teusbenschop / ndebele

The text of the Ndebele Bible for use by the translation team
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Spurious letter E in Isaiah 1:24 #42

Closed DavidHaslam closed 6 years ago

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Isaiah 1:24 contains the letter E after the colon & space, and followed by a comma. \v 24 Ngakho itsho iNkosi, iN\nd kosi\nd* yamabandla\x + 3.1. 10.33. 19.4. 10.16.\x*, oLamandla wakoIsrayeli\x + Hlab. 132.2.\x*: E, ngizaziduduza ngezitha zami\x + Hez. 5.13.\x*, ngiziphindisele kwabamelana lami\x + Hlu. 16.28. Dute. 32.41.\x*.

AFAIK, the letter E is not a word in the Ndebele dictionary. Even on the remote chance that it is, I cannot imagine it appearing on its own between two punctuation marks like this.

teusbenschop commented 6 years ago

The letter "E" is a translation for the "Ah" in Hebrew. I also was confused at first, but then after checking with the notes and the other text, it became clear.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

The problem is with my lack of imagination. ;>)

E is a hapax legomenon in this work.