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[script-compiler] Mapping sent and received messages and avoiding race conditions #72

Open otariidae opened 1 year ago

otariidae commented 1 year ago

I'd like to have a one-to-one correspondence between the text I send to the Textlint worker and the lint result I receive from the Textlint worker. However, the order I received results from the Textlint worker can differ from the one I posted texts to the worker probably because kernel.lintText is async. Ref:


So relying on message reception order can cause a race condition. Pseudocode:

worker.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
  // lint result of text#2 comes first
  // lint result of text#1 comes next
  command: "lint",
  text: "text#1 very long text that takes a long time to lint",
  ext: ".txt"
  command: "lint",
  text: "text#2 short text; lint finishes quickly",
  ext: ".txt"

More higher-level example:


const texts = ["text#1 very long text that takes a long time to lint", "text#2 short text; lint finishes quickly"]
const results = await Promise.all(texts => lintText({ text }))
// [<lint result of text#2>, <lint result of text#2>]
// lint result of text#1 goes away

Some Web Worker libraries use IDs in messages. I think it can be one of the ideas to solve this problem. For example, comlink:


For another example, minlink:


azu commented 1 year ago

I'm ok that adding identifier to messages.

Specifically, the worker code receives the id and puts the id against the xxx:result as follows?

const id = crypto.randomUUID();
worker.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
  if(event.data.id === id) {
    console.log("result of #1");
  id, // <= added
  command: "lint",
  text: "text#1 short text; lint finishes quickly",
  ext: ".txt"
otariidae commented 1 year ago

Yes. The way you showed looks good to me.

azu commented 1 year ago

Another Discussion Points

otariidae commented 1 year ago
azu commented 1 year ago

I agree with you.


Welcome to PR

otariidae commented 1 year ago

I am trying to make a PR and found another discussion point:

One of my ideas is that the worker responds with a newly-defined format like TextlintWorkerCommandResponseError instead of throwing Error.

azu commented 1 year ago

Yeah, error response is reasonable.

otariidae commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I found a simple oversight in my idea. When id is missing, the worker cannot respond with id. My idea works only if id exists and something goes wrong, for example, when kernel.lintText fails. I am considering another way or someone have good idea?

otariidae commented 1 year ago

My another idea is just to throw Error if id is missing to show that the worker will never work without id, and to respond with TextlintWorkerCommandResponseError if id exists and Textlint fails.

azu commented 1 year ago

I think that worker should just post error message when id is missing. It is global error like Window: error event. If the command has id and some error on liting, worker post error with id like { message: "xxx", id/commandId: "xxx" }

User always listen the error event.

worker.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
    const data: TextlintWorkerCommandResponse = event.data;
    if (data.command === "error") {
       console.error(data.error); // missing id error
  command: "lint",
  text: "text#1 short text; lint finishes quickly",
  ext: ".txt"
const id = crypto.randomUUID();
worker.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
    const data: TextlintWorkerCommandResponse = event.data;
    if (data.command === "error") {
        console.error(data.error, data.error.id); // something error at `id`.
  command: "lint",
  text: "text#1 short text; lint finishes quickly",
  ext: ".txt"
azu commented 1 year ago

It may be better to proceed separately with the PR to add the id and the PR to make the id mandatory. The latter is a breaking change, so there is a lot to think about.

otariidae commented 1 year ago

My idea that just throws Error when missing id looks like this:

const id = crypto.randomUUID();
worker.addEventListener("message", function onResult(event) {
    const data: TextlintWorkerCommandResponse = event.data;
    if (data.id === id) {
        if (data.error) {
            console.error(data.error); // id exists but something went wrong
        } else {
            console.log(data.result) // succeeded
        worker.removeEventListener("message", onResult);
        worker.removeEventListener("error", onError);
worker.addEventListener("error", function onError(error) {
    console.error(error); // missing id error
    worker.removeEventListener("message", onResult);
    worker.removeEventListener("error", onError);

Or more comprehensive idea is that script-compiler provides client-side code to force Textlint message protocol as some other libraries do. Though this is complicated.

const textlint = wrap(new Worker("textlint-worker.js"));
const results = await Promise.all([
    textlint.lint("text#1 short text; lint finishes quickly", ".txt"),
    textlint.lint("text#2 short text; lint finishes quickly", ".txt")
// safe for race conditions by default
// provides best way to work with Textlint worker, id and error handling included
azu commented 1 year ago

Ah, I did not know that catch the exception on the worker via worker.addEventListener("error", .... It is better than command === "error".

otariidae commented 1 year ago

I am considering that it may be better to first create a PR that provides error response messages for error handling, then make a PR that makes id required.