teusbenschop / ndebele

The text of the Ndebele Bible for use by the translation team
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Verses that contain the same cross-reference in more than one place. #46

Open DavidHaslam opened 6 years ago

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

There are many verses that contain the same cross-reference in more than one place, tagged against different words. IMHO, this is somewhat OTT.

It's the kind of thing that would not happen if xrefs were tagged at verse level instead of word level.

teusbenschop commented 6 years ago

Yes, tagging at the verse level would improve this a lot.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Ezekiel 48:1 has one reference repeated six times! \v 1 La-ke ngamabizo ezizwe\x + 48.23; 45.8.\x*. Kusukela ekucineni kwasenyakatho\x + 47.15,16,17.\x*, kuze kube seceleni\x + 2 Sam. 18.4; Josh. 15.46.\x* kwendlela yeHethiloni\x + 47.15,16,17.\x*, ekungeneni kweHamathi\x + 47.15,16,17.\x*, iHazari-Enani\x + 47.15,16,17.\x*, umngcele weDamaseko\x + 47.15,16,17.\x* ngasenyakatho, kuze kube seceleni\x + 2 Sam. 18.4; Josh. 15.46.\x* kweHamathi\x + 47.15,16,17.\x*; ngoba \add lezi\add* zinhlangothi zakhe empumalanga \add l\add*entshonalanga, \add isabelo\add* esisodwa \add sika\add*Dani\x + Nani 2.25-31.\x*.

teusbenschop commented 6 years ago

Six times, whoops!

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

See also issue #22