teunbrand / ggh4x

ggplot extension: options for tailored facets, multiple colourscales and miscellaneous
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Self-plagiarise `at_panel()` function #162

Open teunbrand opened 1 week ago

teunbrand commented 1 week ago

I had a good brainfart last week that I wish to immortalise as a function. Code in https://github.com/teunbrand/ggplot-extension-club/discussions/16#discussioncomment-9843972 for context.

EvaMaeRey commented 1 week ago

Why not use x = I(.1), y = (.1) in the examples? And maybe throw some hjust and vjust in there?

teunbrand commented 1 week ago

I would like that better too, but because that is a 3.5.0 feature and I depend on 3.4.2 I cannot. I'm not throwing the justification in there as it distracts from the thing that I want to use the examples for, which is to showcase how to use the expr argument.

EvaMaeRey commented 1 week ago

Ah, right, 3.5.0. And makes sense to stay focused in the example!