teusbenschop / ndebele

The text of the Ndebele Bible for use by the translation team
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Two ordinary English words found within xrefs in Micah 6:6,16 #26

Closed DavidHaslam closed 6 years ago

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Micah 6:6 reads: \v 6 Ngizakuza lani\x + Hos. 5.6; Heb. 10.4.\x* phambi kweN\nd kosi\nd*\x + Hlab. 95.2.\x*, ngikhothame phambi\x + Hlab. 57.6.\x* kukaNkulunkulu ophakemeyo\x + Hlab. 92.8. Comp. Isa. 57.15.\x*? Ngizakuza phambi kwayo ngileminikelo yokutshiswa, ngilamathole alomnyaka owodwa yini?

The fourth xref contains the English abbreviation Comp. which should be translated into Ndebele.

Micah 6:16 reads: \v 16 Ngoba izimiso zikaOmri ziyagcinwa\x + 1 Kho. 16.16,25,26; Hos. 5.11.\x*, lawo wonke umsebenzi wendlu kaAhabi\x + 1 Kho. 16.30-33; 21.25,26; 2 Kho. 21.3.\x*, futhi lihamba ngamacebo abo; ukuze ngikwenze ube yincithakalo\x + 7.13. See 2 Kho. 22.19.\x*, labakhileyo bayo babe ngokuncifelwayo\x + 2 Lan. 29.8.\x*; ngokunjalo lizathwala ihlazo labantu bami\x + Isa. 25.8; Jer. 51.51; Lilo 5.1; Hez. 34.29; Hez. 32.24; Dan. 9.16.\x*.

The third xref contains the English word See which should be translated into Ndebele.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

In a similar vein, the English abbreviation ver. is found in Jonah 3:8, which reads: \v 8 Kodwa kakuthi umuntu lenyamazana kwembeswe amasaka\x + 1 Kho. 20.31.\x*, bakhale kuNkulunkulu ngamandla, yebo, baphenduke, ngulowo lalowo endleleni yakhe embi\x + Jer. 18.11; 36.3. ver. 10.\x*, lodlakeleni olusezandleni zabo\x + Isa. 59.6.\x*.

teusbenschop commented 7 years ago

The "See" and the "ver", when seen before, they were removed.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

In a similar vein, I also observed that the English abbreviation Heb. for the language Hebrew is found parenthesised in one xref. \x + Zek. 3. 2 (Heb.); Juda 23; Jer. 6.29.\x*

The context is Amos 4:11 which reads: \v 11 Ngachitha \add abanye\add* phakathi kwenu njengalokho uNkulunkulu wachitha iSodoma leGomora\x + Isa. 13.19.\x*, lalinjengesikhuni\x + Zek. 3. 2 (Heb.); Juda 23; Jer. 6.29.\x*\x + Isa. 7.4.\x* esophulwe ekutsheni\x + Zek. 3.2; Juda 23; Jer. 6.29.\x*\x + 3.12.\x*; kanti kaliphendukelanga kimi\x + 4.8-11; Hag. 2.17; Jer. 15.7.\x*, itsho iN\nd kosi\nd*.

Whenever a book abbreviation matches such an ordinary abbreviation (as sometimes happens for Hebrew & Hebrews), the occurrence is likely to present a stumbling block for conversion scripts such as usfm2osis.py.

One way to avoid the clash is to deliberately make the language abbreviation different. e.g. \x + Zek. 3.2 (Hebr.); Juda 23; Jer. 6.29.\x* This ensures that a search for the book abbreviation Heb. (with the full-stop) will not match here.

teusbenschop commented 7 years ago

I think that the (Hebr.) can be removed, since it refers to the Hebrew language, as you said.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

AFAIK, there's no rule in USFM that a cross-reference may not contain additional text.

cf. In OSIS, a cross-reference is merely a specific type of the note element.

In any case, this is one that I will refrain from implementing. Better for you to tackle it, but only after I make my pull request, etc.

teusbenschop commented 7 years ago

Okay, that's fine. And after we're done inserting the cross references in the Shona Bible.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

Fixes were not included yesterday in the recent changes to the Editing branch of my fork. i.e. The words See , Comp. & ver. are still present, as is (Heb.).

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

When I looked in Jonah 3, which has ver. 10. in the xref in verse 8, I also observed that Jonah 3:10 reads: \v 10 UNkulunkulu wasebona imisebenzi yabo, ukuthi baphendukile endleleni yabo embi\x + Jer. 18.11; 36.3; Jona 3.10.\x*\x + Jer. 18.8.\x*; uNkulunkulu wazisola ngobubi ayethe uzabenza kubo, akaze abenza\x + Jer. 18.8.\x*\x + Hlu. 2.18; Amos 7.3.\x*.

The first xref therein is self-referential. It points to Jona 3.10. which is the very verse it's in! It would make more sense to have Jona 3.8.

Then we'd have verse 8 with an xref to verse 10 and vice versa.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

I have just made the required changes in Amos 4, Jonah 3 & Micah 6.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Committed the change to the Editing branch of my fork.