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Miscellaneous transcription errors in xrefs #31

Open DavidHaslam opened 7 years ago

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

There are multiple locations with what appear to be transcription errors in xrefs, e.g.

Exodus 19:9 reads: \v 9 IN\nd kosi\nd* yasisithi kuMozisi: Khangela, ngizakuza kuwe eyezini elinzima\x + 19.16; 20.21; 24.15,16. Dute. 4.11. Hlab. 18.11,12; 97.2. Mat. 17.5; 16. 20.21; 24.15,16. Dute. 4.11. Hlab. 18.11,12; 97.2. Mat. 17.5.\x* ukuze abantu bezwe nxa ngikhuluma lawe\x + Dute. 4.12,36. Joha. 12.28,29.\x*, lokuthi bakholwe kuwe kuze kube nininini\x + 14.31.\x*. UMozisi wasebikela iN\nd kosi\nd* amazwi abantu.

The first xref when re-arranged slightly shows that most of it is duplicated, thus:

19.16; 20.21; 24.15,16. Dute. 4.11. Hlab. 18.11,12; 97.2. Mat. 17.5;
   16. 20.21; 24.15,16. Dute. 4.11. Hlab. 18.11,12; 97.2. Mat. 17.5.

Without recognising this pattern, it would be hard to understand what the isolated 16. referred to.

I will extend this issue as further instances come to light.

DavidHaslam commented 7 years ago

A search of the counted xrefs for the regexp (\d+,){2,20}\d+ gave 14 hits:

001 \x + 1 Kho. 2.37. 15.13. 2 Kho. 23,4,6,12. 2 Lan. 15.16. 29.16. 30.14. Jer. 31.40.\x*
001 \x + 1 Lan. 23,24,25,26.\x*
001 \x + 15,16,18. 1.19. 2.18,20. 6.41,52. 7.1,11,13,15,35. 8.22.\x*
001 \x + 15,23,28,42. 36.7. 47.14. Hlab. 106.26. Gen. 14.22. Dan. 12.7. Isam. 10.5. Isa. 49.22.\x*
002 \x + 15.5,10,32. 3,7,8. Jobe 5.17.\x*
001 \x + 17.6.31. 6,8,12,13.\x*
002 \x + 3,7,15. 25.8. Gen. 32.3. 33.14,16. 36.8,9. Nani 24.18. Dute. 1.2,44. 2.1,4,5,8,12,22,29. 33.2. Josh. 11.17. 12.7. 15.10. 24.4. Hlu. 5.4. 1 Lan. 4.42. 2 Lan. 20.10,22,23. 25.11,14. Isa. 21.11. Gen. 14.6. 36.20,21,30. 1 Lan. 1.38. Obad. 1.8,9,19,21.\x*
001 \x + 8.7.10. 10,22,26.\x*
001 \x + Gen. 25.23.27. 29,37,40. Nani 24.18. 1 Kho. 22.47. 2 Kho. 3.9. 8.20.\x*
001 \x + Gen. 49.10. Nani 21.18. Dute. 33.21. Hlu. 5,9,14. Isa. 33.22.\x*
001 \x + Isa. 36,37,38,39.\x*
001 \x + Jer. 49.7-22. Amos 9.12. Obad. 18,19,21.\x*
001 \x + Neh. 5.19.13. 14,22,31.\x*
001 \x + Seb. 1.8,22. 2.32. 3.15. 5.32. 10,39,41. 13.31. 1 Pet. 5.1. Joha. 15.27. Seb. 4.33.\x*

NB. The regexp pattern has a leading space!

Either the first comma in the pattern should become a full-stop, or the chapter number and full-stop are missing, or the space before the pattern is superfluous.

Comment updated after the recent merge.