tewtal / itemrandomizerweb

Super Metroid Item Randomizer
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Impossible seed for open mode #27

Open tolsyak291 opened 6 years ago

tolsyak291 commented 6 years ago

Seed OX9992542.

Was stuck and ended up cheating, only to find that morph ball ended up at ice location, making it unreachable.

Caused by OpenLocation:469 !=>

Available = fun items -> (heatProof items || energyReserveCount items >= 2 && canMorph items);

Should be

Available = fun items -> ((heatProof items || energyReserveCount items >= 2) && canMorph items);

On a side note, not sure if wanted or not, but maridia was gravityless (Gravity was at plasma location).

Edit : Had a quick look at the code and gravityless maridia is a thing in open mode.

I saw that you plan to add options eventually, shoudn't gravityless maridia run possibility be removed to make the open category more accessible until options are available ?

elreymu commented 6 years ago

Just to let you guys know, it's also possible to softlock if you manage to get to the room before bowling room without morph ball (Open mode)

tewtal commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reporting this, I'll make sure this gets fixed in the next update.