textmate / css.tmbundle

TextMate support for CSS
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Closing } do not have correct scope. #5

Closed Binarytales closed 12 years ago

Binarytales commented 12 years ago

I may be wrong but when using the Solorized theme I noticed that opening and closing {} were not highlighted the same. This of course may be intentional but it annoyed me and in the process of figuring out how to change it I discovered that closing } do not have a scope applied to them - thus they are highlighted as an invalid character.

Adding the ( ) around the 'end' regex seems to allow the endCaptures to capture the } and apply the punctuation.section.property-list.css scope correctly and now both { and } and sytax highlighted the same way.

subtleGradient commented 12 years ago

The CSS bundle and others will be maintained under the Avian/CSS.tmbundle for tm2+. I did a massive rewrite a while back that may be merged in or maybe it'll get a brand new implementation. Either way, I'll pull this change here. Thanks for the PR!