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page: Themes: Creating, using, and sharing #128

Open wion opened 4 years ago

wion commented 4 years ago

New title: Themes: Creating, using, and sharing https://docs.textpattern.com/build/themes-creating-using-and-sharing

Formerly... https://docs.textpattern.com/themes/front-end-themes

Reason the page is needed

One example:

I’m so far finding the answers, but only after looking all over the place. It’d be nice if there was one big “This is basically what you need,” type of document/page. – craigbass76, the tech writer

What will be the scope and structure of document?

Resources to review, reference, and/or use

What other forum threads or resources should we look at?


This thread suggests theme creation is easier if you're running in flat-file mode with etc_flat.


Eliminate anything in the /themes directory that is no longer needing to sit there and mummify after this venture is over.

wion commented 4 years ago

That last share was helpful in two respects: in addressing that relevant section better about the two options (Dev/Live), etc. and segueing into starting the Previewing section.

I realize now what was nagging me about the current document structure, too, so I'm going to slightly change the headings/structure in that respect too.

wion commented 4 years ago

@Bloke, in the re-headed Previewing (development) themes section, I think I should add an item (to the list of things to especially pay attention) about the Themes column. But what should I say? I see the grayed out default theme name and a new name next to it. What is that telling me?

Bloke commented 4 years ago

The greyed-out one is the one that's publicly live. The other one is the dev one that overrides it. Thus it shows visually which is 'active' for you and other logged-in users, while also showing you what the rest of the world see.

You may also see some assets in red. Those are where you've switched to a theme (perhaps using Developer preview from the With selected... tool, or when using Active/Preview from the Themes panel) but the page/style that was in place has been deleted or is not present in the theme. That's a warning that if you make this theme live as-is, things will break as you will not have the red assets assigned to it.

wion commented 4 years ago

@Bloke, on that mention of 'Developer preview'... what is the difference between the two options?

Also, here's a test I just tried on the demo site...

  1. I duplicated a theme, then went to the Pages panel and deleted the 'archive' page for it (the red "x" delete icon was showing. Then went back to Themes panel to preview the duplicated theme. In the preview context, it showed the red text as you described for the missing archive page that is/was assigned to the 'articles' sections. I assume the greyed-out name was the live template functioning under the overriding context.
  2. I then checked the box for that section and used the 'Developer preview' function mentioned above, and ran the 'Reset to live'. It seemed to bring the greyed-out (live) 'archive' page template assignment to the surface, in context of the overriding theme preview. (I kind of get that, it's applying the live/working page where you've said you don't want an alternate from the development theme's assets. Okay for your own site. Probably not a good idea for a theme to be shared, right?)
  3. But then I tried to get back to original conditions, before deleting the theme page template and seeing the red text. I can't do it. That's not to say it's not possible, but I can't figure it out.

So, I guess my questions are:

There are so many ways and places to change things now, and contexts, that I get overwhelmed and lost in the woods if I go too deep into them. Can't find my way out again.

wion commented 4 years ago

The point of asking is that I'm explaining the red text scenario as you mentioned before, and trying to offer options what to do in such a case. That last scenario is confusing me. Maybe you can offer something better to say.

See the other two mentions in that section... https://docs.textpattern.com/themes/themes-a-complete-walk-through#preview-link

Bloke commented 4 years ago

Developer preview allows you to decide what you want to do with the current 'preview' or 'staged' (in-development) theme assets that are assigned to the section(s) you selected. So:

Yes there are many ways to achieve things here, but if you think about it from a workflow perspective, you can take action in a variety of ways. For example:

  1. I want to assign the same assets (live and/or for logged-in-users only) to a bunch of Sections Use the With selected... tool and choose Change theme/page/style.
  2. I want to assign the same assets (for logged-in-users only) to a bunch of Sections so I can take a peek at my edits and tweak the site design before deploying Use the With selected... tool and choose Change theme/page/style, along with the Development checkbox.
  3. Okay, I've got a bunch of development templates set up that I like - different ones from different themes assigned to a bunch of Sections - and want to make them live in one swoop Select the sections and use Developer preview with the Deploy to live option. Without this feature, you would have to use the Change theme/page/style multiple times; once for each group of sections that shared the same assets. So Deploy to live acts as a shortcut that allows you to 'prep' the sections to how you want them (in dev) and then make them live in one shot, regardless of which themes and assets are in use on each Section.
  4. I've installed this kick-ass theme, and want to preview it on my entire site From the Themes panel, click 'Preview' against the theme you want.
  5. I've installed this kick-ass theme, had a look at it, love it and want to push it to my entire site From the Themes panel, click 'Activate' against the theme you want, and confirm. Or, if you've already staged it on some or all sections, you can select some/all sections and use Developer Preview->Deploy to live instead.

... and many other workflows and combinations besides.

As you can see, depending on what you want to achieve there are a few routes. All of them lead to the same place - assets assigned to sections for you and/or logged-in users - it's just that some are more efficient than others, involving fewer clicks and hoops, depending on what you want to do.

The bottom line is that we're allowing your live server to act as a staging server as well. So you can develop and preview and have clients sign-off a design in (relative) safety using live article content. No other CMS (as far as I'm aware) does this.

In a typical scenario, you usually end up:

a) exporting the database and files, setting up a new (sub)domain or server with a Txp install containing the cloned content, make your changes, then have to worry about porting the changes back and how to resync the databases after your live content has moved on since you took the DB snapshot.

b) setting up fake Sections on your live site, ensuring they don't show up to regular visitors, then assigning your dev templates/styles on those Sections to allow clients to see what you're developing. But then you have to create a bunch of fake content too, or muck about with <txp:article_custom>, since articles can only be assigned to one Section at a time.

Our dev/live workflow tools sidestep all the hacks and all the drudgery of the staging/live dance.

It's pretty fuckin' sweet :)

wion commented 4 years ago

Excellent. Yep. That's how I like to approach it, by task objective and the most efficient way to complete it. It's for that reason I don't think every path to the doghouse needs documented. Just the most obvious/quickest/intended paths, if that makes sense. But my paths may not always be the paths others like. And in this case I'm still discovering this functionality. I don't want to write a bible, either. So if I seem like I"m going astray in the doc, let me know. Like you've done here. Thank you!

wion commented 4 years ago

@philwareham, @bloke, @bloatware,

Are we pretty stable with the Themes UI design now? I'd like to get back to this doc and revise/finish it in relation.

philwareham commented 4 years ago

I think so, I’m happy with the latest UI. Definitely finished for 4.8.0 release anyway. Cheers Destry - appreciate your patience on this documentation with all changes we did!

wion commented 4 years ago

Okay. Revising against the latest 4.80-dev demo.

bloatware commented 4 years ago

What should we do with the former 'dev preview' link/functionality? Dump it entirely (and remove its code), put the link on individual theme page or something else?

wion commented 4 years ago

I'm just trying to keep up, but I thought the 'dev preview' or 'preview' functionality was dropped in favour of the Select with... functionality on the Section panel side. But let me see if I understand as it is now with a clean installation:

  1. Go to Themes panel and see one (default) theme. No 'In use' indicator showing.
  2. Click Assign sections link. (Seems to me sections are already assigned, so I go back to Themes panel.)
  3. Click theme name. (I want to duplicate the theme to have a new development theme.)
  4. Add new metadata for an 'abc-new-theme' and click Duplicate link. (Now I'm back in Themes panel and see two themes. The default theme finally appears with the 'In use' pill.)
  5. Or, instead of steps 3 and 4, I could have used the check box and select menu to duplicate the default theme.
  6. Or, instead of steps 3 through 5, I could have used the New theme button to create a new theme outright. Maybe that button should say 'New development theme'.

Seems to me there are a lot of ways to create a new dev theme, but not so clearly labeled as such.

To me at this point I have now created a theme in development. Presumably I can't preview a theme in development until I've either created a new theme or duplicated one. This makes sense.

Now let's say I've made a few changes to the new development theme's CSS file. How do I preview that? Do I click the Assign sections link for that theme? Is assigning sections what must be done before I can preview it? I don't know, but the command 'assign sections' may not make sense at this point if you came by my path.

What should I do to preview my dev changes at this point?

Why not have a 'Preview' option in the selection menu? I.e. go back to step 6, but now I want to preview my dev theme. I check the box for it and select 'Preview'. That seems very straightforward to me. But I guess that's exactly what the Assign sections link is supposed to do.

We seem to be back to a problem of semantics.

Personally, I don't think 'Assign sections' is the right command to give so early on. I think 'preview' was better. From there (a preview standpoint) a person can then decide if they want to assign sections or not.

Sorry to make it confusing again.

philwareham commented 4 years ago

I think we can drop the dev preview link idea, yes.

bloatware commented 4 years ago

The idea was to provide a one-click way to 'preview' in-dev themes, and @wion seems to agree it makes sense. It's a relatively safe operation, unlike assigning 'live' themes (replaced by 'Assign sections' link now). The question is where to put 'preview' link: individual or list themes page? Checkbox would not do because you can not preview multiple themes at once.

wion commented 4 years ago

Checkbox would not do because you can not preview multiple themes at once.

Arg! I overlooked that.

What is an ‘individual’ themes page? You mean in sections panel context?

If so, then, as mentioned, I think the proposition of ‘assign sections’ comes too early. What if I want to create new sections first? In which case ‘assign’ doesn’t even make sense yet.

This makes sense to me:

  1. Create/duplicate theme. (A new dev theme.)
  2. Preview dev theme.
  3. Or edit one or more of its assets.
  4. If 3, then preview dev theme. (Decide if ready to use existing or create new sections.)
  5. Use selection controls in dev preview mode to assign assets to sections. (Or create new sections first.)

In other words, I think it makes more sense to change the ‘Assign sections’ link on the Themes panel records to ‘Preview’, then leave the assigning steps to the sections preview view, where the action is more in context with the appropriate panel (and decision flow).

If none of that makes sense, then I give up, because I still don’t understand it either, apparently.

wion commented 4 years ago

Checkbox would not do because you can not preview multiple themes at once.

What if you walked them through it with an error message to make it clear they can only select one box in this case?

  1. User ticks three boxes.
  2. User selects 'Preview' from selection menu.
  3. Gray pop-up error is thrown saying 'You can only select one theme for this option.'
  4. User clicks 'Okay' to confirm. (Check boxes reset.)
  5. User checks one box only and successfully previews dev theme. (Saying to themselves, 'Yeah, duh, that makes sense, of course.')

This is assuming you want to leave the 'Assign sections' link as it is.

bloatware commented 4 years ago

Individual theme page is where you land when clicking on 'New theme' or an existing theme link. But it's not ideal workflow-wise since before previewing a new theme one must save it, which takes him back to the themes list.

Restricting the multi-edit widget to a single item does not look very natural. And it takes two clicks anyway...

wion commented 4 years ago

Individual theme page is where you land when clicking on 'New theme' or an existing theme link.

Ah, the metadata form? That's what it seems like to me since there's nothing there to do with what's actually in a theme (i.e. assets), just most of what goes in the manifest file.

Well, if that's the case, then I hardly see anything wrong with putting a Preview link inside the form view. Like you said, it's harmless; certainly won't make things worse.

wion commented 4 years ago

Let me know what y'all decide about the dev theme Preview functionality. I had already spent some time writing documentation about it, and when read again, it seems like useful functionality indeed. I personally don't understand why you would not want development preview functionality. It seems essential in themes development.

Bloke commented 4 years ago

I still think it has value to be able to quick-switch all dev -> to live or to revert back to live.

bloatware commented 4 years ago

I'm also missing some kind of 'assigned sections' indicator for theme select box on Form/Page/Style tabs. You do some changes and then realize it's a wrong theme...

wion commented 4 years ago


Let's say I do this workflow:

  1. Duplicate the default theme.
  2. Click the 'Assign sections' link on the duplicated theme.
  3. Assign the duplicated theme's default page to the default section, but for 'Development' only. (Then I see the orange dev pill on that section record.)

What am I looking at when I click the 'View' link under the Name column for that section now? Is it the live section or the new dev section?

If it's the new dev section I just created in step 3, then that is effectively the 'preview' feature I would be hunting for as a user, and we can probably not quibble further about it. Though I think that connection needs to be made more clear, case in point.

wion commented 4 years ago

Maybe those 'View' links should be in the Theme column instead, and immediately next to the dev or live theme, as the case is. Then the association is perfectly clear.

bloatware commented 4 years ago

What am I looking at when I click the 'View' link under the Name column for that section now? Is it the live section or the new dev section?

Devs who have enabled 'dev preview' option are always seeing the 'dev' theme when one is set.

wion commented 4 years ago

'Dev preview' option? What else am I missing? Is there a spec everyone except me is working off of?

wion commented 4 years ago

Do you just mean to say that when a 'Development' pill shows up on a section, then that's the trump view for that section?

bloatware commented 4 years ago

It depends on Admin/Enable development theme preview? preference state. You can enable or disable dev preview there.

wion commented 4 years ago

How did I keep overlooking that? No wonder I was clawing in the dark.

Okay, that changes things. So as it seems now, I can preview a development theme (meaning I can view it on the front end as I edit assets). As far as it seems to me, that's all the preview functionality one really needs.

I'll leave it to you devs to decide if a quick theme switcher thing is needed, but as I see it, this functionality is already provided for by the selection controls in the Section panel after clicking the 'Assign sections' link. Maybe we should leave it at that and move on.

Unless I'm missing something, there is no further issue here, right? I think I grasp it now to finish docs as the current 4.80-dev demo shows.

wion commented 4 years ago


I really need these images, but I can't produce them from the demo site. I assume you devs have tested the import features (thus see the menu) somewhere... Can anyone provide the two images as requested, s'il vous plaît.

I can put a call out in the forum too, if necessary.

@Bloke , @bloatware , @philwareham

wion commented 4 years ago

Maybe I'll see if I can find a theme to import in my own site. Any suggestions of one to try? I won't actually use it, per se, but at least trigger the menu.

Bloke commented 4 years ago

Sorry, @wion. I can take this if you like, but you can do it yourself on a site:

  1. Visit the Themes panel.
  2. Clone an existing theme.
  3. Rename it to xyz-imported-theme.
  4. Use multi-edit to Export it to disk.
  5. Delete it from the Themes panel but ensure the 'delete from disk' checkbox is unchecked.
  6. The import menu appears with your disk-based theme in the list.
wion commented 4 years ago

Heh. I didn't even think about exporting. I'll do that, thanks, @Bloke. It would probably be good to walk through both processes anyway.

wion commented 4 years ago

Easy-peasy. Thanks.

I'm not sure how many theme's I'll ever actually make, but I've certainly come to understand the themes functionality better after all this.

wion commented 4 years ago

@Bloke, I think I've updated this doc now so it's correct against current functionality, including imagery. When you get a chance, please give it a technical review.

Don't trouble yourself to keep a list of problems found, to relay to me, yadda yadda... Feel free to tweak and fix whatever issues you find, technical or orthographical. If you think there are structural issues, however (i.e. flow of ideas through the doc), and there could be, let me know what you think about that. I'd like to tackle that part again, if so.

When your done, I'll give it one last proof read, then seek debutante themers from the forum for their feedback on understanding the concepts explained. The real test.

Bloke commented 4 years ago

I'm about a third of the way through (slow on this phone using H+ by the seaside!) and it's great so far.

One thing: there are a few internal links to 'assigning multiple themes' and that segment appears to have been axed. Should the links be pointing to another section I haven't found yet, or is this section meant to be in the doc somewhere?

Also, in the 'asset association' section, there's a broken image link. Can you fix that please? Ta!

Bloke commented 4 years ago

Gone through it all. Nice work, Destry-san.

wion commented 4 years ago

I'll fix the items you found. Thanks a lot.

wion commented 4 years ago

@Bloke, I've made a couple structural changes where the flow and bloat was bothering me.

For example, there's a new Multi-selection controls section now that brings better attention to those important controls, specifically the 'Change themes/pages/styles' option. This also makes it possible to refer back to that section later in the doc to reduce repetitive descriptions where feasible.

I've also created the Assigned sections indication section to bring better focus to those new pill features too. In this case a couple of things occurred to me:

  1. Sections panel: If it's now possible to have more than one theme name in a section record under the Theme column, shouldn't that column label now be plural, 'Themes'?
  2. Themes panel: Since it's possible to assign a theme as both 'Development' and 'Live', does that theme then appear in the Themes panel table with both the orange and green 'In use' pills on it at the same time?

That's certainly what I would expect to happen, but I didn't actually try assigning both dev and live to a theme, so I'm wondering if that question is true. If so, then I should probably add that graphic to this section too.

wion commented 4 years ago

Scratch that second question. I just tested it. ;) It seems not to be the case; rather, if a theme has both a dev and live assignment, it simply appears with a green 'In use' pill and no orange indication at all, either in the Themes panel or Sections panel.

I guess that makes sense, but certainly a behaviour to make clear in the doc, so I'll do that.

Bloke commented 4 years ago

Nice idea regarding the multi-edit section. That does consolidate things nicely.

Regarding singular vs plural column names, well, we have singular 'Page' and 'Style' too, yet there could be a dev and a live Page assigned separately (if, for example, you named a Page differently in your Dev theme compared to the Live theme, you see the horizontal line and the two Pages listed).

There's only really ever one Theme/Page/Style in use - the live one. The dev state is just a convenience for iterating a design, so it's probably not worth the upheaval to change the labels at the moment.

Oh, one more thing, where did mention of the Deploy to live / Reset to live multi-edit option go? It only appears if you have set a dev theme.

wion commented 4 years ago

There's only really ever one Theme/Page/Style in use - the live one. The dev state is just a convenience for iterating a design, so it's probably not worth the upheaval to change the labels at the moment.

That makes sense now after yet more exploration.

Oh, one more thing, where did mention of the Deploy to live / Reset to live multi-edit option go? It only appears if you have set a dev theme.

There are some adjusted/new sections under the Production (live) themes section. See if that's what you're referring to. The information was there before, but just not called out plainly by a clear header.

What I'm recognizing is there is no real way to theme switch all in one shot unless a site is setup to use a single page and style across every section. Otherwise, a person will have to make multiple passes with the assigning controls, regardless whether a single theme across the whole site or a different theme on every section.

By the end of the 'Production (live) themes' sections, after having already read through the development sections before it, the explanations of using the selection controls border on being beat to death; only different by the context of single theme or multiple themes. But I think the consolidation is as much as can be while still remaining clear under the different contexts or objectives people might have.

I need to check internal links again, but I'll do that tomorrow.

Bloke commented 4 years ago

Yeah, sort of. But that's where the Deploy to Live multi-edit option comes in. It allows you to, essentially, stage your entire setup and then switch it live in one go.

So you can, for example:

Preview everything using your logged-in powers, make sure everything hangs together, then from the Sections panel:

All your selected sections will get their current dev theme(s) copied to live. One shot.

If at some point during development, you or your client decide that the direction things are heading is a load of crap and you want to start again on a bunch of sections, select the sections you want to "unstage", choose 'Developer preview' from the multi-edit list, and select 'Reset to Live'. The current Dev theme(s) will be unassigned, thus the previous Live theme(s) will be shown to logged-in users.

Yes, you still have to set things up and do multiple passes to assign multiple themes as you develop the site, but the critical thing is that you don't have to make all the changes quickly and leave your site in potential limbo at go-live time. The multi-edit option will copy dev -> live - regardless of which theme/page/style you've used - in one go for the selected sections.

Does that make sense?

wion commented 4 years ago
  • Choose 'Developer preview' from the multi-edit list.

I don't see any such option in either 4.8.0-dev demo or my local 4.8.0-dev installation. It must really be bleeding edge.

Bloke commented 4 years ago

It only appears after you've made at least one theme dev.

wion commented 4 years ago

I must have overlooked it then, because I've made a lot of themes dev in the course of working on this document. Clearly it needs to be documented.

A suggestion for the future, if I may... That for any new, significant functionality to be introduced in the software and needing documented; that it be briefly summarized in a development spec, or whatever, principally naming what new functionality it includes and where to find it and when to see it in the peek-a-boo nature of hiding things in the UI.

I suspect this themes project was one of the more challenging that Txp will ever see, and once done there won't be a greater effort, but if, say, unlimited custom fields is going to be another bear to document, it would be nice to have such a spec first for the tech writer, to be more efficient than foolish.

I will investigate and edit further.

wion commented 4 years ago

Oh, that looks kind of familiar. ;)

But now I'm confused why there is even a 'Live' check box option in the 'Change theme/page/style' controls. I thought that was the new way of deploying a theme asset to live on a section.

wion commented 4 years ago

Anyway, I think I just need to add a new 'Deploy to live' section in the Production part of the doc and that should be good enough.

Bloke commented 4 years ago

now I'm confused why there is even a 'Live' check box option in the 'Change theme/page/style' controls. I thought that was the new way of deploying a theme asset to live on a section.

It's a way of deploying stuff live. If you only have one section to push live, or if you have a few sections that share a single theme, then you can just do it there. Choice of pushing a theme to live/dev is handy.

But if you want to stage the entire site with multiple themes across many sections, the Developer preview multi-edit offers the least downtime when switching over from dev->live. Just one action.

The Developer preview info was in the doc in an earlier iteration (at least I thought it was) so maybe it got chopped out during an edit storm. Or, perhaps during testing as the docs was being developed, the option 'disappeared' because it only shows up if there are development themes assigned. We need to do this, because the option doesn't make sense otherwise.

wion commented 4 years ago

The Developer preview info was in the doc in an earlier iteration (at least I thought it was) so maybe it got chopped out during an edit storm.

That's exactly what happened. And I chopped it under the confused impression that functionality was changing, then I just overlooked it every time. But I'm glad the preview functionality is there and understand it better; it cleared yet more things up for me.

And despite the loopy-loop race-track editing, I think we're close now, and it's even better than ever. The document is a bit more concise in places, progresses more logically, has clearer section links, for the most part, with more intra-document linking.

I need to remove some obsolete images now, add a couple of new/improved ones, and make another copyedit and link-check pass, then I'll ping you for one more golden-seal review before seeking the public impression.

wion commented 4 years ago

4.8.0 in the house! Good job, everyone.

I’ll get back to this doc as soon as the kids return to school on Monday.

Or, when I can. Feel free to edit if I’m overly delinquent.