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Overhauling user manual #2608

Closed sunderme closed 1 year ago

sunderme commented 2 years ago

The user manual seems to be more and more outdated. I have started to convert the manual to markdown and reordered it. (https://github.com/texstudio-org/texstudio/blob/master/utilities/manual/usermanual_en.md) Help is welcome, especially for the parts which are annotated todo . Target audience are users who are getting started and are looking for new features or trying to solve issues.

sunderme commented 2 years ago

there are a few points i want to achieve and maybe someone can help.

octaeder commented 2 years ago

destroyed my bookmark chapter, please fix: image

sunderme commented 2 years ago

https://github.com/texstudio-org/texstudio/pull/2607#issuecomment-1257010002 , furo looks interesting. For now the usermanual_en.md is written as markdown. Let's see what is the best way to get a html out of it.

octaeder commented 2 years ago

your images look quite oversized. Ex. quickstartwizard is 1050 pixels wide, more than half of a FullHD display. Image info shows 144dpi. It should be rendered at about 96dpi (67%).

dbitouze commented 2 years ago

#2607 (comment) , furo looks interesting. For now the usermanual_en.md is written as markdown. Let's see what is the best way to get a html out of it.

Here is a proof of concept with (a minimal configuration of) Sphinx-doc as documentation generator and usermanual_en.md as source file (as it is: could be improved):

dbitouze commented 2 years ago

usermanual_en.md as source file (as it is: could be improved)

I meant, from the Sphinx-doc point of view.

I also forgot to give the link to the source: https://gitlab.com/dbitouze/texstudio-manual

sunderme commented 2 years ago

I tried to use sphinx here. Apparently it is a bit tricky on ubuntu (20.04) as the extensions are not present and it failed. I can get a very similar output with pandoc alone which is less complicated. So for now, I will generate the helpfile this way, but that does not mean we can't change it later as the source is the same anyway.

dbitouze commented 2 years ago

I tried to use sphinx here. Apparently it is a bit tricky on ubuntu (20.04) as the extensions are not present and it failed.

Here is a procedure that worked for me in a VM with Ubuntu 22.04:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev python3-setuptools apache2 -y
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install sphinx
pip3 install myst_parser
pip3 install sphinx_comments
pip3 install sphinx_design
pip3 install sphinxext.opengraph
pip3 install furo
mkdir ~/tmp
cd ~/tmp
wget https://gitlab.com/dbitouze/texstudio-manual/-/archive/main/texstudio-manual-main.tar.bz2
tar xvfj texstudio-manual-main.tar.bz2
mkdir texstudio-manual
cd texstudio-manual
~/.local/bin/sphinx-quickstart # Answer `y` at the first question and whatever you want
                               # at the subsequent questions (the answers will be erased by the
                               # configuration file I provide).
mv -f ~/tmp/texstudio-manual-main/source/* source/
sed -E -i 's#sphinx-build#~/.local/bin/sphinx-build#g' Makefile
make html
xdg-open build/html/usermanual_en.html
octaeder commented 2 years ago
sunderme commented 2 years ago

for whatever reason, pip install failed here. But from what I see, it is not really necessary to run sphinx more than once. The only important part seem the template for pandoc and the css file (and js possibly). My current approach is an adaptation of https://github.com/Mushiyo/pandoc-toc-sidebar and this seems to be sufficient. With pandoc present, you only have to call convertToHTML.sh in texstudio/utilities/manual.

dbitouze commented 2 years ago

Here is a procedure that worked for me in a VM with Ubuntu 22.04:

I forgot the process for the PDF output format::

cd ~/tmp/texstudio-manual
make latexpdf
xdg-open build/latex/texstudio.pdf
dbitouze commented 2 years ago

My current approach is an adaptation of https://github.com/Mushiyo/pandoc-toc-sidebar and this seems to be sufficient.

But, this way, you cannot get PDF output format.

dbitouze commented 2 years ago

for whatever reason, pip install failed here.

Probably easy to fix.

sunderme commented 2 years ago

pandoc can deliver pdf as well (via latex) and it looks okay. The important part is to have a markdown source file, that we can transform in all outputs, one way or another. For html output, I would prefer a pandoc only approach as set-up seems to be easy enough on any system. You can still let run sphinx for a more fancy output.

sunderme commented 2 years ago

pip upgrade did the trick

sunderme commented 2 years ago

@dbitouze building the html locally, there is a second toc to the right. That is actually quite useful as it is more detailed than the one on the left. However it does not scroll with the text, i.e. when the entry is outside of the current view, it does not scroll there. This may or may not be desirable ? Anyway, the search box seems to be pretty useless for single page document. The comment function should not be there as it links to an external site. Otherwise looks quite nice.

dbitouze commented 2 years ago

@dbitouze building the html locally, there is a second toc to the right.

Interestingly, my local build doesn't provide such a local ToC but, indeed, there are provided for another project (a French LaTeX FAQ), e.g. https://dbitouze.gitlab.io/test-faq-fr/3_composition/tableaux/tableau_sur_plusieurs_pages.html

That is actually quite useful as it is more detailed than the one on the left. However it does not scroll with the text, i.e. when the entry is outside of the current view, it does not scroll there. This may or may not be desirable ?

In the link above, you can see that the local ToC does scroll with the text.

Anyway, the search box seems to be pretty useless for single page document.

There could be two versions of the manual: one with a single page embedded with TXS, and another one, online, with several pages (more friendly IMO).

The comment function should not be there as it links to an external site.

Again, could be useful for an online manual.

Otherwise looks quite nice.


sunderme commented 2 years ago

I have split the help file and put everything together in https://github.com/sunderme/texstudio/tree/manual Maybe you can have a look ?

sunderme commented 2 years ago

direct link to the result: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/sunderme/texstudio/manual/utilities/manual/build/html/getting_started.html

sunderme commented 2 years ago

I have put it on github pages to test: https://sunderme.github.io/getting_started.html

dbitouze commented 2 years ago

I have put it on github pages to test: https://sunderme.github.io/getting_started.html

Very nice, thanks!

Some minor remarks after a quick overview:

dbitouze commented 2 years ago

IMO, sphinx-comments is still useful since, used with e.g. https://web.hypothes.is/:

sunderme commented 2 years ago

the whole manual is static with local resources, only the comments would break that. Especially as the manual is also installed locally on the user's computers.

dbitouze commented 2 years ago

the whole manual is static with local resources, only the comments would break that.

Is it a big deal?

Especially as the manual is also installed locally on the user's computers.

This would concern only the online version of the manual.

sunderme commented 2 years ago

there is no "online" version of the manual, it is the same on the computer and on pages. In Germany, there was a successful law-suit that loading google fonts from google in the webpage was a violation of privacy, so I stay away from that as much as possible.

dbitouze commented 2 years ago

In Germany, there was a successful law-suit that loading google fonts from google in the webpage was a violation of privacy, so I stay away from that as much as possible.

AFAICS, no Google Font here.

octaeder commented 2 years ago
octaeder commented 2 years ago
octaeder commented 2 years ago

Remarks on chapter Configuring TeXstudio:

Chapter Advanced features:

Chapter Background information:

octaeder commented 2 years ago
octaeder commented 2 years ago

Chapter Editing a Tex Document, section Formatting your text right at the beginning:

octaeder commented 2 years ago
octaeder commented 2 years ago

@sunderm I still wonder if the title should rather be "Welcome to TeXstudio's Manual" or "Welcome to TeXstudio's documentation". Current title seems to be a mixture of both. Is it intended?

octaeder commented 1 year ago
octaeder commented 1 year ago
octaeder commented 1 year ago
octaeder commented 1 year ago
octaeder commented 1 year ago

add to previous post:

octaeder commented 1 year ago
octaeder commented 1 year ago


The stop symbol is not a square, but it is in the images of chapter Getting started.

sunderme commented 1 year ago

in my opinion, the main update work is done.

octaeder commented 1 year ago
octaeder commented 1 year ago

@sunderme Which of the following changes/additions to the manual do you (not) want to have? These are from my task lists above. Please leave comments:

  1. As the group is called Menus the section should be Configuring the Menus. Seems to be reasonable since configuration of all menus is possible, not only math and latex.
  2. As the group is called Toolbars the section should be Configuring the Toolbars. Seems to be reasonable since configuration of all toolbars is possible, not only for custom toolbar.
  3. Add a note that changing shortcuts is a little bit different for Editor/Basic Key Mapping: Only Current Shortcut can be changed, no Additional Shortcut is possible.

And what about this? The texstudio.org page still shows user manual with link to old manual.


sunderme commented 1 year ago

@sunderme Which of the following changes/additions to the manual do you (not) want to have? These are from my task lists above. Please leave comments:

1. As the group is called _Menus_ the section should be _Configuring the Menus_. Seems to be reasonable since configuration of all menus is possible, not only math and latex.

2. As the group is called _Toolbars_ the section should be _Configuring the Toolbars_. Seems to be reasonable since configuration of all toolbars is possible, not only for custom toolbar.

3. Add a note that changing shortcuts is a little bit different for Editor/Basic Key Mapping: Only _Current Shortcut_ can be changed, no _Additional Shortcut_ is possible.

And what about this? The texstudio.org page still shows user manual with link to old manual.


I have implemented the changes. texstudio.org will be updated with the next release.

octaeder commented 1 year ago
octaeder commented 1 year ago

s. here

octaeder commented 1 year ago

@sunderme Shouldn't there be a md file for each html file, as it is for configuration.html? 8066ab7075c7a6205dcacc113974b092eea0a799


I think that these files will be overwritten when the manual is generated the next time.

octaeder commented 1 year ago

@sunderme In chapter Editing a TeX Document -> Special Commands -> Rename Environment:

dbitouze commented 1 year ago

there is no "online" version of the manual, it is the same on the computer and on pages. In Germany, there was a successful law-suit that loading google fonts from google in the webpage was a violation of privacy, so I stay away from that as much as possible.

A drawback of not providing an online manual is that the one coming with TXS has a search box which doesn't work.

And TXS would be I guess the single software in the world that doesn't provide an online version of its manual...

sunderme commented 1 year ago

there is an online version of the manual (https://texstudio-org.github.io/getting_started.html), it simply is not the only one.