textbrowser / dooble

Dooble is a scientific browser. Minimal, cute, unusually stable, and available almost everyware. Completed?
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Gemini Protocol #85

Open Ygarr opened 2 years ago

Ygarr commented 2 years ago

As it is Gopher support it would be great to add also Gemini(it`s successor and logical developement) gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/faq.gmi

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Specifics are available at https://portal.mozz.us/gemini/gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/specification.gmi.

danrobi11 commented 2 years ago

+1 Gemini support would be more useful than Gopher now as Gemini is getting more popular. Sry I cant implement that, no coding knowledge here :/

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

It will become stellar when the greasy wheels of corporations grind into it.

ghost commented 2 years ago

+1 Also agree. Gemini is quite nice. Implementing it should not be too hard.

Maffsie commented 2 years ago

I've spent some of the past day or two working on a (frankly embarrassing, but nonetheless) partially-working implementation of Gemini in Dooble, using the previously-implemented Gopher code as a base. It's bad, and on Mac OS it doesn't like self-signed certs, but it kinda works!

My changes are located at https://github.com/Maffsie/dooble/tree/feat_proto_gemini - if I ever get it into a state I don't find embarrassing, I'll submit it as a PR, but I thought it'd be useful to share what I've done so far!


textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the effort. I will review it and adjust it to fit my particular style sometime after you submit your work. :)

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

Why do the back and forward buttons look like they do? Are you using a new style sheet?

Maffsie commented 2 years ago

I think the back and forward buttons looking like that are due to having the tab bar at the bottom of the screen (or at least I didn't notice until I set that preference).. I never thought much of it. I'll try with a fresh profile and the latest release tomorrow to see if it's reproducible, assuming it's a bug.

Maffsie commented 2 years ago

I wiped my profile and opened up the latest released version of Dooble and confirmed; the strange styling on the back and forward buttons appears when the tab bar's location is set to "South". Do you want me to raise this as an issue? :)

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

I wonder if this appearance is caused by your distribution's styling. For my distribution, the buttons appear normal regardless of the tab bar's location.

Maffsie commented 2 years ago

I'm running on Mac OS 12.1 ("Monterey"), I tested with an Alpine Linux + KDE virtual machine I had and the issue doesn't occur there so I suppose it's a Mac-related bug.

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

It does look like Mac. :) Let me see.

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

I see it too. It's like a remnant of the tab's corner widget. East and West are fine.

Maffsie commented 2 years ago

It's a very strange thing, to be sure. I'm not sure what causes it, I tried to look into it while I had Qt Creator open, but the QML tooling is just incomprehensible to me :(

I've made more progress on Gemini support! MIME types are now handled more appropriately, more of the document specification is implemented, etc. Redirects are (in theory) handled. Still to do is:

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

I wiped my profile and opened up the latest released version of Dooble and confirmed; the strange styling on the back and forward buttons appears when the tab bar's location is set to "South". Do you want me to raise this as an issue? :)

Added as a reminder.

textbrowser commented 2 years ago

It's a very strange thing, to be sure. I'm not sure what causes it, I tried to look into it while I had Qt Creator open, but the QML tooling is just incomprehensible to me :(

I've made more progress on Gemini support! MIME types are now handled more appropriately, more of the document specification is implemented, etc. Redirects are (in theory) handled. Still to do is:

* Handle 1x user input responses, but I don't have any idea how to prompt for that.. it works differently from Gopher, where the implementation was able to just present it as a form as part of the page, while there is no page in Gemini, only the prompt message.

* Handle 3x redirects properly; currently all redirects are blindly honoured. The implementers guide (https://gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/best-practices.gmi) suggests that the user should be prompted upon any redirect (or perhaps be able to set a preference for whether to follow/prompt/refuse to honour redirects), and cross-protocol redirects should be treated with a high degree of suspicion, and the user should always be warned about redirects that result in an unencrypted load. Permanent Redirects should probably also be cached in-browser, I'm not sure.

* Handle 4x temporary error and 5x permanent error responses; these should present the regular browser error page, with the actual error and any additional information supplied via the Meta field

* Handle 6x client certificate messages; I do not have the energy to even think about client certificates..

* Handle the quote format specifier for text/gemini pages

* Handle server certificates better; the spec suggests trusting the fingerprint of a given server on first sight, and prompting if the fingerprint ever changes (a-la OpenSSH), and I feel like this is a good way of doing it if the certificate is self-signed. If the certificate is not self-signed, I feel like it's worthwhile doing the usual validation against certificate authorities.

* Handle `text/markdown` documents. In the Gemini Client Torture Suite (gemini://random-projects.net/torture/), there are markdown documents that are currently handled as plaintext. This..might be best done via a new feature request, as the browser independently supporting markdown might be a useful feature?

* Handle mixed `text/gemini` and `image/svg`. In the torture suite linked above, there are mixed-type documents. I'm not actually sure how these are intended to be handled, but their existence implies that support for this is expected in an 'advanced' Gemini client.

* Figure out why, on Mac OS, QSslSocket TLS handshake errors -cannot- be ignored, when they can be ignored if they occur during an HTTPS request.

How is the progress?

textbrowser commented 1 year ago


Maffsie commented 1 year ago

@textbrowser Sadly I've not had much time or energy to work on this since my last comment :(

textbrowser commented 1 year ago

S'OK. Maybe it'll be added to a better browser. :D

zzo38 commented 1 year ago

Other ideas related to this:

Maffsie commented 1 year ago

@zzo38 I think it may be beyond scope to define an insecure-gemini: protocol. I'm aware of the discussion around gemini's mandatory TLS, but anything not in the spec should probably be left until after the code can behave like a proper Gemini UA. FWIW I have started picking this back up, but it's been long enough that I don't currently have a working Qt dev environment, so I've been fixing that in the background first.

zzo38 commented 1 year ago

Maybe you are right, although I think that it would be a good idea. However, maybe after more discussion, people might agree to use a different name than insecure-gemini: for the non-TLS Gemini protocol.

(Currently I cannot access the newsgroup for Gemini because aioe seems to be down, so I cannot post any further messages at this time.)

textbrowser commented 7 months ago

This is abandoned and incomplete. Closing and thanks and see you whenever.

zzo38 commented 6 months ago

@Maffsie further comments:

Maffsie commented 6 months ago

@zzo38 I haven’t personally heard of the Scorpion or Spartan protocols, but I’d expect they’d be implemented in a separate ticket since this one’s just about implementing Gemini support, and my preference is to follow the letter of the protocol’s formal specification as much as possible rather than deviate and potentially violate a user’s expectations - it’s not really the UA’s job to have opinions.

@textbrowser I had intended to continue working on the implementation of Gemini but ran into some kind of fatal issue when compiling - unsure if my Qt toolchain was broken or something. I’ll see if I can do something about that now, but if it’s not something I can figure out myself, are you willing to offer some help in getting it building again?

zzo38 commented 6 months ago

@Maffsie You are right; however, Spartan also uses the Gemini file format. So, the implementation of the Gemini file format only needs to be implemented once and then it can be used with any protocol if the MIME type is text/gemini (including local files if the .gmi suffix has been configured as text/gemini). (If a separate branch or fork is made, then you can copy the file to implement Gemini file format to both branches/forks, and should ensure that they both use the same implementation so that they will not conflict if you try to merge both into the main code.)

About the details of Gemini, yes it should follow the specification (and I have mentioned some things about it, in order to perhaps help with such a thing), but even if configurable, the defaults can be; e.g. it can set a default redirect limit of 5 for Gemini, since that is what the specification says. SVG is not mentioned in the Gemini specification at all as far as I can tell, so mixed Gemini/SVG files are not proper according to the specification as far as I know, so is probably not necessary to be implemented.

textbrowser commented 6 months ago

Dooble = two. Gemini = two.

textbrowser commented 6 months ago

I requested more information about jar. Like, how do you want the files presented? jar is a difficult problem:

The original Dooble included a terminal interface. In my view, a jar is two things. It's not like viewing a video because Dooble doesn't need to load the entire video. You can't read a jar unless you take out all of its contents. A 100 GiB jar? What's Dooble supposed to do? It's a nice request but the solution isn't.

textbrowser commented 6 months ago

Gemini. A list of public servers is required. If we can't access servers, the protocol is going to be whatever you think it is. If you think it follows the protocol, OK. But if you can't repeat it, well, it's broken.

textbrowser commented 6 months ago

The implementation has to work like gopher. In Dooble, gopher is like http. History, source view, stop, etc. You don't need to compile Qt. It's not an add-on. The implementation is the browser.

textbrowser commented 6 months ago

I requested more information about jar. Like, how do you want the files presented? jar is a difficult problem:

* a browser has a history and a jar scheme results in an external program and a result in the browser

* how do you cancel a jar?

* what do you do with huge jars?

The original Dooble included a terminal interface. In my view, a jar is two things. It's not like viewing a video because Dooble doesn't need to load the entire video. You can't read a jar unless you take out all of its contents. A 100 GiB jar? What's Dooble supposed to do? It's a nice request but the solution isn't.

Actually if a jar is like a tar, you can view the files without decompressing. You can sneak attack the cookie jar!

textbrowser commented 6 months ago

Yeah, I see the implementation.

  1. jar is the scheme.
  2. You sneak attack the file: a listing is produced.
  3. You place that list in a nice little HTML page with formatting and tags and such.
  4. History, source-view, reload, stop work magically.

The remaining huge problem is if you want to get a particular file. So #3 includes links into the jar. If a link is clicked, you have to sneak attack the jar and only extract that file and emit a save-as signal. Probably impossible.

textbrowser commented 6 months ago

Gemini is simple with a test server. It's hopefully a well-defined protocol with good tokens and perhaps a language. If it's like HTML, yikes. That's a browser engine with years and years and decades of work. I read a bit and it looks like gopher.

textbrowser commented 6 months ago

The TLS layer is addressable through Qt and maybe (?) QWebEngine. WebEngine supports other schemes, but I don't know if supports other schemes which require TLS. If it does, then things work magically. You just get text from the server because WebEngine handled the ciphering. If it doesn't then you need to download the data through QNetworkReply. That does the TLS. More work though.

textbrowser commented 6 months ago

The gopher implementation in Dooble is through a QTcpSocket. There is also QSslSocket. I prefer QNetworkReply here because it's a URL you're fetching. I may be convincing myself to replace QTcpSocket with QNetworkReply.

textbrowser commented 6 months ago

@Maffsie You are right; however, Spartan also uses the Gemini file format. So, the implementation of the Gemini file format only needs to be implemented once and then it can be used with any protocol if the MIME type is text/gemini (including local files if the .gmi suffix has been configured as text/gemini). (If a separate branch or fork is made, then you can copy the file to implement Gemini file format to both branches/forks, and should ensure that they both use the same implementation so that they will not conflict if you try to merge both into the main code.)

About the details of Gemini, yes it should follow the specification (and I have mentioned some things about it, in order to perhaps help with such a thing), but even if configurable, the defaults can be; e.g. it can set a default redirect limit of 5 for Gemini, since that is what the specification says. SVG is not mentioned in the Gemini specification at all as far as I can tell, so mixed Gemini/SVG files are not proper according to the specification as far as I know, so is probably not necessary to be implemented.

Yup. You can implement the protocol as a bunch of downloads or a single download. A single download is easier because it's clear that it is. Multiple downloads are how modern browsers work. But since this is gemini, it's supposed to be easier to implement and better on dial-ups, right?

dryeo commented 6 months ago

On 01/13/24 10:16 AM, textbrowser wrote:

Actually if a jar is like a tar, you can view the files without decompressing. You can sneak attack the cookie jar!

Jar files are basically zips with certain parameters. There's a table of contents and you can extract one file if needed.

dryeo commented 6 months ago

On 01/13/24 10:19 AM, textbrowser wrote:

The remaining huge problem is if you want to get a particular file. So

3 https://github.com/textbrowser/dooble/issues/3 includes links into

the jar. If a link is clicked, you have to sneak attack the jar and only extract that file and emit a save-as signal. Probably impossible.

Mozilla does (did?) it fine. Packaging the browser, make package, sees a lot of js, properties, css, xul etc all packaged into a jar or IIRC, a newer container that is similar. Same with extensions, they usually come as jars. The head of a jar here,

  Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
     4048  Defl:X     1307  68% 01-01-2010 00:00 52cf586e 
    40402  Defl:X     9276  77% 01-01-2010 00:00 ddca6376 
    12794  Defl:X     2608  80% 01-01-2010 00:00 12063f46 
     1756  Defl:X      909  48% 01-01-2010 00:00 70001015 

Possible they use zlib

zzo38 commented 6 months ago

The jar: scheme can be used with any ZIP file, regardless of its name. This means that it can also be used with Gempub and EPUB files. Also note that it is possible for the implementation to restrict the jar: scheme to local files if you do not want to deal with downloading; being only for local files should be suitable for most uses.

textbrowser commented 3 months ago