Within Financial Service Cloud (or possibly as part of a vlocity license) there is a Decision Matrix, which is an aggregate of 4 objects - CalculationMatrix, CalculationMatrixVersion, CalculationMatrixColumn, and CalculationMatrixRow. Creating a matrix creates a version, but rows have a relationship to versions, so when we use Texei to import a matrix we can't import the version (because they have a version number system, and the version 1 is taken already), and thus cannot import any rows.
We tried just filling in an Id manually to do it as a secondary step ,but it doesn't seem to recognize it.
Is there any workaround here, or way to query the intended relationship at the time of import?
Within Financial Service Cloud (or possibly as part of a vlocity license) there is a Decision Matrix, which is an aggregate of 4 objects - CalculationMatrix, CalculationMatrixVersion, CalculationMatrixColumn, and CalculationMatrixRow. Creating a matrix creates a version, but rows have a relationship to versions, so when we use Texei to import a matrix we can't import the version (because they have a version number system, and the version 1 is taken already), and thus cannot import any rows.
We tried just filling in an Id manually to do it as a secondary step ,but it doesn't seem to recognize it.
Is there any workaround here, or way to query the intended relationship at the time of import?