textmate / ruby.tmbundle

TextMate support for Ruby
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Remove front underscore from variable.other.constant.ruby scope #132

Closed graceful-potato closed 4 years ago

graceful-potato commented 4 years ago

Ruby constant should begins with an uppercase letter. _variable_name is not a constant

noniq commented 4 years ago

Good catch. Support for leading underscores was added in https://github.com/textmate/ruby.tmbundle/commit/6628e6c1872eed32c2e8ec5930649ff115fdb998 without further explanation. The correct regexp should have been '\b_?[A-Z]\w*\b' though, to not match variables starting with an underscore.

However, Ruby obviously does not support constants starting with an underscore:

_FOO = 1
# ~> -:2:in `const_defined?': wrong constant name _FOO (NameError)
# ~>    from -:2:in `<main>'

So this fix totally makes sense. Thanks!