textmate / rmate

Edit files from an ssh session in TextMate
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Suggestion: Alert when connection closes or times out #17

Open surfer190 opened 11 years ago

surfer190 commented 11 years ago

Sometimes when editing with rmate, I find that the connection closes and it takes me a while to realise what I have saved is not really being saved.

Is there the ability for some kind of alert to tell you the ssh conection has dropped, mind you this will have to be done locally as a rmate or rsub plugin. Correct?

AJ-Acevedo commented 11 years ago

You many want to look into adjusting your ssh server side and client side KeepAlive settings. http://nileshbansal.blogspot.com/2007/02/prevent-timeouts-in-ssh.html

mjobin-mdsol commented 11 years ago

@AJ-Acevedo its an idea, but I got some servers only available behind VPN and unfortunately, sometimes the VPN connection terminate. textmate/rmate should handle that properly.

cdaringe commented 10 years ago

Hey guys. This issue gets me as well. I'm not sure what the effort would be, but a great option (ideal option?) would be to perhaps use mosh over ssh? I.e. use ssh + some other goodies? http://mosh.mit.edu/ .

bantmen commented 7 years ago

@cdaringe Having the connection over mosh is a great idea. Was anyone able to get that working?