teusbenschop / ndebele

The text of the Ndebele Bible for use by the translation team
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Five cross-reference locations to be reviewed #2

Closed DavidHaslam closed 7 years ago

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Further to your recent commit, I wondered whether there were any other locations where **\x*** was immediately followed by a letter.

A search for the regexp \\x\*\w gave these 5 results.

Exodus 35:

\v 28 la\x + 30.23.\x*makha\x + 35.8.\x* lamafutha awesibane, lawamafutha okugcoba, lawempepha elephunga elimnandi.

Deuteronomy 2:

\v 27 \x + 2.6; Nani 20.17,19.\x*Ake ngidabule elizweni lakho\x + Nani 21.21,22. Hlu. 11.19.\x*; ngizahamba ngomgwaqo kuphela, ngingaphambukeli ngakwesokunene loba ngakwesokhohlo.

Joshua 23:

\v 4 Bonani, ngilabele ngenkatho\x + 13.6.\x* lezizizwe eziseleyo zibe yilifa lezizwe zenu, kusukela eJordani, lazo zonke izizwe engiziqumileyo, ngitsho kuze kube selwandle olukhulu \x + 15.12.\x*lapho okutshona khona ilanga.

Jeremiah 32:

\v 36 Khathesi-ke, ngakho itsho njalo iN\nd kosi\nd*, uNkulunkulu kaIsrayeli, mayelana lomuzi lo elithi ngawo: Unikelwe esandleni senkosi yeBhabhiloni \x + 32 .24.\x*ngenkemba langendlala langomatshayabhuqe wesifo:\x + 32 .24.\x*

2 Timothy 4:

\v 20 UErastu\x + Roma 16.23.\x* wasala eKorinte\x + Seb. 18.1.\x*; kodwa uTrofimu\x + Seb. 20.4.\x* ngamtshiya eMilethu \x + Seb. 20.15,17.\x*egula.

teusbenschop commented 7 years ago

Thanks for spotting these, man! They've been fixed all of them.