Closed homocomputeris closed 3 weeks ago
SIGSEGV (TXS-Version 0.0.0++ R )
[bt] /usr/bin/texstudio(_Z15print_backtraceRK7QString+0x4) [0x63f4901345a4]
[bt] /usr/bin/texstudio(_ZN13LatexDocument13getListOfDocsEP4QSetIPS_Eb+0x41) [0x63f48fe8ddc1]
[bt] /usr/bin/texstudio(_ZN13LatexDocument13getListOfDocsEP4QSetIPS_Eb+0x5f7) [0x63f48fe8e377]
[bt] /usr/bin/texstudio(_ZN13LatexDocument13getListOfDocsEP4QSetIPS_Eb+0x377) [0x63f48fe8e0f7]
[bt] /usr/bin/texstudio(_ZN9Texstudio9fileCloseEv+0xc4) [0x63f48ffd7274]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906d7a36aa]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906d7a36aa]
[bt] /usr/bin/texstudio(_ZN12TxsTabWidget17onTabCloseRequestEi+0x7d) [0x63f490048acd]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906d7a36aa]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e93b31f]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906d7a36aa]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e9137e4]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906d7a3457]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e811deb]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e8122e8]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e81ed8e]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e74e816]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e6fd9cc]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e702f59]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906d745be8]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e6f507c]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e764b02]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e766160]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e6fd9cc]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906d745be8]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906dd78695]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906dde7d24]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e205734]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906c90d559]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906c970157]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906c90ca55]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906d9a985d]
[bt] /usr/bin/texstudio(_ZN9Texstudio16recoverFromCrashEv+0xcb0) [0x63f49001e0e0]
[bt] /usr/bin/texstudio(_ZNK13LatexDocument15getRootDocumentEP4QSetIPKS_Eb+0x6d9) [0x63f48fe97e99]
[bt] /usr/bin/texstudio(_ZNK13LatexDocument19getAbsoluteFilePathERK7QStringS2_RK5QListIS0_E+0x59) [0x63f48fea2db9]
[bt] /usr/bin/texstudio(_ZNK14LatexDocuments12findDocumentERK7QStringb+0x171) [0x63f48fe99501]
[bt] /usr/bin/texstudio(_ZN9Texstudio4loadERK7QStringbbb+0xb58) [0x63f48ffcf1a8]
[bt] /usr/bin/texstudio(_ZN9Texstudio22gotoLogEntryEditorOnlyEi+0x168) [0x63f4900099d8]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906d7a36aa]
[bt] /usr/bin/texstudio(_ZN14LatexLogWidget12gotoLogEntryEi+0x7c) [0x63f48feebf1c]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906d7a36aa]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e9e31b8]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e74e816]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e7e5d28]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906d745058]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e6fd9bc]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906e702f59]
[bt] /usr/lib/ [0x77906d745be8]
a test case is needed
I think I figured it out:
clarification needed: "Rename the file to something like file.tex", how ? in terminal ?
I have seen and fixed "a" crash. Can you try latest dev build / master ?
clarification needed: "Rename the file to something like file.tex", how ? in terminal ?
In any way. You just need to have a name that differs from the magic comment in the file.
My assumptions is that when TXS puts a mismatching pseudo-root into /tmp/, \input{../config/whatever}
tries to read/write from /
and fails without permissions.
Can you try latest dev build / master ?
That's a bit painful on Arch, but I'll try.
Can you try latest dev build / master ?
That's a bit painful on Arch, but I'll try.
how is it painful ? You can easily compile ?
assume fixed
Expected behavior
Do not crash
Actual behavior
How to reproduce
Not sure. I'm trying to type
and it crashes (seems not the case, though).