tewtal / alttp_sm_combo_randomizer

ALttP VT Randomizer and API - Super Metroid & ALTTP Combo Version (V10)
MIT License
43 stars 12 forks source link

Both games rendered unbeatable #70

Closed SebinNyshkim closed 6 years ago

SebinNyshkim commented 6 years ago

Console or Emulator: snes9x 1.56.2 (OpenEmu)

Original Filename: ???

Seed: 550007142

Item, Entrance or Custom: Gravity Suit, Hookshot, Flippers, Lamp, Bow

Mode: open Logic: alttp-no-glitches-v10 Goal: Ganon & Mother Brain defeated Difficulty: normal Variation: combo

Description of problem: I can't progress any further in any game because the items required to progress are in areas that require me to obtain these items first to even get to where they are hidden.

I've exhausted every possibility and tricks like Speed Booster tapping won't do it because I'm so slow inside the lava pool to Lower Norfair, that the Shinespark would fade before I could activate it. Sequence Breaking instructions also require the Gravity Suit.

Metroid Items:

Energy Tanks: 9 Missiles: 130 Super Missiles: 50 Power Bombs: 35 Grapple Beam: NO X-Ray Scope: NO





Zelda Items:

Hearts: 15 Magic: regular Bombs max: 30 Arrows max: 50


Crystals: 2 & 5 (or: top row 1st, bottom row 3rd; how do you count these?)

Spoiler (if available):

    "Light World": {
        "Sahasrahla's Hut - Left": "One Rupee",
        "Sahasrahla's Hut - Middle": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Sahasrahla's Hut - Right": "Screw Attack",
        "Sahasrahla": "Twenty Rupees",
        "King Zora": "Three Bombs",
        "Potion Shop": "Hammer",
        "Zora's Ledge": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Waterfall Fairy - Left": "Three Bombs",
        "Waterfall Fairy - Right": "Energy Tank",
        "Master Sword Pedestal": "Energy Tank",
        "King's Tomb": "Missile",
        "Kakariko Tavern": "Missile",
        "Chicken House": "Three Bombs",
        "Kakariko Well - Top": "Missile",
        "Kakariko Well - Left": "Missile",
        "Kakariko Well - Middle": "Power Bomb",
        "Kakariko Well - Right": "Missile",
        "Kakariko Well - Bottom": "Super Missile",
        "Blind's Hideout - Top": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Blind's Hideout - Left": "Ether",
        "Blind's Hideout - Right": "Fifty Rupees",
        "Blind's Hideout - Far Left": "One Hundred Rupees",
        "Blind's Hideout - Far Right": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Pegasus Rocks": "Super Missile",
        "Bottle Merchant": "Energy Tank",
        "Magic Bat": "Missile",
        "Sick Kid": "Missile",
        "Lost Woods Hideout": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Lumberjack Tree": "Heart Container",
        "Graveyard Ledge": "Energy Tank",
        "Mushroom": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Floodgate Chest": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Link's House": "Magic Mirror",
        "Aginah's Cave": "Flute",
        "Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Left": "Bombs",
        "Mini Moldorm Cave - Left": "Three Bombs",
        "Mini Moldorm Cave - Right": "Space Jump",
        "Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Right": "Spazer",
        "Ice Rod Cave": "Energy Tank",
        "Hobo": "Missile",
        "Bombos Tablet": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Cave 45": "Energy Tank",
        "Checkerboard Cave": "Super Missile",
        "Mini Moldorm Cave - NPC": "Moon Pearl",
        "Library": "Super Missile",
        "Maze Race": "Three Hundred Rupees",
        "Desert Ledge": "Missile",
        "Lake Hylia Island": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Sunken Treasure": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Flute Spot": "Arrow Upgrade (+5)"
    "Hyrule Castle": {
        "Sanctuary": "Sewers Map",
        "Sewers - Secret Room - Left": "Ice Beam",
        "Sewers - Secret Room - Middle": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Sewers - Secret Room - Right": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Sewers - Dark Cross": "Sewers Key",
        "Hyrule Castle - Boomerang Chest": "Missile",
        "Hyrule Castle - Map Chest": "Ten Arrows",
        "Hyrule Castle - Zelda's Cell": "Missile",
        "Link's Uncle": "Heart Container",
        "Secret Passage": "Bottle (Empty)"
    "Eastern Palace": {
        "Eastern Palace - Compass Chest": "Charge Beam",
        "Eastern Palace - Big Chest": "Power Bomb",
        "Eastern Palace - Cannonball Chest": "Eastern Palace Map",
        "Eastern Palace - Big Key Chest": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Eastern Palace - Map Chest": "Eastern Palace Big Key",
        "Eastern Palace - Armos Knights": "Eastern Palace Compass",
        "Eastern Palace - Prize": "Crystal 7"
    "Desert Palace": {
        "Desert Palace - Big Chest": "Desert Palace Key",
        "Desert Palace - Map Chest": "Desert Palace Big Key",
        "Desert Palace - Torch": "Desert Palace Compass",
        "Desert Palace - Big Key Chest": "Heart Container",
        "Desert Palace - Compass Chest": "Progressive Glove",
        "Desert Palace - Lanmolas'": "Desert Palace Map",
        "Desert Palace - Prize": "Pendant Of Wisdom"
    "Death Mountain": {
        "Old Man": "Super Missile",
        "Spectacle Rock Cave": "Progressive Glove",
        "Ether Tablet": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Spectacle Rock": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Spiral Cave": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Mimic Cave": "Half Magic",
        "Paradox Cave Lower - Far Left": "Missile",
        "Paradox Cave Lower - Left": "Arrow Upgrade (+5)",
        "Paradox Cave Lower - Right": "Energy Tank",
        "Paradox Cave Lower - Far Right": "Missile",
        "Paradox Cave Lower - Middle": "Missile",
        "Paradox Cave Upper - Left": "Morphing Ball",
        "Paradox Cave Upper - Right": "Ten Arrows",
        "Floating Island": "Twenty Rupees"
    "Tower Of Hera": {
        "Tower of Hera - Big Key Chest": "Missile",
        "Tower of Hera - Basement Cage": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Tower of Hera - Map Chest": "Tower of Hera Big Key",
        "Tower of Hera - Compass Chest": "Tower of Hera Key",
        "Tower of Hera - Big Chest": "Tower of Hera Map",
        "Tower of Hera - Moldorm": "Tower of Hera Compass",
        "Tower of Hera - Prize": "Crystal 2"
    "Castle Tower": {
        "Castle Tower - Room 03": "Agahnims Tower Key",
        "Castle Tower - Dark Maze": "Agahnims Tower Key"
    "Dark World": {
        "Superbunny Cave - Top": "Magical Boomerang",
        "Superbunny Cave - Bottom": "Reserve Tank",
        "Hookshot Cave - Top Right": "Spring Ball",
        "Hookshot Cave - Top Left": "Missile",
        "Hookshot Cave - Bottom Left": "Missile",
        "Hookshot Cave - Bottom Right": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Spike Cave": "Missile",
        "Catfish": "Energy Tank",
        "Pyramid": "Missile",
        "Pyramid Fairy - Left": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Pyramid Fairy - Right": "Ten Arrows",
        "Brewery": "Fire Rod",
        "C-Shaped House": "Super Missile",
        "Chest Game": "Five Rupees",
        "Hammer Pegs": "Ten Bombs",
        "Bumper Cave": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Blacksmith": "Heart Container",
        "Purple Chest": "Missile",
        "Hype Cave - Top": "Progressive Armor",
        "Hype Cave - Middle Right": "Power Bomb",
        "Hype Cave - Middle Left": "Missile",
        "Hype Cave - Bottom": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Stumpy": "Bomb Upgrade (+5)",
        "Hype Cave - NPC": "Three Hundred Rupees",
        "Digging Game": "Power Bomb",
        "Mire Shed - Left": "Missile",
        "Mire Shed - Right": "Power Bomb"
    "Dark Palace": {
        "Palace of Darkness - Shooter Room": "Palace of Darkness Key",
        "Palace of Darkness - Big Key Chest": "Palace of Darkness Key",
        "Palace of Darkness - The Arena - Ledge": "Palace of Darkness Key",
        "Palace of Darkness - The Arena - Bridge": "Palace of Darkness Map",
        "Palace of Darkness - Stalfos Basement": "Palace of Darkness Key",
        "Palace of Darkness - Map Chest": "Palace of Darkness Key",
        "Palace of Darkness - Big Chest": "Three Bombs",
        "Palace of Darkness - Compass Chest": "Power Bomb",
        "Palace of Darkness - Harmless Hellway": "Palace of Darkness Big Key",
        "Palace of Darkness - Dark Basement - Left": "Flippers",
        "Palace of Darkness - Dark Basement - Right": "Palace of Darkness Key",
        "Palace of Darkness - Dark Maze - Top": "Palace of Darkness Compass",
        "Palace of Darkness - Dark Maze - Bottom": "Fifty Rupees",
        "Palace of Darkness - Helmasaur King": "Wave Beam",
        "Palace of Darkness - Prize": "Crystal 3"
    "Swamp Palace": {
        "Swamp Palace - Entrance": "Swamp Palace Key",
        "Swamp Palace - Big Chest": "Swamp Palace Map",
        "Swamp Palace - Big Key Chest": "Swamp Palace Compass",
        "Swamp Palace - Map Chest": "Progressive Sword",
        "Swamp Palace - West Chest": "Super Missile",
        "Swamp Palace - Compass Chest": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Swamp Palace - Flooded Room - Left": "Swamp Palace Big Key",
        "Swamp Palace - Flooded Room - Right": "Three Bombs",
        "Swamp Palace - Waterfall Room": "Reserve Tank",
        "Swamp Palace - Arrghus": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Swamp Palace - Prize": "Pendant Of Power"
    "Skull Woods": {
        "Skull Woods - Big Chest": "Arrow Upgrade (+5)",
        "Skull Woods - Big Key Chest": "Skull Woods Big Key",
        "Skull Woods - Compass Chest": "Skull Woods Compass",
        "Skull Woods - Map Chest": "Skull Woods Map",
        "Skull Woods - Bridge Room": "Skull Woods Key",
        "Skull Woods - Pot Prison": "Skull Woods Key",
        "Skull Woods - Pinball Room": "Skull Woods Key",
        "Skull Woods - Mothula": "Missile",
        "Skull Woods - Prize": "Pendant Of Courage"
    "Thieves Town": {
        "Thieves' Town - Attic": "Three Hundred Rupees",
        "Thieves' Town - Big Key Chest": "Thieves Town Big Key",
        "Thieves' Town - Map Chest": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Thieves' Town - Compass Chest": "Thieves Town Map",
        "Thieves' Town - Ambush Chest": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Thieves' Town - Big Chest": "Thieves Town Compass",
        "Thieves' Town - Blind's Cell": "Thieves Town Key",
        "Thieves' Town - Blind": "Cane Of Byrna",
        "Thieves' Town - Prize": "Crystal 5"
    "Ice Palace": {
        "Ice Palace - Big Key Chest": "Heart Container",
        "Ice Palace - Compass Chest": "Ice Palace Key",
        "Ice Palace - Map Chest": "Ice Palace Map",
        "Ice Palace - Spike Room": "Ice Palace Big Key",
        "Ice Palace - Freezor Chest": "Ice Palace Key",
        "Ice Palace - Iced T Room": "Cane Of Somaria",
        "Ice Palace - Big Chest": "Progressive Sword",
        "Ice Palace - Kholdstare": "Ice Palace Compass",
        "Ice Palace - Prize": "Crystal 6"
    "Misery Mire": {
        "Misery Mire - Big Chest": "Misery Mire Compass",
        "Misery Mire - Main Lobby": "Misery Mire Big Key",
        "Misery Mire - Big Key Chest": "Misery Mire Map",
        "Misery Mire - Compass Chest": "Grappling Beam",
        "Misery Mire - Bridge Chest": "Misery Mire Key",
        "Misery Mire - Map Chest": "Gravity Suit",
        "Misery Mire - Spike Chest": "Misery Mire Key",
        "Misery Mire - Vitreous": "Misery Mire Key",
        "Misery Mire - Prize": "Crystal 4"
    "Turtle Rock": {
        "Turtle Rock - Chain Chomps": "Turtle Rock Compass",
        "Turtle Rock - Compass Chest": "Turtle Rock Big Key",
        "Turtle Rock - Roller Room - Left": "Turtle Rock Key",
        "Turtle Rock - Roller Room - Right": "Turtle Rock Key",
        "Turtle Rock - Big Chest": "Turtle Rock Key",
        "Turtle Rock - Big Key Chest": "Turtle Rock Map",
        "Turtle Rock - Crystaroller Room": "Turtle Rock Key",
        "Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Bottom Left": "One Rupee",
        "Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Bottom Right": "Magic Powder",
        "Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Top Left": "Reserve Tank",
        "Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Top Right": "Ten Arrows",
        "Turtle Rock - Trinexx": "X-Ray Scope",
        "Turtle Rock - Prize": "Crystal 1"
    "Ganons Tower": {
        "Ganon's Tower - Bob's Torch": "Ganons Tower Big Key",
        "Ganon's Tower - DMs Room - Top Left": "Ganons Tower Compass",
        "Ganon's Tower - DMs Room - Top Right": "Ganons Tower Key",
        "Ganon's Tower - DMs Room - Bottom Left": "Ganons Tower Key",
        "Ganon's Tower - DMs Room - Bottom Right": "Ganons Tower Key",
        "Ganon's Tower - Randomizer Room - Top Left": "Energy Tank",
        "Ganon's Tower - Randomizer Room - Top Right": "Reserve Tank",
        "Ganon's Tower - Randomizer Room - Bottom Left": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Ganon's Tower - Randomizer Room - Bottom Right": "Super Missile",
        "Ganon's Tower - Firesnake Room": "Three Hundred Rupees",
        "Ganon's Tower - Map Chest": "Energy Tank",
        "Ganon's Tower - Big Chest": "Missile",
        "Ganon's Tower - Hope Room - Left": "Ganons Tower Map",
        "Ganon's Tower - Hope Room - Right": "Missile",
        "Ganon's Tower - Bob's Chest": "Fifty Rupees",
        "Ganon's Tower - Tile Room": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Ganon's Tower - Compass Room - Top Left": "Progressive Shield",
        "Ganon's Tower - Compass Room - Top Right": "Super Missile",
        "Ganon's Tower - Compass Room - Bottom Left": "Missile",
        "Ganon's Tower - Compass Room - Bottom Right": "Missile",
        "Ganon's Tower - Big Key Chest": "Ganons Tower Key",
        "Ganon's Tower - Big Key Room - Left": "Three Bombs",
        "Ganon's Tower - Big Key Room - Right": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Ganon's Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room - Left": "Bomb Upgrade (+5)",
        "Ganon's Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room - Right": "Five Rupees",
        "Ganon's Tower - Pre-Moldorm Chest": "Super Missile",
        "Ganon's Tower - Moldorm Chest": "Twenty Rupees"
    "Special": {
        "Turtle Rock Medallion": "Quake",
        "Misery Mire Medallion": "Ether",
        "Waterfall Bottle": "Bottle (Blue Potion)",
        "Pyramid Bottle": "Bottle (Golden Bee)"
    "Crateria": {
        "Power Bomb (Crateria surface)": "Power Bomb",
        "Missile (Crateria middle)": "Heart Container",
        "Missile (Crateria bottom)": "Mushroom",
        "Super Missile (Crateria)": "Bottle (Empty)",
        "Bombs": "Super Missile",
        "Energy Tank, Terminator": "Energy Tank",
        "Energy Tank, Gauntlet": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Missile (Crateria gauntlet right)": "Bug Catching Net",
        "Missile (Crateria gauntlet left)": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Missile (outside Wrecked Ship bottom)": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Missile (outside Wrecked Ship top)": "Missile",
        "Missile (outside Wrecked Ship middle)": "Missile",
        "Missile (Crateria moat)": "Progressive Shield"
    "Brinstar": {
        "Power Bomb (green Brinstar bottom)": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Missile (green Brinstar below super missile)": "Missile",
        "Super Missile (green Brinstar top)": "Bomb Upgrade (+5)",
        "Reserve Tank, Brinstar": "Bottle (Blue Potion)",
        "Missile (green Brinstar behind missile)": "Progressive Armor",
        "Missile (green Brinstar behind reserve tank)": "Ice Rod",
        "Energy Tank, Etecoons": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Super Missile (green Brinstar bottom)": "Heart Container",
        "Super Missile (pink Brinstar)": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Missile (pink Brinstar top)": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Missile (pink Brinstar bottom)": "Pegasus Boots",
        "Charge Beam": "Super Missile",
        "Power Bomb (pink Brinstar)": "Bomb Upgrade (+5)",
        "Missile (green Brinstar pipe)": "Silver Arrows Upgrade",
        "Energy Tank, Waterway": "Arrow Upgrade (+10)",
        "Energy Tank, Brinstar Gate": "Missile",
        "Morphing Ball": "Plasma Beam",
        "Power Bomb (blue Brinstar)": "Varia Suit",
        "Missile (blue Brinstar middle)": "Heart Container",
        "Energy Tank, Brinstar Ceiling": "Blue Boomerang",
        "Missile (blue Brinstar bottom)": "Fifty Rupees",
        "Missile (blue Brinstar top)": "Bottle (Blue Potion)",
        "Missile (blue Brinstar behind missile)": "Power Bomb",
        "X-Ray Scope": "Super Missile",
        "Power Bomb (red Brinstar sidehopper room)": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Power Bomb (red Brinstar spike room)": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Missile (red Brinstar spike room)": "Speed Booster",
        "Spazer": "Super Missile",
        "Energy Tank, Kraid": "Arrow Upgrade (+5)",
        "Varia Suit": "Sancturary Heart Container",
        "Missile (Kraid)": "Piece Of Heart"
    "Norfair": {
        "Ice Beam": "Bombos",
        "Missile (below Ice Beam)": "Fifty Rupees",
        "Hi-Jump Boots": "Arrow Upgrade (+5)",
        "Missile (Hi-Jump Boots)": "Heart Container",
        "Energy Tank (Hi-Jump Boots)": "Super Missile",
        "Missile (lava room)": "Progressive Sword",
        "Reserve Tank, Norfair": "Super Missile",
        "Missile (Norfair Reserve Tank)": "Missile",
        "Missile (bubble Norfair green door)": "Bomb Upgrade (+5)",
        "Missile (bubble Norfair)": "Missile",
        "Missile (Speed Booster)": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Speed Booster": "Three Hundred Rupees",
        "Missile (Wave Beam)": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Wave Beam": "Missile",
        "Energy Tank, Crocomire": "Progressive Sword",
        "Missile (above Crocomire)": "Fifty Rupees",
        "Power Bomb (Crocomire)": "Missile",
        "Missile (below Crocomire)": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Missile (Grapple Beam)": "Energy Tank",
        "Grapple Beam": "Five Rupees"
    "Lower Norfair": {
        "Missile (Gold Torizo)": "Power Bomb",
        "Super Missile (Gold Torizo)": "Ten Arrows",
        "Screw Attack": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Missile (Mickey Mouse room)": "Five Rupees",
        "Missile (lower Norfair above fire flea room)": "Three Bombs",
        "Power Bomb (lower Norfair above fire flea room)": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Power Bomb (Power Bombs of shame)": "Quake",
        "Missile (lower Norfair near Wave Beam)": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Energy Tank, Ridley": "Lamp",
        "Energy Tank, Firefleas": "Hi-Jump Boots"
    "Wrecked Ship": {
        "Missile (Wrecked Ship middle)": "Book Of Mudora",
        "Reserve Tank, Wrecked Ship": "Progressive Shield",
        "Missile (Gravity Suit)": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Missile (Wrecked Ship top)": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Energy Tank, Wrecked Ship": "Energy Tank",
        "Super Missile (Wrecked Ship left)": "Magic Cape",
        "Right Super, Wrecked Ship": "Missile",
        "Gravity Suit": "Single Arrow"
    "Maridia": {
        "Missile (green Maridia shinespark)": "Missile",
        "Super Missile (green Maridia)": "Power Bomb",
        "Energy Tank, Mama turtle": "Hookshot",
        "Missile (green Maridia tatori)": "Super Missile",
        "Super Missile (yellow Maridia)": "Arrow Upgrade (+5)",
        "Missile (yellow Maridia super missile)": "Bomb Upgrade (+5)",
        "Missile (yellow Maridia false wall)": "Energy Tank",
        "Plasma Beam": "Shovel",
        "Missile (left Maridia sand pit room)": "Fifty Rupees",
        "Reserve Tank, Maridia": "Piece Of Heart",
        "Missile (right Maridia sand pit room)": "Bow",
        "Power Bomb (right Maridia sand pit room)": "Missile",
        "Missile (pink Maridia)": "Missile",
        "Super Missile (pink Maridia)": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Spring Ball": "Bomb Upgrade (+10)",
        "Missile (Draygon)": "Heart Container",
        "Energy Tank, Botwoon": "Twenty Rupees",
        "Space Jump": "Missile"
    "Tourian": [],
    "playthrough": {
        "1": {
            "Light World": {
                "Sahasrahla's Hut - Right": "Screw Attack",
                "Kakariko Well - Middle": "Power Bomb",
                "Kakariko Well - Bottom": "Super Missile",
                "Blind's Hideout - Left": "Ether",
                "Link's House": "Magic Mirror",
                "Aginah's Cave": "Flute",
                "Mini Moldorm Cave - Right": "Space Jump",
                "Mini Moldorm Cave - NPC": "Moon Pearl"
            "Eastern Palace": {
                "Eastern Palace - Compass Chest": "Charge Beam",
                "Eastern Palace - Map Chest": "Eastern Palace Big Key"
        "2": {
            "Death Mountain": {
                "Spectacle Rock Cave": "Progressive Glove"
            "Tower Of Hera": {
                "Tower of Hera - Map Chest": "Tower of Hera Big Key"
            "Crateria": {
                "Missile (Crateria bottom)": "Mushroom"
            "Brinstar": {
                "Missile (pink Brinstar bottom)": "Pegasus Boots"
        "3": {
            "Light World": {
                "Potion Shop": "Hammer"
        "4": {
            "Death Mountain": {
                "Paradox Cave Upper - Left": "Morphing Ball"
            "Tower Of Hera": {
                "Tower of Hera - Prize": "Crystal 2"
            "Dark World": {
                "Brewery": "Fire Rod"
            "Thieves Town": {
                "Thieves' Town - Big Key Chest": "Thieves Town Big Key"
        "5": {
            "Brinstar": {
                "Power Bomb (blue Brinstar)": "Varia Suit",
                "Missile (red Brinstar spike room)": "Speed Booster",
                "Kraid": "Defeat Kraid"
            "Wrecked Ship": {
                "Missile (Wrecked Ship middle)": "Book Of Mudora",
                "Phantoon": "Defeat Phantoon"
        "6": {
            "Desert Palace": {
                "Desert Palace - Map Chest": "Desert Palace Big Key"
            "Thieves Town": {
                "Thieves' Town - Prize": "Crystal 5"
            "Brinstar": {
                "Missile (green Brinstar behind reserve tank)": "Ice Rod"
            "Norfair": {
                "Missile (lava room)": "Progressive Sword",
                "Energy Tank, Crocomire": "Progressive Sword"
        "7": {
            "Desert Palace": {
                "Desert Palace - Compass Chest": "Progressive Glove"
        "8": {
            "Lower Norfair": {
                "Power Bomb (Power Bombs of shame)": "Quake",
                "Energy Tank, Ridley": "Lamp",
                "Ridley": "Defeat Ridley"
        "9": {
            "Dark Palace": {
                "Palace of Darkness - Dark Basement - Left": "Flippers"
            "Misery Mire": {
                "Misery Mire - Main Lobby": "Misery Mire Big Key",
                "Misery Mire - Map Chest": "Gravity Suit"
        "10": {
            "Ice Palace": {
                "Ice Palace - Iced T Room": "Cane Of Somaria"
            "Maridia": {
                "Energy Tank, Mama turtle": "Hookshot",
                "Missile (right Maridia sand pit room)": "Bow",
                "Draygon": "Defeat Draygon"
        "11": {
            "Eastern Palace": {
                "Eastern Palace - Prize": "Crystal 7"
            "Ice Palace": {
                "Ice Palace - Spike Room": "Ice Palace Big Key"
            "Misery Mire": {
                "Misery Mire - Prize": "Crystal 4"
            "Turtle Rock": {
                "Turtle Rock - Compass Chest": "Turtle Rock Big Key"
            "Tourian": {
                "Mother Brain": "Defeat Mother Brain"
        "12": {
            "Dark Palace": {
                "Palace of Darkness - Harmless Hellway": "Palace of Darkness Big Key"
            "Ice Palace": {
                "Ice Palace - Prize": "Crystal 6"
        "13": {
            "Dark Palace": {
                "Palace of Darkness - Prize": "Crystal 3"
            "Turtle Rock": {
                "Turtle Rock - Prize": "Crystal 1"
        "14": {
            "Ganons Tower": {
                "Ganon's Tower - Bob's Torch": "Ganons Tower Big Key"
        "15": {
            "Ganons Tower": {
                "Agahnim 2": "Defeat Agahnim 2"
        "16": {
            "Dark World": {
                "Ganon": "Triforce"
        "longest_item_chain": 16,
        "regions_visited": 35
    "meta": {
        "difficulty": "normal",
        "variation": "combo",
        "logic": "alttp-no-glitches-v10",
        "sm_logic": "sm-normal",
        "rom_mode": "NoMajorGlitches",
        "seed": 550007142,
        "goal": "ganon",
        "build": "2018-07-22",
        "mode": "open",
        "weapons": "",
        "morph": "randomized"
Gilgatex commented 6 years ago

You can get into Misery Mire without hookshot if you have pegasus boots (to bonk across), which you do.

drb647 commented 6 years ago

You can bonk over the hookshot gap in MM to get Gravity, that should open up everything else. You can also access LN thruough the right side mire shed, though I'd just get gravity first as that seems to be your main problem.

SebinNyshkim commented 6 years ago

I thought that pit was too big to bonk over with the Pegasus Boots, but it appears I was mistaken.