 POST /ship 0.804 1.260 46.451 0.636 0.876 29.000 61.000 55.630
1557 0 1549 0 8 0 POST /login 0.000 0.304 45.221 0.029 0.108 73.000 109.000 96.839
52 0 51 0 1 0 POST /complete 0.652 0.848 39.570 0.761 0.844 0.000 34.000 33.346
209 0 209 0 0 0 GET /new_items.json 0.036 0.539 32.061 0.153 0.348 5603.000 6006.000 5782.330
1549 0 1549 0 0 0 GET /settings 0.000 0.188 19.788 0.013 0.076 774.000 794.000 783.524
5444 0 5444 0 0 0 GET /items/\d+.json 0.000 0.152 15.614 0.003 0.008 1060.000 1994.000 1219.269
390 0 390 0 0 0 GET /users/\d+.json 0.004 0.216 3.179 0.008 0.040 96.000 5261.000 3303.267
58 0 58 0 0 0 GET /upload/[0-9a-zA-Z]+.jpg 0.000 0.248 2.828 0.049 0.196 51662.000 140633.000 83527.845
89 0 68 0 21 0 POST /sell 0.004 0.532 2.724 0.031 0.152 13.000 106.000 28.888
1 0 1 0 0 0 POST /initialize 2.072 2.072 2.072 2.072 2.072 31.000 31.000 31.000
13 0 13 0 0 0 POST /bump 0.000 0.092 0.168 0.013 0.092 90.000 92.000 90.923
69 0 55 0 14 0 GET /transactions/\d+.png 0.000 0.060 0.144 0.002 0.008 33.000 640.000 501.768
10 0 3 0 7 0 POST /items/edit 0.004 0.044 0.096 0.010 0.044 58.000 93.000 68.400
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/main.babc3d4d.chunk.js 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 17072.000 17072.000 17072.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/runtime~main.a8a9905a.js 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 774.000 774.000 774.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/2.ff6e1067.chunk.js 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 149001.000 149001.000 149001.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/css/main.19393e92.chunk.css 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 994.000 994.000 994.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /reports.json 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 35785.000 35785.000 35785.000
$ go tool pprof -list main. -cum -seconds 60 http://localhost:8000/debug/pprof/profile
Fetching profile over HTTP from http://localhost:8000/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=60
Please wait... (1m0s)

Saved profile in /home/isucon/pprof/pprof.isucari.samples.cpu.005.pb.gz
Total: 18.34s
ROUTINE ======================== main.APIPaymentToken in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/api.go
         0       10ms (flat, cum) 0.055% of Total
         .          .     74:       }
         .          .     75:       return nil, fmt.Errorf("status code: %d; body: %s", res.StatusCode, b)
         .          .     76:   }
         .          .     77:
         .          .     78:   pstr := &APIPaymentServiceTokenRes{}
         .       10ms     79:   err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(pstr)
         .          .     80:   if err != nil {
         .          .     81:       return nil, err
         .          .     82:   }
         .          .     83:
         .          .     84:   return pstr, nil
ROUTINE ======================== main.APIShipmentCreate in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/api.go
         0       10ms (flat, cum) 0.055% of Total
         .          .     85:}
         .          .     86:
         .          .     87:func APIShipmentCreate(shipmentURL string, param *APIShipmentCreateReq) (*APIShipmentCreateRes, error) {
         .          .     88:   b, _ := json.Marshal(param)
         .          .     89:
         .       10ms     90:   req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, shipmentURL+"/create", bytes.NewBuffer(b))
         .          .     91:   if err != nil {
         .          .     92:       return nil, err
         .          .     93:   }
         .          .     94:
         .          .     95:   req.Header.Set("User-Agent", userAgent)
ROUTINE ======================== main.APIShipmentStatus in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/api.go
         0       30ms (flat, cum)  0.16% of Total
         .          .    158:
         .          .    159:   req.Header.Set("User-Agent", userAgent)
         .          .    160:   req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
         .          .    161:   req.Header.Set("Authorization", IsucariAPIToken)
         .          .    162:
         .       20ms    163:   res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
         .          .    164:   if err != nil {
         .          .    165:       return nil, err
         .          .    166:   }
         .          .    167:   defer res.Body.Close()
         .          .    168:
         .          .    169:   if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
         .          .    170:       b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
         .          .    171:       if err != nil {
         .          .    172:           return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read res.Body and the status code of the response from shipment service was not 200: %v", err)
         .          .    173:       }
         .          .    174:       return nil, fmt.Errorf("status code: %d; body: %s", res.StatusCode, b)
         .          .    175:   }
         .          .    176:
         .          .    177:   ssr := &APIShipmentStatusRes{}
         .       10ms    178:   err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&ssr)
         .          .    179:   if err != nil {
         .          .    180:       return nil, err
         .          .    181:   }
         .          .    182:
         .          .    183:   return ssr, nil
ROUTINE ======================== main.getCSRFToken in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      210ms (flat, cum)  1.15% of Total
         .          .    373:
         .          .    374:   return session
         .          .    375:}
         .          .    376:
         .          .    377:func getCSRFToken(r *http.Request) string {
         .      210ms    378:   session := getSession(r)
         .          .    379:
         .          .    380:   csrfToken, ok := session.Values["csrf_token"]
         .          .    381:   if !ok {
         .          .    382:       return ""
         .          .    383:   }
ROUTINE ======================== main.getCategoryByID in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
      10ms       10ms (flat, cum) 0.055% of Total
         .          .    478://         category.ParentCategoryName = parentCategory.CategoryName
         .          .    479://     }
         .          .    480://     return category, err
         .          .    481:// }
         .          .    482:func getCategoryByID(q sqlx.Queryer, categoryID int) (category Category, err error) {
      10ms       10ms    483:   return getCategoryByIDOnMemory(q, categoryID)
         .          .    484:}
         .          .    485:
         .          .    486:var categories = map[int]Category{
         .          .    487:   1:  {ID: 1, ParentID: 0, CategoryName: "ソファー", ParentCategoryName: "nan"},
         .          .    488:   2:  {ID: 2, ParentID: 1, CategoryName: "一人掛けソファー", ParentCategoryName: "ソファー"},
ROUTINE ======================== main.getConfigByName in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      2.34s (flat, cum) 12.76% of Total
         .          .    533:   return categories[categoryID], nil
         .          .    534:}
         .          .    535:
         .          .    536:func getConfigByName(name string) (string, error) {
         .          .    537:   config := Config{}
         .      2.34s    538:   err := dbx.Get(&config, "SELECT * FROM configs WHERE name = ?", name)
         .          .    539:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .    540:       return "", nil
         .          .    541:   }
         .          .    542:   if err != nil {
         .          .    543:       log.Print(err)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getImageURL in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       80ms (flat, cum)  0.44% of Total
         .          .   2469:       Error string `json:"error"`
         .          .   2470:   }{Error: msg})
         .          .   2471:}
         .          .   2472:
         .          .   2473:func getImageURL(imageName string) string {
         .       80ms   2474:   return fmt.Sprintf("/upload/%s", imageName)
         .          .   2475:}
ROUTINE ======================== main.getItem in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      1.37s (flat, cum)  7.47% of Total
         .          .   1145:   if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .   1146:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect item id")
         .          .   1147:       return
         .          .   1148:   }
         .          .   1149:
         .      360ms   1150:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1151:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1152:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1153:       return
         .          .   1154:   }
         .          .   1155:
         .          .   1156:   item := Item{}
         .      850ms   1157:   err = dbx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ?", itemID)
         .          .   1158:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1159:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1160:       return
         .          .   1161:   }
         .          .   1162:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1163:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1164:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1165:       return
         .          .   1166:   }
         .          .   1167:
         .          .   1168:   category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .   1169:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1170:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .   1171:       return
         .          .   1172:   }
         .          .   1173:
         .       80ms   1174:   seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .   1175:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1176:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .   1177:       return
         .          .   1178:   }
         .          .   1179:
         .          .   1180:   itemDetail := ItemDetail{
         .          .   1181:       ID:       item.ID,
         .          .   1182:       SellerID: item.SellerID,
         .          .   1183:       Seller:   &seller,
         .          .   1184:       // BuyerID
         .          .   1185:       // Buyer
         .          .   1186:       Status:      item.Status,
         .          .   1187:       Name:        item.Name,
         .          .   1188:       Price:       item.Price,
         .          .   1189:       Description: item.Description,
         .       10ms   1190:       ImageURL:    getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .   1191:       CategoryID:  item.CategoryID,
         .          .   1192:       // TransactionEvidenceID
         .          .   1193:       // TransactionEvidenceStatus
         .          .   1194:       // ShippingStatus
         .          .   1195:       Category:  &category,
         .          .   1196:       CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   1197:   }
         .          .   1198:
         .          .   1199:   if (user.ID == item.SellerID || user.ID == item.BuyerID) && item.BuyerID != 0 {
         .          .   1200:       buyer, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.BuyerID)
         .          .   1201:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1202:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "buyer not found")
         .          .   1203:           return
         .          .   1204:       }
         .          .   1205:       itemDetail.BuyerID = item.BuyerID
         .          .   1206:       itemDetail.Buyer = &buyer
         .          .   1207:
         .          .   1208:       transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .       10ms   1209:       err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", item.ID)
         .          .   1210:       if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1211:           // It's able to ignore ErrNoRows
         .          .   1212:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1213:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1214:           return
         .          .   1215:       }
         .          .   1216:
         .          .   1217:       if transactionEvidence.ID > 0 {
         .          .   1218:           shipping := Shipping{}
         .          .   1219:           err = dbx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ?", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1220:           if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1221:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shipping not found")
         .          .   1222:               return
         .          .   1223:           }
         .          .   1224:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1225:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1226:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1227:               return
         .          .   1228:           }
         .          .   1229:
         .          .   1230:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceID = transactionEvidence.ID
         .          .   1231:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceStatus = transactionEvidence.Status
         .          .   1232:           itemDetail.ShippingStatus = shipping.Status
         .          .   1233:       }
         .          .   1234:   }
         .          .   1235:
         .          .   1236:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       60ms   1237:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(itemDetail)
         .          .   1238:}
         .          .   1239:
         .          .   1240:func postItemEdit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1241:   rie := reqItemEdit{}
         .          .   1242:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rie)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getNewCategoryItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
      10ms      3.64s (flat, cum) 19.85% of Total
         .          .    734:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    735:       return
         .          .    736:   }
         .          .    737:
         .          .    738:   var categoryIDs []int
         .      830ms    739:   err = dbx.Select(&categoryIDs, "SELECT id FROM categories WHERE parent_id=?", rootCategory.ID)
         .          .    740:   if err != nil {
         .          .    741:       log.Print(err)
         .          .    742:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    743:       return
         .          .    744:   }
         .          .    745:
         .          .    746:   query := r.URL.Query()
         .          .    747:   itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id")
         .          .    748:   var itemID int64
         .          .    749:   if itemIDStr != "" {
         .          .    750:       itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    751:       if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .    752:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error")
         .          .    753:           return
         .          .    754:       }
         .          .    755:   }
         .          .    756:
         .          .    757:   createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at")
         .          .    758:   var createdAt int64
         .          .    759:   if createdAtStr != "" {
         .          .    760:       createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    761:       if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 {
         .          .    762:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .    763:           return
         .          .    764:       }
         .          .    765:   }
         .          .    766:
         .          .    767:   var inQuery string
         .          .    768:   var inArgs []interface{}
         .          .    769:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    770:       // paging
         .          .    771:       inQuery, inArgs, err = sqlx.In(
         .          .    772:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) AND category_id IN (?) AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    773:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    774:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    775:           categoryIDs,
         .          .    776:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    777:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    778:           itemID,
         .          .    779:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    780:       )
         .          .    781:       if err != nil {
         .          .    782:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    783:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    784:           return
         .          .    785:       }
         .          .    786:   } else {
         .          .    787:       // 1st page
         .          .    788:       inQuery, inArgs, err = sqlx.In(
         .          .    789:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) AND category_id IN (?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    790:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    791:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    792:           categoryIDs,
         .          .    793:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    794:       )
         .          .    795:       if err != nil {
         .          .    796:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    797:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    798:           return
         .          .    799:       }
         .          .    800:   }
         .          .    801:
         .          .    802:   items := []Item{}
         .      670ms    803:   err = dbx.Select(&items, inQuery, inArgs...)
         .          .    804:
         .          .    805:   if err != nil {
         .          .    806:       log.Print(err)
         .          .    807:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    808:       return
         .          .    809:   }
         .          .    810:
         .          .    811:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .       10ms    812:   for _, item := range items {
         .      1.78s    813:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .    814:       if err != nil {
         .          .    815:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .    816:           return
         .          .    817:       }
         .       10ms    818:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    819:       if err != nil {
         .          .    820:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    821:           return
         .          .    822:       }
         .       20ms    823:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    824:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    825:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    826:           Seller:     &seller,
         .          .    827:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    828:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    829:           Price:      item.Price,
         .       70ms    830:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    831:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    832:           Category:   &category,
      10ms       10ms    833:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    834:       })
         .          .    835:   }
         .          .    836:
         .          .    837:   hasNext := false
         .          .    838:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    839:       hasNext = true
         .          .    840:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    841:   }
         .          .    842:
         .          .    843:   rni := resNewItems{
         .          .    844:       RootCategoryID:   rootCategory.ID,
         .          .    845:       RootCategoryName: rootCategory.CategoryName,
         .          .    846:       Items:            itemSimples,
         .          .    847:       HasNext:          hasNext,
         .          .    848:   }
         .          .    849:
         .          .    850:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .      240ms    851:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    852:
         .          .    853:}
         .          .    854:
         .          .    855:func getUserItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    856:   userIDStr := pat.Param(r, "user_id")
ROUTINE ======================== main.getNewItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      360ms (flat, cum)  1.96% of Total
         .          .    649:   }
         .          .    650:
         .          .    651:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    652:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    653:       // paging
         .      180ms    654:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    655:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    656:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    657:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    658:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    659:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    660:           itemID,
         .          .    661:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    662:       )
         .          .    663:       if err != nil {
         .          .    664:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    665:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    666:           return
         .          .    667:       }
         .          .    668:   } else {
         .          .    669:       // 1st page
         .       30ms    670:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    671:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    672:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    673:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    674:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    675:       )
         .          .    676:       if err != nil {
         .          .    677:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    678:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    679:           return
         .          .    680:       }
         .          .    681:   }
         .          .    682:
         .          .    683:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .          .    684:   for _, item := range items {
         .      120ms    685:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .    686:       if err != nil {
         .          .    687:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .    688:           return
         .          .    689:       }
         .       10ms    690:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    691:       if err != nil {
         .          .    692:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    693:           return
         .          .    694:       }
         .          .    695:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    696:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    697:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    698:           Seller:     &seller,
         .          .    699:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    700:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    701:           Price:      item.Price,
         .          .    702:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    703:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    704:           Category:   &category,
         .          .    705:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    706:       })
         .          .    707:   }
         .          .    708:
         .          .    709:   hasNext := false
         .          .    710:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    711:       hasNext = true
         .          .    712:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    713:   }
         .          .    714:
         .          .    715:   rni := resNewItems{
         .          .    716:       Items:   itemSimples,
         .          .    717:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .    718:   }
         .          .    719:
         .          .    720:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       20ms    721:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    722:}
         .          .    723:
         .          .    724:func getNewCategoryItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    725:   rootCategoryIDStr := pat.Param(r, "root_category_id")
         .          .    726:   rootCategoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(rootCategoryIDStr)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getPaymentServiceURL in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      1.01s (flat, cum)  5.51% of Total
         .          .    545:   }
         .          .    546:   return config.Val, err
         .          .    547:}
         .          .    548:
         .          .    549:func getPaymentServiceURL() string {
         .      1.01s    550:   val, _ := getConfigByName("payment_service_url")
         .          .    551:   if val == "" {
         .          .    552:       return DefaultPaymentServiceURL
         .          .    553:   }
         .          .    554:   return val
         .          .    555:}
ROUTINE ======================== main.getSession in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      570ms (flat, cum)  3.11% of Total
         .          .    367:   mux.Handle(pat.Get("/*"), http.FileServer(http.Dir("../public")))
         .          .    368:   log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", mux))
         .          .    369:}
         .          .    370:
         .          .    371:func getSession(r *http.Request) *sessions.Session {
         .      570ms    372:   session, _ := store.Get(r, sessionName)
         .          .    373:
         .          .    374:   return session
         .          .    375:}
         .          .    376:
         .          .    377:func getCSRFToken(r *http.Request) string {
ROUTINE ======================== main.getSettings in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      1.16s (flat, cum)  6.32% of Total
         .          .   2258:       ItemUpdatedAt: targetItem.UpdatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   2259:   })
         .          .   2260:}
         .          .   2261:
         .          .   2262:func getSettings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       90ms   2263:   csrfToken := getCSRFToken(r)
         .          .   2264:
         .          .   2265:   user, _, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   2266:
         .          .   2267:   ress := resSetting{}
         .          .   2268:   ress.CSRFToken = csrfToken
         .          .   2269:   if errMsg == "" {
         .          .   2270:       ress.User = &user
         .          .   2271:   }
         .          .   2272:
         .      960ms   2273:   ress.PaymentServiceURL = getPaymentServiceURL()
         .          .   2274:
         .          .   2275:   categories := []Category{}
         .          .   2276:
         .       60ms   2277:   err := dbx.Select(&categories, "SELECT * FROM categories")
         .          .   2278:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2279:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2280:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2281:       return
         .          .   2282:   }
         .          .   2283:   ress.Categories = categories
         .          .   2284:
         .          .   2285:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       50ms   2286:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ress)
         .          .   2287:}
         .          .   2288:
         .          .   2289:func postLogin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   2290:   rl := reqLogin{}
         .          .   2291:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rl)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getShipmentServiceURL in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      1.33s (flat, cum)  7.25% of Total
         .          .    553:   }
         .          .    554:   return val
         .          .    555:}
         .          .    556:
         .          .    557:func getShipmentServiceURL() string {
         .      1.33s    558:   val, _ := getConfigByName("shipment_service_url")
         .          .    559:   if val == "" {
         .          .    560:       return DefaultShipmentServiceURL
         .          .    561:   }
         .          .    562:   return val
         .          .    563:}
ROUTINE ======================== main.getTransactions in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      1.46s (flat, cum)  7.96% of Total
         .          .    988:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .    989:           return
         .          .    990:       }
         .          .    991:   }
         .          .    992:
         .       50ms    993:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .    994:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    995:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    996:       // paging
         .       20ms    997:       err := tx.Select(&items,
         .          .    998:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (seller_id = ? OR buyer_id = ?) AND status IN (?,?,?,?,?) AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    999:           user.ID,
         .          .   1000:           user.ID,
         .          .   1001:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .   1002:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .   1003:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .   1004:           ItemStatusCancel,
         .          .   1005:           ItemStatusStop,
         .          .   1006:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .   1007:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .   1008:           itemID,
         .          .   1009:           TransactionsPerPage+1,
         .          .   1010:       )
         .          .   1011:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1012:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1013:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1014:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1015:           return
         .          .   1016:       }
         .          .   1017:   } else {
         .          .   1018:       // 1st page
         .          .   1019:       err := tx.Select(&items,
         .          .   1020:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (seller_id = ? OR buyer_id = ?) AND status IN (?,?,?,?,?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .   1021:           user.ID,
         .          .   1022:           user.ID,
         .          .   1023:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .   1024:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .   1025:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .   1026:           ItemStatusCancel,
         .          .   1027:           ItemStatusStop,
         .          .   1028:           TransactionsPerPage+1,
         .          .   1029:       )
         .          .   1030:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1031:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1032:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1033:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1034:           return
         .          .   1035:       }
         .          .   1036:   }
         .          .   1037:
         .          .   1038:   itemDetails := []ItemDetail{}
         .          .   1039:   for _, item := range items {
         .       40ms   1040:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(tx, item.SellerID)
         .          .   1041:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1042:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .   1043:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1044:           return
         .          .   1045:       }
         .          .   1046:       category, err := getCategoryByID(tx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .   1047:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1048:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .   1049:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1050:           return
         .          .   1051:       }
         .          .   1052:
         .          .   1053:       itemDetail := ItemDetail{
         .          .   1054:           ID:       item.ID,
         .          .   1055:           SellerID: item.SellerID,
         .          .   1056:           Seller:   &seller,
         .          .   1057:           // BuyerID
         .          .   1058:           // Buyer
         .          .   1059:           Status:      item.Status,
         .          .   1060:           Name:        item.Name,
         .          .   1061:           Price:       item.Price,
         .          .   1062:           Description: item.Description,
         .          .   1063:           ImageURL:    getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .   1064:           CategoryID:  item.CategoryID,
         .          .   1065:           // TransactionEvidenceID
         .          .   1066:           // TransactionEvidenceStatus
         .          .   1067:           // ShippingStatus
         .          .   1068:           Category:  &category,
         .          .   1069:           CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   1070:       }
         .          .   1071:
         .          .   1072:       if item.BuyerID != 0 {
         .       30ms   1073:           buyer, err := getUserSimpleByID(tx, item.BuyerID)
         .          .   1074:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1075:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "buyer not found")
         .          .   1076:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1077:               return
         .          .   1078:           }
         .          .   1079:           itemDetail.BuyerID = item.BuyerID
         .          .   1080:           itemDetail.Buyer = &buyer
         .          .   1081:       }
         .          .   1082:
         .          .   1083:       transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .      150ms   1084:       err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", item.ID)
         .          .   1085:       if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1086:           // It's able to ignore ErrNoRows
         .          .   1087:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1088:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1089:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1090:           return
         .          .   1091:       }
         .          .   1092:
         .          .   1093:       if transactionEvidence.ID > 0 {
         .          .   1094:           shipping := Shipping{}
         .       10ms   1095:           err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ?", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1096:           if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1097:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shipping not found")
         .          .   1098:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1099:               return
         .          .   1100:           }
         .          .   1101:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1102:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1103:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1104:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1105:               return
         .          .   1106:           }
         .      1.12s   1107:           ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{
         .          .   1108:               ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1109:           })
         .          .   1110:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1111:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1112:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
         .          .   1113:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1114:               return
         .          .   1115:           }
         .          .   1116:
         .          .   1117:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceID = transactionEvidence.ID
         .          .   1118:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceStatus = transactionEvidence.Status
         .          .   1119:           itemDetail.ShippingStatus = ssr.Status
         .          .   1120:       }
         .          .   1121:
         .          .   1122:       itemDetails = append(itemDetails, itemDetail)
         .          .   1123:   }
         .       20ms   1124:   tx.Commit()
         .          .   1125:
         .          .   1126:   hasNext := false
         .          .   1127:   if len(itemDetails) > TransactionsPerPage {
         .          .   1128:       hasNext = true
         .          .   1129:       itemDetails = itemDetails[0:TransactionsPerPage]
         .          .   1130:   }
         .          .   1131:
         .          .   1132:   rts := resTransactions{
         .          .   1133:       Items:   itemDetails,
         .          .   1134:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .   1135:   }
         .          .   1136:
         .          .   1137:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       20ms   1138:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rts)
         .          .   1139:
         .          .   1140:}
         .          .   1141:
         .          .   1142:func getItem(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1143:   itemIDStr := pat.Param(r, "item_id")
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUser in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      360ms (flat, cum)  1.96% of Total
         .          .    384:
         .          .    385:   return csrfToken.(string)
         .          .    386:}
         .          .    387:
         .          .    388:func getUser(r *http.Request) (user User, errCode int, errMsg string) {
         .      360ms    389:   session := getSession(r)
         .          .    390:   userSess, ok := session.Values["user"]
         .          .    391:   //userID, ok := session.Values["user_id"]
         .          .    392:   if !ok {
         .          .    393:       return user, http.StatusNotFound, "no session"
         .          .    394:   }
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUserItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      170ms (flat, cum)  0.93% of Total
         .          .    888:   }
         .          .    889:
         .          .    890:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    891:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    892:       // paging
         .      110ms    893:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    894:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE seller_id = ? AND status IN (?,?,?) AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    895:           userSimple.ID,
         .          .    896:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    897:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    898:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    899:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    900:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    901:           itemID,
         .          .    902:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    903:       )
         .          .    904:       if err != nil {
         .          .    905:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    906:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    907:           return
         .          .    908:       }
         .          .    909:   } else {
         .          .    910:       // 1st page
         .       50ms    911:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    912:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE seller_id = ? AND status IN (?,?,?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    913:           userSimple.ID,
         .          .    914:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    915:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    916:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    917:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    918:       )
         .          .    919:       if err != nil {
         .          .    920:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    921:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    922:           return
         .          .    923:       }
         .          .    924:   }
         .          .    925:
         .          .    926:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .          .    927:   for _, item := range items {
         .          .    928:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    929:       if err != nil {
         .          .    930:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    931:           return
         .          .    932:       }
         .          .    933:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    934:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    935:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    936:           Seller:     &userSimple,
         .          .    937:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    938:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    939:           Price:      item.Price,
         .          .    940:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    941:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    942:           Category:   &category,
         .          .    943:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    944:       })
         .          .    945:   }
         .          .    946:
         .          .    947:   hasNext := false
         .          .    948:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    949:       hasNext = true
         .          .    950:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    951:   }
         .          .    952:
         .          .    953:   rui := resUserItems{
         .          .    954:       User:    &userSimple,
         .          .    955:       Items:   itemSimples,
         .          .    956:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .    957:   }
         .          .    958:
         .          .    959:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       10ms    960:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rui)
         .          .    961:}
         .          .    962:
         .          .    963:func getTransactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    964:
         .          .    965:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUserSimpleByID in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      2.03s (flat, cum) 11.07% of Total
         .          .    434:   }
         .          .    435:   return nil
         .          .    436:}
         .          .    437:
         .          .    438:func getUserSimpleByID(q sqlx.Queryer, userID int64) (userSimple UserSimple, err error) {
         .       20ms    439:   if us, ok := UserSimpleCache[userID]; ok {
         .      2.01s    440:       numsellStr, err := redisClient.Get(context.Background(), fmt.Sprintf(UserSimpleCacheKeyFmt, userID)).Result()
         .          .    441:       if err != nil {
         .          .    442:           return us, err
         .          .    443:       }
         .          .    444:       numsell, err := strconv.Atoi(numsellStr)
         .          .    445:       if err != nil {
ROUTINE ======================== main.main in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       20ms (flat, cum)  0.11% of Total
         .          .    363:   mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/transactions/:transaction_id"), getIndex)
         .          .    364:   mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/users/:user_id"), getIndex)
         .          .    365:   mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/users/setting"), getIndex)
         .          .    366:   // Assets
         .          .    367:   mux.Handle(pat.Get("/*"), http.FileServer(http.Dir("../public")))
         .       20ms    368:   log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", mux))
         .          .    369:}
         .          .    370:
         .          .    371:func getSession(r *http.Request) *sessions.Session {
         .          .    372:   session, _ := store.Get(r, sessionName)
         .          .    373:
ROUTINE ======================== main.postBuy in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      3.08s (flat, cum) 16.79% of Total
         .          .   1395:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1396:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "json decode error")
         .          .   1397:       return
         .          .   1398:   }
         .          .   1399:
         .       70ms   1400:   if rb.CSRFToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   1401:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   1402:
         .          .   1403:       return
         .          .   1404:   }
         .          .   1405:
         .          .   1406:   buyer, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1407:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1408:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1409:       return
         .          .   1410:   }
         .          .   1411:
         .      2.77s   1412:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1413:
         .          .   1414:   targetItem := Item{}
         .       20ms   1415:   err = tx.Get(&targetItem, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", rb.ItemID)
         .          .   1416:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1417:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1418:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1419:       return
         .          .   1420:   }
         .          .   1421:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1422:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1423:
         .          .   1424:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1425:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1426:       return
         .          .   1427:   }
         .          .   1428:
         .          .   1429:   if targetItem.Status != ItemStatusOnSale {
         .          .   1430:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "item is not for sale")
         .       40ms   1431:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1432:       return
         .          .   1433:   }
         .          .   1434:
         .          .   1435:   if targetItem.SellerID == buyer.ID {
         .          .   1436:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "自分の商品は買えません")
         .          .   1437:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1438:       return
         .          .   1439:   }
         .          .   1440:
         .          .   1441:   seller := User{}
         .          .   1442:   err = tx.Get(&seller, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", targetItem.SellerID)
         .          .   1443:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1444:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .   1445:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1446:       return
         .          .   1447:   }
         .          .   1448:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1449:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1450:
         .          .   1451:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1452:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1453:       return
         .          .   1454:   }
         .          .   1455:
         .          .   1456:   category, err := getCategoryByID(tx, targetItem.CategoryID)
         .          .   1457:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1458:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1459:
         .          .   1460:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "category id error")
         .          .   1461:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1462:       return
         .          .   1463:   }
         .          .   1464:
         .          .   1465:   var transactionEvidenceID int64
         .          .   1466:   if err := tx.Get(
         .          .   1467:       &transactionEvidenceID,
         .          .   1468:       "INSERT INTO transaction_evidences (seller_id, buyer_id, status, item_id, item_name, item_price, item_description,item_category_id,item_root_category_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING id",
         .          .   1469:       targetItem.SellerID,
         .          .   1470:       buyer.ID,
         .          .   1471:       TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitShipping,
         .          .   1472:       targetItem.ID,
         .          .   1473:       targetItem.Name,
         .          .   1474:       targetItem.Price,
         .          .   1475:       targetItem.Description,
         .          .   1476:       category.ID,
         .          .   1477:       category.ParentID,
         .          .   1478:   ); err != nil {
         .          .   1479:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1480:
         .          .   1481:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1482:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1483:       return
         .          .   1484:   }
         .          .   1485:
         .          .   1486:   _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE items SET buyer_id = ?, status = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE id = ?",
         .          .   1487:       buyer.ID,
         .          .   1488:       ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .   1489:       time.Now(),
         .          .   1490:       targetItem.ID,
         .          .   1491:   )
         .          .   1492:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1493:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1494:
         .          .   1495:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1496:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1497:       return
         .          .   1498:   }
         .          .   1499:
         .      120ms   1500:   scr, err := APIShipmentCreate(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentCreateReq{
         .          .   1501:       ToAddress:   buyer.Address,
         .          .   1502:       ToName:      buyer.AccountName,
         .          .   1503:       FromAddress: seller.Address,
         .          .   1504:       FromName:    seller.AccountName,
         .          .   1505:   })
         .          .   1506:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1507:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1508:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
         .          .   1509:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1510:
         .          .   1511:       return
         .          .   1512:   }
         .          .   1513:
         .       60ms   1514:   pstr, err := APIPaymentToken(getPaymentServiceURL(), &APIPaymentServiceTokenReq{
         .          .   1515:       ShopID: PaymentServiceIsucariShopID,
         .          .   1516:       Token:  rb.Token,
         .          .   1517:       APIKey: PaymentServiceIsucariAPIKey,
         .          .   1518:       Price:  targetItem.Price,
         .          .   1519:   })
ROUTINE ======================== main.postComplete in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       50ms (flat, cum)  0.27% of Total
         .          .   1870:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1871:       return
         .          .   1872:   }
         .          .   1873:
         .          .   1874:   transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .       10ms   1875:   err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", itemID)
         .          .   1876:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1877:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidence not found")
         .          .   1878:       return
         .          .   1879:   }
         .          .   1880:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1881:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1882:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1883:
         .          .   1884:       return
         .          .   1885:   }
         .          .   1886:
         .          .   1887:   if transactionEvidence.BuyerID != buyer.ID {
         .          .   1888:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "権限がありません")
         .          .   1889:       return
         .          .   1890:   }
         .          .   1891:
         .          .   1892:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1893:   item := Item{}
         .          .   1894:   err = tx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1895:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1896:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "items not found")
         .          .   1897:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1898:       return
         .          .   1899:   }
         .          .   1900:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1901:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1902:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1903:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1904:       return
         .          .   1905:   }
         .          .   1906:
         .          .   1907:   if item.Status != ItemStatusTrading {
         .          .   1908:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "商品が取引中ではありません")
         .          .   1909:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1910:       return
         .          .   1911:   }
         .          .   1912:
         .          .   1913:   err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1914:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1915:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found")
         .          .   1916:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1917:       return
         .          .   1918:   }
         .          .   1919:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1920:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1921:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1922:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1923:       return
         .          .   1924:   }
         .          .   1925:
         .          .   1926:   if transactionEvidence.Status != TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitDone {
         .          .   1927:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "準備ができていません")
         .          .   1928:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1929:       return
         .          .   1930:   }
         .          .   1931:
         .          .   1932:   shipping := Shipping{}
         .          .   1933:   err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1934:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1935:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1936:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1937:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1938:       return
         .          .   1939:   }
         .          .   1940:
         .       40ms   1941:   ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{
         .          .   1942:       ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1943:   })
         .          .   1944:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1945:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1946:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
ROUTINE ======================== main.postLogin in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      4.49s (flat, cum) 24.48% of Total
         .          .   2286:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ress)
         .          .   2287:}
         .          .   2288:
         .          .   2289:func postLogin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   2290:   rl := reqLogin{}
         .       10ms   2291:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rl)
         .          .   2292:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2293:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "json decode error")
         .          .   2294:       return
         .          .   2295:   }
         .          .   2296:
         .          .   2297:   accountName := rl.AccountName
         .          .   2298:   password := rl.Password
         .          .   2299:
         .          .   2300:   if accountName == "" || password == "" {
         .          .   2301:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "all parameters are required")
         .          .   2302:
         .          .   2303:       return
         .          .   2304:   }
         .          .   2305:
         .          .   2306:   u := User{}
         .      2.52s   2307:   err = dbx.Get(&u, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE account_name = ?", accountName)
         .          .   2308:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   2309:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "アカウント名かパスワードが間違えています")
         .          .   2310:       return
         .          .   2311:   }
         .          .   2312:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2313:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2314:
         .          .   2315:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2316:       return
         .          .   2317:   }
         .          .   2318:   hashedPassword := u.HashedPassword
         .          .   2319:   var rehashedPassword []byte
         .          .   2320:   var rehashed bool
         .       10ms   2321:   if err := dbx.Get(&rehashedPassword, "SELECT hashed_password FROM user_password WHERE user_id = ?", u.ID); err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   2322:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2323:
         .          .   2324:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2325:       return
         .          .   2326:   } else if err == nil {
         .          .   2327:       rehashed = true
         .          .   2328:       hashedPassword = rehashedPassword
         .          .   2329:   }
         .          .   2330:
         .      1.88s   2331:   err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(hashedPassword, []byte(password))
         .          .   2332:   if err == bcrypt.ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword {
         .          .   2333:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "アカウント名かパスワードが間違えています")
         .          .   2334:       return
         .          .   2335:   }
         .          .   2336:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2337:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2338:
         .          .   2339:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "crypt error")
         .          .   2340:       return
         .          .   2341:   }
         .          .   2342:
         .          .   2343:   if !rehashed {
         .          .   2344:       rehashedPassword, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), BcryptCost)
         .          .   2345:       if err != nil {
         .          .   2346:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   2347:
         .          .   2348:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "error")
         .          .   2349:           return
         .          .   2350:       }
         .          .   2351:       if _, err := dbx.Exec(
         .          .   2352:           "INSERT INTO user_password (user_id, hashed_password) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT (user_id) DO UPDATE SET hashed_password = ?",
         .          .   2353:           u.ID,
         .          .   2354:           rehashedPassword,
         .          .   2355:           rehashedPassword,
         .          .   2356:       ); err != nil {
         .          .   2357:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   2358:
         .          .   2359:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2360:           return
         .          .   2361:       }
         .          .   2362:   }
         .          .   2363:
         .          .   2364:   session := getSession(r)
         .          .   2365:
         .          .   2366:   session.Values["user_id"] = u.ID
         .          .   2367:   session.Values["user"] = u
         .          .   2368:   session.Values["csrf_token"] = secureRandomStr(20)
         .       60ms   2369:   if err = session.Save(r, w); err != nil {
         .          .   2370:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2371:
         .          .   2372:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "session error")
         .          .   2373:       return
         .          .   2374:   }
         .          .   2375:
         .          .   2376:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       10ms   2377:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(u)
         .          .   2378:}
         .          .   2379:
         .          .   2380:func postRegister(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   2381:   rr := reqRegister{}
         .          .   2382:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rr)
ROUTINE ======================== main.postSell in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       90ms (flat, cum)  0.49% of Total
         .          .   1999:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .          .   2000:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resBuy{TransactionEvidenceID: transactionEvidence.ID})
         .          .   2001:}
         .          .   2002:
         .          .   2003:func postSell(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       20ms   2004:   csrfToken := r.FormValue("csrf_token")
         .          .   2005:   name := r.FormValue("name")
         .          .   2006:   description := r.FormValue("description")
         .          .   2007:   priceStr := r.FormValue("price")
         .          .   2008:   categoryIDStr := r.FormValue("category_id")
         .          .   2009:
         .          .   2010:   f, header, err := r.FormFile("image")
         .          .   2011:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2012:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2013:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "image error")
         .          .   2014:       return
         .          .   2015:   }
         .          .   2016:   defer f.Close()
         .          .   2017:
         .       10ms   2018:   if csrfToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   2019:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   2020:       return
         .          .   2021:   }
         .          .   2022:
         .          .   2023:   categoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(categoryIDStr)
         .          .   2024:   if err != nil || categoryID < 0 {
         .          .   2025:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "category id error")
         .          .   2026:       return
         .          .   2027:   }
         .          .   2028:
         .          .   2029:   price, err := strconv.Atoi(priceStr)
         .          .   2030:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2031:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "price error")
         .          .   2032:       return
         .          .   2033:   }
         .          .   2034:
         .          .   2035:   if name == "" || description == "" || price == 0 || categoryID == 0 {
         .          .   2036:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "all parameters are required")
         .          .   2037:
         .          .   2038:       return
         .          .   2039:   }
         .          .   2040:
         .          .   2041:   if price < ItemMinPrice || price > ItemMaxPrice {
         .          .   2042:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, ItemPriceErrMsg)
         .          .   2043:
         .          .   2044:       return
         .          .   2045:   }
         .          .   2046:
         .          .   2047:   category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, categoryID)
         .          .   2048:   if err != nil || category.ParentID == 0 {
         .          .   2049:       log.Print(categoryID, category)
         .          .   2050:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "Incorrect category ID")
         .          .   2051:       return
         .          .   2052:   }
         .          .   2053:
         .          .   2054:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   2055:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   2056:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   2057:       return
         .          .   2058:   }
         .          .   2059:
         .       10ms   2060:   img, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
         .          .   2061:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2062:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2063:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "image error")
         .          .   2064:       return
         .          .   2065:   }
         .          .   2066:
         .          .   2067:   ext := filepath.Ext(header.Filename)
         .          .   2068:
         .          .   2069:   if !(ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".jpeg" || ext == ".png" || ext == ".gif") {
         .          .   2070:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "unsupported image format error")
         .          .   2071:       return
         .          .   2072:   }
         .          .   2073:
         .          .   2074:   if ext == ".jpeg" {
         .          .   2075:       ext = ".jpg"
         .          .   2076:   }
         .          .   2077:
         .          .   2078:   imgName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", secureRandomStr(16), ext)
         .       20ms   2079:   err = ioutil.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("../public/upload/%s", imgName), img, 0644)
         .          .   2080:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2081:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2082:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Saving image failed")
         .          .   2083:       return
         .          .   2084:   }
         .          .   2085:
         .       30ms   2086:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   2087:
         .          .   2088:   seller := User{}
         .          .   2089:   err = tx.Get(&seller, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", user.ID)
         .          .   2090:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   2091:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "user not found")
ROUTINE ======================== main.postShip in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       60ms (flat, cum)  0.33% of Total
         .          .   1580:   }
         .          .   1581:
         .          .   1582:   csrfToken := reqps.CSRFToken
         .          .   1583:   itemID := reqps.ItemID
         .          .   1584:
         .       10ms   1585:   if csrfToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   1586:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   1587:
         .          .   1588:       return
         .          .   1589:   }
         .          .   1590:
         .          .   1591:   seller, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1592:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1593:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1594:       return
         .          .   1595:   }
         .          .   1596:
         .          .   1597:   transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .          .   1598:   err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", itemID)
         .          .   1599:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1600:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found")
         .          .   1601:       return
         .          .   1602:   }
         .          .   1603:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1604:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1605:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1606:
         .          .   1607:       return
         .          .   1608:   }
         .          .   1609:
         .          .   1610:   if transactionEvidence.SellerID != seller.ID {
         .          .   1611:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "権限がありません")
         .          .   1612:       return
         .          .   1613:   }
         .          .   1614:
         .          .   1615:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1616:
         .          .   1617:   item := Item{}
         .          .   1618:   err = tx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1619:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1620:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1621:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1622:       return
         .          .   1623:   }
         .          .   1624:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1625:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1626:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1627:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1628:       return
         .          .   1629:   }
         .          .   1630:
         .          .   1631:   if item.Status != ItemStatusTrading {
         .          .   1632:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "商品が取引中ではありません")
         .          .   1633:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1634:       return
         .          .   1635:   }
         .          .   1636:
         .          .   1637:   err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1638:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1639:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found")
         .          .   1640:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1641:       return
         .          .   1642:   }
         .          .   1643:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1644:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1645:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1646:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1647:       return
         .          .   1648:   }
         .          .   1649:
         .          .   1650:   if transactionEvidence.Status != TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitShipping {
         .          .   1651:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "準備ができていません")
         .          .   1652:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1653:       return
         .          .   1654:   }
         .          .   1655:
         .          .   1656:   shipping := Shipping{}
         .       10ms   1657:   err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1658:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1659:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shippings not found")
         .          .   1660:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1661:       return
         .          .   1662:   }
         .          .   1663:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1664:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1665:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1666:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1667:       return
         .          .   1668:   }
         .          .   1669:
         .       40ms   1670:   img, err := APIShipmentRequest(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentRequestReq{
         .          .   1671:       ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1672:   })
         .          .   1673:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1674:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1675:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
ROUTINE ======================== main.postShipDone in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      100ms (flat, cum)  0.55% of Total
         .          .   1711:   }
         .          .   1712:
         .          .   1713:   csrfToken := reqpsd.CSRFToken
         .          .   1714:   itemID := reqpsd.ItemID
         .          .   1715:
         .       30ms   1716:   if csrfToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   1717:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   1718:
         .          .   1719:       return
         .          .   1720:   }
         .          .   1721:
         .          .   1722:   seller, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1723:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1724:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1725:       return
         .          .   1726:   }
         .          .   1727:
         .          .   1728:   transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .       10ms   1729:   err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", itemID)
         .          .   1730:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1731:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidence not found")
         .          .   1732:       return
         .          .   1733:   }
         .          .   1734:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1735:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1736:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1737:
         .          .   1738:       return
         .          .   1739:   }
         .          .   1740:
         .          .   1741:   if transactionEvidence.SellerID != seller.ID {
         .          .   1742:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "権限がありません")
         .          .   1743:       return
         .          .   1744:   }
         .          .   1745:
         .          .   1746:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1747:
         .          .   1748:   item := Item{}
         .          .   1749:   err = tx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1750:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1751:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "items not found")
         .          .   1752:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1753:       return
         .          .   1754:   }
         .          .   1755:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1756:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1757:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1758:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1759:       return
         .          .   1760:   }
         .          .   1761:
         .          .   1762:   if item.Status != ItemStatusTrading {
         .          .   1763:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "商品が取引中ではありません")
         .          .   1764:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1765:       return
         .          .   1766:   }
         .          .   1767:
         .          .   1768:   err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1769:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1770:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found")
         .          .   1771:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1772:       return
         .          .   1773:   }
         .          .   1774:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1775:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1776:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1777:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1778:       return
         .          .   1779:   }
         .          .   1780:
         .          .   1781:   if transactionEvidence.Status != TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitShipping {
         .          .   1782:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "準備ができていません")
         .          .   1783:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1784:       return
         .          .   1785:   }
         .          .   1786:
         .          .   1787:   shipping := Shipping{}
         .          .   1788:   err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1789:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1790:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shippings not found")
         .          .   1791:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1792:       return
         .          .   1793:   }
         .          .   1794:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1795:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1796:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1797:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1798:       return
         .          .   1799:   }
         .          .   1800:
         .       50ms   1801:   ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{
         .          .   1802:       ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1803:   })
         .          .   1804:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1805:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1806:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
         .          .   1807:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1808:
         .          .   1809:       return
         .          .   1810:   }
         .          .   1811:
         .          .   1812:   if !(ssr.Status == ShippingsStatusShipping || ssr.Status == ShippingsStatusDone) {
         .          .   1813:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "shipment service側で配送中か配送完了になっていません")
         .          .   1814:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1815:       return
         .          .   1816:   }
         .          .   1817:
         .       10ms   1818:   _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE shippings SET status = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ?",
         .          .   1819:       ssr.Status,
         .          .   1820:       time.Now(),
         .          .   1821:       transactionEvidence.ID,
         .          .   1822:   )
         .          .   1823:   if err != nil {
soudai commented 1 year ago
pid granted datname locktype relation relation transactionid mode
8808 true null virtualxid null null null ExclusiveLock
8808 true isucari relation 16595 shippings_pkey null AccessShareLock
8808 true isucari relation 16578 transaction_evidences null AccessShareLock
8808 true isucari relation 17037 items_status_created_at_index null AccessShareLock
8808 true isucari relation 17036 items_seller_id_created_at_index null AccessShareLock
8808 true isucari relation 17035 items_buyer_id_created_at_index null AccessShareLock
8808 true isucari relation 16577 items_category_id_index null AccessShareLock
8808 true isucari relation 16575 items_pk null AccessShareLock
8808 true isucari relation 16567 items null AccessShareLock
8808 true isucari relation 16587 transaction_evidences_item_id_uindex null AccessShareLock
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9482 true isucari relation 16575 items_pk null RowShareLock
9482 true isucari relation 16567 items null RowShareLock
9482 true null virtualxid null null null ExclusiveLock
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9490 true isucari relation 16578 transaction_evidences null RowShareLock
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9490 true isucari relation 16588 shippings null RowShareLock
9490 true isucari relation 16595 shippings_pkey null RowShareLock
9490 true null transactionid null null 20146 ExclusiveLock
9490 true null virtualxid null null null ExclusiveLock
9490 true isucari relation 16567 items null RowShareLock
9490 true isucari relation 16575 items_pk null RowShareLock
9504 true isucari relation 16587 transaction_evidences_item_id_uindex null RowShareLock
9504 true null transactionid null null 20149 ExclusiveLock
9504 true null virtualxid null null null ExclusiveLock
9504 true isucari relation 16567 items null RowShareLock
9504 true isucari relation 16575 items_pk null RowShareLock
9504 true isucari relation 16577 items_category_id_index null RowShareLock
9504 true isucari relation 17035 items_buyer_id_created_at_index null RowShareLock
9504 true isucari relation 17036 items_seller_id_created_at_index null RowShareLock
9504 true isucari relation 17037 items_status_created_at_index null RowShareLock
9504 true isucari relation 16578 transaction_evidences null RowShareLock
9504 true isucari relation 16585 transaction_evidences_pkey null RowShareLock
9504 true isucari relation 16595 shippings_pkey null RowShareLock
9504 true isucari relation 16588 shippings null RowShareLock
tetsuzawa commented 1 year ago


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tetsuzawa commented 1 year ago
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tetsuzawa commented 1 year ago
$  go tool pprof -list main. -cum -seconds 60 http://localhost:8000/debug/pprof/profile
Fetching profile over HTTP from http://localhost:8000/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=60
Please wait... (1m0s)
Saved profile in /home/isucon/pprof/pprof.isucari.samples.cpu.007.pb.gz
Total: 21.61s
ROUTINE ======================== main.APIShipmentStatus in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/api.go
         0       70ms (flat, cum)  0.32% of Total
         .          .    158:
         .          .    159:   req.Header.Set("User-Agent", userAgent)
         .          .    160:   req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
         .          .    161:   req.Header.Set("Authorization", IsucariAPIToken)
         .          .    162:
         .       20ms    163:   res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
         .          .    164:   if err != nil {
         .          .    165:       return nil, err
         .          .    166:   }
         .          .    167:   defer res.Body.Close()
         .          .    168:
         .          .    169:   if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
         .          .    170:       b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
         .          .    171:       if err != nil {
         .          .    172:           return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read res.Body and the status code of the response from shipment service was not 200: %v", err)
         .          .    173:       }
         .          .    174:       return nil, fmt.Errorf("status code: %d; body: %s", res.StatusCode, b)
         .          .    175:   }
         .          .    176:
         .          .    177:   ssr := &APIShipmentStatusRes{}
         .       40ms    178:   err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&ssr)
         .          .    179:   if err != nil {
         .          .    180:       return nil, err
         .          .    181:   }
         .          .    182:
         .       10ms    183:   return ssr, nil
         .          .    184:}
ROUTINE ======================== main.getCSRFToken in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      120ms (flat, cum)  0.56% of Total
         .          .    375:
         .          .    376:   return session
         .          .    377:}
         .          .    378:
         .          .    379:func getCSRFToken(r *http.Request) string {
         .      120ms    380:   session := getSession(r)
         .          .    381:
         .          .    382:   csrfToken, ok := session.Values["csrf_token"]
         .          .    383:   if !ok {
         .          .    384:       return ""
         .          .    385:   }
ROUTINE ======================== main.getCategoryByID in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
      10ms       20ms (flat, cum) 0.093% of Total
         .          .    480://         category.ParentCategoryName = parentCategory.CategoryName
         .          .    481://     }
         .          .    482://     return category, err
         .          .    483:// }
         .          .    484:func getCategoryByID(q sqlx.Queryer, categoryID int) (category Category, err error) {
      10ms       20ms    485:   return getCategoryByIDOnMemory(q, categoryID)
         .          .    486:}
         .          .    487:
         .          .    488:var categories = []Category{
         .          .    489:   {ID: 1, ParentID: 0, CategoryName: "ソファー", ParentCategoryName: "nan"},
         .          .    490:   {ID: 2, ParentID: 1, CategoryName: "一人掛けソファー", ParentCategoryName: "ソファー"},
ROUTINE ======================== main.getCategoryByIDOnMemory in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       10ms (flat, cum) 0.046% of Total
         .          .    546:       }
         .          .    547:   }
         .          .    548:}
         .          .    549:
         .          .    550:func getCategoryByIDOnMemory(q sqlx.Queryer, categoryID int) (category Category, err error) {
         .       10ms    551:   return categoryMap[categoryID], nil
         .          .    552:}
         .          .    553:
         .          .    554:func getConfigByName(name string) (string, error) {
         .          .    555:   config := Config{}
         .          .    556:   err := dbx.Get(&config, "SELECT * FROM configs WHERE name = ?", name)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getImageURL in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       20ms (flat, cum) 0.093% of Total
         .          .   2498:       Error string `json:"error"`
         .          .   2499:   }{Error: msg})
         .          .   2500:}
         .          .   2501:
         .          .   2502:func getImageURL(imageName string) string {
         .       20ms   2503:   return fmt.Sprintf("/upload/%s", imageName)
         .          .   2504:}
ROUTINE ======================== main.getItem in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      1.79s (flat, cum)  8.28% of Total
         .          .   1169:   if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .   1170:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect item id")
         .          .   1171:       return
         .          .   1172:   }
         .          .   1173:
         .      380ms   1174:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1175:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1176:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1177:       return
         .          .   1178:   }
         .          .   1179:
         .          .   1180:   item := Item{}
         .      1.07s   1181:   err = dbx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ?", itemID)
         .          .   1182:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1183:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1184:       return
         .          .   1185:   }
         .          .   1186:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1187:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1188:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1189:       return
         .          .   1190:   }
         .          .   1191:
         .       20ms   1192:   category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .   1193:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1194:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .   1195:       return
         .          .   1196:   }
         .          .   1197:
         .      200ms   1198:   seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .   1199:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1200:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .   1201:       return
         .          .   1202:   }
         .          .   1203:
         .          .   1204:   itemDetail := ItemDetail{
         .          .   1205:       ID:       item.ID,
         .          .   1206:       SellerID: item.SellerID,
         .          .   1207:       Seller:   &seller,
         .          .   1208:       // BuyerID
         .          .   1209:       // Buyer
         .          .   1210:       Status:      item.Status,
         .          .   1211:       Name:        item.Name,
         .          .   1212:       Price:       item.Price,
         .          .   1213:       Description: item.Description,
         .          .   1214:       ImageURL:    getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .   1215:       CategoryID:  item.CategoryID,
         .          .   1216:       // TransactionEvidenceID
         .          .   1217:       // TransactionEvidenceStatus
         .          .   1218:       // ShippingStatus
         .          .   1219:       Category:  &category,
         .          .   1220:       CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   1221:   }
         .          .   1222:
         .          .   1223:   if (user.ID == item.SellerID || user.ID == item.BuyerID) && item.BuyerID != 0 {
         .          .   1224:       buyer, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.BuyerID)
         .          .   1225:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1226:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "buyer not found")
         .          .   1227:           return
         .          .   1228:       }
         .          .   1229:       itemDetail.BuyerID = item.BuyerID
         .          .   1230:       itemDetail.Buyer = &buyer
         .          .   1231:
         .          .   1232:       transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .       10ms   1233:       err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", item.ID)
         .          .   1234:       if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1235:           // It's able to ignore ErrNoRows
         .          .   1236:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1237:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1238:           return
         .          .   1239:       }
         .          .   1240:
         .          .   1241:       if transactionEvidence.ID > 0 {
         .          .   1242:           shipping := Shipping{}
         .          .   1243:           err = dbx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ?", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1244:           if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1245:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shipping not found")
         .          .   1246:               return
         .          .   1247:           }
         .          .   1248:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1249:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1250:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1251:               return
         .          .   1252:           }
         .          .   1253:
         .          .   1254:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceID = transactionEvidence.ID
         .          .   1255:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceStatus = transactionEvidence.Status
         .          .   1256:           itemDetail.ShippingStatus = shipping.Status
         .          .   1257:       }
         .          .   1258:   }
         .          .   1259:
         .          .   1260:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .      110ms   1261:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(itemDetail)
         .          .   1262:}
         .          .   1263:
         .          .   1264:func postItemEdit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1265:   rie := reqItemEdit{}
         .          .   1266:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rie)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getNewCategoryItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
      20ms      4.52s (flat, cum) 20.92% of Total
         .          .    750:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .          .    751:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    752:}
         .          .    753:
         .          .    754:func getNewCategoryItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       10ms    755:   rootCategoryIDStr := pat.Param(r, "root_category_id")
         .          .    756:   rootCategoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(rootCategoryIDStr)
         .          .    757:   if err != nil || rootCategoryID <= 0 {
         .          .    758:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect category id")
         .          .    759:       return
         .          .    760:   }
         .          .    761:
         .          .    762:   rootCategory, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, rootCategoryID)
         .          .    763:   if err != nil || rootCategory.ParentID != 0 {
         .          .    764:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    765:       return
         .          .    766:   }
         .          .    767:
         .          .    768:   categoryIDs := categoryIDsByParentIDMap[rootCategory.ID]
         .          .    769:
         .          .    770:   query := r.URL.Query()
         .          .    771:   itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id")
         .          .    772:   var itemID int64
         .          .    773:   if itemIDStr != "" {
         .          .    774:       itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    775:       if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .    776:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error")
         .          .    777:           return
         .          .    778:       }
         .          .    779:   }
         .          .    780:
         .          .    781:   createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at")
         .          .    782:   var createdAt int64
         .          .    783:   if createdAtStr != "" {
         .          .    784:       createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    785:       if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 {
         .          .    786:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .    787:           return
         .          .    788:       }
         .          .    789:   }
         .          .    790:
         .          .    791:   var inQuery string
         .          .    792:   var inArgs []interface{}
         .          .    793:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    794:       // paging
         .       30ms    795:       inQuery, inArgs, err = sqlx.In(
         .          .    796:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) AND category_id IN (?) AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    797:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    798:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    799:           categoryIDs,
         .          .    800:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    801:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    802:           itemID,
         .          .    803:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    804:       )
         .          .    805:       if err != nil {
         .          .    806:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    807:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    808:           return
         .          .    809:       }
         .          .    810:   } else {
         .          .    811:       // 1st page
         .          .    812:       inQuery, inArgs, err = sqlx.In(
         .          .    813:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) AND category_id IN (?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    814:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    815:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    816:           categoryIDs,
         .          .    817:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    818:       )
         .          .    819:       if err != nil {
         .          .    820:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    821:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    822:           return
         .          .    823:       }
         .          .    824:   }
         .          .    825:
         .          .    826:   items := []Item{}
         .      2.11s    827:   err = dbx.Select(&items, inQuery, inArgs...)
         .          .    828:
         .          .    829:   if err != nil {
         .          .    830:       log.Print(err)
         .          .    831:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    832:       return
         .          .    833:   }
         .          .    834:
         .          .    835:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
      10ms       10ms    836:   for _, item := range items {
         .      1.95s    837:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
      10ms       10ms    838:       if err != nil {
         .          .    839:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .    840:           return
         .          .    841:       }
         .       20ms    842:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    843:       if err != nil {
         .          .    844:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    845:           return
         .          .    846:       }
         .          .    847:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    848:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    849:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    850:           Seller:     &seller,
         .          .    851:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    852:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    853:           Price:      item.Price,
         .       20ms    854:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    855:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    856:           Category:   &category,
         .       10ms    857:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    858:       })
         .          .    859:   }
         .          .    860:
         .          .    861:   hasNext := false
         .          .    862:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    863:       hasNext = true
         .          .    864:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    865:   }
         .          .    866:
         .          .    867:   rni := resNewItems{
         .          .    868:       RootCategoryID:   rootCategory.ID,
         .          .    869:       RootCategoryName: rootCategory.CategoryName,
         .          .    870:       Items:            itemSimples,
         .          .    871:       HasNext:          hasNext,
         .          .    872:   }
         .          .    873:
         .          .    874:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .      350ms    875:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    876:
         .          .    877:}
         .          .    878:
         .          .    879:func getUserItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    880:   userIDStr := pat.Param(r, "user_id")
ROUTINE ======================== main.getNewItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      350ms (flat, cum)  1.62% of Total
         .          .    679:   }
         .          .    680:
         .          .    681:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    682:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    683:       // paging
         .      120ms    684:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    685:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    686:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    687:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    688:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .       10ms    689:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    690:           itemID,
         .          .    691:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    692:       )
         .          .    693:       if err != nil {
         .          .    694:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    695:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    696:           return
         .          .    697:       }
         .          .    698:   } else {
         .          .    699:       // 1st page
         .       30ms    700:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    701:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    702:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    703:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    704:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    705:       )
         .          .    706:       if err != nil {
         .          .    707:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    708:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    709:           return
         .          .    710:       }
         .          .    711:   }
         .          .    712:
         .          .    713:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .          .    714:   for _, item := range items {
         .      150ms    715:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .    716:       if err != nil {
         .          .    717:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .    718:           return
         .          .    719:       }
         .          .    720:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    721:       if err != nil {
         .          .    722:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    723:           return
         .          .    724:       }
         .          .    725:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    726:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    727:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    728:           Seller:     &seller,
         .          .    729:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    730:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    731:           Price:      item.Price,
         .          .    732:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    733:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    734:           Category:   &category,
         .          .    735:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    736:       })
         .          .    737:   }
         .          .    738:
         .          .    739:   hasNext := false
         .          .    740:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    741:       hasNext = true
         .          .    742:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    743:   }
         .          .    744:
         .          .    745:   rni := resNewItems{
         .          .    746:       Items:   itemSimples,
         .          .    747:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .    748:   }
         .          .    749:
         .          .    750:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       40ms    751:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    752:}
         .          .    753:
         .          .    754:func getNewCategoryItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    755:   rootCategoryIDStr := pat.Param(r, "root_category_id")
         .          .    756:   rootCategoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(rootCategoryIDStr)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getSession in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      490ms (flat, cum)  2.27% of Total
         .          .    369:   mux.Handle(pat.Get("/*"), http.FileServer(http.Dir("../public")))
         .          .    370:   log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", mux))
         .          .    371:}
         .          .    372:
         .          .    373:func getSession(r *http.Request) *sessions.Session {
         .      490ms    374:   session, _ := store.Get(r, sessionName)
         .          .    375:
         .          .    376:   return session
         .          .    377:}
         .          .    378:
         .          .    379:func getCSRFToken(r *http.Request) string {
ROUTINE ======================== main.getSettings in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      100ms (flat, cum)  0.46% of Total
         .          .   2296:       ItemUpdatedAt: targetItem.UpdatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   2297:   })
         .          .   2298:}
         .          .   2299:
         .          .   2300:func getSettings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       50ms   2301:   csrfToken := getCSRFToken(r)
         .          .   2302:
         .          .   2303:   user, _, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   2304:
         .          .   2305:   ress := resSetting{}
         .          .   2306:   ress.CSRFToken = csrfToken
         .          .   2307:   if errMsg == "" {
         .          .   2308:       ress.User = &user
         .          .   2309:   }
         .          .   2310:
         .          .   2311:   ress.PaymentServiceURL = getPaymentServiceURL()
         .          .   2312:   ress.Categories = categories
         .          .   2313:
         .          .   2314:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       50ms   2315:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ress)
         .          .   2316:}
         .          .   2317:
         .          .   2318:func postLogin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   2319:   rl := reqLogin{}
         .          .   2320:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rl)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getTransactions in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      500ms (flat, cum)  2.31% of Total
         .          .   1012:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .   1013:           return
         .          .   1014:       }
         .          .   1015:   }
         .          .   1016:
         .       30ms   1017:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1018:   items := []Item{}
         .          .   1019:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .   1020:       // paging
         .       30ms   1021:       err := tx.Select(&items,
         .          .   1022:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (seller_id = ? OR buyer_id = ?) AND status IN (?,?,?,?,?) AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .   1023:           user.ID,
         .          .   1024:           user.ID,
         .          .   1025:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .   1026:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .   1027:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .   1028:           ItemStatusCancel,
         .          .   1029:           ItemStatusStop,
         .          .   1030:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .   1031:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .   1032:           itemID,
         .          .   1033:           TransactionsPerPage+1,
         .          .   1034:       )
         .          .   1035:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1036:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1037:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1038:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1039:           return
         .          .   1040:       }
         .          .   1041:   } else {
         .          .   1042:       // 1st page
         .       10ms   1043:       err := tx.Select(&items,
         .          .   1044:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (seller_id = ? OR buyer_id = ?) AND status IN (?,?,?,?,?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .   1045:           user.ID,
         .          .   1046:           user.ID,
         .          .   1047:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .   1048:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .   1049:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .   1050:           ItemStatusCancel,
         .          .   1051:           ItemStatusStop,
         .          .   1052:           TransactionsPerPage+1,
         .          .   1053:       )
         .          .   1054:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1055:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1056:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1057:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1058:           return
         .          .   1059:       }
         .          .   1060:   }
         .          .   1061:
         .          .   1062:   itemDetails := []ItemDetail{}
         .          .   1063:   for _, item := range items {
         .       70ms   1064:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(tx, item.SellerID)
         .          .   1065:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1066:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .   1067:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1068:           return
         .          .   1069:       }
         .          .   1070:       category, err := getCategoryByID(tx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .   1071:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1072:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .   1073:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1074:           return
         .          .   1075:       }
         .          .   1076:
         .          .   1077:       itemDetail := ItemDetail{
         .          .   1078:           ID:       item.ID,
         .          .   1079:           SellerID: item.SellerID,
         .          .   1080:           Seller:   &seller,
         .          .   1081:           // BuyerID
         .          .   1082:           // Buyer
         .          .   1083:           Status:      item.Status,
         .          .   1084:           Name:        item.Name,
         .          .   1085:           Price:       item.Price,
         .          .   1086:           Description: item.Description,
         .          .   1087:           ImageURL:    getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .   1088:           CategoryID:  item.CategoryID,
         .          .   1089:           // TransactionEvidenceID
         .          .   1090:           // TransactionEvidenceStatus
         .          .   1091:           // ShippingStatus
         .          .   1092:           Category:  &category,
         .          .   1093:           CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   1094:       }
         .          .   1095:
         .          .   1096:       if item.BuyerID != 0 {
         .       20ms   1097:           buyer, err := getUserSimpleByID(tx, item.BuyerID)
         .          .   1098:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1099:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "buyer not found")
         .          .   1100:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1101:               return
         .          .   1102:           }
         .          .   1103:           itemDetail.BuyerID = item.BuyerID
         .          .   1104:           itemDetail.Buyer = &buyer
         .          .   1105:       }
         .          .   1106:
         .          .   1107:       transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .      140ms   1108:       err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", item.ID)
         .          .   1109:       if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1110:           // It's able to ignore ErrNoRows
         .          .   1111:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1112:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1113:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1114:           return
         .          .   1115:       }
         .          .   1116:
         .          .   1117:       if transactionEvidence.ID > 0 {
         .          .   1118:           shipping := Shipping{}
         .      130ms   1119:           err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ?", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1120:           if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1121:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shipping not found")
         .          .   1122:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1123:               return
         .          .   1124:           }
         .          .   1125:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1126:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1127:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1128:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1129:               return
         .          .   1130:           }
         .       60ms   1131:           ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{
         .          .   1132:               ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1133:           })
         .          .   1134:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1135:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1136:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
         .          .   1137:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1138:               return
         .          .   1139:           }
         .          .   1140:
         .          .   1141:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceID = transactionEvidence.ID
         .          .   1142:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceStatus = transactionEvidence.Status
         .          .   1143:           itemDetail.ShippingStatus = ssr.Status
         .          .   1144:       }
         .          .   1145:
         .          .   1146:       itemDetails = append(itemDetails, itemDetail)
         .          .   1147:   }
         .          .   1148:   tx.Commit()
         .          .   1149:
         .          .   1150:   hasNext := false
         .          .   1151:   if len(itemDetails) > TransactionsPerPage {
         .          .   1152:       hasNext = true
         .          .   1153:       itemDetails = itemDetails[0:TransactionsPerPage]
         .          .   1154:   }
         .          .   1155:
         .          .   1156:   rts := resTransactions{
         .          .   1157:       Items:   itemDetails,
         .          .   1158:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .   1159:   }
         .          .   1160:
         .          .   1161:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       10ms   1162:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rts)
         .          .   1163:
         .          .   1164:}
         .          .   1165:
         .          .   1166:func getItem(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1167:   itemIDStr := pat.Param(r, "item_id")
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUser in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
      10ms      380ms (flat, cum)  1.76% of Total
         .          .    385:   }
         .          .    386:
         .          .    387:   return csrfToken.(string)
         .          .    388:}
         .          .    389:
      10ms       10ms    390:func getUser(r *http.Request) (user User, errCode int, errMsg string) {
         .      360ms    391:   session := getSession(r)
         .       10ms    392:   userSess, ok := session.Values["user"]
         .          .    393:   //userID, ok := session.Values["user_id"]
         .          .    394:   if !ok {
         .          .    395:       return user, http.StatusNotFound, "no session"
         .          .    396:   }
         .          .    397:
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUserItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      270ms (flat, cum)  1.25% of Total
         .          .    888:   if err != nil {
         .          .    889:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "user not found")
         .          .    890:       return
         .          .    891:   }
         .          .    892:
         .       10ms    893:   query := r.URL.Query()
         .          .    894:   itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id")
         .          .    895:   var itemID int64
         .          .    896:   if itemIDStr != "" {
         .          .    897:       itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    898:       if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .    899:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error")
         .          .    900:           return
         .          .    901:       }
         .          .    902:   }
         .          .    903:
         .          .    904:   createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at")
         .          .    905:   var createdAt int64
         .          .    906:   if createdAtStr != "" {
         .          .    907:       createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    908:       if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 {
         .          .    909:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .    910:           return
         .          .    911:       }
         .          .    912:   }
         .          .    913:
         .          .    914:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    915:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    916:       // paging
         .      110ms    917:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    918:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE seller_id = ? AND status IN (?,?,?) AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    919:           userSimple.ID,
         .          .    920:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    921:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    922:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    923:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    924:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    925:           itemID,
         .          .    926:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    927:       )
         .          .    928:       if err != nil {
         .          .    929:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    930:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    931:           return
         .          .    932:       }
         .          .    933:   } else {
         .          .    934:       // 1st page
         .      120ms    935:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    936:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE seller_id = ? AND status IN (?,?,?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    937:           userSimple.ID,
         .          .    938:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    939:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    940:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    941:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    942:       )
         .          .    943:       if err != nil {
         .          .    944:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    945:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    946:           return
         .          .    947:       }
         .          .    948:   }
         .          .    949:
         .          .    950:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .          .    951:   for _, item := range items {
         .          .    952:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    953:       if err != nil {
         .          .    954:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    955:           return
         .          .    956:       }
         .          .    957:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    958:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    959:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    960:           Seller:     &userSimple,
         .          .    961:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    962:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    963:           Price:      item.Price,
         .          .    964:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    965:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    966:           Category:   &category,
         .          .    967:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    968:       })
         .          .    969:   }
         .          .    970:
         .          .    971:   hasNext := false
         .          .    972:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    973:       hasNext = true
         .          .    974:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    975:   }
         .          .    976:
         .          .    977:   rui := resUserItems{
         .          .    978:       User:    &userSimple,
         .          .    979:       Items:   itemSimples,
         .          .    980:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .    981:   }
         .          .    982:
         .          .    983:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       30ms    984:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rui)
         .          .    985:}
         .          .    986:
         .          .    987:func getTransactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    988:
         .          .    989:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUserSimpleByID in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      2.37s (flat, cum) 10.97% of Total
         .          .    436:   }
         .          .    437:   return nil
         .          .    438:}
         .          .    439:
         .          .    440:func getUserSimpleByID(q sqlx.Queryer, userID int64) (userSimple UserSimple, err error) {
         .       10ms    441:   if us, ok := UserSimpleCache[userID]; ok {
         .      2.36s    442:       numsellStr, err := redisClient.Get(context.Background(), fmt.Sprintf(UserSimpleCacheKeyFmt, userID)).Result()
         .          .    443:       if err != nil {
         .          .    444:           return us, err
         .          .    445:       }
         .          .    446:       numsell, err := strconv.Atoi(numsellStr)
         .          .    447:       if err != nil {
ROUTINE ======================== main.postBump in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       10ms (flat, cum) 0.046% of Total
         .          .   2211:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   2212:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   2213:       return
         .          .   2214:   }
         .          .   2215:
         .       10ms   2216:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   2217:
         .          .   2218:   targetItem := Item{}
         .          .   2219:   err = tx.Get(&targetItem, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   2220:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   2221:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
ROUTINE ======================== main.postBuy in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      5.23s (flat, cum) 24.20% of Total
         .          .   1413:}
         .          .   1414:
         .          .   1415:func postBuy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1416:   rb := reqBuy{}
         .          .   1417:
         .       10ms   1418:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rb)
         .          .   1419:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1420:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "json decode error")
         .          .   1421:       return
         .          .   1422:   }
         .          .   1423:
         .       70ms   1424:   if rb.CSRFToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   1425:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   1426:
         .          .   1427:       return
         .          .   1428:   }
         .          .   1429:
         .          .   1430:   buyer, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1431:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1432:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1433:       return
         .          .   1434:   }
         .          .   1435:
         .          .   1436:   var targetItem Item
         .      2.56s   1437:   err = dbx.Get(&targetItem, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ?", rb.ItemID)
         .          .   1438:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1439:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1440:       return
         .          .   1441:   }
         .          .   1442:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1443:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1444:
         .          .   1445:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1446:       return
         .          .   1447:   }
         .          .   1448:   if targetItem.Status != ItemStatusOnSale {
         .          .   1449:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "item is not for sale")
         .          .   1450:       return
         .          .   1451:   }
         .          .   1452:
         .          .   1453:   seller := User{}
         .       30ms   1454:   err = dbx.Get(&seller, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", targetItem.SellerID)
         .          .   1455:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1456:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .   1457:       return
         .          .   1458:   }
         .          .   1459:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1460:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1461:
         .          .   1462:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1463:       return
         .          .   1464:   }
         .          .   1465:
         .          .   1466:   scr, err := APIShipmentCreate(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentCreateReq{
         .          .   1467:       ToAddress:   buyer.Address,
         .          .   1468:       ToName:      buyer.AccountName,
         .          .   1469:       FromAddress: seller.Address,
         .          .   1470:       FromName:    seller.AccountName,
         .          .   1471:   })
         .          .   1472:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1473:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1474:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
         .          .   1475:
         .          .   1476:       return
         .          .   1477:   }
         .          .   1478:
         .      2.52s   1479:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1480:
         .          .   1481:   // get exclusive-lock
         .       20ms   1482:   err = tx.Get(&targetItem, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", targetItem.ID)
         .          .   1483:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1484:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1485:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1486:       return
         .          .   1487:   }
         .          .   1488:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1489:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1490:
         .          .   1491:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1492:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1493:       return
         .          .   1494:   }
         .          .   1495:
         .          .   1496:   if targetItem.Status != ItemStatusOnSale {
         .          .   1497:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "item is not for sale")
         .       10ms   1498:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1499:       return
         .          .   1500:   }
         .          .   1501:
         .          .   1502:   if targetItem.SellerID == buyer.ID {
         .          .   1503:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "自分の商品は買えません")
         .          .   1504:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1505:       return
         .          .   1506:   }
         .          .   1507:
         .          .   1508:   category, err := getCategoryByID(tx, targetItem.CategoryID)
         .          .   1509:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1510:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1511:
         .          .   1512:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "category id error")
         .          .   1513:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1514:       return
         .          .   1515:   }
         .          .   1516:
         .          .   1517:   var transactionEvidenceID int64
         .          .   1518:   if err := tx.Get(
         .          .   1519:       &transactionEvidenceID,
         .          .   1520:       "INSERT INTO transaction_evidences (seller_id, buyer_id, status, item_id, item_name, item_price, item_description,item_category_id,item_root_category_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING id",
         .          .   1521:       targetItem.SellerID,
         .          .   1522:       buyer.ID,
         .          .   1523:       TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitShipping,
         .          .   1524:       targetItem.ID,
         .          .   1525:       targetItem.Name,
         .          .   1526:       targetItem.Price,
         .          .   1527:       targetItem.Description,
         .          .   1528:       category.ID,
         .          .   1529:       category.ParentID,
         .          .   1530:   ); err != nil {
         .          .   1531:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1532:
         .          .   1533:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1534:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1535:       return
         .          .   1536:   }
         .          .   1537:
         .          .   1538:   _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE items SET buyer_id = ?, status = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE id = ?",
         .          .   1539:       buyer.ID,
         .          .   1540:       ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .   1541:       time.Now(),
         .          .   1542:       targetItem.ID,
         .          .   1543:   )
         .          .   1544:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1545:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1546:
         .          .   1547:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1548:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1549:       return
         .          .   1550:   }
         .          .   1551:
         .          .   1552:   pstr, err := APIPaymentToken(getPaymentServiceURL(), &APIPaymentServiceTokenReq{
         .          .   1553:       ShopID: PaymentServiceIsucariShopID,
         .          .   1554:       Token:  rb.Token,
         .          .   1555:       APIKey: PaymentServiceIsucariAPIKey,
         .          .   1556:       Price:  targetItem.Price,
         .          .   1557:   })
         .          .   1558:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1559:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1560:
         .          .   1561:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "payment service is failed")
         .          .   1562:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1563:       return
         .          .   1564:   }
         .          .   1565:
         .          .   1566:   if pstr.Status == "invalid" {
         .          .   1567:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "カード情報に誤りがあります")
         .          .   1568:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1569:       return
         .          .   1570:   }
         .          .   1571:
         .          .   1572:   if pstr.Status == "fail" {
         .          .   1573:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "カードの残高が足りません")
         .          .   1574:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1575:       return
         .          .   1576:   }
         .          .   1577:
         .          .   1578:   if pstr.Status != "ok" {
         .          .   1579:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "想定外のエラー")
         .          .   1580:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1581:       return
         .          .   1582:   }
         .          .   1583:
         .          .   1584:   _, err = tx.Exec("INSERT INTO shippings (transaction_evidence_id, status, item_name, item_id, reserve_id, reserve_time, to_address, to_name, from_address, from_name, img_binary) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
         .          .   1585:       transactionEvidenceID,
         .          .   1586:       ShippingsStatusInitial,
         .          .   1587:       targetItem.Name,
         .          .   1588:       targetItem.ID,
         .          .   1589:       scr.ReserveID,
         .          .   1590:       scr.ReserveTime,
         .          .   1591:       buyer.Address,
         .          .   1592:       buyer.AccountName,
         .          .   1593:       seller.Address,
         .          .   1594:       seller.AccountName,
         .          .   1595:       "",
         .          .   1596:   )
         .          .   1597:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1598:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1599:
         .          .   1600:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1601:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1602:       return
         .          .   1603:   }
         .          .   1604:
         .       10ms   1605:   tx.Commit()
         .          .   1606:
         .          .   1607:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .          .   1608:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resBuy{TransactionEvidenceID: transactionEvidenceID})
         .          .   1609:}
         .          .   1610:
ROUTINE ======================== main.postComplete in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       30ms (flat, cum)  0.14% of Total
         .          .   1908:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1909:       return
         .          .   1910:   }
         .          .   1911:
         .          .   1912:   transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .       10ms   1913:   err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", itemID)
         .          .   1914:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1915:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidence not found")
         .          .   1916:       return
         .          .   1917:   }
         .          .   1918:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1919:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1920:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1921:
         .          .   1922:       return
         .          .   1923:   }
         .          .   1924:
         .          .   1925:   if transactionEvidence.BuyerID != buyer.ID {
         .          .   1926:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "権限がありません")
         .          .   1927:       return
         .          .   1928:   }
         .          .   1929:
         .          .   1930:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1931:   item := Item{}
         .          .   1932:   err = tx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1933:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1934:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "items not found")
         .          .   1935:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1936:       return
         .          .   1937:   }
         .          .   1938:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1939:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1940:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1941:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1942:       return
         .          .   1943:   }
         .          .   1944:
         .          .   1945:   if item.Status != ItemStatusTrading {
         .          .   1946:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "商品が取引中ではありません")
         .          .   1947:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1948:       return
         .          .   1949:   }
         .          .   1950:
         .          .   1951:   err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1952:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1953:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found")
         .          .   1954:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1955:       return
         .          .   1956:   }
         .          .   1957:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1958:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1959:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1960:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1961:       return
         .          .   1962:   }
         .          .   1963:
         .          .   1964:   if transactionEvidence.Status != TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitDone {
         .          .   1965:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "準備ができていません")
         .          .   1966:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1967:       return
         .          .   1968:   }
         .          .   1969:
         .          .   1970:   shipping := Shipping{}
         .       10ms   1971:   err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1972:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1973:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1974:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1975:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1976:       return
         .          .   1977:   }
         .          .   1978:
         .       10ms   1979:   ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{
         .          .   1980:       ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1981:   })
         .          .   1982:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1983:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1984:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
ROUTINE ======================== main.postLogin in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      5.60s (flat, cum) 25.91% of Total
         .          .   2315:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ress)
         .          .   2316:}
         .          .   2317:
         .          .   2318:func postLogin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   2319:   rl := reqLogin{}
         .       10ms   2320:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rl)
         .          .   2321:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2322:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "json decode error")
         .          .   2323:       return
         .          .   2324:   }
         .          .   2325:
         .          .   2326:   accountName := rl.AccountName
         .          .   2327:   password := rl.Password
         .          .   2328:
         .          .   2329:   if accountName == "" || password == "" {
         .          .   2330:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "all parameters are required")
         .          .   2331:
         .          .   2332:       return
         .          .   2333:   }
         .          .   2334:
         .          .   2335:   u := User{}
         .      3.84s   2336:   err = dbx.Get(&u, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE account_name = ?", accountName)
         .          .   2337:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   2338:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "アカウント名かパスワードが間違えています")
         .          .   2339:       return
         .          .   2340:   }
         .          .   2341:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2342:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2343:
         .          .   2344:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2345:       return
         .          .   2346:   }
         .          .   2347:   hashedPassword := u.HashedPassword
         .          .   2348:   var rehashedPassword []byte
         .          .   2349:   var rehashed bool
         .      100ms   2350:   if err := dbx.Get(&rehashedPassword, "SELECT hashed_password FROM user_password WHERE user_id = ?", u.ID); err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   2351:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2352:
         .          .   2353:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2354:       return
         .          .   2355:   } else if err == nil {
         .          .   2356:       rehashed = true
         .          .   2357:       hashedPassword = rehashedPassword
         .          .   2358:   }
         .          .   2359:
         .      1.60s   2360:   err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(hashedPassword, []byte(password))
         .          .   2361:   if err == bcrypt.ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword {
         .          .   2362:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "アカウント名かパスワードが間違えています")
         .          .   2363:       return
         .          .   2364:   }
         .          .   2365:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2366:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2367:
         .          .   2368:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "crypt error")
         .          .   2369:       return
         .          .   2370:   }
         .          .   2371:
         .          .   2372:   if !rehashed {
         .          .   2373:       rehashedPassword, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), BcryptCost)
         .          .   2374:       if err != nil {
         .          .   2375:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   2376:
         .          .   2377:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "error")
         .          .   2378:           return
         .          .   2379:       }
         .          .   2380:       if _, err := dbx.Exec(
         .          .   2381:           "INSERT INTO user_password (user_id, hashed_password) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT (user_id) DO UPDATE SET hashed_password = ?",
         .          .   2382:           u.ID,
         .          .   2383:           rehashedPassword,
         .          .   2384:           rehashedPassword,
         .          .   2385:       ); err != nil {
         .          .   2386:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   2387:
         .          .   2388:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2389:           return
         .          .   2390:       }
         .          .   2391:   }
         .          .   2392:
         .       10ms   2393:   session := getSession(r)
         .          .   2394:
         .          .   2395:   session.Values["user_id"] = u.ID
         .          .   2396:   session.Values["user"] = u
         .          .   2397:   session.Values["csrf_token"] = secureRandomStr(20)
         .       30ms   2398:   if err = session.Save(r, w); err != nil {
         .          .   2399:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2400:
         .          .   2401:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "session error")
         .          .   2402:       return
         .          .   2403:   }
         .          .   2404:
         .          .   2405:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       10ms   2406:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(u)
         .          .   2407:}
         .          .   2408:
         .          .   2409:func postRegister(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   2410:   rr := reqRegister{}
         .          .   2411:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rr)
ROUTINE ======================== main.postSell in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      110ms (flat, cum)  0.51% of Total
         .          .   2037:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .          .   2038:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resBuy{TransactionEvidenceID: transactionEvidence.ID})
         .          .   2039:}
         .          .   2040:
         .          .   2041:func postSell(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       20ms   2042:   csrfToken := r.FormValue("csrf_token")
         .          .   2043:   name := r.FormValue("name")
         .          .   2044:   description := r.FormValue("description")
         .          .   2045:   priceStr := r.FormValue("price")
         .          .   2046:   categoryIDStr := r.FormValue("category_id")
         .          .   2047:
         .          .   2048:   f, header, err := r.FormFile("image")
         .          .   2049:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2050:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2051:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "image error")
         .          .   2052:       return
         .          .   2053:   }
         .          .   2054:   defer f.Close()
         .          .   2055:
         .          .   2056:   if csrfToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   2057:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   2058:       return
         .          .   2059:   }
         .          .   2060:
         .          .   2061:   categoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(categoryIDStr)
         .          .   2062:   if err != nil || categoryID < 0 {
         .          .   2063:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "category id error")
         .          .   2064:       return
         .          .   2065:   }
         .          .   2066:
         .          .   2067:   price, err := strconv.Atoi(priceStr)
         .          .   2068:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2069:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "price error")
         .          .   2070:       return
         .          .   2071:   }
         .          .   2072:
         .          .   2073:   if name == "" || description == "" || price == 0 || categoryID == 0 {
         .          .   2074:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "all parameters are required")
         .          .   2075:
         .          .   2076:       return
         .          .   2077:   }
         .          .   2078:
         .          .   2079:   if price < ItemMinPrice || price > ItemMaxPrice {
         .          .   2080:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, ItemPriceErrMsg)
         .          .   2081:
         .          .   2082:       return
         .          .   2083:   }
         .          .   2084:
         .          .   2085:   category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, categoryID)
         .          .   2086:   if err != nil || category.ParentID == 0 {
         .          .   2087:       log.Print(categoryID, category)
         .          .   2088:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "Incorrect category ID")
         .          .   2089:       return
         .          .   2090:   }
         .          .   2091:
         .          .   2092:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   2093:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   2094:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   2095:       return
         .          .   2096:   }
         .          .   2097:
         .       20ms   2098:   img, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
         .          .   2099:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2100:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2101:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "image error")
         .          .   2102:       return
         .          .   2103:   }
         .          .   2104:
         .          .   2105:   ext := filepath.Ext(header.Filename)
         .          .   2106:
         .          .   2107:   if !(ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".jpeg" || ext == ".png" || ext == ".gif") {
         .          .   2108:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "unsupported image format error")
         .          .   2109:       return
         .          .   2110:   }
         .          .   2111:
         .          .   2112:   if ext == ".jpeg" {
         .          .   2113:       ext = ".jpg"
         .          .   2114:   }
         .          .   2115:
         .          .   2116:   imgName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", secureRandomStr(16), ext)
         .       10ms   2117:   err = ioutil.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("../public/upload/%s", imgName), img, 0644)
         .          .   2118:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2119:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2120:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Saving image failed")
         .          .   2121:       return
         .          .   2122:   }
         .          .   2123:
         .       50ms   2124:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   2125:
         .          .   2126:   seller := User{}
         .          .   2127:   err = tx.Get(&seller, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", user.ID)
         .          .   2128:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   2129:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "user not found")
         .          .   2130:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   2131:       return
         .          .   2132:   }
         .          .   2133:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2134:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2135:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2136:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   2137:       return
         .          .   2138:   }
         .          .   2139:
         .          .   2140:   var itemID int64
         .          .   2141:   if err := tx.Get(
         .          .   2142:       &itemID,
         .          .   2143:       "INSERT INTO items (seller_id, status, name, price, description,image_name,category_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING id",
         .          .   2144:       seller.ID,
         .          .   2145:       ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .   2146:       name,
         .          .   2147:       price,
         .          .   2148:       description,
         .          .   2149:       imgName,
         .          .   2150:       category.ID,
         .          .   2151:   ); err != nil {
         .          .   2152:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2153:
         .          .   2154:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2155:       return
         .          .   2156:   }
         .          .   2157:
         .          .   2158:   // cache
         .          .   2159:   key := fmt.Sprintf(UserSimpleCacheKeyFmt, user.ID)
         .          .   2160:   err = redisClient.Incr(context.Background(), key).Err()
         .          .   2161:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2162:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2163:
         .          .   2164:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "user simple num sell cache update reds error")
         .          .   2165:       return
         .          .   2166:   }
         .          .   2167:
         .          .   2168:   now := time.Now()
         .          .   2169:   _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE users SET num_sell_items=?, last_bump=? WHERE id=?",
         .          .   2170:       seller.NumSellItems+1,
         .          .   2171:       now,
         .          .   2172:       seller.ID,
         .          .   2173:   )
         .          .   2174:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2175:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2176:
         .          .   2177:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2178:       return
         .          .   2179:   }
         .       10ms   2180:   tx.Commit()
         .          .   2181:
         .          .   2182:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .          .   2183:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resSell{ID: itemID})
         .          .   2184:}
         .          .   2185:
ROUTINE ======================== main.postShip in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
      10ms       30ms (flat, cum)  0.14% of Total
         .          .   1651:   }
         .          .   1652:
         .          .   1653:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1654:
         .          .   1655:   item := Item{}
         .       10ms   1656:   err = tx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1657:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1658:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1659:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1660:       return
         .          .   1661:   }
         .          .   1662:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1663:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1664:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1665:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1666:       return
         .          .   1667:   }
         .          .   1668:
         .          .   1669:   if item.Status != ItemStatusTrading {
         .          .   1670:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "商品が取引中ではありません")
         .          .   1671:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1672:       return
         .          .   1673:   }
         .          .   1674:
         .       10ms   1675:   err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1676:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1677:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found")
         .          .   1678:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1679:       return
         .          .   1680:   }
         .          .   1681:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1682:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1683:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1684:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1685:       return
         .          .   1686:   }
         .          .   1687:
         .          .   1688:   if transactionEvidence.Status != TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitShipping {
         .          .   1689:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "準備ができていません")
         .          .   1690:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1691:       return
         .          .   1692:   }
         .          .   1693:
         .          .   1694:   shipping := Shipping{}
         .          .   1695:   err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1696:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1697:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shippings not found")
         .          .   1698:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1699:       return
         .          .   1700:   }
         .          .   1701:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1702:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1703:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1704:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1705:       return
         .          .   1706:   }
         .          .   1707:
         .          .   1708:   img, err := APIShipmentRequest(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentRequestReq{
         .          .   1709:       ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1710:   })
         .          .   1711:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1712:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1713:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
         .          .   1714:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1715:
         .          .   1716:       return
         .          .   1717:   }
         .          .   1718:
         .          .   1719:   _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE shippings SET status = ?, img_binary = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ?",
         .          .   1720:       ShippingsStatusWaitPickup,
         .          .   1721:       img,
         .          .   1722:       time.Now(),
         .          .   1723:       transactionEvidence.ID,
         .          .   1724:   )
         .          .   1725:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1726:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1727:
         .          .   1728:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1729:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1730:       return
         .          .   1731:   }
         .          .   1732:
      10ms       10ms   1733:   tx.Commit()
         .          .   1734:
         .          .   1735:   rps := resPostShip{
         .          .   1736:       Path:      fmt.Sprintf("/transactions/%d.png", transactionEvidence.ID),
         .          .   1737:       ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1738:   }
ROUTINE ======================== main.postShipDone in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       20ms (flat, cum) 0.093% of Total
         .          .   1801:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "商品が取引中ではありません")
         .          .   1802:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1803:       return
         .          .   1804:   }
         .          .   1805:
         .       20ms   1806:   err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1807:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1808:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found")
         .          .   1809:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1810:       return
         .          .   1811:   }
mackee commented 1 year ago


{"pass":true,"score":13270,"campaign":3,"language":"Go","messages":["GET /new_items/60.json: リクエストに失敗しました(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 1797)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 3158)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 3234)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しま
した (user_id: 340)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 3840)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 601)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 804)(タイムアウトしました)","POST /buy: リクエストに失敗しました (item_id: 51923)(タイムアウトしました)","POST /sell: リクエストに失敗しました(タイムアウトしました)","POST /ship: リクエストに失敗しました (item_id: 51908)(タイムアウトしました)"]}
705 0 80 0 625 0 POST /buy 0.468 4.284 2162.832 3.068 4.200 0.000 49.000 33.291
417 0 397 0 20 0 GET /users/transactions.json 0.004 6.427 1221.074 2.928 4.972 0.000 6984.000 5426.887
2730 0 2728 0 2 0 GET /new_items/\d+.json 0.004 0.932 252.410 0.092 0.324 0.000 5727.000 5514.135
335 0 335 0 0 0 GET /new_items.json 0.036 1.396 89.090 0.266 0.656 5631.000 6018.000 5782.952
1572 0 1564 0 8 0 POST /login 0.004 0.320 75.592 0.048 0.156 73.000 109.000 96.947
94 0 70 0 24 0 POST /ship_done 0.376 0.916 60.477 0.643 0.824 0.000 83.000 36.415
92 0 75 0 17 0 POST /ship 0.106 0.856 59.554 0.647 0.840 0.000 61.000 54.750
66 0 64 0 2 0 POST /complete 0.053 0.944 50.328 0.763 0.832 0.000 34.000 32.970
7441 0 7441 0 0 0 GET /items/\d+.json 0.000 0.340 31.828 0.004 0.016 1045.000 1978.000 1221.574
574 0 574 0 0 0 GET /users/\d+.json 0.004 0.264 7.560 0.013 0.096 94.000 5304.000 3102.213
114 0 93 0 21 0 POST /sell 0.004 0.280 4.640 0.041 0.236 13.000 106.000 25.404
1 0 1 0 0 0 POST /initialize 2.076 2.076 2.076 2.076 2.076 31.000 31.000 31.000
58 0 58 0 0 0 GET /upload/[0-9a-zA-Z]+.jpg 0.000 0.152 1.452 0.025 0.124 51645.000 150881.000 79932.086
1564 0 1564 0 0 0 GET /settings 0.000 0.020 1.048 0.001 0.004 851.000 873.000 860.700
13 0 13 0 0 0 POST /bump 0.004 0.092 0.220 0.017 0.092 90.000 92.000 90.923
87 0 73 0 14 0 GET /transactions/\d+.png 0.000 0.044 0.208 0.002 0.008 33.000 634.000 525.448
10 0 3 0 7 0 POST /items/edit 0.000 0.004 0.012 0.001 0.004 58.000 93.000 68.300
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/2.ff6e1067.chunk.js 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 149001.000 149001.000 149001.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/main.babc3d4d.chunk.js 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 17072.000 17072.000 17072.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/css/main.19393e92.chunk.css 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 994.000 994.000 994.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /reports.json 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 47294.000 47294.000 47294.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/runtime~main.a8a9905a.js 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 774.000 774.000 774.000
tetsuzawa commented 1 year ago



703 0 74 0 629 0 POST /buy 0.077 4.336 2000.022 2.845 4.304 0.000 49.000 33.095
438 0 418 0 20 0 GET /users/transactions.json 0.004 5.616 1218.021 2.781 4.180 0.000 6943.000 5433.466
2576 0 2573 0 3 0 GET /new_items/\d+.json 0.001 0.924 281.754 0.109 0.392 0.000 5687.000 5516.264
333 0 333 0 0 0 GET /new_items.json 0.036 1.220 85.680 0.257 0.704 5624.000 5918.000 5774.342
1571 0 1563 0 8 0 POST /login 0.004 0.220 69.432 0.044 0.148 73.000 109.000 96.834
91 0 70 0 21 0 POST /ship_done 0.804 0.976 59.356 0.652 0.844 29.000 83.000 37.615
85 0 71 0 14 0 POST /ship 0.804 0.888 55.184 0.649 0.828 29.000 61.000 56.388
66 0 63 0 3 0 POST /complete 0.004 0.852 50.139 0.760 0.840 0.000 34.000 32.455
7291 0 7291 0 0 0 GET /items/\d+.json 0.000 0.632 27.156 0.004 0.012 1060.000 1985.000 1223.995
598 0 598 0 0 0 GET /users/\d+.json 0.000 0.208 5.396 0.009 0.044 95.000 5318.000 3018.605
58 0 58 0 0 0 GET /upload/[0-9a-zA-Z]+.jpg 0.000 0.260 3.432 0.059 0.172 52606.000 143944.000 88311.000
113 0 92 0 21 0 POST /sell 0.040 0.232 3.424 0.030 0.148 13.000 106.000 25.513
1 0 1 0 0 0 POST /initialize 2.088 2.088 2.088 2.088 2.088 31.000 31.000 31.000
1563 0 1563 0 0 0 GET /settings 0.000 0.008 0.916 0.001 0.004 850.000 872.000 860.554
13 0 13 0 0 0 POST /bump 0.004 0.108 0.296 0.023 0.108 91.000 92.000 91.077
84 0 70 0 14 0 GET /transactions/\d+.png 0.000 0.052 0.232 0.003 0.008 33.000 630.000 521.821
10 0 3 0 7 0 POST /items/edit 0.000 0.008 0.016 0.002 0.008 58.000 93.000 68.400
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/2.ff6e1067.chunk.js 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 149001.000 149001.000 149001.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/runtime~main.a8a9905a.js 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 774.000 774.000 774.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /reports.json 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 44586.000 44586.000 44586.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/css/main.19393e92.chunk.css 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 994.000 994.000 994.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/main.babc3d4d.chunk.js 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 17072.000 17072.000 17072.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET / 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2037.000 2037.000 2037.000
mackee commented 1 year ago

order by status

{"pass":true,"score":14730,"campaign":3,"language":"Go","messages":["GET /new_items/1.json: リクエストに失敗しました(タイムアウトしました)","GET /new_items/10.json: リクエストに失敗しました(タイムアウトしました)","GET /new_items/20.json: リクエストに失敗しました(タイムアウトしました)","GET /new_items/30.json: リクエストに失敗しました(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 1047)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 1048)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 1159)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 125)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 1388)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 2005)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 2026)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 2071)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 2285)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 2312)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 232)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 2381)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 2609)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 2692)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 2968)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 3483)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 3495)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 3664)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 3765)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 3924)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 407)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 579)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 696)(タイムアウトしました)","GET /users/transactions.json リクエストに失敗しました (user_id: 916)(
タイムアウトしました)","POST /complete: リクエストに失敗しました (item_id: 52395)(タイムアウトしました)","POST /sell: リクエストに失敗しました(タイムアウトしました)"]}
708 0 85 0 623 0 POST /buy 1.604 4.332 1907.545 2.694 4.284 29.000 49.000 33.367
441 0 415 0 26 0 GET /users/transactions.json 0.004 6.428 1291.093 2.928 4.828 0.000 6876.000 5374.147
3019 0 3014 0 5 0 GET /new_items/\d+.json 0.001 0.756 214.487 0.071 0.276 0.000 5742.000 5513.395
103 0 82 0 21 0 POST /ship_done 0.800 0.904 68.828 0.668 0.828 29.000 83.000 37.194
96 0 82 0 14 0 POST /ship 0.804 0.980 64.371 0.671 0.868 29.000 61.000 56.917
1573 0 1565 0 8 0 POST /login 0.004 0.220 61.872 0.039 0.132 73.000 109.000 96.770
73 0 72 0 1 0 POST /complete 0.004 0.856 56.505 0.774 0.852 0.000 34.000 33.534
8097 0 8097 0 0 0 GET /items/\d+.json 0.000 0.644 37.768 0.005 0.020 1056.000 1999.000 1222.215
582 0 582 0 0 0 GET /users/\d+.json 0.000 0.296 20.708 0.036 0.156 95.000 5313.000 3138.285
390 0 390 0 0 0 GET /new_items.json 0.004 0.216 11.432 0.029 0.152 5603.000 6017.000 5795.644
121 0 100 0 21 0 POST /sell 0.004 0.596 3.928 0.032 0.156 13.000 106.000 24.686
1 0 1 0 0 0 POST /initialize 2.800 2.800 2.800 2.800 2.800 31.000 31.000 31.000
760 0 760 0 0 0 GET /upload/[0-9a-zA-Z]+.jpg 0.000 0.176 2.204 0.003 0.004 51400.000 152682.000 80898.203
1567 0 1567 0 0 0 GET /settings 0.000 0.008 1.008 0.001 0.004 851.000 871.000 860.461
96 0 82 0 14 0 GET /transactions/\d+.png 0.000 0.280 0.520 0.005 0.012 33.000 636.000 535.292
13 0 13 0 0 0 POST /bump 0.004 0.204 0.324 0.025 0.204 90.000 92.000 90.769
10 0 3 0 7 0 POST /items/edit 0.000 0.008 0.028 0.003 0.008 58.000 93.000 68.300
2 0 2 0 0 0 GET /static/js/2.ff6e1067.chunk.js 0.000 0.008 0.008 0.004 0.008 149001.000 149001.000 149001.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /reports.json 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 49584.000 49584.000 49584.000
2 0 2 0 0 0 GET /static/js/main.babc3d4d.chunk.js 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 17072.000 17072.000 17072.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/runtime~main.a8a9905a.js 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 774.000 774.000 774.000
2 0 2 0 0 0 GET /static/css/main.19393e92.chunk.css 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 994.000 994.000 994.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET / 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1085.000 1085.000 1085.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /timeline 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1085.000 1085.000 1085.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/css/main.19393e92.chunk.css.map 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1423.000 1423.000 1423.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/2.ff6e1067.chunk.js.map 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2169903.000 2169903.000 2169903.000
2 0 2 0 0 0 GET /favicon.png 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 176.000 176.000 176.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/main.babc3d4d.chunk.js.map 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 292234.000 292234.000 292234.000
tetsuzawa commented 1 year ago


699 0 76 0 623 0 POST /buy 0.004 4.304 2289.497 3.275 4.268 29.000 49.000 33.382
421 0 399 0 22 0 GET /users/transactions.json 0.004 6.540 1250.928 2.971 4.832 0.000 6951.000 5412.473
2567 0 2562 0 5 0 GET /new_items/\d+.json 0.004 0.792 245.362 0.096 0.324 0.000 5737.000 5509.005
337 0 337 0 0 0 GET /new_items.json 0.032 1.320 75.803 0.225 0.644 5590.000 5952.000 5782.792
1571 0 1563 0 8 0 POST /login 0.052 0.380 73.980 0.047 0.156 73.000 110.000 96.941
94 0 70 0 24 0 POST /ship_done 0.411 0.948 60.807 0.647 0.824 0.000 83.000 36.415
89 0 75 0 14 0 POST /ship 0.804 0.968 58.748 0.660 0.840 29.000 61.000 56.596
65 0 64 0 1 0 POST /complete 0.004 0.884 50.126 0.771 0.832 0.000 34.000 33.477
7004 0 7004 0 0 0 GET /items/\d+.json 0.000 0.572 29.851 0.004 0.016 1060.000 1983.000 1222.961
536 0 536 0 0 0 GET /users/\d+.json 0.012 0.380 7.060 0.013 0.076 96.000 5338.000 3108.998
112 0 91 0 21 0 POST /sell 0.004 0.280 4.192 0.037 0.192 13.000 106.000 25.625
1 0 1 0 0 0 POST /initialize 2.064 2.064 2.064 2.064 2.064 31.000 31.000 31.000
1563 0 1563 0 0 0 GET /settings 0.000 0.016 0.916 0.001 0.004 850.000 875.000 860.694
58 0 58 0 0 0 GET /upload/[0-9a-zA-Z]+.jpg 0.000 0.156 0.656 0.011 0.120 51400.000 152466.000 76932.793
87 0 73 0 14 0 GET /transactions/\d+.png 0.000 0.240 0.400 0.005 0.008 33.000 634.000 526.161
13 0 13 0 0 0 POST /bump 0.004 0.112 0.380 0.029 0.112 90.000 91.000 90.923
10 0 3 0 7 0 POST /items/edit 0.000 0.012 0.024 0.002 0.012 58.000 93.000 68.300
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/main.babc3d4d.chunk.js 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 17072.000 17072.000 17072.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/2.ff6e1067.chunk.js 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 149001.000 149001.000 149001.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /reports.json 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 44679.000 44679.000 44679.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/css/main.19393e92.chunk.css 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 994.000 994.000 994.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/runtime~main.a8a9905a.js 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 774.000 774.000 774.000
tetsuzawa commented 1 year ago
$ go tool pprof -list main. -cum -seconds 60 http://localhost:8000/debug/pprof/profile
Fetching profile over HTTP from http://localhost:8000/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=60
Please wait... (1m0s)
Saved profile in /home/isucon/pprof/pprof.isucari.samples.cpu.008.pb.gz
Total: 15.49s
ROUTINE ======================== main.APIShipmentCreate in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/api.go
         0       30ms (flat, cum)  0.19% of Total
         .          .     85:}
         .          .     86:
         .          .     87:func APIShipmentCreate(shipmentURL string, param *APIShipmentCreateReq) (*APIShipmentCreateRes, error) {
         .          .     88:   b, _ := json.Marshal(param)
         .          .     89:
         .       10ms     90:   req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, shipmentURL+"/create", bytes.NewBuffer(b))
         .          .     91:   if err != nil {
         .          .     92:       return nil, err
         .          .     93:   }
         .          .     94:
         .          .     95:   req.Header.Set("User-Agent", userAgent)
         .          .     96:   req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
         .          .     97:   req.Header.Set("Authorization", IsucariAPIToken)
         .          .     98:
         .       20ms     99:   res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
         .          .    100:   if err != nil {
         .          .    101:       return nil, err
         .          .    102:   }
         .          .    103:   defer res.Body.Close()
         .          .    104:
ROUTINE ======================== main.APIShipmentStatus in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/api.go
         0       30ms (flat, cum)  0.19% of Total
         .          .    158:
         .          .    159:   req.Header.Set("User-Agent", userAgent)
         .          .    160:   req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
         .          .    161:   req.Header.Set("Authorization", IsucariAPIToken)
         .          .    162:
         .       20ms    163:   res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
         .          .    164:   if err != nil {
         .          .    165:       return nil, err
         .          .    166:   }
         .          .    167:   defer res.Body.Close()
         .          .    168:
         .          .    169:   if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
         .          .    170:       b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
         .          .    171:       if err != nil {
         .          .    172:           return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read res.Body and the status code of the response from shipment service was not 200: %v", err)
         .          .    173:       }
         .          .    174:       return nil, fmt.Errorf("status code: %d; body: %s", res.StatusCode, b)
         .          .    175:   }
         .          .    176:
         .          .    177:   ssr := &APIShipmentStatusRes{}
         .       10ms    178:   err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&ssr)
         .          .    179:   if err != nil {
         .          .    180:       return nil, err
         .          .    181:   }
         .          .    182:
         .          .    183:   return ssr, nil
ROUTINE ======================== main.getCSRFToken in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      130ms (flat, cum)  0.84% of Total
         .          .    422:
         .          .    423:   return session
         .          .    424:}
         .          .    425:
         .          .    426:func getCSRFToken(r *http.Request) string {
         .      130ms    427:   session := getSession(r)
         .          .    428:
         .          .    429:   csrfToken, ok := session.Values["csrf_token"]
         .          .    430:   if !ok {
         .          .    431:       return ""
         .          .    432:   }
ROUTINE ======================== main.getCategoryByID in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       20ms (flat, cum)  0.13% of Total
         .          .    527://         category.ParentCategoryName = parentCategory.CategoryName
         .          .    528://     }
         .          .    529://     return category, err
         .          .    530:// }
         .          .    531:func getCategoryByID(q sqlx.Queryer, categoryID int) (category Category, err error) {
         .       20ms    532:   return getCategoryByIDOnMemory(q, categoryID)
         .          .    533:}
         .          .    534:
         .          .    535:var categories = []Category{
         .          .    536:   {ID: 1, ParentID: 0, CategoryName: "ソファー", ParentCategoryName: "nan"},
         .          .    537:   {ID: 2, ParentID: 1, CategoryName: "一人掛けソファー", ParentCategoryName: "ソファー"},
ROUTINE ======================== main.getCategoryByIDOnMemory in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       20ms (flat, cum)  0.13% of Total
         .          .    593:       }
         .          .    594:   }
         .          .    595:}
         .          .    596:
         .          .    597:func getCategoryByIDOnMemory(q sqlx.Queryer, categoryID int) (category Category, err error) {
         .       20ms    598:   return categoryMap[categoryID], nil
         .          .    599:}
         .          .    600:
         .          .    601:func getConfigByName(name string) (string, error) {
         .          .    602:   config := Config{}
         .          .    603:   err := dbx.Get(&config, "SELECT * FROM configs WHERE name = ?", name)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getImageURL in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       80ms (flat, cum)  0.52% of Total
         .          .   2565:       Error string `json:"error"`
         .          .   2566:   }{Error: msg})
         .          .   2567:}
         .          .   2568:
         .          .   2569:func getImageURL(imageName string) string {
         .       80ms   2570:   return fmt.Sprintf("/upload/%s", imageName)
         .          .   2571:}
ROUTINE ======================== main.getItem in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      1.22s (flat, cum)  7.88% of Total
         .          .   1212:   if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .   1213:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect item id")
         .          .   1214:       return
         .          .   1215:   }
         .          .   1216:
         .      390ms   1217:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1218:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1219:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1220:       return
         .          .   1221:   }
         .          .   1222:
         .          .   1223:   item := Item{}
         .          .   1224:   // cache read
         .          .   1225:   itemCacheKey := fmt.Sprintf("item_id:%d", itemID)
         .          .   1226:   if it, ok := ItemCache.Get(itemCacheKey); ok {
         .          .   1227:       item = it
         .          .   1228:   } else {
         .      620ms   1229:       err = dbx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ?", itemID)
         .          .   1230:       if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1231:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1232:           return
         .          .   1233:       }
         .          .   1234:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1235:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1236:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1237:           return
         .          .   1238:       }
         .          .   1239:       ItemCache.Set(itemCacheKey, item)
         .          .   1240:   }
         .          .   1241:
         .          .   1242:   category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .   1243:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1244:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .   1245:       return
         .          .   1246:   }
         .          .   1247:
         .      140ms   1248:   seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .   1249:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1250:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .   1251:       return
         .          .   1252:   }
         .          .   1253:
         .          .   1254:   itemDetail := ItemDetail{
         .          .   1255:       ID:       item.ID,
         .          .   1256:       SellerID: item.SellerID,
         .          .   1257:       Seller:   &seller,
         .          .   1258:       // BuyerID
         .          .   1259:       // Buyer
         .          .   1260:       Status:      item.Status,
         .          .   1261:       Name:        item.Name,
         .          .   1262:       Price:       item.Price,
         .          .   1263:       Description: item.Description,
         .       10ms   1264:       ImageURL:    getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .   1265:       CategoryID:  item.CategoryID,
         .          .   1266:       // TransactionEvidenceID
         .          .   1267:       // TransactionEvidenceStatus
         .          .   1268:       // ShippingStatus
         .          .   1269:       Category:  &category,
         .          .   1270:       CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   1271:   }
         .          .   1272:
         .          .   1273:   if (user.ID == item.SellerID || user.ID == item.BuyerID) && item.BuyerID != 0 {
         .          .   1274:       buyer, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.BuyerID)
         .          .   1275:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1276:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "buyer not found")
         .          .   1277:           return
         .          .   1278:       }
         .          .   1279:       itemDetail.BuyerID = item.BuyerID
         .          .   1280:       itemDetail.Buyer = &buyer
         .          .   1281:
         .          .   1282:       transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .       10ms   1283:       err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", item.ID)
         .          .   1284:       if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1285:           // It's able to ignore ErrNoRows
         .          .   1286:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1287:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1288:           return
         .          .   1289:       }
         .          .   1290:
         .          .   1291:       if transactionEvidence.ID > 0 {
         .          .   1292:           shipping := Shipping{}
         .          .   1293:           err = dbx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ?", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1294:           if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1295:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shipping not found")
         .          .   1296:               return
         .          .   1297:           }
         .          .   1298:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1299:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1300:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1301:               return
         .          .   1302:           }
         .          .   1303:
         .          .   1304:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceID = transactionEvidence.ID
         .          .   1305:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceStatus = transactionEvidence.Status
         .          .   1306:           itemDetail.ShippingStatus = shipping.Status
         .          .   1307:       }
         .          .   1308:   }
         .          .   1309:
         .          .   1310:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       50ms   1311:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(itemDetail)
         .          .   1312:}
         .          .   1313:
         .          .   1314:func postItemEdit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1315:   rie := reqItemEdit{}
         .          .   1316:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rie)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getNewCategoryItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
      10ms      2.98s (flat, cum) 19.24% of Total
         .          .    869:           return
         .          .    870:       }
         .          .    871:   }
         .          .    872:
         .          .    873:   items := []Item{}
         .      1.27s    874:   err = dbx.Select(&items, inQuery, inArgs...)
         .          .    875:
         .          .    876:   if err != nil {
         .          .    877:       log.Print(err)
         .          .    878:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    879:       return
         .          .    880:   }
         .          .    881:
         .          .    882:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .          .    883:   for _, item := range items {
         .      1.34s    884:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .    885:       if err != nil {
         .          .    886:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .    887:           return
         .          .    888:       }
      10ms       30ms    889:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    890:       if err != nil {
         .          .    891:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    892:           return
         .          .    893:       }
         .       30ms    894:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    895:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    896:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    897:           Seller:     &seller,
         .          .    898:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    899:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    900:           Price:      item.Price,
         .       60ms    901:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    902:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    903:           Category:   &category,
         .          .    904:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    905:       })
         .          .    906:   }
         .          .    907:
         .          .    908:   hasNext := false
         .          .    909:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    910:       hasNext = true
         .          .    911:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    912:   }
         .          .    913:
         .          .    914:   rni := resNewItems{
         .          .    915:       RootCategoryID:   rootCategory.ID,
         .          .    916:       RootCategoryName: rootCategory.CategoryName,
         .          .    917:       Items:            itemSimples,
         .          .    918:       HasNext:          hasNext,
         .          .    919:   }
         .          .    920:
         .       10ms    921:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .      240ms    922:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    923:
         .          .    924:}
         .          .    925:
         .          .    926:func getUserItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    927:   userIDStr := pat.Param(r, "user_id")
ROUTINE ======================== main.getNewItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      320ms (flat, cum)  2.07% of Total
         .          .    726:   }
         .          .    727:
         .          .    728:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    729:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    730:       // paging
         .      110ms    731:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    732:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    733:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    734:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    735:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    736:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    737:           itemID,
         .          .    738:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    739:       )
         .          .    740:       if err != nil {
         .          .    741:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    742:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    743:           return
         .          .    744:       }
         .          .    745:   } else {
         .          .    746:       // 1st page
         .          .    747:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    748:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status IN (?,?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    749:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    750:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    751:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    752:       )
         .          .    753:       if err != nil {
         .          .    754:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    755:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    756:           return
         .          .    757:       }
         .          .    758:   }
         .          .    759:
         .          .    760:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
         .          .    761:   for _, item := range items {
         .      170ms    762:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, item.SellerID)
         .          .    763:       if err != nil {
         .          .    764:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .    765:           return
         .          .    766:       }
         .       10ms    767:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .    768:       if err != nil {
         .          .    769:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .    770:           return
         .          .    771:       }
         .          .    772:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .    773:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .    774:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .    775:           Seller:     &seller,
         .          .    776:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .    777:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .    778:           Price:      item.Price,
         .          .    779:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .    780:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .    781:           Category:   &category,
         .          .    782:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .    783:       })
         .          .    784:   }
         .          .    785:
         .          .    786:   hasNext := false
         .          .    787:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .    788:       hasNext = true
         .          .    789:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .    790:   }
         .          .    791:
         .          .    792:   rni := resNewItems{
         .          .    793:       Items:   itemSimples,
         .          .    794:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .    795:   }
         .          .    796:
         .          .    797:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       30ms    798:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rni)
         .          .    799:}
         .          .    800:
         .          .    801:func getNewCategoryItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .    802:   rootCategoryIDStr := pat.Param(r, "root_category_id")
         .          .    803:   rootCategoryID, err := strconv.Atoi(rootCategoryIDStr)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getQRCode in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       20ms (flat, cum)  0.13% of Total
         .          .   1421:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1422:       return
         .          .   1423:   }
         .          .   1424:
         .          .   1425:   transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .       20ms   1426:   err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE id = ?", transactionEvidenceID)
         .          .   1427:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1428:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found")
         .          .   1429:       return
         .          .   1430:   }
         .          .   1431:   if err != nil {
ROUTINE ======================== main.getSession in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      530ms (flat, cum)  3.42% of Total
         .          .    416:   mux.Handle(pat.Get("/*"), http.FileServer(http.Dir("../public")))
         .          .    417:   log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", mux))
         .          .    418:}
         .          .    419:
         .          .    420:func getSession(r *http.Request) *sessions.Session {
         .      530ms    421:   session, _ := store.Get(r, sessionName)
         .          .    422:
         .          .    423:   return session
         .          .    424:}
         .          .    425:
         .          .    426:func getCSRFToken(r *http.Request) string {
ROUTINE ======================== main.getSettings in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       60ms (flat, cum)  0.39% of Total
         .          .   2363:       ItemUpdatedAt: targetItem.UpdatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   2364:   })
         .          .   2365:}
         .          .   2366:
         .          .   2367:func getSettings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       40ms   2368:   csrfToken := getCSRFToken(r)
         .          .   2369:
         .          .   2370:   user, _, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   2371:
         .          .   2372:   ress := resSetting{}
         .          .   2373:   ress.CSRFToken = csrfToken
         .          .   2374:   if errMsg == "" {
         .          .   2375:       ress.User = &user
         .          .   2376:   }
         .          .   2377:
         .          .   2378:   ress.PaymentServiceURL = getPaymentServiceURL()
         .          .   2379:   ress.Categories = categories
         .          .   2380:
         .          .   2381:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       20ms   2382:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ress)
         .          .   2383:}
         .          .   2384:
         .          .   2385:func postLogin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   2386:   rl := reqLogin{}
         .          .   2387:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rl)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getTransactions in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      380ms (flat, cum)  2.45% of Total
         .          .   1031:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rui)
         .          .   1032:}
         .          .   1033:
         .          .   1034:func getTransactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1035:
         .       10ms   1036:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1037:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1038:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1039:       return
         .          .   1040:   }
         .          .   1041:
         .          .   1042:   query := r.URL.Query()
         .          .   1043:   itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id")
         .          .   1044:   var err error
         .          .   1045:   var itemID int64
         .          .   1046:   if itemIDStr != "" {
         .          .   1047:       itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .   1048:       if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .   1049:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error")
         .          .   1050:           return
         .          .   1051:       }
         .          .   1052:   }
         .          .   1053:
         .          .   1054:   createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at")
         .          .   1055:   var createdAt int64
         .          .   1056:   if createdAtStr != "" {
         .          .   1057:       createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
         .          .   1058:       if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 {
         .          .   1059:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .   1060:           return
         .          .   1061:       }
         .          .   1062:   }
         .          .   1063:
         .       70ms   1064:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1065:   items := []Item{}
         .          .   1066:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .   1067:       // paging
         .       10ms   1068:       err := tx.Select(&items,
         .          .   1069:           //"SELECT * FROM items WHERE (seller_id = ? OR buyer_id = ?) AND status IN (?,?,?,?,?) AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .   1070:           //"SELECT * FROM items WHERE (seller_id = ? OR buyer_id = ?)  AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .   1071:           "(SELECT * FROM items WHERE seller_id = ? AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?))) UNION (SELECT * FROM items WHERE buyer_id = ? AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?))) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .   1072:           user.ID,
         .          .   1073:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .   1074:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .   1075:           itemID,
         .          .   1076:           user.ID,
         .          .   1077:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .   1078:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .   1079:           itemID,
         .          .   1080:           TransactionsPerPage+1,
         .          .   1081:       )
         .          .   1082:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1083:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1084:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1085:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1086:           return
         .          .   1087:       }
         .          .   1088:   } else {
         .          .   1089:       // 1st page
         .       10ms   1090:       err := tx.Select(&items,
         .          .   1091:           //"SELECT * FROM items WHERE (seller_id = ? OR buyer_id = ?) AND status IN (?,?,?,?,?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .   1092:           "(SELECT * FROM items WHERE seller_id = ?) UNION (SELECT * FROM items WHERE buyer_id = ?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .   1093:           user.ID,
         .          .   1094:           user.ID,
         .          .   1095:           TransactionsPerPage+1,
         .          .   1096:       )
         .          .   1097:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1098:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1099:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1100:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1101:           return
         .          .   1102:       }
         .          .   1103:   }
         .          .   1104:
         .          .   1105:   itemDetails := []ItemDetail{}
         .          .   1106:   for _, item := range items {
         .       60ms   1107:       seller, err := getUserSimpleByID(tx, item.SellerID)
         .          .   1108:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1109:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .   1110:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1111:           return
         .          .   1112:       }
         .          .   1113:       category, err := getCategoryByID(tx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .   1114:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1115:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .   1116:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1117:           return
         .          .   1118:       }
         .          .   1119:
         .          .   1120:       itemDetail := ItemDetail{
         .          .   1121:           ID:       item.ID,
         .          .   1122:           SellerID: item.SellerID,
         .          .   1123:           Seller:   &seller,
         .          .   1124:           // BuyerID
         .          .   1125:           // Buyer
         .          .   1126:           Status:      item.Status,
         .          .   1127:           Name:        item.Name,
         .          .   1128:           Price:       item.Price,
         .          .   1129:           Description: item.Description,
         .       10ms   1130:           ImageURL:    getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .   1131:           CategoryID:  item.CategoryID,
         .          .   1132:           // TransactionEvidenceID
         .          .   1133:           // TransactionEvidenceStatus
         .          .   1134:           // ShippingStatus
         .          .   1135:           Category:  &category,
         .          .   1136:           CreatedAt: item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   1137:       }
         .          .   1138:
         .          .   1139:       if item.BuyerID != 0 {
         .       40ms   1140:           buyer, err := getUserSimpleByID(tx, item.BuyerID)
         .          .   1141:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1142:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "buyer not found")
         .          .   1143:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1144:               return
         .          .   1145:           }
         .          .   1146:           itemDetail.BuyerID = item.BuyerID
         .          .   1147:           itemDetail.Buyer = &buyer
         .          .   1148:       }
         .          .   1149:
         .          .   1150:       transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .      100ms   1151:       err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", item.ID)
         .          .   1152:       if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1153:           // It's able to ignore ErrNoRows
         .          .   1154:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1155:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1156:           tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1157:           return
         .          .   1158:       }
         .          .   1159:
         .          .   1160:       if transactionEvidence.ID > 0 {
         .          .   1161:           shipping := Shipping{}
         .       20ms   1162:           err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ?", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1163:           if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1164:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shipping not found")
         .          .   1165:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1166:               return
         .          .   1167:           }
         .          .   1168:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1169:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1170:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1171:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1172:               return
         .          .   1173:           }
         .       20ms   1174:           ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{
         .          .   1175:               ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1176:           })
         .          .   1177:           if err != nil {
         .          .   1178:               log.Print(err)
         .          .   1179:               outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
         .          .   1180:               tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1181:               return
         .          .   1182:           }
         .          .   1183:
         .          .   1184:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceID = transactionEvidence.ID
         .          .   1185:           itemDetail.TransactionEvidenceStatus = transactionEvidence.Status
         .          .   1186:           itemDetail.ShippingStatus = ssr.Status
         .          .   1187:       }
         .          .   1188:
         .       10ms   1189:       itemDetails = append(itemDetails, itemDetail)
         .          .   1190:   }
         .          .   1191:   tx.Commit()
         .          .   1192:
         .          .   1193:   hasNext := false
         .          .   1194:   if len(itemDetails) > TransactionsPerPage {
         .          .   1195:       hasNext = true
         .          .   1196:       itemDetails = itemDetails[0:TransactionsPerPage]
         .          .   1197:   }
         .          .   1198:
         .          .   1199:   rts := resTransactions{
         .          .   1200:       Items:   itemDetails,
         .          .   1201:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .   1202:   }
         .          .   1203:
         .          .   1204:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       20ms   1205:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rts)
         .          .   1206:
         .          .   1207:}
         .          .   1208:
         .          .   1209:func getItem(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1210:   itemIDStr := pat.Param(r, "item_id")
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUser in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      400ms (flat, cum)  2.58% of Total
         .          .    433:
         .          .    434:   return csrfToken.(string)
         .          .    435:}
         .          .    436:
         .          .    437:func getUser(r *http.Request) (user User, errCode int, errMsg string) {
         .      400ms    438:   session := getSession(r)
         .          .    439:   userSess, ok := session.Values["user"]
         .          .    440:   //userID, ok := session.Values["user_id"]
         .          .    441:   if !ok {
         .          .    442:       return user, http.StatusNotFound, "no session"
         .          .    443:   }
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUserItems in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
      10ms      190ms (flat, cum)  1.23% of Total
         .          .    929:   if err != nil || userID <= 0 {
         .          .    930:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "incorrect user id")
         .          .    931:       return
         .          .    932:   }
         .          .    933:
         .       10ms    934:   userSimple, err := getUserSimpleByID(dbx, userID)
         .          .    935:   if err != nil {
         .          .    936:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "user not found")
         .          .    937:       return
         .          .    938:   }
         .          .    939:
         .          .    940:   query := r.URL.Query()
         .          .    941:   itemIDStr := query.Get("item_id")
         .          .    942:   var itemID int64
         .          .    943:   if itemIDStr != "" {
         .          .    944:       itemID, err = strconv.ParseInt(itemIDStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    945:       if err != nil || itemID <= 0 {
         .          .    946:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "item_id param error")
         .          .    947:           return
         .          .    948:       }
         .          .    949:   }
         .          .    950:
         .          .    951:   createdAtStr := query.Get("created_at")
         .          .    952:   var createdAt int64
         .          .    953:   if createdAtStr != "" {
         .          .    954:       createdAt, err = strconv.ParseInt(createdAtStr, 10, 64)
         .          .    955:       if err != nil || createdAt <= 0 {
         .          .    956:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "created_at param error")
         .          .    957:           return
         .          .    958:       }
         .          .    959:   }
         .          .    960:
         .          .    961:   items := []Item{}
         .          .    962:   if itemID > 0 && createdAt > 0 {
         .          .    963:       // paging
         .       40ms    964:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    965:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE seller_id = ? AND status IN (?,?,?) AND (created_at < ?  OR (created_at <= ? AND id < ?)) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    966:           userSimple.ID,
         .          .    967:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    968:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    969:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    970:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    971:           time.Unix(createdAt, 0),
         .          .    972:           itemID,
         .          .    973:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    974:       )
         .          .    975:       if err != nil {
         .          .    976:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    977:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    978:           return
         .          .    979:       }
         .          .    980:   } else {
         .          .    981:       // 1st page
         .       90ms    982:       err := dbx.Select(&items,
         .          .    983:           "SELECT * FROM items WHERE seller_id = ? AND status IN (?,?,?) ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC LIMIT ?",
         .          .    984:           userSimple.ID,
         .          .    985:           ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .    986:           ItemStatusTrading,
         .          .    987:           ItemStatusSoldOut,
         .          .    988:           ItemsPerPage+1,
         .          .    989:       )
         .          .    990:       if err != nil {
         .          .    991:           log.Print(err)
         .          .    992:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .    993:           return
         .          .    994:       }
         .          .    995:   }
         .          .    996:
         .          .    997:   itemSimples := []ItemSimple{}
      10ms       10ms    998:   for _, item := range items {
         .          .    999:       category, err := getCategoryByID(dbx, item.CategoryID)
         .          .   1000:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1001:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "category not found")
         .          .   1002:           return
         .          .   1003:       }
         .       20ms   1004:       itemSimples = append(itemSimples, ItemSimple{
         .          .   1005:           ID:         item.ID,
         .          .   1006:           SellerID:   item.SellerID,
         .          .   1007:           Seller:     &userSimple,
         .          .   1008:           Status:     item.Status,
         .          .   1009:           Name:       item.Name,
         .          .   1010:           Price:      item.Price,
         .          .   1011:           ImageURL:   getImageURL(item.ImageName),
         .          .   1012:           CategoryID: item.CategoryID,
         .          .   1013:           Category:   &category,
         .          .   1014:           CreatedAt:  item.CreatedAt.Unix(),
         .          .   1015:       })
         .          .   1016:   }
         .          .   1017:
         .          .   1018:   hasNext := false
         .          .   1019:   if len(itemSimples) > ItemsPerPage {
         .          .   1020:       hasNext = true
         .          .   1021:       itemSimples = itemSimples[0:ItemsPerPage]
         .          .   1022:   }
         .          .   1023:
         .          .   1024:   rui := resUserItems{
         .          .   1025:       User:    &userSimple,
         .          .   1026:       Items:   itemSimples,
         .          .   1027:       HasNext: hasNext,
         .          .   1028:   }
         .          .   1029:
         .          .   1030:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .       20ms   1031:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(rui)
         .          .   1032:}
         .          .   1033:
         .          .   1034:func getTransactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   1035:
         .          .   1036:   user, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
ROUTINE ======================== main.getUserSimpleByID in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      1.73s (flat, cum) 11.17% of Total
         .          .    483:   }
         .          .    484:   return nil
         .          .    485:}
         .          .    486:
         .          .    487:func getUserSimpleByID(q sqlx.Queryer, userID int64) (userSimple UserSimple, err error) {
         .       20ms    488:   if us, ok := UserSimpleCache[userID]; ok {
         .      1.71s    489:       numsellStr, err := redisClient.Get(context.Background(), fmt.Sprintf(UserSimpleCacheKeyFmt, userID)).Result()
         .          .    490:       if err != nil {
         .          .    491:           return us, err
         .          .    492:       }
         .          .    493:       numsell, err := strconv.Atoi(numsellStr)
         .          .    494:       if err != nil {
ROUTINE ======================== main.main in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       10ms (flat, cum) 0.065% of Total
         .          .    412:   mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/transactions/:transaction_id"), getIndex)
         .          .    413:   mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/users/:user_id"), getIndex)
         .          .    414:   mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/users/setting"), getIndex)
         .          .    415:   // Assets
         .          .    416:   mux.Handle(pat.Get("/*"), http.FileServer(http.Dir("../public")))
         .       10ms    417:   log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", mux))
         .          .    418:}
         .          .    419:
         .          .    420:func getSession(r *http.Request) *sessions.Session {
         .          .    421:   session, _ := store.Get(r, sessionName)
         .          .    422:
ROUTINE ======================== main.postBuy in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      4.39s (flat, cum) 28.34% of Total
         .          .   1463:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
         .          .   1464:   w.Write(shipping.ImgBinary)
         .          .   1465:}
         .          .   1466:
         .          .   1467:func postBuy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .       10ms   1468:   rb := reqBuy{}
         .          .   1469:
         .          .   1470:   err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rb)
         .          .   1471:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1472:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "json decode error")
         .          .   1473:       return
         .          .   1474:   }
         .          .   1475:
         .       60ms   1476:   if rb.CSRFToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   1477:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   1478:
         .          .   1479:       return
         .          .   1480:   }
         .          .   1481:
         .          .   1482:   buyer, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1483:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1484:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1485:       return
         .          .   1486:   }
         .          .   1487:
         .          .   1488:   var targetItem Item
         .          .   1489:   // cache read
         .          .   1490:   itemCacheKey := fmt.Sprintf("item_id:%d", rb.ItemID)
         .          .   1491:   if it, ok := ItemCache.Get(itemCacheKey); ok {
         .          .   1492:       targetItem = it
         .          .   1493:   } else {
         .      300ms   1494:       err = dbx.Get(&targetItem, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ?", rb.ItemID)
         .          .   1495:       ItemCache.Set(itemCacheKey, targetItem)
         .          .   1496:
         .          .   1497:       if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1498:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1499:           return
         .          .   1500:       }
         .          .   1501:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1502:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   1503:
         .          .   1504:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1505:           return
         .          .   1506:       }
         .          .   1507:   }
         .          .   1508:   if targetItem.Status != ItemStatusOnSale {
         .          .   1509:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "item is not for sale")
         .          .   1510:       return
         .          .   1511:   }
         .          .   1512:
         .          .   1513:   seller := User{}
         .      1.95s   1514:   err = dbx.Get(&seller, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", targetItem.SellerID)
         .          .   1515:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1516:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "seller not found")
         .          .   1517:       return
         .          .   1518:   }
         .          .   1519:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1520:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1521:
         .          .   1522:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1523:       return
         .          .   1524:   }
         .          .   1525:
         .       30ms   1526:   scr, err := APIShipmentCreate(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentCreateReq{
         .          .   1527:       ToAddress:   buyer.Address,
         .          .   1528:       ToName:      buyer.AccountName,
         .          .   1529:       FromAddress: seller.Address,
         .          .   1530:       FromName:    seller.AccountName,
         .          .   1531:   })
         .          .   1532:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1533:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1534:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
         .          .   1535:
         .          .   1536:       return
         .          .   1537:   }
         .          .   1538:
         .      2.01s   1539:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1540:
         .          .   1541:   // get exclusive-lock
         .       20ms   1542:   err = tx.Get(&targetItem, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", targetItem.ID)
         .          .   1543:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1544:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1545:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1546:       return
         .          .   1547:   }
         .          .   1548:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1549:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1550:
         .          .   1551:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1552:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1553:       return
         .          .   1554:   }
         .          .   1555:
         .          .   1556:   if targetItem.Status != ItemStatusOnSale {
         .          .   1557:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "item is not for sale")
         .       10ms   1558:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1559:       return
         .          .   1560:   }
         .          .   1561:
         .          .   1562:   if targetItem.SellerID == buyer.ID {
         .          .   1563:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "自分の商品は買えません")
ROUTINE ======================== main.postComplete in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       60ms (flat, cum)  0.39% of Total
         .          .   1958:   }
         .          .   1959:
         .          .   1960:   csrfToken := reqpc.CSRFToken
         .          .   1961:   itemID := reqpc.ItemID
         .          .   1962:
         .       20ms   1963:   if csrfToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   1964:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   1965:
         .          .   1966:       return
         .          .   1967:   }
         .          .   1968:
         .          .   1969:   buyer, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1970:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1971:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1972:       return
         .          .   1973:   }
         .          .   1974:
         .          .   1975:   transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .       20ms   1976:   err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", itemID)
         .          .   1977:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1978:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidence not found")
         .          .   1979:       return
         .          .   1980:   }
         .          .   1981:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1982:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1983:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1984:
         .          .   1985:       return
         .          .   1986:   }
         .          .   1987:
         .          .   1988:   if transactionEvidence.BuyerID != buyer.ID {
         .          .   1989:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "権限がありません")
         .          .   1990:       return
         .          .   1991:   }
         .          .   1992:
         .          .   1993:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1994:   item := Item{}
         .       20ms   1995:   err = tx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1996:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1997:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "items not found")
         .          .   1998:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1999:       return
         .          .   2000:   }
ROUTINE ======================== main.postLogin in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0      3.94s (flat, cum) 25.44% of Total
         .          .   2397:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "all parameters are required")
         .          .   2398:
         .          .   2399:       return
         .          .   2400:   }
         .          .   2401:
         .       10ms   2402:   u := User{}
         .      2.79s   2403:   err = dbx.Get(&u, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE account_name = ?", accountName)
         .          .   2404:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   2405:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "アカウント名かパスワードが間違えています")
         .          .   2406:       return
         .          .   2407:   }
         .          .   2408:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2409:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2410:
         .          .   2411:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2412:       return
         .          .   2413:   }
         .          .   2414:   hashedPassword := u.HashedPassword
         .       10ms   2415:   var rehashedPassword []byte
         .          .   2416:   var rehashed bool
         .       50ms   2417:   if err := dbx.Get(&rehashedPassword, "SELECT hashed_password FROM user_password WHERE user_id = ?", u.ID); err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   2418:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2419:
         .          .   2420:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2421:       return
         .          .   2422:   } else if err == nil {
         .          .   2423:       rehashed = true
         .          .   2424:       hashedPassword = rehashedPassword
         .          .   2425:   }
         .          .   2426:
         .      1.03s   2427:   err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(hashedPassword, []byte(password))
         .          .   2428:   if err == bcrypt.ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword {
         .          .   2429:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "アカウント名かパスワードが間違えています")
         .          .   2430:       return
         .          .   2431:   }
         .          .   2432:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2433:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2434:
         .          .   2435:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "crypt error")
         .          .   2436:       return
         .          .   2437:   }
         .          .   2438:
         .          .   2439:   if !rehashed {
         .          .   2440:       rehashedPassword, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), BcryptCost)
         .          .   2441:       if err != nil {
         .          .   2442:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   2443:
         .          .   2444:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "error")
         .          .   2445:           return
         .          .   2446:       }
         .          .   2447:       if _, err := dbx.Exec(
         .          .   2448:           "INSERT INTO user_password (user_id, hashed_password) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT (user_id) DO UPDATE SET hashed_password = ?",
         .          .   2449:           u.ID,
         .          .   2450:           rehashedPassword,
         .          .   2451:           rehashedPassword,
         .          .   2452:       ); err != nil {
         .          .   2453:           log.Print(err)
         .          .   2454:
         .          .   2455:           outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2456:           return
         .          .   2457:       }
         .          .   2458:   }
         .          .   2459:
         .          .   2460:   session := getSession(r)
         .          .   2461:
         .          .   2462:   session.Values["user_id"] = u.ID
         .          .   2463:   session.Values["user"] = u
         .       10ms   2464:   session.Values["csrf_token"] = secureRandomStr(20)
         .       30ms   2465:   if err = session.Save(r, w); err != nil {
         .          .   2466:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2467:
         .          .   2468:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "session error")
         .          .   2469:       return
         .          .   2470:   }
         .          .   2471:
         .       10ms   2472:   w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
         .          .   2473:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(u)
         .          .   2474:}
         .          .   2475:
         .          .   2476:func postRegister(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
         .          .   2477:   rr := reqRegister{}
ROUTINE ======================== main.postSell in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       80ms (flat, cum)  0.52% of Total
         .          .   2184:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2185:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Saving image failed")
         .          .   2186:       return
         .          .   2187:   }
         .          .   2188:
         .       70ms   2189:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   2190:
         .          .   2191:   seller := User{}
         .          .   2192:   err = tx.Get(&seller, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", user.ID)
         .          .   2193:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   2194:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "user not found")
         .          .   2195:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   2196:       return
         .          .   2197:   }
         .          .   2198:   if err != nil {
         .          .   2199:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   2200:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   2201:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   2202:       return
         .          .   2203:   }
         .          .   2204:
         .          .   2205:   var itemID int64
         .       10ms   2206:   if err := tx.Get(
         .          .   2207:       &itemID,
         .          .   2208:       "INSERT INTO items (seller_id, status, name, price, description,image_name,category_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING id",
         .          .   2209:       seller.ID,
         .          .   2210:       ItemStatusOnSale,
         .          .   2211:       name,
ROUTINE ======================== main.postShip in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       20ms (flat, cum)  0.13% of Total
         .          .   1714:   }
         .          .   1715:
         .          .   1716:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1717:
         .          .   1718:   item := Item{}
         .       20ms   1719:   err = tx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1720:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1721:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "item not found")
         .          .   1722:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1723:       return
         .          .   1724:   }
ROUTINE ======================== main.postShipDone in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       30ms (flat, cum)  0.19% of Total
         .          .   1812:   }
         .          .   1813:
         .          .   1814:   csrfToken := reqpsd.CSRFToken
         .          .   1815:   itemID := reqpsd.ItemID
         .          .   1816:
         .       10ms   1817:   if csrfToken != getCSRFToken(r) {
         .          .   1818:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "csrf token error")
         .          .   1819:
         .          .   1820:       return
         .          .   1821:   }
         .          .   1822:
         .          .   1823:   seller, errCode, errMsg := getUser(r)
         .          .   1824:   if errMsg != "" {
         .          .   1825:       outputErrorMsg(w, errCode, errMsg)
         .          .   1826:       return
         .          .   1827:   }
         .          .   1828:
         .          .   1829:   transactionEvidence := TransactionEvidence{}
         .          .   1830:   err = dbx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE item_id = ?", itemID)
         .          .   1831:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1832:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidence not found")
         .          .   1833:       return
         .          .   1834:   }
         .          .   1835:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1836:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1837:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1838:
         .          .   1839:       return
         .          .   1840:   }
         .          .   1841:
         .          .   1842:   if transactionEvidence.SellerID != seller.ID {
         .          .   1843:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "権限がありません")
         .          .   1844:       return
         .          .   1845:   }
         .          .   1846:
         .          .   1847:   tx := dbx.MustBegin()
         .          .   1848:
         .          .   1849:   item := Item{}
         .          .   1850:   err = tx.Get(&item, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", itemID)
         .          .   1851:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1852:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "items not found")
         .          .   1853:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1854:       return
         .          .   1855:   }
         .          .   1856:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1857:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1858:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1859:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1860:       return
         .          .   1861:   }
         .          .   1862:
         .          .   1863:   if item.Status != ItemStatusTrading {
         .          .   1864:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "商品が取引中ではありません")
         .          .   1865:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1866:       return
         .          .   1867:   }
         .          .   1868:
         .          .   1869:   err = tx.Get(&transactionEvidence, "SELECT * FROM transaction_evidences WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1870:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1871:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "transaction_evidences not found")
         .          .   1872:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1873:       return
         .          .   1874:   }
         .          .   1875:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1876:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1877:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1878:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1879:       return
         .          .   1880:   }
         .          .   1881:
         .          .   1882:   if transactionEvidence.Status != TransactionEvidenceStatusWaitShipping {
         .          .   1883:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusForbidden, "準備ができていません")
         .          .   1884:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1885:       return
         .          .   1886:   }
         .          .   1887:
         .          .   1888:   shipping := Shipping{}
         .       10ms   1889:   err = tx.Get(&shipping, "SELECT * FROM shippings WHERE transaction_evidence_id = ? FOR UPDATE", transactionEvidence.ID)
         .          .   1890:   if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .   1891:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusNotFound, "shippings not found")
         .          .   1892:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1893:       return
         .          .   1894:   }
         .          .   1895:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1896:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1897:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "db error")
         .          .   1898:       tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1899:       return
         .          .   1900:   }
         .          .   1901:
         .       10ms   1902:   ssr, err := APIShipmentStatus(getShipmentServiceURL(), &APIShipmentStatusReq{
         .          .   1903:       ReserveID: shipping.ReserveID,
         .          .   1904:   })
         .          .   1905:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1906:       log.Print(err)
         .          .   1907:       outputErrorMsg(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "failed to request to shipment service")
ROUTINE ======================== main.secureRandomStr in /home/isucon/isucari/webapp/go/main.go
         0       10ms (flat, cum) 0.065% of Total
         .          .   2248:   json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resSell{ID: itemID})
         .          .   2249:}
         .          .   2250:
         .          .   2251:func secureRandomStr(b int) string {
         .          .   2252:   k := make([]byte, b)
         .       10ms   2253:   if _, err := crand.Read(k); err != nil {
         .          .   2254:       panic(err)
         .          .   2255:   }
         .          .   2256:   return fmt.Sprintf("%x", k)
         .          .   2257:}
         .          .   2258:
mackee commented 1 year ago

status ASC

712 0 88 0 624 0 POST /buy 1.203 4.332 1727.444 2.426 4.276 0.000 49.000 33.346
463 0 443 0 20 0 GET /users/transactions.json 0.125 5.640 1301.301 2.811 4.820 0.000 6963.000 5494.117
3139 0 3133 0 6 0 GET /new_items/\d+.json 0.004 0.772 201.479 0.064 0.236 0.000 5728.000 5512.836
105 0 83 0 22 0 POST /ship_done 0.374 0.904 70.062 0.667 0.844 0.000 83.000 36.810
102 0 86 0 16 0 POST /ship 0.172 1.040 68.191 0.669 0.848 0.000 61.000 55.961
1571 0 1563 0 8 0 POST /login 0.004 0.240 65.291 0.042 0.124 73.000 110.000 96.974
78 0 77 0 1 0 POST /complete 0.004 0.824 59.972 0.769 0.812 0.000 34.000 33.564
8230 0 8230 0 0 0 GET /items/\d+.json 0.000 0.372 39.227 0.005 0.020 1060.000 2010.000 1223.393
342 0 342 0 0 0 GET /new_items.json 0.004 0.216 12.624 0.037 0.168 5623.000 6010.000 5792.789
589 0 589 0 0 0 GET /users/\d+.json 0.004 0.200 7.364 0.013 0.088 97.000 5320.000 3161.762
122 0 101 0 21 0 POST /sell 0.008 0.240 3.212 0.026 0.140 13.000 106.000 24.590
1 0 1 0 0 0 POST /initialize 2.052 2.052 2.052 2.052 2.052 31.000 31.000 31.000
1563 0 1563 0 0 0 GET /settings 0.000 0.012 1.032 0.001 0.004 850.000 876.000 860.702
58 0 58 0 0 0 GET /upload/[0-9a-zA-Z]+.jpg 0.000 0.192 1.016 0.018 0.108 52192.000 151874.000 75943.534
98 0 84 0 14 0 GET /transactions/\d+.png 0.004 0.084 0.380 0.004 0.020 33.000 636.000 534.582
13 0 13 0 0 0 POST /bump 0.004 0.108 0.292 0.022 0.108 90.000 92.000 91.000
10 0 3 0 7 0 POST /items/edit 0.000 0.160 0.192 0.019 0.160 58.000 93.000 68.300
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/2.ff6e1067.chunk.js 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 149001.000 149001.000 149001.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/main.babc3d4d.chunk.js 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 17072.000 17072.000 17072.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /reports.json 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 51449.000 51449.000 51449.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/js/runtime~main.a8a9905a.js 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 774.000 774.000 774.000
1 0 1 0 0 0 GET /static/css/main.19393e92.chunk.css 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 994.000 994.000 994.000
mackee commented 1 year ago


{"pass":true,"score":36260,"campaign":3,"language":"Go","messages":["購入後の商品を購入者が見ているのにtransaction_evidence_statusが返っていません (item_id: 53161)","購入後の商品を購入者が見ているのにtransaction_evidence_statusが返っていませ
ん (item_id: 53388)","購入後の商品を購入者が見ているのにtransaction_evidence_statusが返っていません (item_id: 53411)","購入後の商品を購入者が見ているのにtransaction_evidence_statusが返っていません (item_id: 53418)"]}
904 0 271 0 633 0 POST /buy 0.004 4.280 2148.615 2.377 4.228 0.000 49.000 33.217
3523 0 3522 0 1 0 GET /new_items/\d+.json 0.005 1.064 484.921 0.138 0.320 0.000 5739.000 5521.904
281 0 258 0 23 0 POST /ship 0.110 1.196 214.400 0.763 0.876 0.000 61.000 57.651
279 0 253 0 26 0 POST /ship_done 0.043 1.196 211.168 0.757 0.864 0.000 83.000 34.570
253 0 247 0 6 0 POST /complete 0.004 1.380 203.497 0.804 0.888 0.000 34.000 33.194
18513 0 18513 0 0 0 GET /items/\d+.json 0.000 0.812 134.680 0.007 0.052 1060.000 1978.000 1257.187
1571 0 1563 0 8 0 POST /login 0.000 0.240 81.684 0.052 0.140 73.000 110.000 96.901
2765 0 2765 0 0 0 GET /users/transactions.json 0.000 0.752 73.268 0.026 0.100 2628.000 8678.000 5972.218
1673 0 1673 0 0 0 GET /new_items.json 0.004 0.592 49.244 0.029 0.120 5606.000 6016.000 5781.352
2318 0 2318 0 0 0 GET /users/\d+.json 0.004 0.772 27.760 0.012 0.068 94.000 5310.000 2725.610
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1 0 1 0 0 0 POST /initialize 2.088 2.088 2.088 2.088 2.088 31.000 31.000 31.000
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1563 0 1563 0 0 0 GET /settings 0.000 0.016 1.236 0.001 0.004 849.000 875.000 860.678
58 0 58 0 0 0 GET /upload/[0-9a-zA-Z]+.jpg 0.000 0.128 1.184 0.020 0.116 51615.000 141436.000 80344.259
13 0 13 0 0 0 POST /bump 0.004 0.108 0.380 0.029 0.108 90.000 91.000 90.769
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