textmate / css.tmbundle

TextMate support for CSS
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[Bug] Selectors like [class*="wp-block"] are displayed incorrectly in symbols list #38

Open elosha opened 2 years ago

elosha commented 2 years ago

Selectors starting with square brackets like [class*="wp-block"] { … } are common in Gutenberg-enabled Wordpress theme CSS files. (They match any CSS classes starting with "wp-block…" without having to know class names added later.)

However they have a confusing display in the symbols list:

Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-08 um 12 17 51 Kopie

Note: Classical selector (green) works flawlessly and its idention is consistent with code. Square brackets selector (red) kinda works, but first bracket and indention are stripped, which is confusing when one needs to rely on indention structure.