tewtal / SMZ3Randomizer

Super Metroid & A Link to the Past Crossover Item Randomizer V11
MIT License
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\r carrage returns in build.sh #177

Closed DaftBrit closed 2 years ago

DaftBrit commented 2 years ago

While attempting to build the Docker image I was confronted with the following:

/usr/bin/env: 'bash\r': No such file or directory

for both build steps [build-env 9/13] and [build-env 11/13]: Create IPS patch from combo ASM code project Create IPS patch from sm ASM code project

Running the following resolved the issues:

(tewtal/sm_randomizer_rom)(master)>dos2unix build.sh
dos2unix: converting file build.sh to Unix format...
(tewtal/alttp_sm_combo_randomizer_rom)(master)>dos2unix build.sh
dos2unix: converting file build.sh to Unix format...

Following this the builds completed without issue. I know technically these problems lie within those two repos but rather than raising multiple issues I figured a single one here would suffice.

DaftBrit commented 2 years ago

Also appears to affect: docker-entrypoint.sh

tewtal commented 2 years ago

I'll take a look at it and fix it. It's odd though that it hasn't caused issues before since the container is built for deployment on every commit to master. Maybe it's just certain environments where it's causing these issues.

DaftBrit commented 2 years ago

I'll take a look at it and fix it. It's odd though that it hasn't caused issues before since the container is built for deployment on every commit to master. Maybe it's just certain environments where it's causing these issues.

Just in case its ever useful for weird issues in the future my build env: WSL2.0 Ubuntu20.04lts Docker version 20.10.7, build 20.10.7-0ubuntu1~20.04.1

RebelusQuo commented 2 years ago

@DaftBrit I took this for a spin since there's been no development. If I grab the raw build.sh files from sm_randomizer_rom and alttp_sm_combo_randomizer_rom respectively through the web interface my editor say they both have LF endings. Can you confirm that your git AutoCRLF setting on the machine in question is configured correctly?

DaftBrit commented 2 years ago

HI @RebelusQuo AutoCRLF isn't set in my env, HOWEVER! tested this in another WSL instance and a clean git client install and did not get the same results. vim still no longer shows NOEOL and attempts to run the shell script are not met with command errors. I'm getting clean and clear unix line endings... utterly perplexed but clearly an env issue on my end rather than a file issue.