Open stockh0lm opened 3 years ago
this is the configuration as suggested in the schematics, modeled with this json file:
{"version":2,"objs": [ {"type":"arcmirror", "p1":{"type":1,"x":0,"y":725,"exist":true}, "p2":{"type":1,"x":0,"y":726,"exist":true}, "p3":{"type":1,"x":1250,"y":725,"exist":true} }, {"type":"radiant","x":150,"y":725,"p":0.001}],"mode":"light","rayDensity_light":0.05,"rayDensity_images":1,"observer":null,"origin":{"x":0,"y":0} }
This is the configuration with the light source in the middle:
{"version":2,"objs": [ {"type":"arcmirror", "p1":{"type":1,"x":0,"y":725,"exist":true}, "p2":{"type":1,"x":0,"y":726,"exist":true}, "p3":{"type":1,"x":1250,"y":725,"exist":true} }, {"type":"radiant","x":625,"y":725,"p":0.001}],"mode":"light","rayDensity_light":0.05,"rayDensity_images":1,"observer":null,"origin":{"x":0,"y":0} }
This is the configuration with the light source at half the pipe-radius (31.7mm), with this json file:
{"version":2,"objs": [ {"type":"arcmirror", "p1":{"type":1,"x":0,"y":725,"exist":true}, "p2":{"type":1,"x":0,"y":726,"exist":true}, "p3":{"type":1,"x":1250,"y":725,"exist":true} }, {"type":"radiant","x":317,"y":725,"p":0.001}],"mode":"light","rayDensity_light":0.05,"rayDensity_images":1,"observer":null,"origin":{"x":0,"y":0} }
This shows that the placement of the light source would be best in the middle of the pipe. The rule of thumb would be: the more in the middle the better.
A compounding effect is that (if we assume laminar flow in the pipe) the particles in the middle travel faster then closer to the pipe's wall.
so it turns out there wont be any laminar flow at all, it is going to be all turbulent.
with raytracing software like Blender this can be modeled better.
this is a chrome extension that allows to model our setup and lets you play around with the source placement in the pipe.