textileio / photos

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Changes manifest setting from singleInstance => singleTask #1286

Closed andrewxhill closed 5 years ago

andrewxhill commented 5 years ago

fixes https://github.com/textileio/photos/issues/1041 fixes https://github.com/textileio/photos/issues/1141 fixes https://github.com/textileio/photos/issues/1287

Not going to lie, I don't fully understand this one.

Recreating the bug

I used the final clue in the ticket above and installed another gallery app that would take over the intent (Simple Gallery). Then when selecting an image, I'm offered selecting from Photos or Simple Gallery. If I select one and then select an image to share, ImagePicker.launchImageLibrary callback will return with a user cancelled value.


After looking for other people with similar issues, I found an issue I was reading through (not really related https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-image-picker/issues/164) and noticed that there are problems if you use android:launchMode="singleInstance" in your manifest. I changed it and voila, it works.

My guess is this is also the cause of the store reviewer they likely just got through onboarding fine because they took a new avatar from their camera (no intent mess up) and then just couldn't post an image because of this bug.

Anyway, fixed.

andrewxhill commented 5 years ago

yep, did pretty thorough QA this afternoon and found some things.

only odd thing left i found, is that the react-navigation params set during componentDidMount sometimes lag behind the screen. meaning if a user clicked them immediately it would error. i fixed this by disabling them until they are !undefined. this was actually the case before too, but I believe our app was recycling existing views so often the old values were still available, possibly causing edge-case bugs, not sure.