texx00 / sandypi

The ultimate controller for sand tables
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Added basic linux docker file. #36

Closed jeffeb3 closed 2 years ago

jeffeb3 commented 3 years ago

I was just playing around with this on my Linux desktop and I didn't want npm to mess up all the other npm stuff I have. So I made a dockerfile script and it seems to run. I haven't tried connecting USB to the table yet. I assume I will need a --dev tag when I do.

This also isn't the perfect choice for rasbian, since I did not base it on an arm image. I don't think this will work on a pi without picking a different starting image.

It does run though. I was poking around, I uploaded a pattern, I was playing with the FAKE serial port... Neat stuff!

It sure is nice to run it on my normal laptop. The whole install takes about a minute.

texx00 commented 3 years ago

Thanks! This is something I had on the list since the beginning but for both lack of time and experience with docker I kept postponing (#6 ). With a quick look I had sometime ago it should be necessary to add some options to connect a real device with a real serial port.

Since you already know how to use it, do you have the time/willness to try to fix it once for all? I mean, to try it on a raspberry, fix the image if necessary and test the thing about the port? If you don't it is not a problem, don't worry at all.

jeffeb3 commented 3 years ago

I can do that. My intention wasn't for this to fix the problem from the forums, this was just me trying to get it to work, and I thought I might as well publish it. It is very possible I will be the only user :)

To get from here, to a working-on-a-pi docker image, we'll need:

I'm not done with this project! I am just getting started.

texx00 commented 2 years ago

Thanks Jeff for sharing your docker file. I ended up using a completely different approach in the end (mostly to optimize the image size). I ended up using also a docker-compose file to simplify even further the installation to avoid using --dev and volumes options from command line. If you want you can check it out in #64

I hope to see some other pull requests from you in the future 😉