textgrab / extension

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Selection of Text Outside of Video Frame #37

Closed mattbaseball closed 2 years ago

mattbaseball commented 2 years ago

When selecting text on the right side of the video, it often snaps into a selection of text outside of the video frame. I have attached a screen recording from a YouTube video which demonstrates this.


sriharivishnu commented 2 years ago

Ah yeah I've noticed this. This may be tougher to fix since it's the browser itself that handles it. We may have to write a custom text selection using Canvas to solve this.

It's the same behaviour on PDFs I believe

sriharivishnu commented 2 years ago

This could be a potential fix:

It selects the text in one click, instead of requiring user to drag it along.


I could also make it an option in settings

@mattbaseball thoughts?

mattbaseball commented 2 years ago

I definitely see value in this because the dragging was also getting to be a little tedious (occasionally missing a few characters from the beginning or end of the intended selection). Additionally, it is a fairly easy solution to the issue of text from outside of the video frame being highlighted. I think the proposed clicking should be the default setting, but it would be nice to include both options in the settings to give the user some flexibility.

sriharivishnu commented 2 years ago

@mattbaseball this may require some more thought. Since if we go down this road, we might as well just make them transparent buttons, and when you click on them, it would copy text to the keyboard.

We want to make it easy for users to use, as well keep the "magic" aspect of it. Maybe when we get beta users, we can consult them on how they feel abt it as well