Closed trendfischer closed 11 years ago
I've had to modify your patch slightly but have now pushed it to a new issue-86 test branch. Could you try this version of classTextile.php and see if it does everything you need it to. Thanks!
I've been doing some follow-up tests on this today and it's worth noting that what I've committed to the issue-86 branch will only work for array parameters like ?q[]=1&q[]=2
but if you try using indexes it will fail eg. ?q[one]=1&q[two]=2
won't work.
I guess we can close this pull request with the changes here:
I'll leave it open as a reminder until I've actually committed something to the dev branch that will resolve this. I did find a problem with links like this...
"He said it is "very unlikely" the "economic stimulus" works":
""Open the pod bay doors please, HAL."":
...which all come from the Redcloth link tests and are either invalid or have embedded "
characters within the text part of the link.
The first one "testing": That should not be a link, cause it is a valid usecase in a common sentence. The other examples are bit more tricky. Especially if you have further examples like this:
"The use of the characted «"» in textile":help.html
For "myparser" use this "link":help.html
For the first one, it fails if you count the quotes, for the second one you could not use a greedy regexp. So I wouldn't support these link examples from Redcloth. Supporting them might cause more problems than they solve.
I updated my work-in-progress here. Feel free to try out your two examples from above and see what you think. For the second you should be able to do For ""myparser" use this "link"":help.html
or "For "myparser" use this "link"":help.html
Closed by f13063beb5 in the master branch and 1c65b8b47a in the 2.5 branch.
Tested with the following textile snippets:
Syntax that should work still after the patch:
Syntax that did not work before: