texhex / BiosSledgehammer

Automated BIOS, ME, TPM firmware update and BIOS settings for HP devices
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Issues updating HP Elite Compaq 8300 BIOS #92

Closed GregoryMachin closed 4 years ago

GregoryMachin commented 4 years ago


I'm struggelling to get the BIOS to update on the HP Elite Compaq 8300, HP Elite 800 G1. In both cases the BIOS update utility fails with "Error Code 0x00000113 INCORRECT_PASSWORD". The BiosSledgehammer script confirms that the password file works, as does manual login, so I'm a bit lost, I haven't found anything useful on google. So I'm hoping I'm not the only one that has experienced this issue and someone can suggest an answer.

Here is the BiosSledgehammer log:

Windows PowerShell transcript start Start time: 20191029150156 Username: WAIKATO\adwmaching RunAs User: WAIKATO\adwmaching Configuration Name: Machine: computername (Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17763.0) Host Application: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File c:\Temp\BiosSledgehammer-Firmware Upgrade 10\BiosSledgehammer.ps1 -WaitAtEnd Process ID: 1812 PSVersion: 5.1.17763.592 PSEdition: Desktop PSCompatibleVersions: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1.17763.592 BuildVersion: 10.0.17763.592 CLRVersion: 4.0.30319.42000 WSManStackVersion: 3.0 PSRemotingProtocolVersion: 2.3 SerializationVersion:

Transcript started, output file is C:\WINDOWS\temp\BiosSledgehammer.ps1.log-06.txt

jgs   ./ |   
     /  /    BIOS Sledgehammer Version 5.2.0
   /'  /     Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Michael 'Tex' Hex
  /   /      
 /    \      https://github.com/texhex/BiosSledgehammer
|      `\   
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\ / This is NOT sponsored/endorsed by HP or Intel.
| | This is NOT an official HP or Intel tool. ,-' -, | | Use at your own risk. --------'



You have 15 seconds to press CTRL+C to stop it.


Verifying environment... Success Verifying BIOS Configuration Utility (BCU) can communicate with BIOS. Trying to read Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)... Success Collecting system information...

Name.........: computername Model........: HP Compaq Elite 8300 USDT SKU..........: QV997AV BIOS (Raw)...: K01 v02.05 BIOS Family..: K01 BIOS Version.: v02.05 (Numerical: 2.0.5) TPM Vendor...: 1229346816 TPM Firmware.: 3.17 (Numerical: 3.17) TPM Spec.....: 1.2 (Numerical: 1.2)

* Locate Model Folder *** Searching [C:\Temp\BiosSledgehammer-Firmware Upgrade 10\Models] for SKU [QV997AV] or [HP Compaq Elite 8300 USDT]... Searching for SKU folder... No folder found Searching for exactly matching folder for this model... No folder found Searching for partially matching folder... Matching folder: [C:\Temp\BiosSledgehammer-Firmware Upgrade 10\Models\HP Compaq Elite 8300] Model folder is [C:\Temp\BiosSledgehammer-Firmware Upgrade 10\Models\HP Compaq Elite 8300] Section -Model Folder- finished

* Determine BIOS Password *** Checking which asset value setting name this device supports... Testing setting name [Asset Tracking Number]... Setting is supported, will use it for write tests Testing BIOS password files from [C:\Temp\BiosSledgehammer-Firmware Upgrade 10\PwdFiles]... Original asset value: [computername] Asset value used for testing: [21qms6pnhvxadk] Trying to write asset value using password file []... Trying to write asset value using password file [C:\Temp\BiosSledgehammer-Firmware Upgrade 10\PwdFiles\biospassword.bin]... Success; password file is [C:\Temp\BiosSledgehammer-Firmware Upgrade 10\PwdFiles\biospassword.bin]! Restoring original asset value Section -Determine BIOS Password- finished

* BIOS Update *** Reading settings from [C:\Temp\BiosSledgehammer-Firmware Upgrade 10\Models\HP Compaq Elite 8300\BIOS-Update.txt]... Not found, looking for shared file [Shared-BIOS-Update.txt] in same directory... Shared file found Using settings from [C:\Temp\BiosSledgehammer-Firmware Upgrade 10\Shared\HP Compaq Elite 8300\BIOS-Update.txt] Current BIOS Version: v02.05 (Numerical: 2.0.5) Desired BIOS Version: 03.08 (Numerical: 3.0.8) BIOS update required! * BIOS settings for BIOS update ***** Reading settings from [C:\Temp\BiosSledgehammer-Firmware Upgrade 10\Models\HP Compaq Elite 8300\BIOS-Update-Settings.txt]... Not found, looking for shared file [Shared-BIOS-Update-Settings.txt] in same directory... No settings file was found Section -BIOS settings for BIOS update- finished

BIOS family is [K01] Checking if the computer is on AC or DC (battery) power... Querying CIM for Win32_Battery.BatteryStatus failed (The property 'BatteryStatus' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists.), assuming this computer has no battery. Battery status is OK or no battery present. ::: Preparing launch of update executable ::: Copying [C:\Temp\BiosSledgehammer-Firmware Upgrade 10\Shared\HP Compaq Elite 8300\BIOS-03.08] to [C:\Users\adwmaching\AppData\Local\Temp\BIOS-03.08] ... Done Deleting [*.log] in target folder Starting: C:\Users\adwmaching\AppData\Local\Temp\BIOS-03.08\HPQFlash\hpqFlash.exe -s -p"C:\Users\adwmaching\AppData\Local\Temp\biospassword.bin" Done, return code is 259 --- Output ---

Waiting 10 seconds before checking if the process is still running... [hpqFlash] is no longer running, waiting 5 seconds to allow cleanup... Start of [C:\Users\adwmaching\AppData\Local\Temp\BIOS-03.08\HPQFlash\hpqFlash.exe] done Checking for first file matching [*.log] in [C:\Users\adwmaching\AppData\Local\Temp\BIOS-03.08]... ::BEGIN:: C:\Users\adwmaching\AppData\Local\Temp\BIOS-03.08\HPQFlash\hpqFlash.log 2019/10/29 15:02:32.588|00001F8C|Information|ChpqFlashApp::InitInstance| 2019/10/29 15:02:32.590|00001F8C|Information|ChpqFlashApp::InitInstance|--- START NEW HPQFLASH SESSION, HPQFLASH version --- 2019/10/29 15:02:32.591|00001F8C|Information|ChpqFlashApp::CPQFProcessCmdLineArgs|Command line = -s -p"C:\Users\adwmaching\AppData\Local\Temp\biospassword.bin" 2019/10/29 15:02:35.803|00001F8C|Information|CCpqCIMIntf::GetsystemInfo|System name = HP COMPAQ ELITE 8300 USDT 2019/10/29 15:02:35.806|00001F8C|Information|CCpqCIMIntf::GetsystemInfo|System ID = 0x3398 2019/10/29 15:02:35.807|00001F8C|Information|CCpqCIMIntf::GetsystemInfo|System Serial Number = AUD31605QH 2019/10/29 15:02:35.809|00001F8C|Information|CCpqCIMIntf::GetsystemInfo|AT-p supported = 0 (0: not supported, 1 supported) 2019/10/29 15:02:35.810|00001F8C|Information|CCpqCIMIntf::GetsystemInfo|Version of BIOS in system: 2019/10/29 15:02:35.812|00001F8C|Information|CCpqCIMIntf::GetsystemInfo| Family = K01 2019/10/29 15:02:35.813|00001F8C|Information|CCpqCIMIntf::GetsystemInfo| Major version = 0x2, Minor Version = 0x05 2019/10/29 15:02:35.814|00001F8C|Information|CCpqCIMIntf::GetsystemInfo| Release Date = 05/07/2012 2019/10/29 15:02:35.834|00001F8C|Information|ChpqFlashApp::hpqFlashInSilentMode|Flashing in silent mode 2019/10/29 15:02:36.164|00001F8C|Information|CPQMessageBox|Error Code 0x00000113 INCORRECT_PASSWORD

2019/10/29 15:02:36.164|00001F8C|Information|ChpqFlashApp::hpqFlashInSilentMode|Exit hpqFlashInSilentMode, bStatus = 0 2019/10/29 15:02:36.164|00001F8C|Information|ChpqFlashApp::ExitInstance|Exit hpqFlash: Return Code = 0x103 2019/10/29 15:02:36.164|00001F8C|Information|ChpqFlashApp::ExitInstance|--- END HPQFLASH SESSION --- ::END:: C:\Users\adwmaching\AppData\Local\Temp\BIOS-03.08\HPQFlash\hpqFlash.log ::: Launching update executable finished ::: PS>TerminatingError(): "BIOS update failed, update program returned code 259" C:\Temp\BiosSledgehammer-Firmware Upgrade 10\BiosSledgehammer.ps1 : BIOS update failed, update program returned code 259 At C:\Temp\BiosSledgehammer-Firmware Upgrade 10\BiosSledgehammer.ps1:1623 char:29

BIOS Sledgehammer finished, return code 666. Thank you, please come again! Waiting 30 seconds...

Windows PowerShell transcript end End time: 20191029150321

Thank you. G

texhex commented 4 years ago

This is indeed very strange, given that the BIOS value change with the exact same password worked.

I think the message does not mean "Password incorrect" but instead "Incorrect update path". For the Elite 8300, we seem to have the same topic as with the Pro 8300: it requires a Two Step BIOS Update to move to 3.x.

Please first try flashing v2.99 (you can see this release by clicking "Previous releases" for BIOS v03.08), then update to 3.08.

GregoryMachin commented 4 years ago

Great thanks. I'll give it a go.

Awesome script thanks for all your work.

texhex commented 4 years ago

@GregoryMachin As there was no update on this issue, I'm assuming this is solved with the extra BIOS update for the transition BIOS. I'm closing this issue.