textpattern / server-config

Configuration files for Textpattern project servers.
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Permissions-Policy rules to consider #38

Open philwareham opened 5 years ago

philwareham commented 5 years ago

We have implemented some Permissions-Policy header rules - although the feature is in draft form and the spec and number of policies is in flux. Listed below are rules that we may want to consider as things develop. Please leave this issue open (but check off any rules we have implemented) as this will be an ongoing process. I have included links to documentation for each policy where available - feel free to add any missing doc links as and when you find them.

See https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-permissions-policy/blob/master/features.md for the latest list of accepted/proposed features.

petecooper commented 3 years ago

Feature Policy has been renamed Permissions Policy:


https://caniuse.com/permissions-policy (no browser support at the moment) https://caniuse.com/feature-policy (~90% at time of writing)

philwareham commented 3 years ago

Thanks Pete - will investigate this next week.

petecooper commented 3 years ago

No action needed really, I'm doing Feature Policy to Permissions Policy duping as sites are migrated (given zero browser support it's hardly urgent), so we can run both in parallel for as long as we need to.

philwareham commented 3 years ago

@petecooper I think now is the time to remove Feature-Policy from the headers and just use Permissions-Policy. The inclusion of the older header is giving me console warnings in Chrome and affecting Lighthouse scores.

Since Chrome is the browser that's most advanced terms of Feature-Policy/Permsisisons-Policy support which should IMO use that as the benchmark. Other browsers will gradually fall in line with the updated spec.

petecooper commented 3 years ago

Yep - agreed. I'll strip 'em out and upload this evening unless you get there first.

petecooper commented 3 years ago

Actually, I have a bit of time before a meeting, I'll start now.

philwareham commented 3 years ago

Cheers. I see we are also missing some of the previous rules such as accelerometer - any reason for that?

petecooper commented 3 years ago

Not intentionally, no - by all means add back in, I haven't taken stuff out knowingly!

philwareham commented 3 years ago

OK, if you can strip out Feature Policy I will then add the additional rules to Permission Policy, so we don't clash with commits. Thanks very much!

petecooper commented 3 years ago

OK, first pass of FP stuff done, I'll upload configs in the interim then do it again when you're done.

philwareham commented 3 years ago

@petecooper great, I have now updated all the Permissions-Policy rules as per our list above. Happy for this to move to the live servers when you have spare time. No rush.

petecooper commented 3 years ago

@philwareham - all uploaded just now, Nginx bounced.

petecooper commented 3 years ago

@philwareham - we (you) should also update the OP links to reflect PP directives, not FP directives.

philwareham commented 3 years ago

Thank you Pete! Have a good day.

Bloke commented 3 years ago

Continuing discussion from here then...

Seems we have various classes of policy but categorising them is not intuitive (as you've no doubt found!). Combined with that, we currently have two broad sets of policies:

  1. For docs, RPC, Textile, .io, .net, .org: camera=() fullscreen=(self) geolocation=() gyroscope=() interest-cohort=() magnetometer=() microphone=() midi=() notifications=(self) payment=() push=(self) speaker=() sync-xhr=(self) vibrate=()
  2. Additional policies for .com: accelerometer=() ambient-light-sensor=() autoplay=() battery=() display-capture=() picture-in-picture=() screen-wake-lock=() usb=() xr-spatial-tracking=()

BUT in the .com case there are three missing from the common list:

So the 'cheap' way to do it is to just have 3 includes, one for each of the above sets and load them in according to how we need them per server.

Better, might be a classification system that we can use to lump newer things in as and when they come along but, as noted, that's fun especially given that some of the classes we need on one server and not another. I've had a go and come up with four potential groups:

Peripherals - always shared (at the moment)

Mobile (out and about)

Display-related (notifications/updates)

Interfaces (to other software systems)

Bit of a mess. We could narrow that down to hardware/software split - that might be neater. I'm sure if we hammered this around a bit we could come up with a suitable taxonomy that allowed us to keep our hair/beards intact and manage this stuff in a sane way.

petecooper commented 3 years ago

BUT in the .com case there are three missing from the common list: notifications speaker vibrate

They must've slipped through the net - not deliberately omitted afaik. Will fix.

Bloke commented 3 years ago

Ah, that makes it slightly easier as we only have two sets to maintain - common and extras, potentially for each distinct group :)

philwareham commented 3 years ago

Please don’t action this until I’m back from holiday. The sets should be identical and also reflect the list at the top of this thread (some policies never became final candidate so we’re removed, which I updated above). I need to double check if any more have been added or removed from spec in last 2 months before we can revise again.

Bloke commented 3 years ago

Cool, then that makes it simpler still :) One include. Job done.

philwareham commented 3 years ago

They must've slipped through the net - not deliberately omitted afaik. Will fix.

Sorry, I've reverted your commit - those rules were removed from the spec hence why they were purposely not on .com site. I'll go through the other site configs and remove them too now. Cheers.

philwareham commented 3 years ago

FYI I've removed the interest-cohort policy from all but the forum domain, for reasons I've already stated in the forum.

philwareham commented 2 years ago

@petecooper hi Pete, I have just updated all the server config files to ensure they have latest (and consistent) set of rules. Can you deploy to live when you get a moment? Thanks!

petecooper commented 2 years ago

@philwareham - done. For future ref, please try to leave files in https://github.com/textpattern/server-config/tree/main/temp/_to%20check%20and%20purge as-is since I need to pick through for anything that's dropped by the wayside as things evolve. No worries in this case since it's permissions policy uniformity, but there's value in them being former production files – I take a few now and again and diff against the current files, and tweak as necessary (mostly it's a just a housekeeping exercise). Thanks!

philwareham commented 2 years ago

OK, will keep that in mind. Thanks Pete.