textile / python-textile

A Python port of Textile, A humane web text generator
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Markup not parsed if followed by certain characters #22

Closed sangel10 closed 8 years ago

sangel10 commented 8 years ago

I am using textile in a project using legacy data ported over form a Rails project that was using the Redcloth textile gem.

We have a number of text formatted like this that it seems textile is unable to parse:

_(artist-name)Ty Segall_’s

the expected output would be

<em class="artist-name">Ty Segall</em>’s

however textile.textile returns the raw string:

_(artist-name)Ty Segall_’s

Is there a way to configure textile so that it will parse text that is formatted this way (i.e. without whitespace after the closing underscore)?

ikirudennis commented 8 years ago

This works as expected in the develop branch. There's no need for the change in the pull request.