tewtal / alttp_sm_combo_randomizer

ALttP VT Randomizer and API - Super Metroid & ALTTP Combo Version (V10)
MIT License
43 stars 12 forks source link

Known Suggestions #12

Open miketrethewey opened 6 years ago

miketrethewey commented 6 years ago


Being discussed:

Not likely:

SmolBig commented 6 years ago

Andy suggested (half joking) on stream that we could have an Etecoon item to active wall jumps and a Dachora item to activate shine sparking.

Angular-Angel commented 6 years ago

Is this the right place to mention adding an option for tiered items? So that, for example, you can have it ensure you can't get morph bombs or power bombs without also having morphball? And the same thing for arrow capacity and silver arrows, with the bow. So they would be either in a place where you need the bow to get them, or in a place where you need an item you get from a place you need the bow, etc, etc.

SmolBig commented 6 years ago

That's referred to as "progressive items" in LttPR.

Angular-Angel commented 6 years ago

Aye, essentially the same functionality, except with the potential for forking - you can get either the morph bombs or power bombs after morph ball, and both arrow capacity and silver arrows after the bow.

Angular-Angel commented 6 years ago

You could also add options to extend the functionality to other items, say to make super missiles more of a late game thing by ensuring they're always a step or two behind normal missiles. So you have reason to use normal missiles for a while.

Angular-Angel commented 6 years ago

Or even extend it to the current progressive items, making it possible for a sufficiently skilled and/or clever player to skip forwards with a sequence break.

CaptainDapper commented 6 years ago

Couldn't think of anywhere else to post such a minor request; but @tewtal can you either: on the website put a link to the current github commit version, or tag the commits with the version number they represent? you'd only need to tag the latest that's included in the version. For example: v9.2 would link to e38e3c2