teusink / Home-Security-by-Pi

Description on how I configured the installation and Security of Raspberry Pi and how I keep it fit for use and purpose.
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Lynis - Look into improving file-system partitioning & usage (such as USB) #27

Closed teusink closed 6 years ago

teusink commented 6 years ago

Lynis - Look into improving file-system partitioning & usage (such as USB)

File-system partitioning

USB-storage & Firewire

teusink commented 6 years ago

I looked into this and also observed the disk-usage in these directories on my long(er) running Pi. And while partition these directory is really a good practice, it does not come by default with the standard Raspbian. And I did not want to interfere to much into the defaults.

To prevent the disk-space usage from getting out of hand, I created a topic in Maintenance to handle old-files by deleting them. More here: https://github.com/teusink/Home-Security-by-Pi/blob/master/4-Maintenance.md#keep-disk-usage-in-control

teusink commented 6 years ago

USB is a key factor that often comes into play with hacking attacks. Especially on user-endpoints. I consider this Pi not as an end-point and, in the case of the Pi, I can come up with a multitude of uses that would require USB. Think of extra storage if you want to do more. A mitigating factor already in place is the Rootkit Hunter and the fact that you need physical access. So I keep them enabled.

teusink commented 6 years ago

I did not find any firewire stuff on the Pi. Perhaps a false-positive by Lynis.