tewtal / sm_practice_hack

Super Metroid Practice Hack
The Unlicense
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Add PAL Debug option to NTSC #206

Closed idlechild closed 5 months ago

idlechild commented 5 months ago

PAL Debug option is also persistent in SRAM, mainly because it was easier to code that way. Also ported some improvements from IFB's HackROMBase branch.

I want to add tasdance support to moondance room strat, and then there is a request to improve charge timer. There's also a request to add HBJ trainer which I am ignoring (sorry!) There was a request to fix something about the menu shortcut; do we have a fix for that already?

Is there more we wanted in the next update? I feel like I'm forgetting about something.

InsaneFirebat commented 5 months ago

There was a request to fix something about the menu shortcut; do we have a fix for that already?

I didn't write anything at the time. You could move the menu shortcut check to the top, right before save/loadstate, in gamemode.asm. Or you could put this untested code at line 1714 of menu.asm. (or both?)

Edit: Added the branch to .exit Edit2: Got around to testing this and it needed more work. Made a pull request to your fork https://github.com/idlechild/sm_practice_hack/pull/1

    ; disallow inputs that match the menu shortcut
    LDA [!DP_CtrlInput] : CMP.w #!sram_ctrl_menu : BEQ .store
    CMP !sram_ctrl_menu : BNE .store
    ; write code to set cursor position to 0 (menu shortcut)
    LDA #$0000 : STA !ram_cm_stack_index : STA !ram_cm_ctrl_last_input
    BRA .exit

    ; Store controller input to SRAM
idlechild commented 5 months ago

Alright that's the last of the infohud modes that needed some improvements. Sheesh that shinetune bug in the last number has been out there for a while and ended up being simple to account for. I'm not sure it's perfect but it's definitely improved.

So it's just tasdance support. As soon as that's done (or I give up on it), then I think 2.6.1 will be ready to ship. Any objections?

idlechild commented 5 months ago

I'm going to test it a bit more in an hour, but it is otherwise ready for release. I'll likely release it later tonight.

InsaneFirebat commented 5 months ago

I haven't caught up with the last few commits yet but I'm good with it either way