teuben / nemo

a Stellar Dynamics Toolbox (Not Everybody Must Observe)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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falcon compilation does not follow NEMO's configure model #48

Open teuben opened 3 years ago

teuben commented 3 years ago

This is a well known problem, but the recent introduction of make.sh.in that configure will turn into make.sh, which the falcON build system inherits, can help the situation. In particular, setting a non-standard compiler should be done via configure, e.g.

   CC=gcc-10 CXX=g++-10 F77=gfortran-10 ./configure 

There are still some problems left to resolve, e.g. compiler options, non-compliance in clang, the compiler setting in bodyfunc

teuben commented 3 years ago

Compiler name for bodyfunc is now properly inherited (e.g. g++ vs. g++-10)

teuben commented 2 years ago

make.gcc seems to set the std=c++03, which is good, but this way we'll never find out how falcON has to grow with C++ versions.

jcldc commented 2 years ago

Well, falcON c++ has been designed quite a long time ago and since then, c++ specs have been evolved a lot. And the way how falcON have been developed, it would be difficult to adapt it to the latest c++ standard.... The problem will be when new c++ compilers will not provide std=c++03 compilation options...