textbrowser / biblioteq

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Small problems detected. #226

Closed meteos77 closed 2 years ago

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

price field

"condition field

it also allows to charge a document if the borrower returns a book with 3 levels of difference between the condition at the time of the loan and the condition at the time of return

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

I don't know how easy it is to do

take what is in monetary_unit is if €uros or Euros put € in UI table otherwise put nothing the europeans will be that it is their currency before the euros

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

an example is more visible the first 3 books are bought with Francs (F) the 4th was in F/€ so I put euros


textbrowser commented 2 years ago

I summarize what I have understood

* the import accepts the point and the comma (great)

* the import accepts the local currency symbol (linked to the principle import is equal to export)

so my question : I don't see why BQ put a € symbol in the UI table when the book is in Francs (old French currency), information provided in monetary_units.

1 €uros = 6,55959 Francs so no relation between the 2

That's QLocale.

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Monetary Units and Price are totally separate. The price field in the UI may or may not contain a currency symbol; it depends upon QLocale. The Monetary Units value is a value which someone may or may not provide and if the unit differs from the currency symbol, BQ can do nothing about that.

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

For Example, I may have a Japanese title with a price in dollars but a monetary unit of Yen. Thinking about this, I will remove the currency symbol from the UI.

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

And display the value (without the symbol) in the locale.

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Done and that's enough BQ for today!

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

I agree with you; you have solved the problems presented well. Thanks for the progress.

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

good end of day

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Yes, go to bed!

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

Summary of the "price" situation

I found a site that tells a portuguese how to do it.

and french

if that gives you an idea.

Ideally, the dot on the numeric keypad should be accepted by the QDoubleSpinBox to fill the price (situation of all software (LibreOffice, Calculator). after BQ's internal cooking is not the user's concern :-) if BQ wants to have only points it doesn't bother us!

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Can you pull and rebuild? Submitted a book test.

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

the import works like a charm OK with 12,12 OK with 12,12 € OK with 12.12 OK with 12.12 €

KO with 12,12 $ (normal it's not the local)

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

And the book UI?

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

the price field has always had a comma

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

bookUI = Capture du 2022-08-29 13-52-55 the price field has always had a comma

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

You want a translation of the dot character? So if I press '.' in the widget, it should become a locale separator?

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

currently the numeric keyboard works but the French keyboard card of the numeric keyboard is a .

in your case can you enter a price with decimal only with the numeric keyboard? we, we can not do it

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

we must use the ? key, (see keyboard image above) which is not common in software that handles numbers opencalc, calculator because as the locale is , and the numeric keyboard is made to enter numbers, the softwares transform the . of the numeric keyboard into , (decimal separator)

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Did you try enabling Num Lock?

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

calculator tool outils-calculatrice in this tool, if I want to have a decimal number, I can using only the numeric keyboard (numlock activated of course)

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

this is the problem explained in the 2 links provided today (Portuguese and French)

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

For me to intercept the key press and map it to another key:

  1. Create a custom sub-class.
  2. Place the class in all UI files.
  3. Build the sub-class.


  1. Create a special filter class.
  2. Add the filter class everywhere where a price field exists.

This is a lot of work for a price field.

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Since you can enter the price using the keyboard, the software works. Remember, BQ is not a point-of-sale application.

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

no worries, look at the title (small problems)

don't forget that I never know if it's 1 line or three hours of work disturbing my requests.

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

the import works with the comma that's the main thing

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Must disagree that it's not a problem. An enhancement is an appropriate word.

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

I would like to take into account the international context of use of the BiblioteQ software :-) which needs an improvement but whose development would require a time much too long for the immediate gain of the users. The users are waiting for other evolutions more necessary for their use of the software.

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

This quirky request is specific to your input device. Your input device represents a period. Why should the software translate a period into a comma?

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

There are numerous keyboards without numeric pads. I don't have numeric pads on most of my keyboards. Laptops do not generally include numeric pads.

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Besides, the appropriate solution should be optional. Like, "Translate Numeric Pad Period".

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

The calculator application has separate aspects. It's made for computing values so a bit of translating of a single character in a single location is natural. For BQ, it's not natural.

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

because we are French sir :-) if you are ill-equipped :-) I have a laptop with numeric keypad.

in English you don't have accented letters like in many languages for example é è ê â ô ö ç ù for French so you don't need less keys, or we should have shortcuts without direct access to these characters

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

There's a comma on your keyboard.

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

you are right, I will note the applications that make the difference

libreoffice -> coma

calculator -> coma gimp -> dot scribus -> dot thunderbird -> point firefox -> point

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

you are right, I will note the applications that make the difference

libreoffice -> coma

calculator -> coma gimp -> dot scribus -> dot thunderbird -> point firefox -> point

For numeric pad only, yes?

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Now, for the applications which are translating the dot to a comma on the numeric pad, which ones have this translation as an option? Also, what happens if you copy a value such as 55.55 and paste it into those applications? Do they translate the period into a comma?

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

options in libreoffice Libreoffice

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

no, it stays in point it does not allow to make calculation with it is a text field in librecalc

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

the good programs respect the language, the others are based on the Anglo-Saxon system.

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

BQ respects the language. The request is asking BQ to disrespect the input device in favor of locale quirkiness.

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Like, if I see a key and I press the key I expect one of two things: the key is not understood because of some quirky application specifics or the key is understood and its interpretation is displayed. I don't expect a translation unless the application has made me aware of the translation or I programmed my keyboard to translate or I modified the software to do so.

If I sit at a computer and type, I expect my key presses to be interpreted correctly regardless of what I'm typing into. Different expectations for POS machines, but even those have non-quirky behavior because they have to be? Correct!

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

my thought would be to align on a single system, the . or the comma but that the 5 continents agree on a way and everyone applies the same rule. this would avoid many unnecessary complications.

ditto for marc21 and unimarc

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

the weirdness concerns other countries (maybe even the majority of the world)

the question of Portuguese (Brazil) in the 1st link

the keyboard manufacturers do not respect the local weirdness as you say. the point for the end of a sentence but as soon as it's decimal it's a comma so the numeric keyboard of Europeans should have a comma instead of a point, that would be more logical.

thanks for this discovery :-)

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Are you familiar with bc?



bc 1.07.1
Copyright 1991-1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2012-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
For details type `warranty'. 
(standard_in) 2: syntax error
(standard_in) 2: syntax error```
textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Does bc translate the dot from the numeric pad into a comma? If it does, that's bad.

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

bc only takes the point

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Which is the proper action.

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Aha, you're asking for context-sensitive translations which are annoying. If you're in this mode, the period is a comma. But what if you really want a period? Like, suppose you're in a numeric field and you want 55,000,000.55. And imagine you paste that. The application has to understand exactly what you want.

meteos77 commented 2 years ago

in the English context 55,000,000.55 does not exist in French it is 55,000,000.55 or 55000000.55 the translator turns periods into commas and commas into points, he does his job well 55.000.000,55 or 55000000,55